Next Door Daddy

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Next Door Daddy Page 159

by Amy Brent

  Her weekend went by with little interruption. She half assumed he would find a way to contact her again, the different parts of her both relieved, and slightly disappointed that he didn’t. It really made no sense why she was drawn to him, he was arrogant, self-assured and obviously liked to be in charge. He was everything she avoided in men; and he threatened her emotionally. She wasn’t sure exactly how to handle a man like him.

  Halfway through Monday she had exhausted every opportunity she could find online, and locally. There was a handful of positions for her to apply to, and she had diligently applied to all of them. It seemed as though she would have to start thinking about making some bigger changes, all of which seemed to point to her moving closer to home. Just thinking about it made her cringe, she didn’t want that, above everything else. She heard her phone buzzing and she answered it, hopeful.


  “Why aren’t you here?” No greeting, just a question. She felt her heart pumping madly.

  “What are you talking about, I quit remember?” She clipped each word carefully.

  “We never finished the interview.”

  “I’m not sure what I was even interviewing for, truth be told….”

  “Do you want a job Megan?” He interrupted her.

  “I need one yes, but that’s not the point.”

  “Then we should finish what we started wouldn’t you say?” He was smiling as he said it, she could tell by his tone.

  “I think you like playing this game with me, but I have to tell you I am not interested Mr. Rutledge.” She waited. “Hello?”

  She tossed the phone down frowning, what an ass. He called me, yet he hangs up. She felt the tremor run through her once more. He liked to play games, and he knew she was affected by him. She was stupid to think she could keep it to herself. She felt the headache coming on and slipped into a hot shower hoping to erase the stress she was carrying on her shoulder. Something would come through eventually, it always had. Even as a child, things worked out the way they were supposed to, and no matter how much planning you did you just had to believe that.

  Wrapping herself up in a towel she glanced at her reflection once more. She would never be a model, at least not by industry standards. But she smiled at her reflection, she loved who she was. She moved into the kitchen, humming a song to herself as she grabbed up a piece of pineapple on her way. As she walked back towards the bedroom to get dressed she heard the sharp knock at her door. Frowning she made her way over to the door and opened it a crack to peep outside. It was him.

  “Mr. Rutledge what are you doing here?” Her skin came to life.

  He let his gaze shift down, seeing her bare shoulders and he flicked his eyes back up to hers. “I am here to finish the interview.”

  “I am uh… that is I didn’t realize.” She stammered, hating herself for it.

  “Let me in Megan… please.” His words vibrated through her and she moved to stand back letting him in. As she did she walked towards her bedroom and inside, looking for something, anything to put on.

  She knew letting him in would be her undoing. In that moment she wanted him as much as he wanted her, but she felt the fear move through her. She was always in control, and this was new for her. She turned around and he was there, standing in her room. He let his eyes travel the length of her. She let her eyes meet his, waiting.

  “I won’t touch you if you’re not ready for it Megan, I’ll never ask you to do anything you don’t want to do.” He looked at her, and she let her eyes meet his.

  The look there was different this time, he wanted her, that was obvious but his need to control it was gone, instead he was just a man and she just a woman. She held the towel around her in a firm grip, her knuckles almost white. He had put the ball in her court, giving her the choice.

  “I don’t know how to handle you… what to think or do. Every time you are around me I feel like I lose control, I don’t work well that way.” She swallowed hard as he moved towards her. He moved her curls behind her shoulder, lightly running his thumb down her shoulder.

  “Do you want control Megan… I can give you that if you want. You call the shots; I won’t even touch you if you don’t want me to.” He whispered it to her letting his finger run down towards her ample bosom.

  She trembled. “I don’t know.”

  “Do you want me Megan? If you don’t I’ll walk out of here and we don’t have to play this game any longer. I give you my word.”

  He waited and she was frozen to the spot. It was up to her. After a moment she felt him lean forward and kiss the top of her head, then left the bedroom. She was terrified of giving in to him, of letting go of herself. She still wanted him, no matter what she told herself. She heard him open the door.

  “Wait.” She spoke it aloud, but she didn’t yell. Despite that it was enough because he was there in an instant, his hands in her hair once more, pulling her to him, kissing her deeply. She kissed him back with everything she had, feeling his hands on her face but not moving any lower. She moved with him as he pressed his body into hers. He turned her and she was facing away from him, she felt his mouth trailing kisses down her back as the skin was exposed as the towel drooped down some. There was a heightened sense of awareness as she felt everything he did. The towel fell to the floor in one instant and she trembled slightly. She felt his hands on the outside of her thighs as he ran them up and over her curvy hips and up her spine, she felt both hands follow along her flesh until he cupped a breast in each hand, both spilling forward. She felt the heat of his mouth as he trailed kisses up the back of her neck, all while tugging lightly on her nipples. She leaned back into him and sighed. It had been so long. He kissed her ear and whispered.

  “You’re so beautiful Megan.” Her eyes fluttered open and she turned around. He was standing there fully dressed as she snatched up the towel from the floor to cover herself. He looked at her puzzled.

  “What’s wrong?” He took a step towards her and she took one back.

  “Why would you say that?” She stepped into the dress hurriedly. He was still puzzled as he walked over to her and grabbed her hands in his.

  “What did I say wrong? That you’re beautiful? You are, why is that wrong?” He leaned closer to her searching her face. He saw the confusion in her eyes, he didn’t know why.

  She looked at him for a long moment, perhaps he wasn’t being cruel, wasn’t joking about her looks. He seemed sincere when he’d said it. She sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed and put her head in her hands. She felt him come closer to her, she looked up to see him.

  “Has no one ever told you you’re beautiful before?” He whispered to her as he moved her hair back from her face. He then cupped her face in his hands and pulled her up against him. She looked away, but he pulled her face back up so that he could look at her, waiting for an answer.

  “Not ever said it and meant it, not really. Don’t get me wrong I love me, and my body. Most men can’t, or wont, appreciate all of me.” She mumbled back.

  She looked up at him again and heard him breath. “I meant it.” He pulled the towel from her hands and threw it across the room.

  She sat there subconsciously and watched him undress. He was sculpted and perfect. Every angle and plane of him was like a rock. He put her hands on his chest and she ran her fingers through the hair there and looked up at him. He pushed her back until she fell onto the bed and scrambled to scoot up on the blankets. He simply smiled at her as she did, and crawled across her finally settling beside her in the bed. She pulled the blanket over them and he refused to let her, he threw it onto the floor. He raised up above her and gently ran his fingertip over each nipple, watching them harden in response. He followed with his mouth greedily sucking on each one, burying his face between the glorious mounds and running his other hand along her stomach and lower until he found the apex of her thighs. He could feel the heat of her before he even got close. It was obvious that he put his own needs in check. He was throbbing and
ready but still he waited.

  “Something about you drives me crazy Megan. Tell me you want me back, before I touch you any more than I have, before I can’t stop and turn this around.”

  “I want you William.”

  He moved with easy slow movements.

  She felt his fingers slip lower until they were touching her in her most sensitive area. She felt him probing more and more as he slid one finger inside her. She arched lightly as he did so. He worked her masterfully entering first one finger, then another. She felt the tension rise up within her and she moaned as he rubbed her with his thumb. He was watching her now, he could feel her getting closer and closer and he leaned up to kiss her as she climaxed. Once she had finished moaning he easily slid up between her thighs and nudged and pushed until he was there at her opening. He looked down at her. Her glorious hair was spilled around her head and she beautiful. She opened her legs to accommodate him and with that he pushed into her deeply and fully. After a few strokes he buried the length of him inside her and together they found a rhythm that would take them both to new heights. She met him thrust for thrust, she twisted and turned any way he wanted her to and was eager to do so. He relished in the fact she gave herself with abandon, something he had never fully experienced.

  Megan was in a place where she didn’t recognize who she was, William had taken her to places she had never imagined and she was lost in the moment with him. She loved the way he moved within her and would whisper to her as he did. He moaned her name and in doing so pushed her over the edge again. He was an excellent lover and she was discovering herself with each new movement. They lay together afterwards and she fell asleep easily.

  Chapter Six- William

  He lay there watching her, she was laying on her side and her curvy hip was in the air. He felt at peace with her and was more satisfied than he’d ever been before. Normally he would go home, but not today, he wanted to be here laying with her like this. He rolled to his side and gently wrapped his arm around her and pulled her to him. He enveloped her with his body and using her hair as a pillow, fell asleep.

  He never napped, nor did he ever stay with a woman who he had been with. Every woman had served a purpose, and afterward he let her go, both moving on to their respective lives. Megan, however, was different. She made him laugh, and made him think. He had wanted her from the beginning, but he had allowed emotion to cloud his judgement. He was falling for her, and didn’t know how to stop it.

  He wasn’t really sure if he wanted to. Sure, she was different, for the papers grab hold and rip her apart. He didn’t want that for her, but he saw no way around it. If she wanted to be with him, he would try. She made him laugh, and made him want to be a better man. He would tell her so.

  He sat up quickly, moving as slow as he could, but he knew she was awake.

  “It’s getting late Megan, and I am starving.” He kissed her earlobe.

  “Oh wow, I hate naps, what in the world is wrong with me?” She moved slowly, pulling herself up, then realizing she was naked she pulled up on the sheet.

  He snatched it away. “I love looking at you, don’t take it away from me.” He gave her a smile as she stood and made her way across the room to wrap herself up in her towel once more, sticking her tongue out as she padded her way into the kitchen to make coffee. He followed her, ready to tell her how he felt.

  “Megan, being with me can be rough, with the papers and all that. I just want to make sure you’re ready for all of that.” He took the mug she offered him.

  She blinked at him confused. “Be with you? What are you talking about?”

  “In the public eye I mean.”

  “OH no, no William we can’t “be “anything. I’m sorry I thought you realized that.”

  “I have feelings for you Megan, I want to try, for something real.” He felt his heart breaking at the resolve on her face.

  “I’m sorry William, I can’t. It wouldn’t be fair to you.”

  “Fair to me? What the hell does that mean?”

  “You know how the media is. Me and you… it would be a nightmare for you.”

  She turned once more to face him, but he was gone.

  Chapter Seven- Megan

  He was gone. She let the hot tears slip down her face, her heart breaking. She had fallen for him hard, but she refused to let him be berated because she was on his arm. No, it wasn’t fair to either of them, but he would learn to hate her for it.

  She had fallen for him to an extent that she had not even realized that she was not on the pill!

  Not on the pill!

  This could mean something else….

  She went through the emotions of her heartbreak, missing him even more now. An hour later, she heard the knock at her door and she made her way to it, opening it up to face him again.

  “William, what are you doing here?” She did her best to hide her face from him.

  He moved into the room cupping her chin in his hand. “You are a strong woman, Megan James, I know it.”

  “So, what does that have to do with anything?”

  “Tell me you don’t love me Megan…”

  She felt her heart hurting…. She couldn’t say the words. “I can’t.” She whispered.

  “Good, because you’re stuck with me now.” He gave her a sweet kiss.

  “What are you talking about?” She looked puzzled once more.

  “I just leaked the story that I was engaged, so you will have to deal with the media, just trust in me and we will be fine Megan. “He was asking her, searching her eyes.

  “Engaged….?” She trailed off as she noticed he was looking up at her.

  “Megan James you are stubborn, bossy and controlling. You're also, loving, giving and beautiful. Marry me.”

  She could barely shake her head yes as he slipped on the ring.

  “I guess this means I got the job?” She laughed between her happy tears.

  “I have a whole new job for you sweetheart.” He gave her a kiss and led her into the bedroom once more, to show her exactly what that job was.

  Epilogue: Megan loved her new job – Being William’s wife and an interior decorator for their new palatial house. And was now busy decorating the nursery for their soon to be born baby girl.

  Her next contract was redecorating William’s office but he had mentioned that he would be fine if they took it a little slow. He wanted to make sure that she takes proper rest during her pregnancy and was happy working from his home office three days a week – the arrangement worked perfect for Megan’s hormones and William’s drive. They could never have been happier!

  ****THE END***

  Exclusive!! Irresistible - Hot Never Before Published Bad Boy Romance


  “See that guy over there?” my friend Tabitha asked as she nudged me in the side.

  I looked over at the guy she was not-so-subtly pointing at. “Yeah, I see him. What about him?”

  “He hasn't taken his eyes off you since we've walked in,” she said. “He's gorgeous. You should definitely go over there and talk to him.”

  I stared over at the handsome stranger Tabby was talking about. He was with a couple of other guys playing pool in the corner. On the surface, he was everything I liked in a man – tall, dark, handsome and dressed incredibly well. He looked like he was fit and took good care of himself.

  I could tell that he came from money. Dressed the way he was, his hair neatly styled, and just the way he carried himself made me pretty certain of that. His designer jeans hugged his toned, taut body, clinging deliciously to his ass every time he bent over to take his turn. But it wasn't his body that attracted me the most – though, I certainly wasn't complaining about it.

  No, what caught my attention and held it were his deep, blue eyes and chiseled cheekbones. His cheekbones made me think of all the male underwear models on the cover of magazines, and I thought I could absolutely drown in the depths of those beautiful eyes.

  The urge to saunter over and strik
e up a conversation with the handsome stranger was strong. I usually wasn't the shrinking violet type and had never really had much of a problem striking up conversations with strangers before. But as I looked at him, a wave of hesitance and trepidation washed over me and I knew that I couldn't go over there.

  “You like him, don't you?” Tabitha cooed, playfully slapping my shoulder. “Seriously, go talk to him, Emlia. From where I stand, you've got nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain. I mean, did you see the ass on that man? Wow.”

  I looked down my drink and shrugged, the momentary feeling of bravado and the urge to go talk to him passing quickly.

  “I can't,” I said. “And you know why.”

  “You can't because of Tony? Seriously?” she asked, astonishment in her voice. “Why in the hell would you pass up on that hunk of a man because of Tony?”

  “Yeah, because of Tony,” I scoffed. “He's my fiance for Godsake.”

  “But he's an asshole. Not to mention the fact that you don't love him, Emlia,” Tabitha said. “That's only a marriage of convenience, or strategy or whatever, and we both know it. So why not let yourself have a little fun on your own time?”

  “Because my father would kill me if he found out I'd been unfaithful,” I said.

  “Why? Because men get to have all the fun? You know that Tony's already bangin' somebody else – and will be long after you're married. So why shouldn't you get to find yourself a little fun on the side?” Tabitha raised an eyebrow at me. “Go over there and talk to him. You know you want to.”

  I did want to. Tabby was right about that. Tony might have been the man I was supposed to marry and love, but honestly, there was just nothing there. Nothing between us. No spark. No chemistry – nothing at all. I wasn't attracted to him in any way, shape, or form. And no matter how many times he'd tried to sleep with me, I always found a way around it. I just couldn't fathom the idea of him putting his hands on me – not without feeling sick to my stomach.


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