Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon

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Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon Page 3

by Candace Blevins

  He unlocked her ankle and walked her to the toilet, holding her arm until she was seated. She groaned inwardly as he stepped to the sink and pulled his toothbrush out, wishing he'd walk around the corner again, at least.

  She managed to pee while he brushed his teeth, the running water helping her relax. When he finished, he wiped her without comment and led her to the sink. Dana's face was bright red again; she wasn't sure she'd ever get used to him doing such personal things for her.

  Her right arm was freed from bondage and he waved towards her toothbrush—already loaded with toothpaste—before casually leaning against the wall, as if waiting to see a show.

  "My hair, Sir. I need to pull it back or I'll get toothpaste in it."

  He reached for her hairbrush and gently worked the tangles out before expertly pulling it into a ponytail.

  She looked at him in the mirror, dark blue meeting light blue. “You've done that before."

  He tilted his head. “When you restrict someone's movements you have to take care of their basic needs. Brush your teeth."

  He leaned against the wall again, watching her as she brushed. She felt self-conscious, his eyes analyzing her as if cataloging her sequence and technique. She started to skip her tongue, but her mouth didn't feel clean when she neglected it, so she stuck it out and brushed, staring at the running water as she did, refusing to look at him. She cleaned the toothbrush with her one free hand, rinsed her mouth, and wiped her face before standing and looking at his feet, waiting for her next order.

  He placed a finger under her chin, lifting it until their gaze met. She saw kindness layered into the authority, and her heart eased a little. “There'll come a time when I'll brush your teeth when we're deep in a scene, but I'm trying to ease us into some of this. I'm telling you now because I want you to understand how extensive my control will be, eventually."

  "That would be very...” She trailed off, not sure of the right word.

  "Intimate. It's very intimate. Come, I need to re-secure your hands. You're probably ready for a different position."

  "Yes, Sir. Thank you."

  He pulled a length of rope with steel rings on both ends from a nightstand drawer. He retrieved two small locks as well, and connected the rope to the side of her waist cincher before threading it through the hardware on her right wrist cuff, the front ring on the bondage collar, the ring on her left wrist cuff, and finally locking it to the left side of the waist cincher.

  She could move each hand from her waist to the center of her throat, and appreciated the movement it allowed her shoulders and elbows, as they'd grown stiff. She still wouldn't be able to do much with her hands, though.

  He tightened the waist cincher before walking her back to bed and helping her climb in, positioning her so she was sitting up. Pillows were fluffed and placed behind and around her until she felt like pampered royalty.

  Smiling, he kissed her on the cheek. “You're beautiful, wearing collar and cuffs in my bed, bound and helpless, the cincher showing off your curves. I'll be back soon with a protein shake and more sports drink. You'll be on a mostly liquid diet today, I'm afraid."

  He opened a drawer and pulled out a walkie-talkie looking thing. “This is a baby monitor. I'll take the receiver with me downstairs. If you need anything, just say it. Do not, for any reason, get out of bed. Stay where you are. Understood?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  She finally looked at the clock to see it was nearly ten in the morning, and rested her head against the pillows, thinking of the things he'd done so far. Garnet had never been big on orgasm restriction, and most of the time she'd come when she wanted. Zach apparently enjoyed controlling them, and so far, she wasn't a fan.

  Although, submitting often meant denial of what others considered a basic right. When she was locked away in Garnet's closet she'd been deprived of the ability to go to the bathroom when she wanted, and had been barred from reading, watching TV, talking on the phone, checking email. Even when not stored away, when he'd locked her closet she'd lost access to her clothes, shoes, and all forms of what most people deemed essential entertainment.

  Even though she hated the act of being denied an orgasm, she had to admit the control it gave him was a huge turn on. Just thinking about it had her insides fluttering to life again, and she couldn't reach her pussy. She could touch her breasts, but she'd never gotten off on breast play alone.

  She heard Zach coming up the steps and opened her eyes, smiling when he came into view, his return smile making her heart flutter. How could she ever deny him anything he asked for? This man who'd claimed her in such primal ways.

  He placed the tray on the bed and picked up a large glass with a straw, holding it to her mouth. Dana dutifully took a drink, not sure what to expect, and was pleasantly surprised by an apple cinnamon taste.

  "That's actually pretty good, Sir. Thank you."

  "You're welcome. It's vanilla yogurt with protein powder, the juice of one apple, and some honey and cinnamon."

  "I think cinnamon will always make me feel taken care of; make me think of you."

  He smiled and spoke softly as he held the straw to her lips. “That's the idea. Bigger drink this time, please."

  When she'd emptied the glass he put it aside and retrieved his cereal bowl, pouring the milk in before he began eating. He talked between bites. “I want to be clear that I allowed carte blanche on the orgasms last night, when I pulled the chain out, because you were so good with the grapes."

  "But, I argued with you first."

  "Yes, but then you overcame some very strong instincts and pushed them out for me. I know how hard it was, and appreciate the internal battle you had to wage to get your muscles to do as I asked. I was tremendously pleased, pet."

  "But I still came once, without permission."

  "And you'll have one minute of discipline this afternoon, assuming you don't have any unauthorized orgasms today."

  Her pulse surged, anticipation with a hint of apprehension building desire at his words. He'd already told her he wouldn't explain her punishment yet, but... “I don't suppose you'll tell me what you've planned for today?"

  Smiling, he said, “Yes, your food will need to digest completely before we begin, so we've got another forty minutes to talk. I'll give you more sports drink in a moment, so we can make sure you're hydrated. Do you remember what I said about electricity?"

  "You said the next time we played with it, it'd be pleasurable."

  "That's right, and I don't want you to feel scared when you see the playroom. Everything's laid out and ready to go, and it looks like something out of a Frankenstein nightmare, but my intention is to show you pleasure today; the good ways I can use it. Once I've indulged you in decadent stimulation I'll let you decide how you want to be hurt—and I intend to have you crazy with arousal when I offer you the choice. I won't ask you to relinquish your safeword, but I'll give you the option of whether you want pain in the form of electricity or predicament bondage."

  Dana realized he was asking her if what he was proposing was okay. She'd asked him not to make her decide important things in the midst of a scene, so he was double-checking with her now, before they started.

  "Thanks for checking. I think it'll be okay. I trust you won't take me too far, and I believe you understand now that once I'm in subspace I can't be trusted to make good decisions. I'll beg for something that could injure, so you've got to know when it's time to stop."

  He nodded. “I think there are things I can do with electricity to give you the extreme pain you want without causing the damage of impact play. The question is whether you'll respond to it the way you do whips and floggers."

  She sighed. “And, just for the record, I hate predicament bondage."

  His face lit up in a smile. “I know."

  Zach took forever getting Dana wired, explaining which leads were hooked up to the TENS, which were straight electricity. Some of the pads were connected to medical equipment so he could keep track of her pulse, hea
rt rate, and oxygen levels. He hadn't been exaggerating when he said it looked like something from a Frankenstein nightmare. Wires were going every direction, and he had all kinds of controls in front of him, she had no idea how he kept it straight, but it was clear he knew exactly what he was doing.

  "I need a little feedback from you. I'm turning the one in your pussy on; tell me when you feel a gentle tensing of the muscles."

  She waited a few seconds and felt a slight movement. “There, I think. It wasn't a shock, just felt like I tensed and relaxed the muscle. But I didn't."

  "Perfect. This should be a little more, but still shouldn't hurt."

  The plug in her pussy moved, and she nodded.

  "Okay, the one in your ass, equal strength."

  It didn't feel the same—it was much more intense, and traveled from her asshole into her bowels. She gasped and said, “No! That was a lot stronger."

  He spun some dials. “That's why we're doing the test. How's this?"

  She felt movement and let out an involuntary low moan.

  "I'll check that one off in the wonderful column,” he said, chuckling.

  He did the same test on the pads outside of her asshole, and the sides of her pussy. He went through five different trials on her clit before he hit one that made her moan, but she begged him to do it again once he found the right note.

  When at last he said it was time to begin, he locked her legs into the gyno stirrups and restrained the sides of her waist cincher to the bondage table. Her hands still had range of movement between waist cincher and bondage collar.

  He smiled as he turned a knob and the plug in her pussy came to life as if someone were pulling and pushing it, invisible hands impaling her, repeatedly. Her brain was trying to wrap itself around how it worked, but her body didn't give a flying fuck. It felt good.

  "Please tell me I can come when I want today."

  "Sorry, you'll need to ask permission first."

  "Are you going to let me when I ask, Sir?"

  "You'll have to ask and find out, won't you?” He said it so casually, as if it were nothing. Dana closed her eyes, groaning in frustration and pleasure as the electrodes outside of her pussy activated, working in tandem with the plug inside.

  "I'm close, Sir. Not quite there yet, but I'm very, very, close."

  "I want you to relax and enjoy the sensations without falling over the edge. You can do it—ride the wave instead of fighting it."

  She took a breath and relaxed instead of trying to fight the orgasm. It worked, and her senses soared as she rode an immense wave of pleasure without worry of it consuming her. Any other time she'd have been frustrated at having her lust kindled to extreme without prospect of release, but knowing she couldn't, and that he wanted her to navigate the ecstasy, made it pure bliss.

  Sensation bombarded the tissues around her clit and she realized he'd turned on the electrodes surrounding it. If she'd been blindfolded she'd have sworn gentle fingers were massaging the muscles, pulling and stretching the skin around it, shooting pleasure through the ultra-sensitive nerve endings.

  The pulses changed, directly on her clit now, and her body blazed into climax in a long string of detonations that wouldn't stop. She couldn't breathe, couldn't think, her lower body had control over her entire nervous system and she thrashed under the crashing waves.

  He switched everything off, but it had no effect on the sparks shooting through her body as her orgasm continued rising to the crescendo it had been seeking, even without the extra help. Her bliss went into orbit and she screamed as she realized she was completely out of control, the whoosh of flying around a rollercoaster overtaking her as her body kept questing for the peak, climbing higher and higher, and then she shattered into a million pieces that liquefied and began melting back together.

  As her senses slowly returned to planet earth, the roaring in her ears quieted and her muscles went to Jello. Her breathing was still ragged and when she tried to speak between the gasps Zach put a finger over her lips. “It's okay, don't try to talk yet. You rode the wave for thirty-five minutes and that always makes for an explosive climax. If you'd held out another thirty seconds you would've had permission."

  "I'm sorry."

  He shook his head. “I'm not upset with you. You'll get a minute of consequences later, because this is part of your training. If it were easy, anyone could do it. There's no need to apologize at this point, when you're just beginning to learn."

  He let her legs free and released her waist cincher, carefully sat her up amongst the wires, and held the straw to another sports drink up to her mouth until she'd consumed the entire bottle.

  "Do you need to use the restroom?"

  She looked down at the wires going every which way, surprised he'd been able to sit her up. “Having to undo all of this'd be a huge pain in the ass, wouldn't it?"

  "Oh, we won't disconnect anything; I have a bedpan you can use. What you just experienced was only the beginning of the pleasures I can show you; if you need to relieve yourself we should handle it now."

  She didn't actually have to go, thank goodness. “I'm fine, which is good, because I'm not sure I'd have the nerve to tell you if I weren't. But, since I don't... I guess I'm off the hook."

  "Hmmm. Yes. For now. Stay put a second, I need to get something."

  He walked to one of the other pieces of equipment and picked up a piece of brown leather, bringing it back with him and placing it behind her bottom, on the table.

  "Okay, on your back again, and legs up, please."

  She did as he asked, lying on top of the leather as she reclined. Neither of them spoke as he locked her legs into the stirrups, and she jumped when the motor above her hummed to life, and the chain with its large hook dropped down to her. He pulled the edges of the leather up, looping the rings on the ends over the hook and creating a sling. The winch rumbled again and her lower back rose a few inches above the table. He pushed the stirrups wider, looked her over, and raised her hips another couple of inches.

  "How does that feel?"

  "Surprisingly comfortable, Sir. And I'm horny again, already."

  He chuckled. “I adore you. Let me finish getting you strapped down and we'll start again."

  He had her raise her head so he could place a leather piece under it. She figured it for another sling but he fastened it to the table on both sides, so it remained a mystery. He'd been so thorough about explaining things earlier, now that he wasn't explaining she was hesitant to ask too many questions. Her wrist cuffs were freed from the rope and her arms crossed, right wrist attached to the left side of her waist cincher, left wrist to the right side.

  He held a bit gag in front of her mouth and she just looked at him, lips closed. He didn't say a word, his eyes making it clear he expected her to open without being told. She didn't want the gag, but didn't want to disappoint him either, so she opened, feeling another wall between them crumble. His gaze locked onto hers as he positioned it between her teeth, and she knew without a doubt she was looking into the eyes that owned her soul.

  She raised her head so he could secure it, but he touched her brow, delicately pushing it down. “The strap running under your head has attachment points for it, the bit serves two purposes—it restricts motion and protects your mouth."

  Wait. Protects her mouth? Wasn't it to keep her from talking?

  "Let me hear your safewords, so I know how they sound around the gag."

  She took a breath and said them both as best she could.

  He stood, keeping eye contact with her. “You don't have permission to come. Don't ask for it. I'll know when you're close and I expect you to hold on."

  She nodded, but with limited movement, and a wave of alarm shot through her with the sudden realization of how defenseless and vulnerable she was. Zach leaned forward and kissed her forehead and both cheeks, and the panic dissipated. She trusted this man, wanted to be here, needed to give him this much power. He brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers, lookin
g into her eyes to confirm she was okay, and kissed her upper and then lower lip, letting her see one final caretaker smile before he picked up the controls and focused on the task at hand.

  The plug in her ass began moving in tandem with sensations around her clit, and then the vibrations hit her pussy and she almost went over, but he turned it down before she reached climax.

  The electricity had an edge of bite to it now—not painful, but sharp instead of smooth. He played her body like a maestro, letting her get closer and closer to climax each time before adjusting everything way down, seconds before she lost control, giving her just enough stimulation to drive her crazy until he was sure the threat had passed.

  He waited until she was overcome with lust but not in danger of an immediate orgasm, to say, “I want to hurt you with these, Dana. Do I have your consent?"

  He lifted two of the controls as he spoke and she met his gaze and saw his need—his eyes reflecting how badly he wanted to turn up the juice and watch her scream. She focused on the ceiling, suddenly craving the pain, but afraid of it, and needed to escape his scrutiny to make her decision. She was frightened, but also curious. And horny. Besides, she'd probably had as much pleasure as she could stand.

  She returned to the intensity of his ice blue eyes and nodded, realizing the bondage was giving her a little more movement than when he'd first strapped her in.

  His hand tightened on the electrical controls, and then relaxed. “You're sure? I have ginger and horseradish root in the fridge, I can give you other kinds of pain, this isn't your only option. I'm going to ask again, can I hurt you with electricity? Can I make you scream?"

  Her pussy was buzzing on its own now. She craved what he offered, and yet was terrified. She blinked her eyes a few times, squeezing them shut before opening them and looking deep into his eyes and nodding. Again.

  He dipped his head once, his face grim as he flipped a switch and a thousand electrified needles danced under the skin of her nipples. She gasped and squealed around the gag, and her clit joined in with matching sensations as fire danced around and through it and—


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