The King's Sorcerer (The Caldronian Guild Book 3)

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The King's Sorcerer (The Caldronian Guild Book 3) Page 14

by Andrew G. Wood

  “I believe you attacked them?” Mason snapped back at his host.

  With the tension in the room reaching boiling point, it was actually Gallien that suggested they all calm down. What was done could not be changed, and although he for one regretted taking part in trying to attack the prince and the group, it was something that could not be changed. Wesley looked over at the man, seeing him in a new light. “Very well. I agree, what’s done is done. Let us forget the past.”

  Fennick nodded his agreement, yet it was clear the man was still not happy about something. Whilst he listened to Wesley explaining his longer term plans, Mason turned to Gallien. After enquiring how the rogue sorcerer had known Mia, and learning they were apparently very intimate, he felt he should give the man one more piece of news. “I don’t wish to add fire to the hatred you all have for the king and the guild, but I think you should know that Mia was with child when they executed her.”

  The room fell silent again. All eyes immediately turned to Mason. Wesley gave him a look of ‘What did you say that for?’ and one that indicated he was not happy. Fennick just appeared his usual frumpy self, but Gallien’s face appeared it might break down and cry. “Would you have been the father then?” Mason enquired. Gallien merely nodded, “Probably…I could not be sure. Mia and I were close for only a short while.”

  Mason apologised to Gallien, not for giving him the bad news, but because he actually felt sorry for him. It was clear to him that Mia was somebody with whom he still had feelings, and now learning she had died and possibly carrying his child had clearly hit him hard. However, rather than rage about it, the man merely stood reiterating what was done could not be changed. Now they needed to look forward and work out what to do.

  “What do you mean Gallien? We need do nothing. The guild is defeated. The king is dead. The Belarians have done our job for us,” Fennick suggested, looking far too pleased about it. Gallien turned and spoke sternly to the man he had accepted as leader for several years. “You still don’t get it do you. Do you really think these Belarians will allow us to stay here?”

  “We have been here for a number of years Gallien. What makes you think these other lot can find us?” Fennick scoffed.

  Gallien just shook his head. He did not care whether the Belarians found them or not, they probably would sooner or later. He was a Caldronian, like the ranger and young apprentice beside him, and knew what he wanted to do. “Do you plan to fight back?” he asked Wesley. The ranger nodded, “Of course. I hear rumours we have a stronghold at a town called Riverdale.” Gallien knew the name of that town immediately as the one they were going to kidnap the prince from. “Then I would like to join you,” he declared much to the shock and surprise of Fennick.

  Whilst the guild members were welcome to stay, it was not Wesley’s intention to do so for any length of time. Fennick, scoffed at Gallien, stating that he was siding with the enemy. The ranger was about to explain they were not the enemy, but he could tell there was a deep running hatred in the man; one that would likely never change. Gallien however, appeared to realise the bigger picture, and having another sorcerer to fight could only be a good thing.

  With Fennick still bitter about Gallien’s little declaration, they all decided to leave the man to his own devices. Wesley followed the man around the compound as Gallien pointed to various buildings. “Mia didn’t suffer did she?” he asked out of the blue. Wesley turned behind to where Mason was following them, knowing the young sorcerer knew more about her than he did. Mason shook his head. “From what I understand, it was all very sudden and quick. I think that was the reason it hit Leo so hard.”

  “Were this Leo and Mia intimate?”

  Mason shrugged, saying he didn’t think so, just a few kisses but nothing more. For whatever reason the answer seemed to sit well with the man, so Mason decided to leave it at that.

  Wesley enquired as to whether any of the others would be willing to fight for their country, or did they just plan to sit and hope they were never discovered. Gallien shrugged, and although it was quite apparent his mindset was elsewhere, he answered honestly. He thought Fennick was right in that they had been hidden away for several years, moving unseen in and out of the city as and when they wanted too. “I think, as many of here do, that it is only a matter of time though before we are discovered. When that happens I’d rather be elsewhere in all honesty.”

  Gallien explained that whilst he and the others had much to be thankful for to Fennick, his bitter twisted hatred against the king and the guild was getting worse. After checking the young prince was still alive, to which neither Wesley nor Mason could answer, at least not without any uncertainty. “You think if we manage to retake Surmont, the prince and the guild will do things differently?” Of course that was another question neither could answer, something Mason explained.

  After being shown to the small room they had been given, Gallien paused at the doorway. “I will enquire around camp to see if anybody else wants to travel with us,” he said looking rather dejected.

  “Thank you Gallien,” Wesley replied, “I hope to be moving on within the next day or two. As soon as this one here is fit do so,” he said pointing to Carlton lying on one of the beds.

  Chapter 20.

  Lurking in the shadows of the new guild premises of Arandor stood one of several men sent by the enemy to watch. Peering out from behind an outbuilding he watched on with interest, ready to report his findings back to his king. This is just one of a few such men now in position to observe the strengths and weakness, but more importantly the intentions of a very realistic threat to King Oribe’s long term plans.

  Despite some of the recruits being selected several days ago, it was deemed best to wait so all could be taught at the same time. Edwin and Lars had both agreed it would be pointless going over the same practices repeatedly, especially when there were so few people to teach. Even Beth and Anden, the two young apprentices who had travelled with Leo and Chad when escorting the prince to safety, were to act as teachers.

  As the most experienced, and most powerful, it was left to Leo to decide what they were taught. However, this was to be all carried out under the supervision of Lars. No matter how highly King Edwin regarded the Caldronians, he had made it very clear from the offset, that he wanted one of his own men in charge. Prince Kellan, whom was also to reap the benefit of all this work, had unsurprisingly agreed to all Edwin’s requests. As a result, Leo was now ready to take his first lesson under the ever critical gaze of a man he cared little for.

  After having all the new recruits lined up in their red robes outside in the yard, Leo split them into groups, ensuring Reece was in his. Even though Beth and Anden were little more than new recruits themselves, they at least had the basic knowledge. Both could be used to detect a power source and access it safely, although when lessons got a little more advanced, Leo was not quite sure how he would manage.

  Fortunately, Chad had been a perfect pupil, and had become a very good sorcerer in his own right. So much so, that Leo had wanted to discuss with Prince Kellan about recognising the lads undoubted abilities. With Reece now needing his attention, he felt Chad was ready to spread his own wings a little; perhaps even mentor somebody else.

  For now though, with the new recruits spit into smaller groups, he thought they should all move inside. With the hall being the only room big enough to fit them all in, and much to the annoyance of the house staff, he decided to make use of it, moving them all in from the chilly, dreary day outside. Leo wanted to keep everybody close to hand, just in case something did not go to plan. He did not doubt the ability of either Beth or Anden, but just wanted to be close by to help them if the need arose.

  With the instructions given out to his teaching staff, Leo started by introducing himself to his own group; although it was clear they all knew who he was anyway. He looked around at each face before proceeding, just to make sure they were all listening. He had tried to recall everything he had been told during his first lessons,
and felt he should warn each and every one of them what they were undertaking. Sorcery was something not to be taken lightly, and although those who wielded it demanded great respect, those that did so for the wrong purposes were often dealt with severely. As agreed with Edwin and Lars, the newer students would not be permitted to use magic outside of their lessons, at least to start with. This was a warning Leo now gave his new recruits.

  Holding out his hand, Leo produced a small globe of energy and held it in his palm. He looked to ensure he still had the undivided attention of his pupils, before proceeding. He explained that each of them would have something similar inside them, all except Reece, whom he asked to remain patient for now. After explaining how to find their power, he took Reece to one side explaining he would be different.

  The lad, who was thirteen, with fair hair and piercing blue eyes, nodded his understanding. “I will show you the way to yours,” Leo added taking the lad’s hand in his own. With Lars just keeping an eye on the others, Reece was asked to close his eyes, whilst Leo did likewise. After showing the boy his own power and what it looked like, with a strict instruction not to try and touch it, he moved his senses to show Reece his own source. “Now think about taking a very fine piece of thread from that source and running it in to your palm, keeping it fed with a little each time.”

  After stepping back away from Reece, Leo watched and stood prepared, just in case the lad overdid things. He knew only too well that if Reece tried to take too much power in one go, then the others around him my well be at risk. As a result, Leo stood cautiously by, ready to throw up a shield should it be needed. He watched with some pride as the youngster produced what was a good attempt. A small flicker of light in his palm, that faded quickly as Reece found keeping the flow of power steady, a lot more difficult. Leo clapped, praising the lad, before explaining to keep practicing.

  The others in his group were all having similar success, with the majority producing the same results, although also having the same problems. Finding and connecting to one’s power source was the easy part, controlling the flow of power was quite the opposite. Surprisingly, it was one of the apprentices being taught by Anden that managed to achieve the first steady glow of energy in their hand. A young girl, of fourteen with shoulder length black hair, and eyes to match, stood proudly as Lars clapped his hands to congratulate her. Although no sooner had he done so, she lost concentration and the energy simply vanished from her palm.

  After an hour or so of repetitiveness, most of the new apprentices had managed some sort of stability. Reece was one of the few who was still struggling, but Leo told him not to worry, as he had been the same when he first started out. Every sorcerer was different, and what some found easy, others would not, and vice versa. After calling for the group to take a break, the doors to the hall opened and two young men carried trays of refreshments in. How they had known when he was going to call a halt to the proceedings he did not know, but there timing was impeccable.

  As the trays were placed down, the two serving staff stood off to one side, as the young apprentices gathered around to each take the drinks that were on offer. Chad held back, not really wanting a drink, and just watched on. His gaze was drawn to one of the men who had served the drinks, thinking he somehow looked out of place. The man looked a little more mature for one carrying out such trivial duties, yet he was dressed in all the correct garb. Chad stared, feeling puzzled. The man had not done anything to suggest he warranted suspicion, yet he felt there was something about him that was wrong. Whether it was just his mannerisms or the way he appeared to look at the apprentices, as if counting numbers.

  Chad’s gaze was broken when Leo brought him a drink over and started chatting. After taking the cup, his mentor enquired how he was getting on, to which he felt he should probably answer. With his suspicious thoughts now pushed to the back of his mind, Chad drank his drink before replacing the cup on the tray, not even noticing the man in question leaving.

  After their short interval, Leo and his team had all the apprentices pair up. Everyone that was except Reece, who could only be paired with him, much to the annoyance of Lars who still seemed to think there was no need for the boy to be treated differently. This time they were to not detect their own power, but the person they had been paired with, a procedure Leo thought Chad could explain better then he could.

  Being as he had already shown Reece the way to his power, the youngster had no problems finding it a second time, although now even that was going to get more difficult. “Now do it, without touching my hands,” Leo said with a smile, happy with the attitude his young apprentice was showing. To be fair to Chad, he had also turned out to be an excellent student, despite all the misgivings at the start. Reece nodded he understood what was being asked, and closed his eyes to help in his concentration. This had been a method Leo sometimes used to make it easier, as it blocked out one of the body’s natural senses.

  Leo was no self-proclaimed expert in this particular skill, but felt he was now reasonable at detecting magic in others. Moreover, he had now discovered a way of telling when people were sensing him, just as he had done so when first meeting Lars. Reece tried several times, but failed to achieve his goal, and Leo patted him on the shoulder. “Not to worry. That’s something we can practice on. Small steps,” he said trying to keep the lad upbeat.

  Trying to keep the first lessons simple and short, Lars suggested they all call it a day. Before the group departed the hall, Leo saw fit to re-warn all of them that attempting any magic outside of lessons was forbidden. To try and make sure the message hit home he reminded them all that disobeying such a command would see the culprit severely punished; although he fell short of actually saying what that might entail.

  Happy the new recruits understood, he allowed them all to leave the hall and make their way back to their rooms. The apprentices were barely out of the door, when several of the kitchen staff appeared and started moving tables back into the room. Chad commented that perhaps they had overstayed their welcome and should head back to the palace.

  That evening they were to be guests for a party being thrown by King Edwin. The occasion was supposed to celebrate the official opening of the Arandor guild of Sorcerers, but was also a chance for a few of the nobles to introduce their eligible daughters to the newly crowned monarch. Leo and Chad had once more volunteered to attend, although this time they would be allowed to at least enjoy some of the festivities, so long as they avoided any alcohol and remained at the side both Edwin and Kellan.

  After spending a majority of the afternoon with Alec and the prince, Leo wanted to freshen up before the party. News had arrived from a few sources in Caldronia, the most interesting being about Riverdale. Apparently, this town north of the capital was not only still fighting on, but had somehow managed to repel a sizeable attack. The fact that the note was signed by Kian, gave Leo some hope that perhaps some of his friends might yet have survived the Surmont attack. Good news, no matter how small was always welcome and gave everyone concerned a lift.

  The main hall in the palace had been set up with a row of tables running across the far end, with two more running down each side. The space in the middle was left clear for the guests to mingle and chat, and perhaps dance a little later in the evening if they desired to do so. The two large open fireplaces had been lit and burned brightly, giving off a welcome warmth as the guests started arriving.

  As was to be expected, Edwin greeted each in turn, before introducing his honoured guest, the young Prince of Caldronia. This was not only an evening for merriment, but to hopefully get the prince some sympathy for his current situation. The more support gained, would mean more men and arms being wilfully sent to aid them.

  Several of the guests seemed only too happy to offer their full support and backing. A few just politely accepted their greeting without divulging anything, and one seemed more interested in the two black robed figures stood behind the royal greeting party. The two prospective young ladies being introd
uced to the king naturally vied for his attention, and although Edwin thought neither particularly attractive, played along showing both some modicum of interest without committing to anything more.

  As the guests chatted, awaiting the call to be seated at the tables, both Edwin and Kellan tried to move around, speaking to as many people as possible. Naturally wherever they went, the hooded figures of Leo and Chad followed dutifully behind them. Farley, the man in charge of the king’s regular soldiers was in full military dress and clearly a hit with some of the ladies, both those that were single and some that were not.

  One such young female made a beeline for the king’s group, curtseying before them before speaking. “Oh my, two Caldronian Sorcerers,” she said more interested in them than her royal host. Thankfully Edwin did not mind and actually encouraged the woman forward. “Indeed my Lady. One is in fact a King’s sorcerer, very powerful man,” he added building Leo up. The woman, who was probably in her early twenties, seemed to get a little giddy, and even felt the need to reach out and touch Leo’s sleeve, running her hand down the emblem indicating his higher position.

  “So mysterious!” the woman added trying to peep at the face hidden beneath the hood. “Why not take your hoods off and show the lady your faces,” Edwin said with a smile. Not one to disobey an order, at least not intentionally, both sorcerers did as they were asked. “Oh! You’re just a kid!” the woman said quickly moving her hand away, “How very disappointing!” she said trying to keep some kind of smile on her face. Edwin just chuckled, particularly when he could see the look on Leo’s face as the woman quickly made her excuses and wandered off to find another man.


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