Please, Sir

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Please, Sir Page 4

by Leigha Taylor

  “Stopping me for no reason is cause for punishment, Lila.”

  “I... Sir, I…”

  “You may speak freely for the moment.”

  “Sir, I’ve never been touched there. It makes me nervous. I’m not sure I’m ready for that.”

  “I need you to trust me to know what you can handle, Lila. I need you to understand that being uncomfortable with something is okay, that we can work through that. I won’t do anything that I truly think you can’t bear. Eventually, I’m going to claim this ass hole as my own and fuck you senseless. Anal sex can be incredibly intense and pleasurable for both of us, but we aren’t there yet. My goal tonight is to show you a taste of several new things. During these first couple of sessions, I want you to have a broad range of experiences so we can start to find out exactly what you really love and what just doesn’t work for you. Do you trust me, Lila?”

  “I do, Sir.” I truly mean the words. I understand what he’s trying to accomplish and I’m grateful for it. I feel a little ashamed at my behavior and I begin to apologize. “I’m sorry, Sir, I…”

  “That will do. I think we’ve come to an understanding. Now relax.”

  I move back into my original position, a little closer to the end of the bed and concentrate on breathing in and out, relaxing my body. Master J’s finger returns to gather more of the seemingly endless wetness my body has provided before moving back to the tight circle between my ass cheeks and pressing forward again. As I breathe and relax, breathe and relax, I find that the feeling, although foreign, isn’t unpleasant. His finger begins to slide in and out just a little and it has every nerve in my body set on edge.

  His finger leaves me and this time I’m a little disappointed. It only lasts for a second, though, as I hear items on the tray being moved and something cold touches me, filling the void his finger left behind. I’m trying to be good, but I can’t stand not knowing what’s going on. I’m really curious to know what is being used on me and I can’t wait another second, my words coming out in a rush.

  “Sir, may I please speak? Please?”

  “Yes, Lila, you may speak,” Master J answers, the cool object never breaking contact with my skin as he presses forward and I can feel my ass hole begin to stretch open.

  “What is that, Sir? What are you using on me? Everything is unfamiliar, Sir, and I would just really like to know what is touching me right now.”

  “This is a butt plug, Lila. It’s a very small one, so you will feel pressure, but it won’t hurt. At least it won’t hurt much. The pain is directly related to your ability to relax, so calm down, and keep breathing.”

  “Yes, Sir, I’ll keep breathing.”

  I think I hear him laugh just a little as my moment of panic and curiosity ceases. I can handle a small butt plug, I tell myself. I’m still giving myself a pep talk when the pressure I feel increases and there is a tiny spark of pain as the object Master J is using slides further into me. Just as the pressure reaches its peak, I feel a sort of pop and I know the object is inside me, but there is no pain. There is only sensation. Master J taps on the end of the plug and I can feel it throughout my body, all the way to my toes.

  I hear the tray rattle again and a buzzing sound fills my ears. I jump when a vibrator is placed against my clit, but this time it’s not to pull away. The feeling is incredible and it makes me hyperaware of the toy still in my ass. Before I realize it, I’m on the edge of an orgasm and it’s all I can do to keep from going over.

  “Oh, Sir, um… May I come, Sir? Please?”

  “Not yet.”

  Waves of disappointment wash over me, followed by the fear that I won’t be able to hold out. I’m saved for a moment when the vibrator is pulled away and turned off. I’m still on the edge, but the lack of sensation keeps the feeling from building any further. I feel a tug on the butt plug and it slides almost completely out before going back in again. He repeats this a few times and I find that the orgasm is building again, this time having my ass fucked by this small toy. It’s incredible and just as I’m about to ask again for permission to come, the plug pops all the way in and stays put. My entire body is humming and I feel as though I’m losing every sense but touch. The only thing that matters now is the physical, the need to be touched and to orgasm from it.

  The vibrator comes to life again and is pressed against my incredibly sensitive clit. There is no build up this time; the need to come is intense and immediate. I practically scream at Master J, pleading with him. “Please, Sir, please! Please, may I come? I…”

  I trail off as he interrupts me, saying, “Come for me, beautiful Lila.”

  The orgasm rolls through my body and seems to last forever. I am shaking and there are tears in my eyes as I finally find the release I’ve been craving. Far from the woman I always thought I had to be, I feel as though I’ve been transformed into some sort of animalistic version of myself. I’m a being that feeds on desire and pleasure and a growl escapes my throat with no conscious thought. I’m adrift on a sea of sensations and I have no idea how long it’s been when I finally regain the ability to think.

  I’m lying on my stomach, having lost the ability to keep myself upright, and I realize I am not in the position I was told to keep. My body feels heavy and my arms shake as I return to my hands and knees. Master J doesn’t seem angry with me for having moved, saying nothing as he gently removes the plug from my ass.

  “Lie on your back, Lila,” he tells me. “I’m going to fuck you now.”

  If I could come from words alone, those might be the ones. I had been thinking that I was totally spent, that I had nothing left, but my body sprang to life again at the thought that I would get to feel Master J inside of me at last.

  I roll over and bend my knees so my feet are flat on the edge of the bed, keeping my legs spread and my sex available to my Master. I feel the chain between my breasts lift and a sharp, intense pain makes me cry out as the first clamp is removed. It’s replaced by Master J’s hot mouth and I find that the pain is worth it. I’ve pleased Master J; I can feel it. His mouth on me is reward enough for almost any amount of pain. I’ve come to like the nipple clamps, after all. The pleasure is more intense for having felt the pain. I cry out again as the second clamp is removed and I’m soothed again as my Master’s tongue moves over the sore peak.

  I realize that I’ve come to think of Master J as “my” Master and I try not to think about it too much. I have plenty of time to convince myself that I will be fine when these sessions are over. Right now, I’m going to concentrate on the feeling of Master J’s cock filling me completely and nothing else.

  I wish I could see his body as he stands between my legs, his cock as it juts out from below the sexy V between his hips. As if he can read my mind, I feel him loosen the cloth from around my head and I blink rapidly as the light in the room fills my eyes.

  He’s everything I’ve always dreamed he would be. The man I’ve fantasized about for most of my life is here with me. I’d completely stopped thinking of him as Jesse until this moment, but my teenage longing for this man mingles with my newfound submission to him and I want to climb inside of him, to be as close as I can with him while I’m able.

  “Your profile says you have been receiving a birth control shot. Is that correct?”

  “Yes, Sir, it is.”

  “I would like to fuck you with my bare cock, Lila. I don’t need your permission, but since we’re still getting to know each other, I would like to have it.”

  “Yes, Sir, please. Fuck me with your bare cock, please, Sir.”

  I’ve never said anything so boldly sexual before, but the instant the words are out of my mouth, a dark, hooded expression takes over Master J’s face and I’m so glad I said yes. Putting his hands on my hips, he yanks me to the very edge of the bed and bends down, kissing the smooth skin just above my clit before standing tall again and impaling me with his impressive cock in one stroke. I cry out as I’m filled more completely than I have ever been and he rests insi
de me for a moment, allowing my muscles to adjust to his intrusion.

  Still holding my hips, Master J begins to move slowly in and out before building up to powerful thrusts that take me back to the animal I was before. His body slams against mine again and again, and his low growls mingle with my sharp cries of pleasure. I feel complete with him inside of me and I start to think I could stay like this forever when an orgasm creeps up out of nowhere and rips me in two. It’s too late to ask for permission, but I try anyway, begging him to let me come as I feel my muscles milking him inside of me.

  “Come, Lila, come for me, beautiful girl. Your pussy is incredible.”

  His words thrill me as much as his cock does and I’m lost again, riding the waves of intensity that roll through me over and over. With a few more hard thrusts, Master J reaches his orgasm as well, throwing his head back with a shout as he empties himself into me.

  He stays inside me for a moment, moving gently back and forth as if trying to eke out every last bit of pleasure from both of us before finally pulling himself from me. With a kiss on my forehead, he extends his hand to me and pulls me up to stand next to him. I start to raise my hands to the back of my head, ready to get into the proper position, but he takes my hand, shaking his head, and leads me around to the side of the bed. He climbs in beneath the luxurious charcoal gray cover and pats the mattress next to him, indicating that I should do the same. I lie on my side, facing him, and he puts his hand on my cheek.

  “Master J, I’m so sorry I came without—”

  He moves his hand from my face to place a finger against my lips, quieting me. “Lila, you did incredibly well.”

  “For my first time, you mean?” I ask him without thinking.

  “No. For any time. You were amazing. I hope you enjoyed this session as much as I did. If you ask me, beautiful Lila, I’d say you were born for this. How do you feel?”

  “I feel incredible, Sir,” I gush. “I didn’t know all of these feelings were inside of me, that my body was capable of all of these sensations. Tonight was perfect. It confirmed for me that this is who I am, this is what I need.”

  “Good. I’m glad to hear you say that.”

  “Will I be punished again tonight, Sir?” I’m afraid to even ask. I enjoyed my first punishment more than I think Master J intended, and I’m looking forward to the next one, but I don’t think I can take any more after everything we’ve just done.

  “Punished? For what?”

  “For failing to get your permission to come.”

  “No,” he says softly. “You won’t be punished for that. In the future, yes, there will be punishment, but I’m honestly surprised you held out as long as you did tonight. I’m impressed with the control you showed over your own body. Yes, it’s mine to command, to use, but it’s also your job to control your reactions and take what is given to you. You did that and beyond.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” I blush.

  “We’re finished for tonight, and you’re free to get dressed and leave. You can also stay right here for a while if you need some time before heading back to the real world. It’s up to you. I will stay here with you until you’re ready to leave.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” I look up at his handsome face and smile. “I think I’d like to stay right here, just for a few more minutes. I’m not entirely sure I’ve stopped shaking enough to leave just yet.”

  With a light laugh, he says, “Me, either, beautiful Lila, me either. You know,” he lifts my chin with his fingers as he continues, “I’m glad you stayed tonight, and I’m really glad I get to explore this with you.”

  I can’t find the right words, so I say nothing as he draws me in and holds me for a while. I’m satisfied both by everything that has happened here tonight and with the knowledge that I’ve found what I’ve been looking for. Exactly what I’ve been looking for. There is only one problem. Now that I’m finally finding myself, I have to be careful not to lose my heart in the process.

  Chapter Three

  Three weeks later, I’m sitting alone on my couch, watching the droplets of condensation roll down the side of my wine glass. It’s funny the little things you notice when you’re trying not to think about the big ones.

  Jesse, Master J, it doesn’t matter what I call him. Inside, there is still a part of me that is the teenage girl who was infatuated with him. The adult in me is falling hard for the man who brings my deepest desires to life. With both parts of my soul working against me, it’s only a matter of time before I’m in too deep. If I’m not already. I hesitate to use the word “love¸” but I’m definitely falling in… something… with him.

  I’ve had six sessions now with Master J, each one more intense than the last. He takes more from me physically and emotionally than I would have thought I had to give, but it’s never too much. It’s like he knows me better than I know myself. He has become a Master of the instrument that is my body and I cannot imagine letting him go when this is over.

  I pick up my phone and run my fingers over the smooth screen. This is the third time I’ve picked it up, but I have yet to actually use it. I know I should; I need to call HJR Services and terminate my contract, but I can’t bring myself to do it. It feels like I’m betraying Master J after all he has done for me, but continuing on this path means eventually betraying my heart. I’m terrified to sink further into this contrived relationship, knowing how real it is becoming for me.

  I set the phone down again and close my eyes, remembering the last part of our previous session.

  Master J had me lying on the examination table, bound tightly to it with soft rope. I was blindfolded and could feel goose bumps rising on my skin despite the warmth of the air in the room.

  I heard the sound of a match being struck seconds before the unmistakable scent of one being blown out tickled my nostrils. The idea of anything fire-related coming toward me, blinded as I was, should have terrified me. It’s a testament to my trust in Master J that I felt no fear, only the mild anxiety that I might find myself unable to please him.

  His hand touched my throat and I jumped, startled out of my thoughts. I’m pretty sure I heard a quiet snicker coming from my Master before his hand tightened around me and his lips met mine. His kiss was light and gentle and I opened my mouth to his, trying in vain to deepen the contact. Unable to lift my head more than a few inches, he was able to pull away quickly, and there was nothing I could do to stop him.

  His hand left my throat and traveled randomly along my body. He tickled lightly down my right arm and then disappeared from my skin before raking his nails roughly down my left leg and the arch of my foot. He slapped at my breasts, the sting causing my nipples to pucker tightly before he moved to caress my cheek.

  Just when I’d come to expect his hands on my body, the sensation changed completely. A hot liquid trickled across my stomach, causing me to buck wildly and cry out in surprise. As the heat subsided, my skin began to tighten where the liquid had been and I realized Master J had used the match to light a candle.

  I had watched a video once of a man pouring wax on a woman, but the whole thing seemed very clinical and she didn’t appear to be enjoying it at all. After that, I probably never would have thought to try it myself, but, in reality, the sensation was very erotic and I found myself liking it very much.

  Wax streamed down over me again, this time caking on the surface of my breasts. My nipples felt the change in temperature more intensely and I cried out again, as much from the arousal as the sharp, but brief pain of the heat.

  The wax landed on me in more of Master J’s random patterns. It dripped across my toes, then a thigh, then straight down between my breasts before pooling in my belly button.

  Master J’s hands ran up and down my slit, parting the folds he found there, and I knew he intended to make my most sensitive area his next target. I tensed my muscles, waiting for the sting, and shouted “Fuck!” when it arrived. The burning liquid poured down my sex, splashing against my clit before molding itself to the v
arious crevices it found there. As the wax cooled and hardened, my clit throbbed with the intensity of the sensations and I was surprised to find I was getting incredibly wet.

  I knew Master J walked away from me because I could hear sounds a few feet away. I had no idea what he was doing, but I was hoping I had earned a turn with the vibrator because I could’ve really used one just then.

  Instead of the buzzing sound of the desired object, I heard the swish of leather before what I recognized as a flogger struck my skin. My every nerve was on edge from the anticipation of the wax, so each stroke of the flogger was more intense than that last. I realized that the leather strands were following the path of the candle when Master J first struck my toes, then my thigh, then between my breasts down to my belly button. I tensed again, knowing what would come next, as five strokes landed directly between my thighs. Each fiery lash increased my arousal and I found myself thinking that I may come from the flogging itself, no vibrator required.

  It’s as if Master J knows my every thought, though, because the flogging stopped abruptly and I heard myself whimper softly.

  Straining to hear what Master J might be up to, I found no distinguishable noises to help me. It felt like several minutes, but was probably only seconds, before I heard the sound of a zipper from somewhere near my feet.

  Hands grasped my hips roughly and I shouted “Sir!” as Master J’s cock entered me, quickly and fully. He only gave me a couple of seconds to adjust before pumping furiously into me, his thighs slapping against mine in a sharp rhythm. His hands moved to my breasts, his fingertips rolling my nipples roughly between them as he continued to thrust into me again and again. I began to pant and moan as my orgasm built and his fingers tightened their grip. He has learned so much about my body, knowing that this additional pain would take my climax to a whole new level.


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