Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon

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Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon Page 15

by Candace Blevins

  When the eternal count to twenty was over, she slowly lifted her gaze to Zach and saw total acceptance. Her heart fluttered and tears formed, but he held her chin to keep her from looking away.

  He kissed her on the forehead and pulled back to look her in the eyes, his hand still holding her chin. “I love you, Dana. I accept all of you. If you're willing to give this to me again, I'll do my best to never make you feel rejected again. I'm so sorry I hurt you."

  Tears threatened, but she was determined not to cry all over him. She slipped her right arm around his waist, resting her cheek on his stomach as he finally allowed her to break eye contact.

  Brent's voice broke the silence. “The dare is over dear. You can stand and take back your power, or you can stay where you are and Jacob and I will go sit on the patio and enjoy the view."

  Dana leaned back and looked into Zach's troubled blue eyes. She could get her revenge by standing now; she knew it would hurt him, and part of her wanted to lash out. But a bigger part of her loved him and wanted to move past the hurt, so she removed her hands from his waist and put them behind her back—her right arm taking up the slack by reaching across her back and holding her left forearm without torqueing her injured shoulder.

  He shifted forward and pulled her arms back in front of her before tipping her chin up with his finger, kissing her softly. She heard the other two men leaving, and Zach's kiss grew more intense, demanding, and her body reacted, making her want more. He backed off, ending the kiss but keeping physical contact, his look one of appraisal this time, before coming to a decision.

  "Two rules tonight, the first and most important being you'll do nothing that hurts your injuries, and you'll let me know the instant I do anything that so much as tweaks one of them. The second is you'll follow any orders I give you. That's it—I'm not giving you any other restrictions. Say what you want, come when you want, touch me all you want."

  She didn't know how to react, what to say, and he seemed to decide against making her agree verbally. “Let me help you up, we need to move this to the bed."

  He situated her in the center, and when he backed away she sat up to watch him undress. No shaking this time, and his clothes were gone in mere seconds. He glided onto the bed, his fingers roaming over her body as if he were exploring it for the first time all over again. His lips soon joined his hands, and she smelled the cinnamon on his breath from the hot candy he'd been sucking on after dinner.

  She ran her hands over his back, feeling strong muscles shifting as he transferred his weight above her, his mouth at her throat, the heat of his breath brushing across her skin and making her quiver. His lips moved across her neck and he sucked the skin under her ear into his mouth, pulling without mercy, and she gasped at the sensation. His hands roamed over her body, slowing at her breasts, circling her nipples, traveling down to her thighs, skimming over the top of her pubic bone, driving her crazy.

  Her body trembled with need and tears formed anew at how right it felt to be under him again.

  "I love you, Zach.” Her voice fluttered with emotion as she repeated it. “I love you."

  He rose to look at her, his hand skating over her thighs before delving into her folds. He spoke as his fingers entered her. “I love you, too. Come for me Dana. Give yourself to me; show me you belong to me again."

  Dana bent her legs and pushed up with her feet, meeting him thrust for thrust until her body melted around him and she gave him what he'd asked for.

  As the orgasm faded she opened her eyes and said, “I won't break. I need more."

  "Good, because I need to claim you again. I need to take you."

  He moved between her legs and pressed into her, his cock spreading her much wider than his fingers, their eyes joined as he advanced, invading her soul and her body. Claiming her.

  When he was all the way in he grasped the backs of her thighs, pushed them up, watching her face for signs of pain before he pulled back and began thrusting into her, his eyes demanding she not look away as he possessed her.

  Dana's insides clenched around him as he hammered into her, and within two dozen strokes she needed to come, remembered she didn't have to hold back, and let it go, her walls squeezing his hard-as-steel cock as he pushed in and held firmly inside of her, not budging a millimeter as her climax thrashed around him.

  The orgasm didn't relieve her need, and as it faded she found herself crazy with desire. Looking into his gaze, she recognized his hunger, too. “I need more, Sir. I need..."

  "Pain. You need pain."

  She didn't answer with words, but let her eyes speak to him. She wanted him to own her again, and if he could do that with pain, she welcomed it.

  He pulled out of her and looked down, lining up again. She felt him at her ass and had a mini-panic at the thoughts of him fucking her there without stretching her first, and with only the lube from her pussy on his cock.

  His eyes were fierce, and she realized this was the claiming they both needed. She released her grip on his forearms and let her arms fall to her side, showing him she accepted what he was about to do.

  He pushed in and she gasped at the sharp pain, but he went slowly, allowing her to open to him as he slid deeper. The ring of muscles at the entrance were forced inward, the lack of lube creating a primal feeling. She closed her eyes and heard, “No, open them. You don't get to hide from me; I want to see inside of you as I take your ass."

  She bared her soul to him, and fought her reflexes to hold his gaze as a storm developed in his eyes, swirling in the blue of them.

  When he was all the way in, he gently released her legs. “Wrap them around me."

  She did, gasping as his cock shifted inside of her. He placed his elbows beside her shoulders. “Your arms, too. Wrap them around me and hold on. Don't hurt your injuries, if you need to move them because of your shoulder or hand you can, otherwise I need you to just hang on and let me do this.” He was on the edge of losing control, his voice betraying how close his emotions were to the surface.

  She circled his torso and said, “I need it, too. I won't break. Make me yours again, please."

  His lips found hers and weren't gentle as he drove her jaw open, tongue probing, his cock jerking inside of her ass as he assaulted her mouth. When he finally rose it was only to get leverage to pump his hips, and this time there was no taking it slow. He pulled back and drove into her, slamming his hipbones into her hard enough to bruise. She gasped at the sensation, but he was already out and powering his way back in—her interior walls relentlessly pushed and pulled without lubrication to smooth the way as he pistoned his hips.

  She did as he said, holding on for dear life as he fucked her without mercy—her heart beating beneath the rhythm of his hips, and her breath knocked from her lungs with every brutal thrust.

  His head was beside hers now, and she was grateful she could hide from him as she squeezed her eyes shut and writhed under him—her body caught between opening to him and trying to escape.

  He spoke without slowing, his dominant side fully in control now, and the tone of his voice almost kick-started another climax. “I'm going to fill your ass with my come and put the inflatable plug in you for the rest of the night. By morning you'll be stretched wide and will know who owns you."

  He raised back up, his hands near her shoulders and his arms straight, and she opened her eyes to see him looking down at her. She closed them again as he rammed back in, pushing the air from her lungs.

  His voice came out strained and urgent. Demanding. “Open your eyes and look at me."

  They flew open at the command and within a few seconds he was in and holding, his cock pulsing as warmth flooded her bowels. The intensity of it made her fly apart, her pussy spasming on the emptiness as her ass tried to close around his cock. He stayed inside of her, making a growling noise every time her eyes closed for more than a blink, forcing her to bare her soul throughout the orgasm.

  When the spasms finally dissolved to nothing he pushed her legs back
up, so her knees were near her shoulders before pulling out. As he backed away he said, “Stay put. I'll be right back."

  She heard him at his luggage and then he was over her again, the glistening black inflatable plug in his hand. She felt some relief he'd lubed it, but knew he meant to make a point with it tonight, and she welcomed as well as feared it—which was at it should be. She needed him to reassert what they were to each other, and the fear was an added spice.

  He inserted the plug, ignoring her gasps as it went in, then gingerly pulled her legs down as he said, “Get comfortable before I begin pumping. How do you need to lay so your injuries don't bother you?"

  "I've been sleeping on my right side, Sir."

  "Figure out how to lay and I'll figure out how to hold you."

  She situated herself and he spooned in behind her, lovingly holding her for several moments before he felt for the bulb.

  He pumped it relentlessly, going two squeezes past what she thought she could take. She gasped out, “It's too much!"

  His voice was smooth, controlled. “It's not nearly enough. I'll give you a few seconds, then you'll receive two more, which you'll endure for thirty seconds before I completely deflate it and bring you back to where you are now. You're tense, I need you to relax, show me you accept what I'm doing to you."

  He held and soothed her as she wiggled her toes, concentrated on her breathing, and gradually convinced her body to relax. Just as the burning in her ass dulled, she felt the two pumps he'd promised and everything tensed around the flaming, stretching invasion once again. She counted to thirty in her head, but he didn't release it.

  "How much longer, Sir? Please no more!"

  "Shhh. Look at my phone. Eleven. Ten..."

  He continued the countdown as she looked at it propped on a pillow in front of her. 9:28:22. She watched as it ticked closer and closer to the thirty second mark, and breathed a sigh of relief when he finally released the valve.

  As soon as the hissing stopped, he rapidly returned to the point he'd indicated, but it was easier to bear this time—still damned uncomfortable, but not painful, and she relaxed against his chest, allowing his ownership of her to take hold again.

  "I know it's early, but you've had a long day and your body's still healing. Go ahead and drop off if you want. I'll text Brent to let him know they can come back when they're ready."

  Dana nodded and snuggled in closer as her eyelids fell and sleep took her under in spite of the huge object lodged in her ass.

  Dana woke to pitch black, not knowing where she was, but the plug brought everything back in a flash. She needed to use the restroom, and Zach had said no rules, but he roused as she was trying to extricate herself from his arms, kissing her on the neck, holding her in place. She didn't have to ask permission, and damned if she would when not required to.

  "Bathroom, I'll be right back."

  He moved his body with her, helping her up as he shifted. “I'll come with you. I could go, too."

  She didn't want to argue after they'd just made up, so she bit her tongue. She hated walking with the inflatable plug, feeling the weight of the valve swinging back and forth.

  He followed her into the bathroom and lifted her “tail,” draping it over the side of the toilet as she sat down, to keep it out of the way. At first she thought he'd come to help her manage it, but he stayed beside her, rubbing her back.

  "I can't go with you doing that."

  "Then stand up and let me go, you can try again when I'm done."

  She gave one more try, but couldn't relax enough, so she stood and went to walk out.

  "Where are you going? Come back, you're gonna help."

  Her brow wrinkled. “Help?"

  "Yes, I'd like you to hold it for me."

  Her gaze dropped to his soft cock, returned to his eyes. “Hold it?"

  Laughing, he took her hand and placed it under his cock. “Gently, and pay attention where you point it so we don't make a mess."

  She wrapped her hand around it and he said, “No, you can't squeeze or nothing'll come out. Aim without holding; let it rest on your fingers."

  She relaxed her grip and was startled when the flow started, almost dropped it, but managed to hold on. She hadn't aimed well though, and liquid splattered the back of the toilet seat. She adjusted it lower, using her thumb to help direct, and the flow slowed to a trickle.

  "Don't squeeze,” he said, the slightest edge of frustration in his voice.

  "Sorry.” She loosened her hold and the stream returned.

  "Not upset, you're learning. That's much better. Pay attention as it slows; make sure you keep it pointed into the toilet."

  She watched closely, not wanting to screw up again, and didn't let go when the flow stopped until he took it from her, shaking it off and reaching for the toilet paper, taking a few moments to wipe the seat dry before flushing.

  His lips touched her forehead and he pulled away, looking down at her with a gentleness that made her heart flutter. “If I can go while you're holding me, you can go while I rub your back. Sit down and try again, please."

  She closed her eyes and searched for inner strength before turning to sit. He situated the plug's tubing and stood beside her, rubbing her back in small, comforting circles. She was surprised when her body actually did as she asked and relaxed enough to allow her bladder to empty. She wiped when finished and stood as Zach flushed the toilet.

  He wrapped his arm around her, directing her towards the bed. “I gave you another third of a pump every thirty minutes for several hours after you went to sleep. I'm going to give you a full one now—I'll rub your back and help you deal with the pain, but I want you opened as wide as I can get you by morning."

  He dropped to his back on the bed and reached towards her, speaking softly so they didn't wake Brent and Jacob. “Come lay on top of me, so I can hold you through the worst of it."

  She draped her body over his, her cheek on his chest, his left arm around her as he grasped the valve. She froze, waiting for the pain, but he said, “Don't tense up. Show me you want to accept this."

  She relaxed her muscles, starting at her feet and working her way up, realizing he could feel every miniscule movement, with her arranged over and around his body.

  "That's my girl. I love you so much."

  She heard and felt it at the same time, the push of air and the stretch as her asshole was enlarged once again. Her muscles tensed and a high-pitched whine escaped her throat.

  "Shhhh, I know it hurts. Breathe for me; try not to awaken our friends. The burn has to be incredible by now, but I must ask you to suffer silently. We both need this. Hold onto me, pet, let me help you bear it."

  The term of endearment acted as a trigger, and the piece of her that'd been resisting broke apart, allowing her to accept the pain. He talked her through it until she was no longer a quivering mess, but just as she thought she might be able to sleep he said, “If you're okay, I need to use your mouth. Onto your back, head over the edge, pet."

  Dana gasped when she turned and the plug didn't shift with her, but she carefully stretched out as Zach stood beside the bed, waiting for her to get into position, his cock above her face as she found the right angle. When she stilled, he aimed into her mouth, sinking into her throat on the first push. She gagged around the thick intrusion, but he held until she stopped gagging, slowly dragging out and pushing back in. She swallowed around him this time, managing to keep the gag reflex from kicking in.

  He pulled almost all the way out and paused, which was her signal to get a deep breath. He waited for her lungs to fill before sliding into her throat again, holding.

  She hadn't expected him to stretch her ass another time, but he chose that moment to give her a full pump. She would've screamed if she'd been able, but she couldn't make a sound with her throat filled with his cock.

  He stayed in forever, until she was close to the point of panic, and when he finally pulled out he barely gave her time to draw more air in before he bega
n fucking her face. She could bring enough in to stay alive, but not enough to satisfy the cells in her body screaming for oxygen.

  When at last he reached orgasm she felt warmth on her chest, but was busy gasping air in, trying to re-oxygenate her body. He took his time rubbing his cum into her breasts while her chest heaved as she struggled for air. When she was breathing normally once more, she realized her muscles were accommodating the plug, even with the extra pump, but decided not to compliment him on the way he'd made her forget the pain in her ass.

  As promised, he rubbed her back until she drifted off to sleep, her heart floating in bliss with the knowledge that he didn't just want her, he needed to own her, too.

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  Chapter Thirteen

  * * * *

  Dana awakened to gentle nibbles to the back of her neck the next morning, moving her hips backwards into his. A cramp made her breath catch as her ass tried to contract around the plug. “Oh, god. Please tell me you're going to take it out soon."

  "Who owns your ass?"

  She sighed, goose bumps forming on her arms as she said, “You do, Sir."

  Jacob chuckled from the bed next to them. “It's nice to hear it coming from your mouth. You were asleep when we came back to the room last night."

  The sound of open hand hitting bare bottom reverberated through the room, and then, “Cheeky boy, give them some time alone."

  She felt Zach look up, heard his voice near her ear, sensed his breath as it went by her hair. “If you have no need of him at the moment you can send him over, if you'd like. Dana could probably use a little distraction when I pump this plug in her ass a few more times."

  "Oh, please don't. It's been in all night and it's huge. Please have mercy."

  Instead of answering her, he continued talking to Brent. “I don't care if he uses mouth, hands, or cock—that's up to you."

  "Hmmm, I think I'll let him use his cock. Get a condom on Jacob, and go to her. Make sure you have her situated the way Zach needs her."


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