Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon

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Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon Page 8

by Candace Blevins

  His eyes flashed annoyance, returned to calm, and he held a finger up. “First, I don't consider what I did this weekend as micromanaging, and I don't resent the time put into your discipline.” He raised another finger. “Second, you didn't force me into anything, I decided on your correction, not you.” A third finger. “And finally, I inquired what you want, and you responded by asking what I want. That's not good communication. Please answer the question."

  She sighed. “I think you need to hear I'm not mad at you for punishing me. So I'll say it: I'm not upset with you. There were parts of it I abhorred, but it doesn't mean I hate you for putting me through it. I deserved it, and don't want to weaken your power. If anything I think I might need to..."

  "Go on,” he prompted.

  She'd finally figured out what had precipitated her actions Friday, and needed to give this explanation, first. “I've grown to love our kneeling time in the evenings. The ritual of taking my work clothes off, kneeling, and telling you about my day while you run your fingers through my hair—it helps me become yours again. I've tried to figure out why I forgot the rules, and I think it's because we skipped kneeling time Thursday, and then I was kind of in charge Friday, instructing the movers where to go with things. I was still in my work personality, and the rules never crossed my mind."

  His eyes were neutral, and she needed to make him understand. “I didn't even see what you were so upset about at first—it wasn't until you put me back into a submissive frame of mind that I even realized why it was such a big deal, and then I couldn't comprehend why I'd done it."

  He seemed to deflate—the tension leaving his body, and raw emotion in his eyes. “Thank you. I've needed an explanation that made sense, so I could understand what went wrong. No matter how busy we are in the future, we'll take the time for kneeling. I thought texting you and giving permission to change and get right to work was a good thing, but now I realize why it caused a problem."

  Dana recognized the look in his eyes—he was weighing something, making a decision. “I'd like to alter our contract to include maintenance discipline. I could do it as it's written, but I'd like to make it official. If you need a small reminder it might be as simple as making you kneel and kiss my cock; if we're about to eat perhaps I'll have you kneel and be fed; if you're close to landing in real trouble I might take a privilege away for the day. Will you agree to a maintenance clause?"

  She nodded, and took a breath to bring up her next discussion point. She longed to sit at his feet and be fed for every meal, but needed to explain why she couldn't ask for it. “Changing into comfortable clothes when I come home from work makes undressing for bed another ritual. Also, if you want sex, you have to undress me, or order me to strip.” She smirked. “Or just bend me over and pull my bottoms down."

  Zach smiled in agreement, but didn't speak, forcing her to finish.

  "It gives you something to take away, and makes me more vulnerable than being constantly naked.” She looked down—self-conscious. “Every time I wish you'd remove a privilege, I realize it keeps me on my toes more the way you set it up. If I ate every meal from your hand, or from a bowl on the floor, it'd eventually lose its bite; but when it's an occasional thing it's harder to deal with. When I could eat breakfast at the table this morning, it was awkward. Going back and forth is its own mindfuck, sometimes."

  She warily returned her gaze to his, and his blue eyes reflected an anguish that made her want to comfort him. His voice fierce, he said, “What if I confessed part of me wants to own you in ways I've never wanted to possess anyone? Ways I'm ashamed of?"

  The band crushing her heart relaxed and heat pulsed between her legs. “I'd have to admit I long for you to subjugate me in ways that scare the shit out of me, so it appears we're on the same wavelength."

  He closed his eyes, his head shaking the tiniest bit. When they opened, the anguished look was gone. “I fell in love with you as I watched you recreate my home. You're very good—both at the creative aspects, and at making your vision become reality—and as much as I'd like to demand you give your worldly possessions to charity and quit your job so I could own every piece of you—doing so would kill the Dana I first fell in love with. And in truth, knowing you have the means to walk out at any time, but are choosing to stay with me? That's a turn on, too."

  "I guess I feel the same. I want you to own me in ways I never considered before, but you're correct about my job being a big part of who I am. You did great—setting things up so I have time in the morning to step back into my work persona, and then a way in the evening to help become yours again. I don't know how to reconcile the two parts of me, or if we should even try."

  "I don't believe we should at this time. Let's discuss it again in three months, and if we still feel strongly about it we'll work towards finding a solution. Meanwhile, I have something else to talk about while we're here. Brent and I've been discussing rules and boundaries, and I have a few items to add to the contract today, if you're in agreement."

  Dana wrinkled her brow, but didn't say anything, waiting for him to elaborate.

  "I don't want you Topping anyone in our bedroom—it's the one place I want to know you're always submissive to me. Our private space."

  "I've got no problems with that."

  He nodded and continued. “Thank you. Next, I'd like to rename the green guest suite Heritage Park, and I want those rooms to represent what this place has become for us. We'll make it Brent and Jacob's suite, to give you opportunities to Top Jacob without belonging to me.” He paused and added, “While we're in the playroom, you'll belong to me even if you're Topping him."

  "I can go in there anytime I want?"

  "You'll have difficulty doing so if you're locked in your cage or chained to the bed, but yeah. If either of us needs a break it'll be healthy to have an established place in the house."

  "Okay, write it up and send it to me. Anything else?"

  He reached for her hand, holding it between both of his. “You were right; I needed to hear you didn't hate me for punishing you. I love you, and don't want a miscommunication to cause problems. Promise me, if you resent something, you'll ask to go to the green room so we can talk it out."

  "You'll know if I'm upset, but I don't think you can change your mind because something upsets me. Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of power exchange?"

  "It's not about changing my mind; it's about understanding when my decisions are causing resentment. Some anger and frustration you'll just have to deal with, but bitterness that could drive a wedge between us? The stuff grudges are made of? Those we'll have to contend with as a unit. Yes, I'm the Dom and I get the final say, but in order for me to make good decisions, I need to know where your head is."

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  Chapter Seven

  * * * *

  "Jacob!” Dana ran out the front door, flying into him, his arms wrapping around her back as hers curled around his neck. She folded her legs around his waist, pushing up until her eyes were level with his, gave him a quick kiss, inclined back to admire him a second, and leaned forward again—her lips touching his and holding as she teased with her tongue. His strong arms supported her as he yielded to her, responding without being aggressive.

  His submission never failed to turn her on; his desire to serve however she needed him sent sparks through her. When she finally drew away, passion kindled in his gaze, and she knew hers reflected the same longing.

  She gave him a quick peck on the tip of the nose and hugged him tight, her cheek resting on his shoulder, soaking in his strength and warmth. When she pulled back again, she released her legs and slid down the length of him until her feet were touching the ground once more.

  Brent was looking on with a twinkle in his eye, and she walked into his outstretched arms, relaxing into his embrace as he wrapped her in a bear hug. “It's good to see you, too, Brent. But I don't think you'd appreciate that kind of greeting."

  "It's wonderful to see you smiling
and playful. Jacob tells me you're moved in and owned and pretty happy about the situation?"

  "I am. C'mon in. Zach's on the phone with some work stuff, but should be joining us soon."

  "It sounds like he may travel to the manufacturing plant in a few weeks? He's excited about these latest solar panels finally making it into production."

  "He is. I'm not thrilled about him flying off to China, though. We've had some discussions about that recently."

  Brent stopped and looked at her, his eyes probing. It only took two seconds, but she felt as if he knew everything about her in those few heartbeats. His voice was serious as he said, “We'll talk later. I let Zach know I want a couple of hours alone with you this weekend."

  "Yeah, he told me. I'm a little paranoid with all of the emails going back and forth between the two of you, but I'm glad you've hit it off so well."

  "The people we love have a thing for each other, but, it's more than that. We're both the captain of our home, and when we all four get together, if the two captains don't know how the other thinks, it could be disastrous."

  They walked into the living room and Jacob spun in a slow circle. Dana watched him, wondering what he'd think of it. She'd gone fairly traditional in here and hadn't changed it after moving in, other than to mix a few of her personal things in.

  "I like it, Dana. You did this for Zach before you started seeing him, didn't you? I can see your touch, but it's his personality."

  Dinner was a jovial affair, with conversation flowing freely between the four friends, and they talked long after the food was gone, with Zach finally saying, “Brent and I are going to the basement so he can give me some pointers on the single tail. If the two of you will load the dishwasher, please, then you can head upstairs and get started without us."

  Dana hadn't expected that, and as she looked at Zach in surprise, Brent was answering Jacob's questioning gaze. “Yes, he's already cleared it with me, and I agree—the two of you need time alone. You won't be able to come until I arrive and can give permission, but that's your only restriction."

  She looked back at Zach. “Do I have any restrictions, Sir?"

  Shaking his head, he said, “Take him to their room—you get to make all the decisions in there."

  "Yes and no. I mean, I'm not your submissive in there, but I'm still your girlfriend, and I want to make sure you won't be upset if we do something without you.” Oh, God, did she really refer to herself as his girlfriend?

  He smiled, obviously happy with the label, but only said, “I'm not placing any limits, but you should probably check with Brent."

  Brent nodded as Dana's eyes met his. “You can spank him with a paddle or belt, but clear the safeword again before starting. You'll find two pair of nipple clamps in a fishing tackle box on the floor near the bed—feel free to use either set, and any of the plugs. Please hold off on the canes and floggers until I can supervise."

  "Agreed—I'm not skilled enough with those things to trust myself with them yet."

  Less than five minutes later the dishes were cleared and excess food stored in the refrigerator. Dana sent Jacob upstairs to strip while she wiped the counters, and even though she was only about forty-five seconds behind him, he was naked and on his knees when she walked in.

  She stopped in the doorway, admiring his posture, his grace, and his body. Hours of yoga and miles of running had sculpted him into a work of art, and her heart skipped a few beats at the realization he was kneeling for her.

  "You're beautiful, Jacob."

  He looked up, met her eyes. “Thank you, Ma'am."

  She could get lost in his gaze, but needed to stay in control. “What do you want today?"

  "Whatever pleases you, Ma'am."

  She shook her head, leaned against the doorframe. “I've a feeling we'll both get plenty of pain this weekend, and I think you want to be Topped more than hurt right now, but I'd like to hear it from you—pain or subjugation?"

  "I want to be with you, be whatever you desire. If you need to hurt me, I'm yours to torture. If you'd prefer pleasure, your wish is my command."

  His cock had been well on its way to hard when she walked into the room, and it grew as he talked. She understood his need to please, but... “Brent's always quick to respond on your behalf, but he's not here and I'd like you to consider answering my questions as an element of your submission to me. I realize you aim to mold yourself into whatever I need, and it's one of the many things I treasure about you, but there are times, like now, I'd like to know where your head is.” She paused, held his gaze. “Telling me your wishes doesn't mean you'll get them."

  He looked up, the depths of his submission showing in his eyes. “I want your attention, and I want to see you getting off by using me for your pleasure. If I had a preference, I promise I'd tell you."

  Her heart melted and tears threatened as she walked to him, leaned down, and kissed his forehead. “I believe you. Thank you.” She straightened, letting him see the emotion in her eyes. “I don't get to be on top much, and I'd like to ride you. Did Brent plug you?"

  "No, Ma'am."

  "Anything I need to know? Are you sore anywhere?"

  "No Ma'am, he hasn't played with me this week, said he wanted a clean slate to work with."

  "You'll use chiffon to safeword?"

  "Yes, Ma'am."

  "I'd like you to use yellow if you need me to back off. I usually trust Brent to signal if I give you too much, can I rely on you to tell me?"

  He nodded and she let it go, didn't make him say it aloud.

  "Open the tackle box, please, and hand me both sets of nipple clamps."

  One pair was a basic clover clamp, the other was much, much, nastier—stronger and with teeth. She didn't want to draw blood, and handed them back to him as she draped the clover clamps around her neck. “Put those away please, and then I'd like you on the bed, with your head near the footboard, on your back. Grab a condom and put it on, first."

  She saw the control it took to touch himself as little as possible while smoothing the condom over his thick cock, and loved that she could turn him on so much.

  It was bad form to start with sex, but she'd wanted this with Jacob when it was just the two of them, and sometimes being in charge was a very good thing. She climbed on the bed and swung her leg over his body, sitting on his hips, his cock under her pussy as she slid backwards and forwards, his rock hard heat gliding between her folds and bumping her clit.

  She rose. “Put yourself in me."

  He reached down, lifted himself straight up, so when she lowered this time her pussy enveloped the length of him, her heart stuttering as she sank. Their gazes locked and she hung onto her control as she went up and down a few times before stopping to retrieve the clamps draped around her neck, teasing his nipples until the blood filled them, too.

  She positioned the clamp and looked up; holding eye contact as she slowly let it close. He didn't try to hide his pain, allowed her a full view of the battle going on in his psyche as he fought to lay still and let her hurt him. His desire to please tripped her pulse and heated her blood, her hips rotating on autopilot as she moved to his other nipple.

  Grasping his hands, she situated his arms so she could lean forward on them. “Your arms will be my brace while I fuck you. Keep them firm. Part of me is sorry you can't come, but I love knowing I can ride as long as I want; use your cock to get myself off without worrying about you going soft."

  Dana started slow, looking into Jacob's eyes as she rose and fell, rose and fell. She inclined towards him, placing more weight on her arms, her pelvis moving as her upper body held still, their gazes linked, her heart soaring. She felt her first orgasm approaching and allowed it to slide over her—a smooth, blissful experience. She hadn't realized she'd closed her eyes until she opened them to see reverent awe reflected in his visage. She smiled. “Yeah, you did that. Thank you."

  Increasing the pace, she sat up, taking her weight off his hands and leaning back. Jacob changed their
grip, so they were clasping each other's wrists, and she slanted back even farther until he was dragging over her g-spot, the sensations shooting through her until she thought she'd come undone. She heard herself screaming through her climax, Jacob's grip holding her up and his hips moving for her when she lost coordination, tripped over the edge of the cliff, and soared. Pulling with her arms, she draped her body over his and raised her pelvis to give him room.

  "Fuck me Jacob, please."

  She let go of his hands and he took that as invitation to touch her, grabbing her ass and holding it in place as he plunged up into her. Dana's orgasm went on forever as her lower body spasmed around his cock while her upper torso rested on him, pressing into the nipple clamps, and he gasped in pain as she jerked and moved over him.

  Jacob slowed as the shuddering finally waned, his cock still hard in her as she sprawled over him like an overcooked lasagna noodle.

  She heard a chuckle and looked up to see Brent and Zach in the doorway. She'd turned Jacob this direction so she could see the door, but had been too preoccupied to notice, and had no idea how long they'd been watching. She glanced down, Brent's hard-on obvious in his jeans, Zach's pants too loose to be sure.

  "We have an audience,” she said, sitting up and grinding her hips on the cock still inside of her before removing both clamps at once, giving him no warning or time to prepare. Jacob's hands flew up, but stopped before they reached his nipples, slowly reaching above his head to hold onto the iron bars in the footboard.

  Dana rubbed, squeezed, and twisted them—forcing the blood to return as rapidly as possible. Jacob squirmed under her, his cock still in her, eyes tightly closed as he dealt with the pain.

  She'd placed the clamps with the chain pointing down the first time, and now aimed it left, so his nipples were squeezed horizontally instead of vertically. He jerked inside of her as the first clamp tightened, and she scrutinized his face as he pulled air into his lungs.

  "Open your eyes, Jacob. Let me see how much it hurts."


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