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Lush Seduction

Page 19

by Layla Arts

  “Why wouldn't you?”

  “Because I don't feel the desire to see you this week,” I pointed out.

  “Can we just talk? I’m sorry if you think I did something bad, but that isn’t the case.”

  “I’ve got to go, Hadrian.”


  I needed to close the café tonight, though it didn't bother me to do it. I hadn't done much other than work at the café for the past few days; I hadn't showed up at the Empire, nor had I heard a word from Hadrian. The nights were lonely, Hadrian's annoying chatter seemed appealing to me in his absence.

  After saying goodbye to Kent, I hadn't tried to get in contact with him. He hadn't been hanging around the café either, so I was a loner for the past couple of days, and I wasn't content with doing nothing every day. I enjoyed some free time, but I had too much free time as of late.

  The days were long, boring, and full of monotonous work. There was lack of excitement, joy, and cheekiness from a particular person.

  Since I didn't really know anybody from Los Angeles, I couldn’t' just call someone to hang-out when the monotony got too much to bear.

  I took the cloth out and started scrubbing over the counter. I periodically glanced over at the couple sitting in the corner of the café; the girl was giggling ever so often, while the guy made a joke every time her laughter ended, sending her into another fit of giggles.

  They had begun to peak my interest, so I leaned my elbow on the counter with my hands supporting my head, to watch them. Luckily, they were unaware that I had been observing them from my spot at the counter.

  The girl had blonde hair, which slightly curled at the ends, while the boy had black hair styled up in a quiff. They were the only customers at the moment, and they were adorable together. I liked to look at them and to see them smiling from ear to ear. They were smitten with each other. Whether they were dating or not was a mystery. But if they were just friends, then they had a beautiful friendship; that much was obvious.

  “I'd like to order a Vicky West to-go, please,” I jumped when I heard a familiar lady's voice.

  “Red!” I gasped, trying – but failing – to steady my breathing. “What are you doing here?”

  “You haven't been to the club in days, then all of a sudden we heard the routine was changed. Judy asked me to do the solo, and I knew she had offered it to you first. Why are you not doing the show tonight?” Red demanded answers.

  “Because I can't,” I replied.

  Red raised an eyebrow. “Just because you can't?” She shook her head in disbelief, clearly not agreeing with the words that had left my mouth. “I'm not stupid, Vicky. There is something else going on, and you are going to tell me everything.”

  “It's more complicated than you think.”

  “I have time,” Red stated, folding her hands on the counter as a clear statement she wasn't leaving until I spilled my guts.

  “No, the show starts in a few hours, you don't have time.”

  “I could care less about the fucking show Vicky! My friend is not there, and I'd like to know why!” Red exclaimed.

  At that moment, I felt happier than I had felt in days. This was a confirmation that Red was, indeed, my friend and someone I could trust.

  “Let me get you something to drink, and then we can move to a table.” Red nodded in agreement before I turned around to get two strawberry milkshakes.

  I took a seat in the booth Red had chosen. I handed her the milkshake, and she thanked me nicely.

  It was strange to tell Red everything. I started with telling her what had happened the first time I met Hadrian, up until the day we fought. Her facial expression changed from overexcited, confused, cheeky, to sad, and it dawned on me that she was feeling almost every emotion I had felt the last two weeks.

  It felt good to finally open up to someone. It was hard keeping everything in, and I was definitely not going to Kent. After the whole 'pretend to me by girlfriend' incident, talking to him about Hadrian was the last thing I wanted to do.

  Red was the best person you could talk to when you wanted advice. She was honest and straight to the point. Some might say her blunt approach was threatening, and she was, therefore, bad at giving advice, but she said what people needed to hear, whether they wanted to or not.

  “This sounds so cool!” Red beamed.

  “Fighting sounds cool?” I asked incredulously.

  “No,” she whined. “Just the whole scenario with Hadrian. I mean, your life could be a movie.”

  “Yeah right. I would never do that,” I stated.

  Red leaned back against the booth. “I think you both are just fucked up people.”

  My mouth fell open, and I tried to come up with an intelligible response. “W-what?” I asked, dumbfounded.

  “Someone needed to say it,” Red spoke honestly.

  “Why would you say we're fucked up?”

  “Well,” Red started. “First of all, you're hanging out with someone who is a total pervert. Then you decide to try to play him, because he is basically doing the same thing to you, and to make it even worse, he told William you were a lesbian just cause he was jealous!” Red announced while holding her hands up in defense.

  “Coming back to the whole point. You made it abundantly clear that Hadrian needed to put effort in you, and he did; you accepted that. Kisses didn't work out, and then you eventually kissed in the rain. Nonetheless, he disappeared; not even bothered to show up that day you threw a bottle on my head-”

  “Still sorry for that,” I cut in.

  “No worries, there is no damage,” Red dismissed quickly, took a sip from the milkshake and continued, “He opened up about something important, I don't know what but it was obviously a big deal. You stayed at his house – that house is so beautiful – and then the next morning he was all over you.” Red stated, wiggling her eyebrows.

  “Red,” I warned her.

  “Yes.” She excused herself. “That guy, Kent – or whatever his name is – just randomly showed up at your house and told you that you needed to pretend to be his girlfriend because he had told Hadrian you are his girlfriend. You then went to Hadrian's house, fought about him touching you, because you clearly have a problem with exposing yourself too soon,” Red explained. “You don't have to tell me why,” she assured me.

  I nodded my head in thanks.

  “And then you told him you weren't going to show up for the rest of the week.” Red went further. “That was the summary, now it’s time for the conclusion; You both need to find a way to communicate, and how you both are going to proceed this relationship. Obviously, something is going on between the two of you, and it would be a waste to just throw it away.” She concluded seriously.

  “So refusing to see him for a week was quite stupid?” I questioned.

  “Yes,” Red agreed. “Look, I got to go now. Just come and watch the show tonight. If you don't want to dance, the least you can do is watch.” She laid her hand on mine, and I nodded my head, making it clear I was definitely coming for her.

  “Thank you,” I said.


  People were shuffling into the club, paying first before entering. It was crowded and strange to be a part of the audience instead of the dancers. Admission was expensive, but I knew entertainment would proceed for a good four hours by different acts.

  I smiled on the inside when I noticed the table I always sat at, wasn't yet occupied.

  I quickly sat down, claiming it yet again, and ordered a glass of wine. The atmosphere was magnificent, drastically different from that of the dressing room. We would be panicking right now, a mixture of desperation and excitement at the impending show. But this time, I wasn't a part of that group. I was someone who got the pleasure of being entertained by them, and I was curious about how the routine looked like from the crowd.

  The curtain was being raised, and slowly the music began to play. A huge grin crossed my face when I looked at them coming on stage: the pink costumes, I owned one too, but sadly
I wouldn't get the chance to wear mine.

  I saw Red appear on the stage, easily noticeable being the only one with auburn hair.

  I drank my wine while I watched; the familiar melodies from the music, and the dance moves I created with Judy. I tensed up as I noticed the solo quickly approaching; I remembered how excited I was when I was bestowed with the privilege to dance in front of so many people, but I gave it up, and now Red was standing in my spot.

  I wasn't mad; she was talented, and she deserved to be seen. Red was one of my favorite people from the Empire, so there wasn't any competition or ill feelings towards her.

  I clapped loudly when the dancers finished their final routine for the night.

  The jazz band came on stage, and they began their set. I paid for my drink and headed down the hallway that leads to the dressing room. I heard people rejoicing about how incredible the performance was, and I completely agree with them.

  “Vicky!” Red screeched excitedly. I quickly walked over to her and embraced her. “I am so sorry that I messed the solo up.”

  “No, you totally didn't!” I beamed. “You were insanely good, Red. Believe me.”

  “You have no idea how much those words mean to me, Vicky,” Red gushed.

  “It would be mean if I lied to you, Red,” I told her honestly.

  We had stayed in the dressing room a few hours after the performance ended, chatting about the most random things.

  Red never failed to make me laugh with her remarks, and I was happily enjoying her company. But of course, she needed to head home at some point. We said our goodbyes and promised to have this kind of talks more often.

  The Empire was empty, and I could see the cleaning crew beginning their rounds. I walked around them – being sure to stay out of the way, and climbed on stage. I watched the cleaners placing the chairs on the tables, and sweeping the floors. I kicked a few roses from the edge of the stage so that they could easily take some with them in the morning. The cleaners disappeared from the club because it was getting late for them as well.

  “Well look who we’ve got here.” I heard a woman’s voice say annoyingly.

  I looked up and was met with another dancer. “Hi, Keeton,” I greeted her.

  “What are you doing here?” she questioned me when she stepped out of the shadow.

  “I came to see Red.”

  “Ah, Red,” Keeton mumbled.

  She placed her hands on her hips and looked around. Suddenly, she started nodding her head, and I wondered what roamed through her mind. Her blue eyes locked with mine, and she pressed her lips together in a thin line. Clearly holding something back she wanted to let go desperately.

  “You're a selfish, arrogant bitch, you know that?” Keeton suddenly exclaimed.

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “I said you are a selfish, arrogant bitch,” Keeton repeated.

  “I heard you the first time,” I replied. “But why would you call me like that?” I asked her in disbelief and confusion.

  A smirk appeared on her face, and I wondered what was going on in her mind. “Because you obviously are.”

  “Excuse me? What have I ever done to you?” I questioned her with a chuckle.

  I didn't understand what point she was trying to get across.

  She had this devilish facial expression, and that didn't please me at all. I just didn't want her to come any closer to me, or I was going to fall off the edge of the stage.

  “You paid Judy to get the solo,” she snapped. She stepped closer, and I got more anxious the closer she came. “Because Vicky West only thinks about herself, and not about the other dancers.”

  “That isn't true,” I stated immediately. “Keeton, just keep your distance.”

  Keeton chuckled evilly. “Why wouldn't it be true?”

  “Because I care about this club,” I clarified. “I don't know why you're picking on me now.”

  “I am aware that you're doing something behind our backs, and I am not okay with it,” Keeton hissed at me.

  “What would I do behind your backs?” I questioned her harshly.

  “I don't know. Planning things so that you can get a big solo career in singing and dancing.”

  “Wow,” I said. To be completely honest, it was upsetting that Keeton thought so low of me. “I am definitely not planning on doing that, ever,” I spoke through gritted teeth. “So I don't know where that idiotic thought came from, but it's ludicrous.”

  It confused me why she was against me.

  “Of course, you're going to give me excuses, claiming that it isn't true.”

  “Because it isn't!” I raised my voice. I was thoroughly baffled she behaved like this.

  Keeton stepped closer to me, and quickly we were face-to-face. “You know what they say in the showbiz to wish each other good luck?” she questioned me.

  “What?” I asked her.

  “Break a leg,” Keeton told me.

  The words made me realize what she was planning to do, but before I could defend myself, Keeton had already pushed me off the stage to the ground.

  I fell on my side – onto something sharp – and screamed in agony. I tried to grab my side, but I the pain was unbearable. It became apparent that this was a severe injury, inflicted by Keeton as some form of revenge.

  The weirdest part about all of this was that her violence was utterly unjustified; I hadn't done anything wrong.

  An intense pounding resonated within my skull, and I wished the cleaners hadn't gone home already. The club was dark with only the familiar red lights on the ceiling remaining on.

  Tears welled in my eyes, spilling over and down my cheek.

  I was laying there completely helpless, there wasn't a soul in sight.

  I mustered up all the energy I had left to scream out. “Help!” I shouted, my voice cracking at the end. “Please just help, someone,” I whispered, pain evident in my voice. “Damnit,” I cursed faintly.

  I heard a door slam open, the hinges screeching in protest at the power in which it swung.

  “Who the fuck is screami-” I closed my eyes when I recognized the voice. “Vicky!” Hadrian shouted.

  “Hadrian,” I mumbled, way too soft for him to hear.

  I could hear Hadrian running down the spiral staircase, and a thud as his shoes came in contact with the wooden floor. He made his way over to me, and I could hear the sound of his boots as he came closer. I could hardly keep my eyes open, but I was aware that Hadrian had reached me.

  “Babe.” Hadrian breathed out as he bowed over me. “Let me help you to get up,” he told me softly. I could feel Hadrian lifting my bruised body from the ground by slipping his arms under my back. “You're bleeding, Vicks.” He placed his left arm under my knees, and he lifted me up with ease.

  I groaned when I was in his arms; gravity pulling my body down, putting stress on my sore muscles.

  “That hurts,” I groaned with closed eyes.

  “It's going to be okay, trust me.” Hadrian attempted to soothe me.


  Hadrian Smith

  I knew the rough drive back to my house was taking its toll on her body. My left hand was gripping the steering wheel while my right hand was holding Vicky's hand. Her eyes were closed as she laid her broken body against the seat, and I wish I knew who did that to her.

  For now, it was a top priority to get Vicky back to my house and get her patched up.

  I shut the engine down and quickly made my way around to Vicky's side; opening the door to pull her out. I placed some stray pieces of hair behind her ear and turned her face carefully towards mine. She was sleeping, and I hated to do it, but I needed to wake her up.

  “Vicks,” I said while stroking her cheeks with my thumbs. “Love.” I breathed out.

  I saw her squeeze her eyes shut tightly before opening them. I smiled when I noticed that she was awake. “I am going to get you inside, and patch you up,” I informed her softly.

  She nodded her head, but I could see that she
was in pain with just that simple movement.

  Vicky told me that she wanted to walk to the house herself, but I wasn't in the mood to conform to her ridiculous suggestions. I picked her up carefully and brought her inside.

  I laid Vicky down on my bed and flicked the lights on to brighten the room. Vicky's eyes were open wider now, and I was happy that she hadn't felt the urge to sleep now that she was laying in my bed. I needed to get her wound cleaned up before she got any bacteria in it; something that might cause an infection.

  I got the first aid kit from the kitchen and hurried back to the bedroom. When I looked inside, Vicky was still laying on the bed, just looking at her shoes. As I stood there, at the threshold to my bedroom, my heart ached just watching her.

  I knew that Vicky was very self-assured, but after what had happened, she just broke. She looked fragile and insecure.

  I walked into the room, and she lifted her head as soon as she saw me.

  “We need to clean you up,” I said when I sat on my knees in front of her. I took the fabric from her shirt between my fingertips, and I rolled it up gently. When my finger came in contact with her bruised skin, Vicky flinched a bit. “It is going to be okay,” I assured her, and I could see a glimmer of pain in her eyes when she looked at me. The pain coursing through her body was making her severely uncomfortable and unwilling, but there was no other option. I needed to clean out her wound because no one else would do it.

  “You're doing perfect, Vicks,” I whispered softly.

  I brought her shirt over her face, and I slipped it from her arms. I leaned down to her shoes and took her black boots off her feet. I placed her socks in her shoes, and I stood up. I moved closer to Vicky and placed my hand on her back. “I want you to lay down slowly,” I told Vicky.

  She wasn't holding herself back when I delicately lowered her to the mattress. I could see where the blood was coming from; her side. I unbuttoned her skinny jeans, and I was able to pull them from her legs. It was hard since she wore jeans that stuck tightly around her legs.

  I bend over Vicky, seeing that her eyes were closed. I sat on the edge of the bed and placed my chilled hand on her exposed stomach that raised up and down vehemently. When my hand came in contact with her burning skin, her eyes snapped open. A smile appeared on my face when she was awake again; I knew she was tired, and that her body longed for sleep, but I couldn't allow her to fall asleep right now.


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