Lush Seduction

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Lush Seduction Page 34

by Layla Arts

“No, not right now,” I told him honestly.

  “To be honest mate, I don’t really know much about her. You’ve told me that she’s one of your dancers, but that’s pretty much it. I want a better explanation because you are obviously crazy for her.” Levi pointed out.

  He muted the television and turned to face me, giving me his full attention. I got a little nervous because I wasn’t the first person to spill his guts about a girl. I usually kept my feelings to myself. I didn’t really know how to explain my feelings for Vicky; they were always so scattered and all over the place.

  “To start off, she is very persistent, but I think I like that. I can be a complete ass, but she doesn’t put up with it. She isn’t someone who gets offended when I say something perverted – which for me is like, all the time – and she doesn’t hold my past against me. She didn’t agree with it, but she doesn’t judge me… and…”

  “And what?” he asked me belligerently.

  “I love her.”

  Levi frowned instantly. “Did I hear that right? You love her?”

  “I do, Levi. It may not occupy you that I’m saying this right now, but I do. Since the day she told me no, I knew this time was different. It hurt my feelings that she didn’t want to be with me the way I did with her, and I couldn’t understand why. She wanted to get close to me, she wanted to know me, and I’ve loved her every moment since then. There’s no one else I want more than her, not now, not ever.” I explained to him.

  “She sounds promising, Smith. You should invite her to mine and Alexus’ wedding.”

  “But you don’t even know her Levi, and neither does Lex,” I protested.

  Levi leaned against the back of the couch, and he cocked his head as if in deep thought. “We’ll meet her at the wedding. What could be better than that? You two will be in love and dancing. It will be adorable.” He smirked at me, sending me a sly wink.


  I was lying awake in my bed. I could hear the buffeting from the fan that I had turned on to keep me cool. I touched my cheeks with my hands, and I wasn’t surprised to find them extremely warm. Not only because of the weather, but also because I was insanely nervous.

  I gave up on trying to get some sleep. Clearly, that wasn’t going to happen. I had to take my mind off of Vicky.

  I turned on the light, squinting because of the brightness, and slowly pushed the duvet off my body. I could feel the sweat on my back and was happy that I decided to sleep in just my boxers tonight – even though it didn’t help much.

  I walked over to my luggage that sat in the corner of my room, waiting for the following morning. Our flight would leave in less than twelve hours, and I became more nervous when I thought of the impending trip.

  I double-checked everything I had already packed to make sure I didn’t forget anything. New York was so different from Los Angeles, especially in the winter.

  The hours ticked by as I made last minute preparations for my time away.

  “Judy, just make sure the girls have the full routine memorized and perfected in three days. I want them to shine when I get back from New York,” I spoke into the receiver demandingly. I wasn’t happy about having this conversation mere minutes before leaving for the airport, but I was getting more anxious by the second.

  “I’m sure that I’ll have everything perfected by the time you get back, Mr. Smith.”

  “Excellent, Judy. I’ll see everyone in three or four days.”

  “Enjoy your time off, Mr. Smith,” Judy spoke nicely, and I was absolutely delighted to have wonderful employees.

  “I sure will, Judy,” I said before hanging up on her. As I shove my phone away, I was glad I had arranged everything this morning. My suitcase was waiting in the hallway, and I was beyond ready to get to the airport.

  The uncertainty of Vicky’s arrival hung like a dark cloud over my head. I didn’t know if she would show up after what had happened between us at the café. I hadn’t intended for things to happen the way they did, but seeing her with Kent ignited a fire that fanned into a flame. I paced back and forth in my living room while I stared at the clock.

  The numbers raced by, and I became more flustered with each turn of the clock. I didn’t know if Vicky was coming, and I didn’t want to go to New York alone. Before I had even thought about it, I was dialing Levi’s number.

  “Why are you calling me this early, shithead?” He hissed annoyingly. I knew Levi would be pissed. He had never been a morning person. I knew his lack of a sex life recently already had him in a bad mood.

  “Because I’m freaking out, mate. Vicky and I haven’t talked since our fight, and I don’t know if she’s still coming.” I panicked.

  God, this uncertainty was hell.

  “First of all, awe – it’s so cute that she has you all flustered. Secondly, if she isn’t coming to the airport I certainly will,” he said. “All jokes aside, Hadrian. She is coming pal. If not then, she’s an idiot. She loves you, right?” he asked me, changing the subject from her showing up into her loving me.


  “Then there shouldn’t be any doubts”’

  I looked at my watch again, a few minutes before I needed to go.

  “But we fought yesterday.”

  “Alexus and I were fighting almost every day for weeks because we weren’t on good terms, and now we’re getting married. No matter how many times you’ll fight with someone you love, they’ll always come back.” Levi pointed out directly. His tone gave no chance for doubt. If she really loved me, then she’d come.

  “Sure, sure. Thanks, mate. I hope she shows up.”

  “She will, I promise,” Levi told me honestly. “Now hang the fuck up so I can go back to sleep before I punch you in the nuts.” He fooled me on the other line from the phone.

  “I hate you.”

  “That is why we are best friends,” Levi said truthfully.

  And I was glad I had someone like him to depend on.

  As I was driving to the airport, trying to drown my thoughts with the blaring music. We had arranged to meet up at the airport – she claimed that she could drive herself since I had paid for the trip. In all actuality, she was probably just going to take a cab. I began to feel sick with the closer I got to the airport. This was it. If Vicky really loved me, she’d be here.

  I drove my car into a private lot, handing my keys to a valet so they could take it past the security gate. I made preparations for my car to be in a monitored lot where security cameras and guards are everywhere.

  “Have a wonderful trip, sir.” The broad man said.

  “Thanks,” I spoke before leaving everything behind. I pulled my baggage behind me as I walked to the entrance.

  People were already gathering inside. It was busy, and I still wondered if Vicky would even come. She was probably still pissed at me for the horrible things I accused her of, throwing her love on her face. I wouldn’t be surprised if she just stayed home.

  I was a prick for even thinking that she could be fooling around with Kent. My mind wanted to have everything in order, and then William told me they were seeing each other. I hated to doubt things, but when I saw her that afternoon with Kent, I was so fucking pissed. Of course, I’d assume something was going on. She knew I didn’t want her to see him, but she went behind my back and did it anyway.

  I probably looked like an idiot spinning in circles, hoping to catch a glimpse of the beautiful girl whose trust I betrayed by accusing her of unfathomable things. I felt my hands getting sweatier as I grew more anxious the longer I waited. I looked at my watch and then back up, I was losing hope that she would show up; we only had five minutes until the gate closed.

  I grabbed my luggage and threw the heavy bag over my shoulder. She wasn’t coming… I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to find the source of the unfamiliar touch.

  “Excuse me, can you help me find gate 9?”

  I half expected to see a flustered Vicky when I turned around but to no avail. A petite girl, about
17 years old, was nervously scanning her ticket.

  “This is gate number 7. If you keep walking that way, you'll find gate 9.” I pointed to my left, showing her which way she should be walking.

  She proceeded on her way, and the moment she was gone I felt my heart fall at the realization that Vicky didn't love me enough to come despite our differences. I had planned this trip for her, because she had wanted to see more of the world, and she couldn't push her ill-will aside to bother to show up.

  The final call for boarding to JFK – New York City rang through the airport. I handed the attendant my ticket with a heavy heart, laced with anger and longing.

  It wasn't supposed to be like this.

  A loud shriek could be heard just behind me, I turned around to find the source of the noise. Vicky was running speedily through the crowd of people at the gate.

  I dropped my bags just in time to catch her. Without any hesitation, she wrapped her arms around my neck, and her legs around my waist. My arms were wrapped around her body while I stood there holding her. I buried my face in her neck and softly kissed the skin; relief was flowing through my body. She came.

  “Hi, and sorry.” She breathed against my shirt. I slowly let her go. When her feet touched the ground, she stood on her toes and placed a kiss on my lips.

  “Hello.” I couldn't wipe the goofy smile off my face, I was ecstatic. I licked my thumb and cleaned toothpaste from the corner of her mouth. “I see you rushed as you were brushing your teeth this morning.” I saw Vicky blush at my words.

  She took her luggage, and I picked my bag up from the floor. I looked up, seeing everyone in line smiling fondly at us, and tucked Vicky under my arm as I turned back to face the flight attendant. She too looked at us fondly, and I felt Vicky squirm under her admiring gaze.

  “I knew you wanted to see New York too much to pass this up.”

  “I'm excited to see New York with you,” Vicky stated.

  My heart began to beat harder, and I brought her hand to my mouth to press a delicate kiss on her knuckles.

  “Please take a seat in the waiting area, we will begin boarding in a few minutes.” A female voice spoke monotonously through the microphone. I hated these announcements – the voices were always disembodied and unnerving.

  “I'm so nervous,” Vicky said while she fidgeted next to me. We sat in the waiting room for coach and business; first-class had a separate waiting area. I knew I could have bought us first-class tickets, but decided to stick with – a slightly upgraded, but still reasonable – business class. Vicky would be uncomfortable in first-class, surrounded by all the stuck up, prissy rich people. I knew that – for all intents and purposes – I was rich, but I lived in a more humble way.

  Believe it or not, I'm considered down-to-earth for a rich person.

  I felt her clammy hands gripping my left one as they lay comfortably in her lap. She stared out the glass wall, watching the planes taking off into the cloud-laden sky. I gave one of her hands a squeeze, bringing her back to earth in an attempt to distract her from whatever was worrying her so much. Her nervousness made her look extremely adorable. She smiled affectionately when she realized I was trying to reassure her – everything will be okay, Vicks.

  “I'm sorry for the things I said to you, Vicky,” I suddenly spoke. Her head bowed at the reminder of our recent fight. “I just don't know how to handle these feelings. I've never been jealous before; I never cared about anyone enough to be jealous. I know I shouldn't doubt you, but I want you to be all mine, and I'm just sorry,” I said, feeling ashamed.

  “You're possessive, and I think sometimes you forget that I'm not an object,” Vicky pointed out, and I knew she was right. I wanted to deny what she was saying to me, but I couldn't; there wasn't any part of her statement that wasn't true. “I don't own you, and you don't own me. I choose to be with you, Hadrian. If that ever changes, then you'll be the first to know.”

  “It's just a flaw, I can't help it,” I told her. She moved some disheveled hair from my forehead, and I smiled shyly at her. “Let's not talk about it anymore, I'm sorry for what I said and how I acted, I don't want to fight about it. I was being an immature adolescent, and I'll try to be better.” I kissed her knuckles gently.

  “Thank you, Hadrian. I know we're bound to argue, but let's try to avoid it at all costs.”

  “That is why I chose you, Vicks. You have a simple way of looking at things. As long as you're alive and well, that's enough for you. Well, it's enough for me too, as long as I have you right here with me,” I said truthfully.

  Her cheeks flushed red, and she turned away from me to hide her blush. I loved how she reacted to me. I turned her face back toward me and planted a sweet kiss on her lips.


  A few minutes later we were called for boarding, and we made our way to our seats without any trouble. When the plane took off, I felt her crushing my hand. When I looked over, she had her eyes squeezed shut, and she was holding her breath. It was her first time to get on a plane, so I leaned over and whispered reassuring things in her ear.

  “It's going to be okay, baby. We're already in the air.”

  “You're not helping by whispering in my ear,” she protested instantly.

  “Why not?” I bit down on her earlobe, only to hear her gasp. “You enjoy it whenever I fuck you,” I said casually, and she quickly covered my mouth with her hand. She looked around to make sure no one heard me before fixing her death-glare on me.

  “Don't talk like that when we're on a plane,” she immediately told me. Her tone held no space for argument; I couldn't help but laugh at her attempt to intimidate me. She tried to hide her arousal, but I could see it in her eyes. She was turned on.

  “Because you know how we should talk on a plane, right? This is your first time,” I stated. Vicky couldn't protest since it was the truth. She looked around, trying to observe everything that was happening around her.

  Children talking much too loud for the confined space of an airplane, parents trying to shut them up, elderly people who always had something to complain about, and young adults – like Vicky and I – who were just trying to enjoy themselves.


  She looked at me from the magazine she had taken out of her bag.

  “What's up?” she questioned me eagerly, clearly not wanting to be interrupted from whatever it was that she was reading.

  “Ever heard of the mile-high club?” I asked her seriously.

  “The mile-high club?” she asked, rather too loud. This time, I covered her mouth with my hand. A mischievous smile overtook my face at her dumbstruck reaction. I pulled my hand away when I felt her tongue swipe across my palm.

  “Ever heard of it?” I asked her, again.


  “It's where you have sex on a plane. I know you weren't a virgin when we met, but you've never done it on a plane. You're still a plane-virgin.”

  “How old are you? Fifteen? Grow up, Hadrian.” She protested.

  “Just imagine it,” I spoke, and I moved the armrest from between us; pulling Vicky's legs to rest over my lap, and tracing my fingers up her thigh. “We would sneak into one of those fancy first-class bathrooms, which are insanely clean, and I'd set you on the countertop. I'd untie your shoes and pull your pants and panties down. I'd slip my fingers in you, just to tease you, leaving you breathless and ready for me.”

  I smirked when I saw Vicky drop her once-interesting magazine carelessly on the table in front of her.

  “I'd unbutton my pants, letting them fall to the floor with yours. You'd be so incredibly wet and turned on. You'd be panting for me, and I'd barely have begun. I'd fuck you so hard, you'd have to hold back your screams – you wouldn't want someone to hear us, would you?”

  My hand moved closer to the apex of her thighs, rubbing slow circles. “It's your choice, babe,” I spoke seductively, leaning over to kiss her sweet spot just below her jaw to entice her.

  “Let's go,” she said. I quickly s
tood up, grabbing her hand to pull her up; I was so ready for this. “How are we going to get in to first-class?”

  “I'm Hadrian Smith,” I replied.

  I pushed past a fat guy that had stopped in the middle of the aisle to stare at Vicky. A younger girl was monitoring the entrance to first-class. I pulled a hundred dollar bill out of my back pocket and shoved it into her hand. I leaned over her, attempting to intimidate her with my height.

  “Take the money, and shut up,” I informed her domineeringly, and she nodded in agreement. It was evident that she was frightened by my hostile behavior, but that was my point. I knew my hard-on was evident the tighter my jeans grew, so I rushed through first-class in an attempt to remain unnoticed.

  I was very familiar with first-class, as I had always chosen to travel that way, so it was almost second nature to find the bathroom. I opened the door and pulled Vicky with me. I locked the door behind us and turned to face the flustered girl in the confined space. I stepped closer, slowly. I could feel the tension creating electricity between us.

  I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her against me. My other hand groped her roughly as my mouth claimed hers. I dropped the arm that had been around her waist, trailing my hands down her ass. I gripped her thighs and lifted her onto the counter. She pulled away from the kiss as a soft squeal left her mouth, luckily not loud enough for anybody else to hear.

  I bent down to untie her shoes, quickly slipping them off her feet and dropping them on the floor. My hands went to the button of her pants, making quick work of it. I pulled down her pants and panties in one swift movement.

  A soft chuckle left her mouth when I tickled the inside of her thighs. She pulled on my wrist when I stood up, to stand between her legs. I played out the scenario I had recited to her in the cabin, and quickly slipped my fingers into her.

  She was already so wet, and I knew I couldn't wait any longer. With excitement, I unbuckled my leather belt, and I pushed my pants down. My briefs followed, and I was so satisfied to be this close to her again. It had been days since I got to fuck her, and this was so fulfilling.

  “This is going to be quick, okay?” I told her. It would be a little suspicious if we were in here for half an hour. I took the condom from my pocket so my boxers wouldn't be full when we got back. Vicky chuckling at the inevitability of this happening and quickly rolled it on. She nodded, and it didn't take long before I was pounding into her.


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