by James W. Ure
Far West, MO (“City of Zion”), 20, 21, 47
Faust, James, 166
federal judges and Mormon Church, 87
choosing Mormon or “other” judges, 64, 120, 176
grand jury indicting Young, 82
Mormon efforts to circumvent, 63–64, 65
Poland Act, 108
Ferris, Mrs. B. G., 45
Fillmore, Millard, 62
First Presidency, 25, 41, 58, 166, 186, 188, 191, 193, 214, 215
and the Salt Lake Tribune, 143, 169, 173, 174, 196, 198
“First Vision” of Joseph Smith, 17
Fitzpatrick, John F., 133–34, 135, 136, 137, 138, 180, 205
Fitzpatrick, Tim, 180, 205
Floyd, John B., 87
Ford, Thomas, 29–30, 34
Forgotten Kingdom (Bigler), 164, 239, 242
Fort Bridger, 40, 81, 82
Fort Douglas Military Museum, 94
Fort Louisa. See Parowan, UT
Foster, Charles, 98
Foster, Robert, 28
Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (FARMS) at Brigham Young University, 210
Free, Emmeline, 35–36, 48
Free, Louisa, 35–36, 49
Freiberg, Arnold, 150
Fremont, John C., 37–38
Frisch, Randy, 172, 174, 175
Fuller, Harry, 187
Gallivan, John W. “Champ,” Jr., 146
Gallivan, John W. “Jack,” 135, 137–38, 140, 148, 152, 154, 161, 178, 203
on circulation statistics, 141, 142, 185
efforts to sell Salt Lake Tribune, 141–42, 144–45, 146, 149, 173–74, 193
relations with Kearns and McCarthey families, 135, 138, 174
relations with Mormon Church and Hinckley, 147, 153, 155, 166, 169, 172–73, 178
Gallivan, Michael “Mickey,” 146, 172, 178, 190, 201
Garfield, James A., 126
Garfinkel, Steven, 171
Gathering of Saints, A: A True Story of Money, Murder and Deceit (Lindsay), 160
Gathering of Zion (Stegner), 58
Gehrke, Robert, 13, 183
Gilbert, Clark, 183–87, 189, 190–91, 198, 205
Godbe, William, and Godbeites, 98–101, 102, 103, 111, 125
golden plates, book of, 17–18, 22–23, 43, 213
forgeries related to, 156–57
See also Book of Mormon
Goldstein, Janet, 187
Gomm, Robert Gary, 148, 168–69, 170
Goodwin, Charles Carroll, 125–27
Goshute Indians, 43
Government Records Access and Management Act (Utah), 229
Grant, George D., 49, 57
Grant, Jedediah, 66, 67
Grant, Ulysses S., 95, 106, 108
“Great Accommodation.” See JOA (joint operating agreement) between newspapers
“Great Divide,” 11, 16, 127, 152, 191, 210
and the “Border Ruffians,” 102–108
Great Salt Lake City, 39, 41, 45, 51, 52–53, 65–66, 85, 87, 95, 103, 106 (see also Salt Lake City)
Greeley, Horace, 91
Guide for Publishers, Editors, Writers, Reporters, Columnists, Cartoonists and all Editorial Contributors (Gallivan), 172–73
Gunnison, John W., 54, 67
Haidt, Jonathan, 215
Haight, Isaac C., 46–47, 123
and Mountain Meadows Massacre, 73, 74, 75, 79–80, 118, 119
made a scapegoat by Young, 112–13, 115–16, 117, 120
Hale, Emma, 17, 25
Halleck, H. L., 79
Hamblin, Jacob, 49, 71, 88, 115, 117, 121, 244
Hamilton, A. M. (“Border Ruffian”), 104, 117, 125, 127
Hamilton, Charles, 157
Harding, Stephen, 92
Harney, William, 69
Harper's Weekly (magazine), 88
Harris, Broughton, 62, 91–92
Harris, Martin, 18, 156, 157
Harris, Moses, 40
Harrison, Elias, 98–101, 102, 103
Harvey, Tom, 13, 182–83, 187, 200
Haslam, James, 75
Hatch, Orrin, 170, 176
Haun's Mill Massacre in 1838, 20–21, 24
Hawley, John, 74
Henetz, Patty, 152, 170, 187, 188, 196, 198
Herald (Indianapolis newspaper), 119
Hicks, George, 112
Higbee, John M., 45
and Mountain Meadows Massacre, 74, 76, 77, 79, 118, 123
made a scapegoat by Young, 112–13, 115–16, 117, 120
Hill, Archibald M., 95
Hill, Mary Emma, 94–95
Hill Air Force Base, 212
Hinckley, Gordon B., 141, 171, 178, 191, 233
and forgeries by Hofmann, 155, 156–57
and monument at Mountain Meadows, 161–62, 164, 228, 230, 231, 234, 239–41, 244
and Salt Lake Tribune, 143, 147, 153, 155, 166–67, 169, 178
and Bones of Contention series, 164, 165, 166–67
Hinckley Institute of Politics, 204
Hindery, Leo, Jr., 147, 148, 149, 169
Hitler, Alois, 25
Hodges, Irvine, 60
Hofmann, Mark William, 155–60
Holeman, Jacob H., 44
Hooper, William, 96, 120
Hosmer, J. K., 95
House, Dawn, 159
Howard, Sumner, 120, 121, 122
Huckabee, Mike, 230
Huff, Nancy, 77, 78
Hughes, John, 148, 169, 170
Huntington, Dimick, 47, 243
Huntsman, Abby, 197
Huntsman, Cheryl Wirthlin, 202
Huntsman, David Pershing, Sr., 207
Huntsman, James, 197
Huntsman, Jon, Sr., 141–42, 173–74, 186, 188, 195–98
and Mormon Church, 174, 196–98, 201–202
Huntsman, Jon M., Jr., 173, 196, 197
Huntsman, Karen Haight, 196, 197
Huntsman, Paul, 197, 200–204, 206, 219
Huntsman Cancer Institute, 206–207
Huntsman family, 195–207, 218
Hurt, Garland W., 65–66
Huseby, Michael, 170
Hyde, Orson, 119
Improvement Era (magazine), 155
Indian Mission, 50
“innovative disruption” theory, 184, 191, 198
Ireland, E. A., 129
Iron Mission, 42, 46–47
Jacklin, Marian, 230
JOA (joint operating agreement) between newspapers, 12, 13–14, 15, 134, 141, 151, 152, 168, 169, 175, 178, 219
clause on newspapers prohibiting transfer or sale of interest, 13, 137, 145, 146, 171, 173, 176, 177, 190, 192, 193, 196, 197
creation of agreement in 1952, 136–37
agreement reaffirmed in 1980, 137
current agreement running out in 2020, 198, 220
Deseret News gaining majority of management, 181
distribution of funds to papers, 12, 146, 199–200
changing distribution of profits, 183, 186, 190–91
impact of note on Mormon Church and John Paton renegotiating JOA, 182–94
Justice Department reviewing changes to, 188
Newspaper Agency Corporation (NAC) as management for, 14, 137, 141–42, 146, 168, 173
determining publishing times, 140, 141, 166
success of, 141–42, 143, 173
Utah Digital Services, having control of, 205
See also Deseret News (newspaper); Salt Lake Tribune (newspaper); Utah Newspaper Project/Citizens for Two Voices
John Doyle Lee: Zealot, Pioneer Builder, Scapegoat (Brooks), 114
Johnson, Nephi, 79, 121
Johnston, Albert Sidney, 81, 82, 85, 86–87, 89, 90, 91
joint operating agreement. See JOA
Jones, Kevin, 162–63, 164, 229, 232–33, 234, 235, 238
Jones, Waldo, Holbrook & McDonough (law firm), 146, 173
Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling (Bushman), 17, 21, 23, 31, 160
“Joseph Smith III Blessing” (forged document), 157r />
Judge, Jennie, 131–32, 135
Kane, Thomas L., 84–85, 86
Kanosh (Paiute chief), 119
Kearns, Thomas, 131–34
Kearns-Tribune Corporation (K-T), 138, 146, 147, 149, 171, 172
families desire to buy back the Salt Lake Tribune, 144, 145, 149, 175–78
representing interests of Kearns and McCarthy families, 143–44, 145 (see also McCarthey family)
Kearny, Stephen, 39
Keeson, Arvid, 181, 190
Kelly, Kate, 180, 213
Kimball, Heber, 47, 60, 67, 98
Kimball, Helen Mar, 25
Kimball, Spencer W., 155
Kingsbury, Kathleen, 218
Kirby, Robert, 148, 170–71
Kirton and McConkie (law firm), 186
Klingensmith, Phillip, 115–16, 117, 118, 119, 121
Kopp, Derinna, 237
Korologos, Mike, 143, 148
KSL (radio station), 179–80, 207, 179–80, 184, 185
KSL Television, 184
K-T. See Kearns-Tribune Corporation
KUER (radio station), 204
Lamanites. See Native Americans
Lannan, Patrick H., 127
Last Days, 50, 68, 69, 91
Latter-day Saints. See Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Law, Jane, 27
Law, William, 27
Law of Adoption (temple ritual), 48
LDS. See Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
“LDS Stake Promotion,” 142
Leavitt, Dixie, 234
Leavitt, Dudley, 228
Leavitt, Mike, 162–63, 170, 176, 228, 234–35, 240
Lee, Emma, 118
Lee, John D., 35–36, 44, 46–49, 65, 241
accused of attempting to blackmail Young, 112
calling himself Major Doyle, 116
as farmer/agent to the Paiutes, 47, 49, 65, 84, 113
and Mountain Meadows Massacre, 73–80, 83
made a scapegoat by Young, 113–17, 118–23, 165, 239, 240
posthumous reinstatement to Mormon Church, 114
sealed to Young in Law of Adoption ceremony, 48
Lee, Mike, 206
Lee, Vivian, 207
Leonard, Glen M., 230, 232, 233, 235
Lepore, Jill, 184, 190, 198
Lewis, Thomas, 67
LGBTs and the Mormon Church, 180, 206, 212, 215
Liberal Party, 126, 129
Lighthouse Ministry, 209
Lincoln, Abraham, 91, 92, 94
Lindsay, Robert, 160
Lion House, 41, 51, 94, 106–107
Lippman, Joseph, 127–28
Lockley, Frederick (“Border Ruffian”), 104, 117, 118, 125, 127
Los Angeles Star (newspaper), 83
Los Angeles Times (newspaper), 145
Love, Mia, 206
Loving, Ron, 162, 163, 229, 230, 232, 233, 234
“lying for the Lord” as a Mormon belief, 64, 111, 170
Mackay, John W., 127
Magness, Bob, 138
Malmquist, Orvin Nebeker “O. N.” (“Quist”), 97, 106, 125, 126, 137
Malone, John, 138, 141, 144, 147, 149, 169, 177
“Manifesto” on anti-polygamy rules, 129, 133
Manning, Chelsea, 206
Martin, Wilson, 234
Martin Company and the handcart disaster, 55–59
Mayflower Mine, 131
McCarthey, Kearns, 144–45
McCarthey, Philip, 145, 146, 172, 175, 177, 178, 194
McCarthey, Sarah, 145
McCarthey, Tom, 145, 175, 177, 179, 194
McCarthey family, 144–46, 175, 176–78, 188, 193–94. See also Kearns-Tribune Corporation (K-T)
McCurdy, Solomon, 95
McDonough, Edward “Ted,” 187
McFarlane, Daniel, 77, 116
McKay, David O., 114, 136, 154
McKean, James B., 103, 108
McLean, Eleanor, 68, 110
McLean, Hector H., 68, 110
McLellin, William E., 158
McMullin, Keith, 186
MediaNews Group (newspaper company), 12, 147, 168–74, 177, 180, 181, 187
Ad Taxi (digital ad sales company), 205
Affiliated Media, Inc., 181
See also Alden Global Capital (company); Digital First Media (company); Singleton, Dean
Media One (company), 185
Metropolitan Museum in New York City, 22
Miller, William, 35
mining, 94, 99, 131–32
Young's anti-mining stance, 53, 90–91, 99–100, 105, 151
Miracle of the Quail, 38
Missouri massacre. See Haun's Mill Massacre in 1838
“Missouri Wildcats” (contingent), 242
M.I.T. Sloan Management Review (journal), 184
MMA. See Mountain Meadows Association
Money, Christy, 210
Monson, Thomas, 141, 166, 168, 178, 180, 191, 214
“Mopologists” (Mormon apologists), 209
Moquetus (Paiute Indian), 119
Morgan, Dale, 242–43
Mormon America: The Power and the Promise (Ostling and Ostling), 156, 157
Mormon Battalion hired by US Army, 39
Mormon Church. See Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Mormon Curtain (website), 210
Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power (Quinn), 64
Mormonism Unveiled (Lee), 123
MormonLeaks (website), 213
Mormon People's Party, 129
Mormon Rivals: The Romneys, the Huntsmans and the Pursuit of Power (Canham and Burr), 196
Mormon Times (Sunday newspaper), 185
Mormon Tribune (newspaper), 100–101, 102, 104
Moroni (angel), 17, 18
Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act (1862), 95, 126
Morris, Joseph, and Morrisite (dissidents) rebellion of 1862, 59, 100
Mountain Meadows Association (MMA), 162, 163, 165, 227–28, 229, 230, 231, 234, 235, 238, 241, 244
Mountain Meadows Massacre, The (Brooks), 242
Mountain Meadows Massacre of 1857, 14–15, 42, 71–80, 209
aftermath of, 83, 87–89
cairn of stones erected at, 80, 122, 228, 231
claim that victims were involved in death of Joseph Smith, 72, 76, 242, 243
new evidence found in 2015, 219–20
responsibility for, 59, 72, 75–76, 80, 83–84, 88, 104, 109–124, 164, 209, 243–44
use of site to execute John D. Lee, 122
See also Bones of Contention (Smith, Salt Lake Tribune series on Mountain Meadows Massacre)
Mountain Meadows Monument Foundation, 162, 165, 230, 240–41
Mowry, Sylvester, 50
Mullins, Bob, 142
Murray, Eli H., 126
NAC (Newspaper Agency Corporation). See JOA (joint operating agreement) between newspapers
Napier-Pearce, Jennifer, 204–205, 206, 217, 219
National Enquirer (newspaper), 179
National Register of Historic Places, 242
Native Americans, 50, 65–66, 67–68, 93, 94, 104, 163–64
seen by Mormons as Lamanites, 43, 44, 244
See also specific tribes (i.e., Paiute Indians; Shoshoni Indians; Ute Indians; etc.)
Nauvoo, IL, 24–26, 27–32, 34–35, 50, 60, 62, 66, 69
Young taking Mormons from to Utah, 37–42
Nauvoo Expositor (newspaper), 28–30, 51, 166, 198
Nauvoo Legion (Mormon militia), 24, 28, 30–31, 34, 46, 85, 94
and Mountain Meadows Massacre, 73, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 115, 121, 236, 239, 243–44
participation in the Utah War (1857), 69, 81–82
Nauvoo Temple, 33, 35, 48
Nearing Kolob (blog), 215
Nelson, Russell, 180, 214
Nelson, William, 122, 184
New Movement as reform to Mormonism, 100, 102
starting Utah Magazine,Mormon
Tribune, and Salt Lake Tribune, 103–104
Newspaper Agency Corporation (NAC). See JOA (joint operating agreement) between newspapers
Newspaper Preservation Act (1970), 137, 187
New Yorker (magazine), 184, 190
New York Herald Tribune (newspaper), 102
New York Post (newspaper), 12, 124
New York Times (newspaper), 159, 171, 217, 219
Nibley, Hugh, 156
Nixon, Richard, 197
No Man Knows My History (Brodie), 156
non-Mormons (gentiles), 11, 52–53, 63, 84, 94, 104, 105, 108, 123, 128–29, 139, 154, 166, 191, 211
appointments as officials and judges in Utah, 62
concept of one Mormon and one non-Mormon senator chosen, 131, 133
dislike and harassment of by Mormons, 41, 42, 44, 50, 65, 72, 95, 96
past suffering as excuse for, 65, 73
use of Indians against, 44 (see also Mountain Meadows Massacre of 1857)
“First Gentile of Utah” (see Connor, Patrick Edward)
helping secure the Winter Olympics, 12
as merchants in Utah, 52, 82, 90, 97, 100–101, 151
as miners in Utah, 90–91, 94, 96, 101, 151
and newspapers, 15, 16
non-Mormon newspapers, 102, 103, 127, 128, 132, 136, 164, 169, 180, 186 (see also Corinne Reporter; Salt Lake Tribune; Union Vedette)
persecutions of Mormons by, 19, 20–21, 28–30, 48
anti-Mormon crusade, 68
and trial for John D. Lee, 118, 119, 120, 121
See also anti-Mormons; “Great Divide”
Novak, Shannon, 163–64, 236–38
Nuwuvi. See Paiute Indians
Oaks, Dallin, 159
“Oath of a Freeman” (forged document), 158
oath of vengeance, 31–32, 48, 228, 243
Obama, Barack, 197
O'Brien, Jerry, 161, 165, 187
O'Brien, Joan, 176, 177, 183, 187–89, 190, 193, 199, 200, 204, 207, 210
Ordain Women (group), 180, 213–14
Orme, Terry, 14, 180, 182, 195–96, 203–204, 219
Ostling, Richard and Joan, 156, 157, 160, 208
Pacific Railroad survey party, massacre of, 54, 67
Pack, John, 60–61
Page, Daniel, 115
Paiute Indians, 43–50
treatment of Southern Paiutes by Mormons, 47, 49–50
used by Lee in the Mountain Meadows Massacre, 73–75, 77–78, 79, 80, 104, 111
Lee blaming during trial, 119
Parowan, UT, 49, 69, 70, 113, 115, 117, 119
originally Fort Louisa, 46
Paton, John, 13, 182–94, 199
Pearce, Harrison, 74
Penrose, Charles W., 125–26
Perpetual Emigration Fund, 55
Perris, Fred T. (“Border Ruffian”), 104, 117, 125, 127
Peterson, Levi, 165, 241
Phelps, William W., 51
Philomathean Society of Philadelphia, 22
Pierce, Franklin, 65
Pioneer Press, 97, 181