Please, Sir

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Please, Sir Page 2

by Leigha Taylor

  “So it’s okay that I know nothing about all of this?”

  “It’s usually better that way. Then they don’t have to get rid of any bad habits you already have. They love to have a clean slate.”

  “So what happens after I’m paired with someone? And do they have to get tested, too?”

  “All the submissives and Masters who work here are tested monthly. You will receive a copy of your Master’s most recent results after you’ve been matched. Then we’ll make twelve appointments for you to meet with your Master twice a week for six weeks. After that, what happens is up to you and your Master. At the end of the six weeks, we have a short questionnaire we like our clients to fill out. They’re just general questions about your experience with us. Does this sound like something you’re interested in?”

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  The voice on the other end of the line is soothing. “Don’t worry, honey, we’ve never had an unhappy client. We have had a few people who realized they weren’t right for this lifestyle, but even those clients left with smiles on their faces.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I was in your place once and it was scary as hell to make that first phone call. It was quite a few years ago now, and I wouldn’t change a thing.”

  “You were a client?”

  “I sure was! I was one of their first, actually, and now I’m happily paired in a 24/7 D/s relationship with the love of my life, Heath. He’s the “H” in HJR. He’s also my husband and my Master.”

  “So some of the Masters are married?”

  “A few of them are, actually. The other two owners are single, but quite a few of the other Masters are either married, engaged, or in committed relationships. Each Master has a submissive who works with him here, and many of them are together in their personal lives as well. When we take on clients who want to try being Dominant, the submissives work with their Master to aid in training. Since you’re a submissive trainee, you’ll only work with the Master himself.”

  “Wow. There is so much to this! I’m glad I called, though.”

  “Me, too, honey. If you definitely want to get started, I’ll give you the number for the doctor who does our testing and you can make an appointment with his office.”

  That was three weeks ago. Right before I called Caroline, all shaky and excited, I received a phone call confirming my first appointment with Master J for tomorrow night. The receptionist, who I now know as Kara, gave me a little pep talk and told me she was glad I followed through. There were a few moments when I thought about dropping the whole idea, but I’ve managed to get this far. The first thing that freaked me out was the list of instructions I received in the mail. Titled “Preparation,” it was a detailed list of what I must do before each and every meeting with my new Master.

  Number One: The Uniform. You will wear a white button up shirt in your size or one smaller. Baggy clothing will not be tolerated. You will wear a black skirt with a hem at least six inches above the knee in your size or one smaller. You will wear black stilettos with a heel height of at least three inches. Your hair is to be secured in a braid down the middle of your back.

  Number Two: Arrival time. Your appointment time is set for eight o’clock on Tuesdays and Saturdays. If you arrive any later than seven fifty-five, you will be considered tardy which is grounds for punishment. Arrival after eight fifteen will not be tolerated and you will forfeit the session. Forfeiting a session is grounds for punishment during the next.

  Number Three: Grooming. You must be waxed at least two days prior to the first session. A Brazilian wax will ensure that you are completely free of hair in all areas of interest. Armpits must be shaved or waxed as well. You will shower with lavender body wash no earlier than two hours before your session. You will not wear perfume of any kind.

  Number Four: Masturbation. Touching yourself without the express permission of your Master is strictly prohibited. You may obtain permission during your sessions at your Master’s discretion. This rule is in effect from the moment you receive these instructions.

  Number Five: Safeword. You will choose a name and a safeword. You must inform your Master of these choices at your first session. Your Master may change your name to any other he deems appropriate, but your safeword will not change. You may not use your own name during your sessions.

  Failure to follow these rules and any others set forth by your Master or HJR Services is grounds for punishment. More serious infractions are grounds for termination from the program without warning.

  Some of the rules are great; I’ve chosen the safeword “monkey” both for its ridiculousness and my certainty that it will not come up in regular conversation. I’m comfortable with it and it’s reassuring that it’s something of my own. But, waxing? I had never waxed in my life. I’ve always just left everything in its natural state. It was not the most pleasant of experiences when I walked out of the spa two days ago feeling like my crotch was on fire.

  Since then, I’ve gotten used to the feeling of the naked skin between my legs. I was tempted to really explore the area and get myself off, but I didn’t want to start off by intentionally breaking the rules.

  Chapter Two

  At exactly seven fifty-five, I pull into the parking lot at 1867 Cypress Street. I’m surprised to find that it’s an office building. Kara gave me this address last night and told me I’d be looking for Suite 7. I assumed that my session would be taking place in a hotel. I guess that’s what I get for assuming things. Walking in the front door, I look around and it reminds me of the building that houses my physician’s office. The fluorescent lights are bright and reflect off the glossy white walls. To my right, I see an empty reception area near a bank of elevators. There is a sign on the wall that tells me Suite 7 is on the fourth floor, so I make my way over to press the button indicating my desire to go up. As I wait, I’m very aware that I haven’t heard a sound since I entered. It’s almost as if I am the only one here.

  The phone on the reception desk rings, breaking the silence and scaring me half to death. As I look in that direction, I see Kara Willis engraved in the nameplate on the desk, reassuring me that I am in the right place. A loud ding startles me again as the elevator doors spread wide in front of me, daring me to enter.

  I press the button labeled “four” with a shaky hand and close my eyes. I barely have a second to breathe before the doors open on the opposite side of the elevator car and I reluctantly exit. Another sign indicates that Suite 7 is to my left, Suite 8 to my right.

  Turning to my left, it’s only seconds before I reach a door labeled with a large number seven and an engraved sign telling me to “Please Knock.”

  Doing as it says, I barely rap my knuckles against the door before it’s pulled open abruptly and a voice growls, “You’re late.”

  “It was only seven fifty-five when I…” I begin, but the words fall away as I look up into the face of Jesse Marks, older brother of my good friend, Caroline. I haven’t seen him in a few years; my holidays with the Marks family stopped when I married Robert. He looks amazing in his dark, distressed jeans and bare torso, every muscle of his abdomen clearly defined. I take him in from the sandy hair I once ran my fingers through to the bare feet resting on the ground in front of me before either of us says a word.

  “Allison?” he finally asks, stunned.

  “Jesse, what…? Are you Master J?”

  “Yeah, I… Yes. I had no idea I was meeting you. I knew I was meeting a new sub, but client names are left off the profiles we choose from, so I didn’t know you would be the one on the other side of that door.”

  “Does Caroline know about this?” I’m afraid to ask, but I can’t be here another moment without knowing. She never realized we spent a summer kissing and touching each other whenever we could, but I’d never been able to hide the huge crush I had on him. I’ll never forget being told, in a burst of colorful words, just what she thought of that crush. My feelings for Jesse never really faded, I always
thought he was amazing, but Caroline was more important to me. She still is. There is a sinking feeling in my stomach as I stand here in front of the older brother she forbid me to even think about.

  “Yeah, she does. She definitely does. She’s not into, um, all this, but she understands that this is what I do. Allison, we need to talk about what happens next.”

  “Next? Jesse, the next thing that happens is I walk out that door and pretend this never happened. What else could possibly happen at this point?”

  “We could go on with our session. I can regain control of this situation and we can proceed.”

  “Why the hell would we do that? I can’t do that to Caroline!”

  “Allison, Caroline understands my job. She understands my company…”

  “Your company?”

  “I’m the ‘J’ in HJR. This is a full-time career for me, and it’s also what I’m passionate about. Yes, I’m surprised that you’re the sub, and this is not the best way to start our first session, but this doesn’t mean we can’t get our bearings and continue.”

  My mind is reeling. I’ve always had a thing for this incredibly sexy man, but Jesse being eye-candy is one thing. Being his sub, even his sub-in-training… That’s a whole new story.

  “I’m not ready for anyone to know about this, Jesse. I know nothing about the realities of BDSM. I know I like what I’ve read and I know I want to experience some of it for myself. This is not something I can discuss with anyone right now, not even Care. Not to mention that she forbade me a long time ago to even look at you!”

  “I haven’t forgotten,” Jesse mused. For a moment, I thought he looked sad, but he was right back to business so quickly I figured I imagined it. “Right now, you will tell me the name you chose and that’s how I will refer to you. Caroline will only know what you tell her. You aren’t the first person to walk through that door with a familiar face, but you are the first one who practically grew up at my house. If that’s truly something that’s a deal-breaker for you, I will have the other Masters look over your profile to see if any of them think they are a good match for you.

  “I have to tell you, though; I was intrigued by your application. I chose you for myself because I think we are a good fit and I think you can learn a lot from me. You need to decide right now what you want to do. I will leave this room for one minute. If you decide to leave, Kara will contact you to set you up with a new Master. If you decide to stay, we will act like this never happened and I will re-enter this room as Master J. Jesse and Allison will no longer be here. You have sixty seconds.”

  At that, he spins on his heel and walks straight out the door.

  I’m not sure what to do. I know that if I walk out of this room, it will be the end of this experience. I don’t want to be set up with the Master who is second best for me. I don’t want Kara to tell me it’s all just fine and that she’s happy to set up new appointments for me. I want Jesse. I mean, I want Master J. I’ve always wanted a chance to have him, but it was just fantasy. The reality of it is intimidating. It feels wrong in so many ways, but the very idea of Jesse being the one to dominate me floods me with desire so strong I actually sigh out loud. I don’t really have a choice. I’m ready for Master J and whatever he has in store for me.


  The door opens again and I’m still standing in the same spot as before. Jesse clears his throat and says, “Are you the new submissive?”

  I nod my head, any words I may have used are stuck in my throat.

  “You will answer me out loud every time I ask you something. I will ask you again, are you the new submissive.”


  “You will address me as Master J or Sir.”

  “Yes, Master J.”

  “Better. You will not speak unless I ask you a direct question or I give you permission to speak freely. What name have you chosen for yourself?”


  “Why have you chosen that name?”

  “Ummm…” I don’t have an answer right away. I wasn’t expecting to be quizzed on my choices.

  “Umm is not an acceptable answer. When I ask you a question, I expect an open and honest answer immediately. Let’s try this again. Why have you chosen the name Lila?”

  This time, I say the first thing that comes to mind. “It’s a beautiful name and I thought it would make me feel beautiful to be called by it. I first saw it in a book and I wished I’d been given that name. Now that I have the opportunity, I’m choosing it for myself.”

  There is a slight smile in Jesse’s eyes that tells me he’s pleased with my answer. He wants open and honest, and I will try my best to keep giving that to him.

  “Very well, Lila. You may speak freely for the moment while we get to know each other.”

  He’s allowed me the freedom to speak, but I have nothing to say. Trying my best to think of a response, he startles me by raising his voice.

  “You should thank me for giving you permission to speak.”

  “Thank you. Um, Thank you, Master J,” I correct myself before Master J can do it for me.

  “Why were you late to our session, Lila?” Master J looms large over me, his six-foot-three-frame dwarfing my own at five-foot-six.

  “I don’t think I was late, Master J,” I tell him, finding that I am unsure of my own answer.

  “You were told to be here by seven fifty-five, were you not?”

  “Yes, Sir, but…”

  “You may have arrived in the lot at seven fifty-five, but you did not knock on my door until seven fifty-nine. That is four minutes of my time you will be held accountable for.”

  “Yes, Master J.” I’m trembling a bit as I wonder what he means by “accountable.” He was right about one thing. Jesse definitely isn’t here. This is all Master J, but I am as attracted to him as I ever was to Jesse, if not more. I can feel my panties starting to soak just from standing near him

  “Please tell me the safeword you have chosen.”

  “It’s, um, it’s monkey, Sir.”

  “Monkey.” He repeats it and it sounds so silly in this stark white room. I hadn’t really noticed before, but the room we’re in reminds me of any other waiting room I’ve ever entered.

  “Why have you chosen monkey?” he asks me, but this time I’m prepared for the question.

  “Honestly, Sir, it’s the first word that popped into my head. I figured if that’s the case, then it should pop into my head when it’s supposed to. I also didn’t think we’d be talking about monkeys in here very often.”

  Jesse doesn’t actually respond, just makes a small sound that makes me think he choked back a laugh. He nods, seeming satisfied with the answer.

  “Let’s begin, Lila. We will enter the training room now. Upon entering the room, you will find a small cushioned pad on the floor to your right. You will kneel on that pad, hands clasped behind your head, breasts out, eyes looking down to the floor. You will do this every time you enter the room. From now on, you will not knock on the outer door. You will come straight in here and get into position. You may not see me right away, but, rest assured, I will always know if you are late.”

  “Yes, I understand, Sir.”

  “Very good.”

  He opens the door to a room that is lit with much softer lighting and he walks through without a backward glance at me. Walking in behind him, my eyes dart around as they take in the vast array of BDSM equipment on display. I’ve done enough research to know what some of it is. I see a St. Andrew’s cross and a spanking bench along with a few other furniture-type pieces I don’t recognize, all surrounding a large bed in the middle of the room. The far wall is covered with cuffs of various sizes and materials, metal bars, and lengths of rope and chain. The wall to my left has canes, whips, paddles, floggers, and too many other things to take in all at once. The wall to my right is covered with cupboards and drawers, leaving me curious about their contents.

  In my desire to become familiar with my surroundings, I’ve completely forgotten
to look for the kneeling pad Master J mentioned. It’s only when I hear him clear his throat that I realize what I’ve done.

  “That’s another two minutes for which you will be held accountable. Please take your position.”

  “Yes, Sir, um, I’m so sorry, Master J.”

  Finding the mat, I hurry to kneel and I only feel a small twinge of embarrassment as I push my breasts out. The snug button-down I’ve been asked to wear leaves little to the imagination as it is. Putting the ladies out and on display is something that is altogether foreign to me.

  Walking over to me, Master J puts his hand on my head. Patting me softly, he walks away again, exiting the room through a door in the back I hadn’t noticed until now. It seems like a long time, but probably isn’t more than a couple of minutes, before he re-enters the room and takes something down from its hook on the far wall.

  Walking toward me again, he commands, “Stand.”

  Silently, I do as he says, straining to see what is in his hand. As he approaches, I see that he has selected a set of black leather wrist cuffs that are about two inches wide. He turns me around, securing my wrists behind me and running his hand down the length of my auburn braid before turning me again to face him.

  As I stand there, Master J begins to touch me. He starts by putting his hands on either side of my face and rubbing his thumbs across my lips. Moving down my body, he touches my shoulders, my arms, my back. I can feel a trail of electricity that’s left behind after his hands have moved on.

  Moving around to the front, he flattens his palms against my stomach and moves upward, almost, but not quite, touching my breasts. I find myself leaning forward just a bit, silently begging him to touch them. He has other ideas, though, and moves downward again, sliding his arms around me to cup my buttocks and back to the front again, moving down my thighs, the backs of my knees, rubbing my calves. Standing upright again, he begins unbuttoning my blouse. At the third button, he stops to look at me.


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