Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica)

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Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica) Page 4

by Jodie Halliday

  He pulled her open so that the breeze registered across her anus and used his muscles to help her up and down while his hips provided additional help as he met her movements with his own thrusts. It all seemed too easy to her, getting off with Ricky in such a short time but she knew it was a combination of his lovely cock, his expert assistance and the pent up lust that she had felt over the past few weeks. His hands were warm on her buttocks and a finger teased her anus as the dressing gown flapped with their love-making. Another brush of his finger, a deep kiss and the look in his eyes kicked off the rapid climb to the top. She grabbed his shoulders and tensed her stomach muscles, crashing down onto him then rising so just the tip of his cock remained trapped inside her, then crashing again, groaning and heaving as her breathing became rapid and shallow. She gasped as the orgasm was just around the corner, racing towards her, then upon her with delight, devouring her as she squealed into his neck and dug her nails into his back. She dropped and raised herself when she could think about it, but was content just to savour the moment and feel that she had squirted a small amount onto his stomach and that his hand had found it and was rubbing it over her pussy.

  She breathed out long and hard against him, pleased with the feeling of peacefulness and being joined to him on his lap. She kissed his ear as a token of her thanks and he pulled her dressing gown around her and tied the belt. She wondered if that would be the end of their early morning session but she could see in the reflection in the window that the sun had not yet risen. Ricky guided her up off his cock and turned her round, lifted her gown and pulled her onto his lap. She could feel his hardness rubbing up against her sopping wet pussy and sighed delightedly as she leaned back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck, making her smile with the tingly feeling which ran through her. Reaching between the folds of her gown she touched his cock, amazed that there seemed to be about three inches poking out from above her pussy. Her hand came away wet from her sex and she encouraged the feeling by pulling his cock tighter between her legs. She felt around and discovered that everything was pleasantly wet from her thighs up to around her navel. A hand slid under her gown and cupped her breast which was still concealed but the nipple suggested it was aching to be displayed and caressed.

  With his other hand Ricky brushed her hair from her face then ran his fingers up and down the long, curly coils before gripping a handful more tightly, pulling her head back slowly. She turned and kissed his lips, struggling to maintain hold of his cock, decided she couldn’t and so raised her hips. He got the message, pushed her thighs wider and positioned himself once again at her little pussy lips. She sank and groaned as she leaned back against him, filled again and as he pulled her hair, locked onto his lips. She could tell instinctively that he liked this position and was delighted when his knees pressed against her inner thighs, opening her wider. He slid a little further down the chair and drove into her as deep as he could, his hardness exciting her as his cock rippled against the insides of her vagina. She turned to him and kissed his lips, tugging at them and dueling with his tongue as he squeezed her nipple. Her dressing gown flapped between her legs, covering her pussy but allowing the cool morning air to remind her that she was still in public. He stroked in and out of her slowly using his hips and she added a little movement to make the action complete. They kissed sensuously, slowly, tasting each other as one hand explored her body and the other held her hair, keeping her steady and her lips locked on his.

  She wrapped an arm around his neck, now exhilarated by the new position and the rising sense of her pleasure and a feeling that he had expanded yet again inside her, reaching deeper and filling her further. She seemed to only have to sit there with her legs over his thighs, her back arched and her mouth against his to be filled with a heady sense of love and lust. Her beautiful boy was taking her steadily and surely to a place where she had not even dreamed about, somewhere that they could create together for a magical morning. He pulled her hair harder, her scalp registering a little pain and her neck bent more, exposing her throat and now her breast as the gown slipped open. She was close, she knew, could sense it and the rate at which her orgasm was approaching. The setting was lewd, semi-public, erotic in the extreme and most importantly, he was deep within her and was going to fill her. The thought occurred to her that once he came his come would dribble out of her pussy and down onto the balcony, evidence of their love and satisfaction which she would make no effort to clear away. She groaned, opening her legs wider while kissing him hard, encouraging him as he reached across to the other nipple.

  His thrusting intensified, pushing her up with each stroke into her, feeling him harder, more insistent while his fingers tightened around her breast. She leaned back further, forgetting about his lips and solely focused on her orgasm as it once again made that familiar announcement and excitement coursed through her gut. Her scalp hurt now but only in a delicious, tormenting way, heightened by the material of the gown scratching across her hardened nipples with each thrust of his cock. She loved the way they were locked together, she like a rag doll against his body, joined to him by his cock as her weight pressed down. She saw the first glimmer of sun in the roof of the balcony and turned slightly to confirm it in the reflection. As if he knew her thoughts he let go of her breast and pushed down inside her gown to her pussy, spreading the slick moisture around her lips and clit before slowly, gently, rubbing her in circles. His left hand let go of her hair and came to her throat, locking her in place as she groaned with delight at the feeling of being trapped, in his command. She felt his cock expand, heard him groan and knew she was now so close to coming. She wailed out into the morning air, pleading for him to continue as he jerked against her, hard, merciless and demanding. His hand grabbed her throat more tightly, pressing up to her jaw so that her head bent back over his shoulder and her buttocks lifted slightly. She grabbed his arm, ensuring that he didn’t strangle her but also keeping her balance as she mounted the final few steps and felt her orgasm take total control of her. Forgetting the neighbours and public she cried out in fright and pleasure as it ripped through her body and thrilled as she felt his cock pulse inside her and the warmth of his come mingle with her own gushing juices. Suddenly she felt cold while still boiling from the orgasm as it surged through her. The robe was open, her breasts exposed, her whole naked body on view, her boy’s cock visible to all and deep inside her pussy as their juices gushed. She squealed with the sheer thrill of coming in public and knew she was squirting for the second time in her life. His fingers massaged her clit, prolonging her orgasm as his cock continued to empty into her and her limbs shook uncontrollably within his tight grip. She whimpered with delight, her level of passion and love for the boy overflowing as the orgasm peaked and then, as it very slowly subsided, tears welled up in her eyes. His hand relaxed a little around her throat and his fingers gripped the inside of her thigh as she felt the steady flow of come dribbling out of her and down to her anus.

  She remained still for almost a minute, shaking and twitching now and again as the remnants of her ecstasy drifted away. She savored the feeling, the love, the location and his hardness. “Oh baby!” she said, turning her head towards him. He was still totally hard, pulsing occasionally, hot and deep inside her. The breeze reminded her of her nakedness and she pulled one side of the robe across her body, hiding her sex but leaving her breasts open to the world.

  “Hol, you are so beautiful!” he said, kissing her again. He pulled his arms around her, hugging her, nuzzling into her neck but still deeply rooted inside. He looked up and nodded. “Look, here comes the sun, see?”

  He was right. Between the two monolithic chimneys of what was part of the library complex of the university the sun began to appear, a slim crescent of golden light that brought colour and vitality to the whole vista. She turned and kissed him, smiling and struggling to hold in a giggle at the sum of all her good fortune, love and happiness. She wondered how on earth it could feel like it was doubl
ing in magnitude each time they met and how her little heart could possibly contain the voyage of discovery they shared and everything he meant to her. He was softening so she leaned up, slid her legs together and slowly stood, feeling the juices run down her thighs. Three dark streak marks ran from the seat to the edge of the balcony, presumably where she had squirted and as expected, there was a small dark patch beneath the edge of the seat. She tugged his hand, grabbed her tea and went into the kitchen.

  He frowned at her as she switched the kettle on but happily came into her out-stretched arms. She wasn’t going to say anything to him about their sudden move from the balcony to the kitchen but it was so she could savour one more indicator of their love. She pulled him close, his cock still obviously engorged but not hard as it poked against her lower stomach. She smiled and looked down, then pulled him close for a kiss. His hands went to her face and it was then, to her utter delight, that she felt the thick juices running out of her, down both thighs and onto the tiled floor. On tiptoe, she kissed him harder, squeezing her thighs together, swaying slightly back and forth as she encouraged every last drop to ooze out of her and remind her of how he had filled her. This was something she wasn’t going to mention to him but one day, if it happened often enough, she felt sure he would realise what excited her so much and would hopefully approve of it. She felt a dribble hit her ankle and rested her head on his shoulder once again knowing that this was most definitely the best way she had ever celebrated the dawn of a new day.

  They showered and dressed so that by seven that morning they were out in her car, searching for somewhere to have breakfast. A hotel seemed to offer what they needed so they parked and joined several other couples for a buffet breakfast before heading off to the river for a walk along the towpath. A little shopping followed then after lunch they returned to the apartment and made slow, passionate love in the bedroom. Holly made sure she had a chance to suck his cock both before and after he came in her, once again tasting herself on him and marveling at the effect that it had on her. She watched him as he waved to her from the security checkpoint at the airport then drove back to her house.

  Chapter 6

  Holly had several calls with Maggie Johnson and other staff members from Blockchain Banking over the following weeks in the lead up to her visit to Atlanta and the conference center adjoining the hotel. Each call was friendly, professional and productive and it was with increasing excitement that she looked forward to the day they would finally meet and she could ensure that her key client was happy about the way the conference was shaping up. According to Maggie they had received almost six hundred paid applications for the event, with more than three-quarters of those staying at the hotel. This was important for both Blockchain Banking and Millsum because it created greater leverage over the hotel for the expected catering and total room-nights.

  She booked her air ticket and informed the hotel management that she and Maggie would be down for one night to conduct a review of the property and facilities. A meeting was set up for eleven on the morning of their arrival and a tour of other functions in the afternoon. Holly made sure that the rest of her team would be available on a conference call to ask questions and made sure the event took shape as both Millsum and Blockchain Banking required.

  She and Ricky texted constantly and it sounded like his days were long and tough, which made her all the more grateful that he had flown all that way to be with her for less than twenty-four hours. Suzy was like a different girl, bubbly, always happy to see Holly and share her news, and courteous to her when Kathy stayed the night. She even joined the gym so she and Kathy could go there together in the afternoons before Holly got back from work and it was not unusual to go into the kitchen and hear them in the bathroom, giggling and sometimes splashing as they got clean.

  The week before her Atlanta meeting Holly got her hair cut at one of the more upmarket salons in town, something that she wouldn’t have dreamed of doing while a student. She was very impressed with the result and the way her hair settled naturally over her shoulders and how it framed her face so well. She sent a picture to Ricky who called her almost immediately rather than texting, saying that she looked wonderful. That was all that she really needed to hear to confirm that it was money well spent.

  The day before her departure she had a regular meeting with her team to discuss just the Atlanta conference and ran through all the preparations which had been discussed in conference calls so far. With an updated printout of the minutes of that meeting, Holly went home a little early and packed her one and only suitcase with the few things that she would need for the overnight stay. She drove to the airport very early the next morning and caught the flight without any problem, arriving in Atlanta just before ten. A taxi took her through the worst traffic she had ever encountered to the hotel, where she checked in and made her way to the twenty-second floor, room 2219. Her manager Lloyd had told her not to request a suite but be very angry if they didn’t give her one automatically. They did and it seemed to go on forever. The entrance hall split right and left. The right-hand side was devoted to the two bedrooms (both with en-suite bathrooms), while the left-hand side had the sitting room, kitchen, meeting area and huge balcony. After finding the master bedroom again she unpacked quickly and took some photos which she sent to Ricky then went downstairs to the lobby to wait for Maggie.

  They exchanged texts then realised they had been standing about twenty feet apart for some time. “Holly!” said Maggie, shaking her hand then hugging her. “Great to meet you at last!” Holly sensed the quick appraisal that she was given as Maggie’s eyes wandered down from her face to her legs then back up again.

  “And you Maggie, this is a great place, right?” offered Holly. She had been expecting someone in their forties or even older, but Maggie seemed to be only a few years older than herself. Her hair colour was similar to her own black but was cut to shoulder length and was straight.

  “Yeah, it’s served us well for this conference for the past four years. Like I said on the call, they know what we want and most of the time they run with the show without too much input from us.”

  “We have an eleven o’clock with the Conference Manager, right? Is he the guy you had last year?”

  “Yep, John Carmichael, nice guy, very efficient. This way,” said Maggie, taking her arm and leading her down towards the meeting rooms. “We’ll poke our noses in the main hall then take a look at a breakout room on the way. Should give you a sense of what we have for the conference.”

  They walked for almost five minutes before arriving at the main presentation hall which would be used to seat the six hundred attendees. It was completely empty and like an aircraft hangar with its sparse decoration and blank walls. There were no chairs, no lighting, screens, stage or backdrop. The adjoining breakout rooms were smaller but had staging already provided with a lectern and a small area at the rear for the event production staff. Seats were stacked up to one side of the room and looked like they could be wheeled out to any part of the center if and when required.

  Maggie and Holly found the conference center staff area and located John Carmichael’s office. He rose when they entered and shook their hands then showed them through to his meeting room. They ran through the main components of the whole event and John assigned names from his staff as points of contact. He gave them a short guided tour of part of the center which they had not seen, then took them out onto a restaurant patio where two more of his staff were seated, waiting for them. The setting was secluded and Holly could hear the sound of a waterfall somewhere behind the trellis which was covered in magnificent, purple bougainvillea, while the table was shaded from the sun by palm trees and manicured bushes. John introduced Jessica and Frank from his staff, who would be assigned exclusively to Millsum for the event and would be there from the initial set up through to the final guest leaving. The conversation revolved around what could go wrong and what changes Maggie had introduced which made the event different from the previous year

  Their orders were served at the table by discrete, uniformed waiters and waitresses in a style that Holly had never encountered before. She watched the way Maggie handled them, listened to her comments to the wait staff and tried to emulate her as best she could. She was elated by the way they were treating Maggie and herself and as the meal passed from appetizer into entrée the wine flowed and the conversation became faster and funnier. Jessica was a source of amusing anecdotes of crazy things she had witnessed in the hotel and each story produced howls of laughter, even though Holly could see that the event staff had heard the same sort of story many times for different clients. Frank was more serious but had a dark, distinguished look about him even though Holly guessed he wasn’t yet thirty. A second bottle of wine appeared and Holly knew that she should ease up as she wasn’t used to drinking at the rate the hotel staff seemed to expect.

  At two-thirty and three glasses of wine later, Holly and Maggie bade the event team goodbye and wandered towards the guest elevators.


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