Next Door Daddy

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Next Door Daddy Page 165

by Amy Brent

  But he was diving a smaller, faster car – and he was a pretty damn good driver. So when he moved left again and I moved to block, he cut quickly to the other side and got on my right. I wasn't going to be able to keep him behind me.

  “Get down,” I snarled. “Keep your head down.”

  Emelia did as she was told, practically laying down with her head in my lap. In any other circumstance, I might take advantage of that – but not when the stakes were life and death. I knew I had to do something. If I let them pull up alongside me, they'd simply shoot through the window and kill me.

  The engine on the Impala roared, echoing into the night, while the high pitched whine of the asian car he was driving tried to compete. While my Impala made a better sound, his car was moving quicker and his driver's side window was almost to the passenger side window. If I didn't do something then and there, I was going to get my ass shot.

  So I did the only thing I could – I cut the wheel to the right.

  The sound of my car running into theirs was horrendous. It was as if somebody wearing a steel boot stepped on a plastic cup. The crunching and creaking of the impact drowned out the sound of the engines for a moment.

  The wheel shuddered in my hand and the Impala was groaning loud, but the plan worked. I watched as Colin's car slid off the road, saw the shower of sparks and flames when it hit a tree. At the speed they were going, I wasn't sure that they could have survived the crash. Maybe the did and maybe they didn't. I wasn't going to stick around to find out. The only thing that mattered in that moment was that Emelia and I were free.

  Emeilia sat up and tried to look in her side view mirror, hoping to see some of the carnage. But it was to dark and we'd put too much distance between us anyway. All that I knew was that – at least for the moment – we were entirely free.

  I punched the accelerator and shot off into the night, looking for a place to lay low for a few days.


  “I think I'm going to be sick,” I said, slinking down low in my seat.

  I hadn't felt well for days, but the adrenaline rush of having to run from Colin had allowed me to forget about my sick stomach long enough to do what had to be done. But now that we were safe, that greasy feeling in the pit of my stomach returned and I felt like I was going to throw up all over again.

  “Can we stop somewhere, please?” I asked, wondering if I was going to make it until we stopped.

  “Sure thing, Emmy,” he said, looking over at me with a worried look on his face. “You okay?”

  “I'm fine. Just something I ate isn't agreeing with me, I think,” I croaked. “I think the adrenaline rush from that chase is making my stomach churn.”

  Deacon nodded and started to slow the car down. “So where did you learn to shoot like that?”

  I shrugged. “You grow up in this life, you learn a lot of useful skills. I didn't actually think I'd ever use some of them though.”

  “I suppose so,” he said with a laugh.

  He pulled into the nearest gas station and I jumped out of the car and ran inside. After throwing up in the bathroom – which already appeared to be covered in vomit – I looked through the feminine hygiene section. Grabbing what I needed, I walked up to the counter, making sure Deacon wasn't around or watching me from the car or something. I saw him outside, standing at the car and watching the entrance, but he couldn't see me – or what I was buying – most likely.

  I checked out, asked for a bag and rushed back out to the car.

  “Feeling better, I hope?”

  “Yeah, a lot, thanks. Getting that out of my system helped.” I said, climbing in the front seat of the car.

  Deacon got in the other side and started the engine with a roar. We drove off, looking for the nearest hotel in this podunk little town.

  “I need to ditch the car,” he said. “Find another mode of transportation for us. Just in case.”

  I nodded. He was probably right. If Colin had surived the crash, he'd be looking for the Impala.

  “But first, let's find somewhere to lie low,” he said. “Get some rest and we can deal with all this shit tomorrow, what do ya say?”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Deacon looked over at me, worried again. “You sure you're okay, love?”

  “Yeah, just tired. Everything that's happened lately has me feeling a bit wrung out,” I said, closing my eyes and listening to the hum of the road beneath our tires. “Sleep sounds really nice.”

  Deacon pulled into a hotel parking lot a few minutes later. It was a pretty gross and shabby place – looking like the sort of place that rented rooms by the hour. It was most definitely not the nicer hotels I was used to, but it would do. Deacon pulled around back so that the car not visible from the highway.

  He paid with a fake name and ID. No questions asked – not surprising in a place like that. We got our room key and walked to our room, mostly in silence. Deacon was on edge, his head turning this way and that as he looked for any potential threats. I glanced around too, but didn't see anything. Then again, I wasn't as well trained and might miss something that Deacon could see.

  But we made it to our room without incident, thankfully. I wan't sure I could have handled a shootout right there in the parking lot. And as soon as we were alone in the room, with the door closed and locked, I felt my entire body relax and I fell into Deacon's arms.

  And to my surprise, he held me close. He stroked my hair and gently kissed the top of my head. This man, who only weeks before had kidnapped me, was now holding me close and hugging me. Comforting me. I looked up into those blue eyes and smiled, just happy to be alive – and to be with him.

  He kissed me, and unlike before, there was more to it than simply raw, unadulterated lust. This time, I could tell that for him, it wasn't just about sex. It was a sweet kiss. A gentle kiss. The sort of kiss you give to somebody you truly care for – not one you just want to screw. It was a kiss that sent a shockwave through my entire body and caused butterflies to start battering the inside of my tummy.

  I kissed him back, eager to return his emotions and things got heated quickly – because how could they not in that situation? This man was still insanely gorgeous to me and everything about him was sexy. Though there was more emotion behind our kissing than before, that didn't mean I wasn't still feeling powerful waves of lust for this man.

  “I can't believe I'm saying this,” Deacon said as he stared into my eyes. “But I think I'm falling in love with you, Emelia.”

  My heart fluttered inside of my chest and I felt such a torrent of emotion that I felt like I could cry. And in that moment – such a sweet, tender, even romantic moment – the rush of happiness I felt pushed away all the scary memories that had been etched into my mind earlier in the day.

  “Really?” I choked. “I mean, I think I'm falling in love with you too, but it just doesn't seem possible, given the circumstances and all. It just seems – crazy.”

  “It's crazy, but it's true,” he said, pushing a strand of hair from my face so he could see me better. “I'm as surprised as you are, but you're one hell of a girl, Emmy.”

  I could feel the color rushing to my cheeks, and I remembered what I had grabbed at the gas station earlier in the day. I hadn't had a chance to use it yet, but now, given everything we'd just confessed to each other, it seemed as good a time as any to talk about it.

  “Good, I'm glad to hear you say that, Deacon,” I said, looking down at his shirt instead of his face.

  I focused on the buttons, fidgeting with them out of nervousness – I had no idea how he was going to react to what I was about to say. And not knowing made my insides churn.

  “I'm glad you care for me, Deacon, because I think I might be pregnant.”


  “I love you, Emelia,” he whispered into my ear, nipping at it playfully.

  We were curled up on the bed of some random hotel in the middle of nowhere – a dumpy little dive, truth be told – but it was just him and me. And ho
nestly, I was the happiest I'd ever been. Pressed up against his warm, firm body, all I wanted was to be with him.

  Deacon Murphy was the man of my dreams, and no matter where we ended up, I knew we'd be happy as long as we were together. I never imagined that things could be this way with him. But I was thankful for it.

  “I love you too,” I said, staring up into his deep, blue eyes and feeling my heart skip a beat. “So very much.”

  “I still can't believe I met a woman who has the power to turn me to mush the way you do,” he said, kissing the tip of my nose. “And of all the women in this world I could have fallen for, I still can't believe I fell for you – the daughter of my sworn enemy. Who'd have ever thought that?”

  “Tell me about it,” I said, laughing. “You weren't exactly at the top of my list either.”

  Deacon looked into my eyes and lowered his face, pressing his soft lips to mine. Our kisses grew more urgent and intense as his hands moved up the length of my body, cupping my breasts and drawing a throaty groan from me.

  Deacon pulled me to him, pressing his body into mine, and I felt his erection through his boxer shorts. It was still early in the morning, the sun had just come out, but Deacon's cock was already awake and standing at attention. It seemed like the perfect way to start a day to me.

  Reaching down, I gripped the erection straining against the fabric of his boxers, stroking it, as I stared into his eyes. I'd never grow tired of that. I gave this man my virginity, I had his child growing inside of me, and if I had my way, he was the only man I'd ever be with.

  Deacon removed my nightgown, slipping it over my head and kissing me as he tossed it to the floor on the side of the bed. I gasped when his mouth latched onto my nipple and he sucked on it. He nipped at it, teasing me with the tip of his tongue, as he stared up at me with such need in those pretty eyes of his.

  “Yes, yes,” I said, arching my body toward him.

  Each time he licked or sucked on my nipple, it was like having an electrical current surge through my body. The feeling of his mouth on my breasts was intense and it drove me absolutely wild. I removed his boxers, tossing them in the general direction he'd thrown my nightgown and slid my hand over the flesh of his stiff cock, gripping it tightly in my hands. Stroking him from base to tip, I smiled, loving listening to the sounds he made as I proceeded to jack him off.

  “Suck me,” he begged. “Please. I need to feel your mouth on my cock.”

  Having had such little experience giving oral sex to a man, I was a little nervous – but at the same time, I also loved feeling him between my lips. I loved listening to his moans and groans as I licked and sucked on him.

  Pushing Deacon down onto his back, I moved down the length of his body, running my tits over his cock. I let his dick sit between them as I rubbed it up and down, licking just the tip of him as I stared into his eyes. His fingertips dug into the flesh of my shoulders and he groaned as I continued to tease him with the tip of my tongue.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” he gasped. “Do you know that?”

  “I'm just glad you think so,” I said, moving lower and gripping him in my hand.

  I took the head of his cock between my lips as I stroked the base, never breaking eye contact with him as I did it. His hand ran along the back of my head as I teased and taunted him with my lips and tongue, taking just a little bit of him into my mouth at a time. Instead of taking him into my mouth completely, like I knew he wanted me to, I licked him up and down and all around the tip, just savoring the experience and the way he looked down at me. Relishing that look of pure desire and need in his eyes.

  I watched the need build in his eyes, saw the tension of pure want on his face, and could only smile. I was in control and I had the power. And when he least expected it, I fully engulfed him with my mouth, taking him in as far as I could. Since he was so large, my hand made up the difference – there was no way I could take his entire cock into my mouth at once. I bobbed my head up and down on his shaft, moving slowly at first until his breathing grew ragged and his body grew tense. He moaned with pleasure and called my name softly, which made me even wetter than I already was.

  I didn't want to make him cum like that – especially not so soon – so I pulled back, licking the pre-cum from his tip and letting him watch as it stretched from his cock to my tongue.

  With his balls in my hand, I went back to licking and kissing the sides of his shaft as I stroked the head of his dick, and Deacon was groaning louder. He was begging me to take him into my throat, to suck him harder. Which I did once more, taking him all in at once, drawing an animalistic grunt from him as I did.

  “Stop, stop, stop,” he said, but he arched upward, almost as if his body was begging me not to listen. “I don't want to finish yet.”

  As much as I wanted to finish him off with my mouth, my body also had needs of its own that it was crying out to be sated – like having him inside of me.

  Sliding up his body and crawling on top of him, I straddled him and placed my opening against his hard shaft, letting just the tip penetrate the lips of my pussy. Our eyes met and was followed by our lips as our kissing intensified, the passion flowing between us. As our tongues danced in my mouth, Deacon thrust his hips upward, driving himself inside of me and taking me by surprise. My eyes grew wide and I gasped as he filled me up completely.

  With his hands on my ass cupping and squeezing, he moved me up and down on top of him, his nails digging into my flesh and his cock slamming deep into me. His tongue pushed past my lips as he kissed me while I rode his body, hard, rubbing my clit against him with each downward motion. Never in my life had anything felt as good as this.

  He moved his head down, taking my nipple into his mouth, licking and sucking on it while I increased my pace and fucked him harder. Faster. He threw his head back and cried out as I gripped his cock with the muscles in my pussy.

  “Jesus, Emelia,” he moaned. “Jesus Christ, yes. Don't stop.”

  And I didn't stop. Planting my hands against his hard chest for support, I started thrusting my hips up and down, fucking him harder, taking him deeper. I felt the pressure building up low within me, could feel my orgasm building like a wave out on the ocean. And I knew that it was only a matter of time before that wave came crashing down over me.

  Deacon's body twitched and spasmed as I rode him. His muscles tensed and he gritted his teeth. I knew he wasn't going to last much longer either. The sensations were so amazing and so powerful, I wasn't ready for it to end and wanted to keep it going as long as possible.

  Deacon groaned and stopped me – though I could see the regret in his eyes. He looked at me and smiled.

  “My turn,” he said.

  He pulled me down off of him, putting me down on my hands and knees. He got behind me and guided his cock to my opening. With one hard thrust, he buried himself deep inside of me, drawing a gasp from me. With one hand, he grabbed on to my hip as he started to pump his cock in and out of my wet pussy. His other hand found my hair, giving it a nice hard pull, forcing my head back.

  The blend of the small amount of pain of him pulling my hair blended with the pleasure of him thrusting his cock deep into me drove me insane. I cried out, calling his name, begged him to fuck me harder – a request which he was more than happy to oblige.

  The sound of our bodies slapping together echoed around the small room, mixing with our grunts, moans, and cries, creating an amazing symphony. His fingers dug into the flesh of my hip and I knew he was nearing the end of the line. At the same time though, that wave that had been building on the horizon within me came rushing to the shore, breaking with a speed and intensity I didn't expect.

  My body spasmed and felt like it was on fire as I came, sensations of pleasure radiating along my every nerve ending. I screamed out Deacon's name as I came harder than I ever thought possible. And that was it for him.

  I felt Deacon's body lock up and he pulled back as he moaned. I felt his hot seed shooting all over my back an
d my ass. It felt like a warm rain splashing down on my skin and I loved the sensation of it.

  I fell onto my stomach and Deacon collapsed next to me on his back. Our breathing was ragged and laboured, but we couldn't contain our smiles. He leaned over and kissed me again, this time a little bit softer and gentler.

  He pulled away and looked me in the eye. “I love you, Emelia,” he whispered. “I'm so lucky to have you in my life.”

  I smiled and felt my tears begin to well with tears. “I love you, Deacon.”


  Staring down at her, despite everything that had happened, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was one of the luckiest guys on the planet. Sure, I'd lost the Brothers in this whole mess, but given what I knew now, I was probably better off for it. I thought they'd have my back through thick and thin, but come to find out, they'd deceived me. They'd lied to me. They'd tried to kill me.

  And one day, I'd have my revenge for that. For now though, I had Emelia. And that was more than enough.

  I stroked a strand of her hair from her face as she slept peacefully, curled up beside me. Her chest rose and fell with each deep breath. Living in hotels like this, living on the run – it was no life for her and it was no way to raise a child. I needed to figure something out, find somewhere we could go, somewhere we could stay and be safe. And I needed to figure it all out quick.

  But for now, I needed to take care of my sleeping beauty. I needed to make sure that she was okay. That she was safe. And that meant making sure she had food and everything else she could possibly need or want. I wanted to give her everything. Wanted to make sure she knew she was loved and to treat her like the queen she was.

  My stomach rumbled, reminding me that it had been a little while since we'd last eaten and I remembered the diner attached to the hotel. I figured that I could run down there, pick up some pancakes and orange juice and be back before she woke up for the second time that morning. I could serve her breakfast in bed – which I thought would be the second-best way to start the day.


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