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The Crux: A Novel

Page 13

by Charlotte Perkins Gilman


  Charlotte Perkins Gilman

  Moving the Mountain.

  A Utopia at short range. How we might change this country in thirtyyears, if we changed our minds first. Mrs. Gilman's latest book, likeher earliest verse, is a protest against the parrot cry that "youcan't alter human nature."

  By mail of Charlton Co., $1.10

  What Diantha Did.

  A Novel.

  "What she did was to solve the domestic service problem for bothmistress and maid in a southern California town."

  "_The Survey._"

  "A sensible book, it gives a new and deserved comprehension of theimportance and complexity of housekeeping."

  "_The Independent._"

  "Mrs. Perkins Gilman is as full of ideas as ever, and her Diantha is amodel for all young women."

  "_The Englishwoman._"

  By mail of Charlton Co., $1.10

  The Man-Made World.

  "We defy any thoughtful person to read this book of Mrs. Gilman, and notbe moved to or towards conviction, whether he acknowledges it or not."

  "_San Francisco Star._"

  "Mrs. Gilman has presented in this work the results of her thought,study, and observation of the much debated question of the relation ofman to woman and of woman to man. The subject is developed with muchwise argument and wholesome sense of humor."

  "_The Craftsman._"

  "Mrs. Gilman has applied her theory with much cleverness, consistencyand logical thinking."

  "_Chicago Evening Post._"

  By mail of Charlton Co., $1.10


  There is a joyous superabundance of life, of strength, of health, inMrs. Gilman's verse, which seems born of the glorious sunshine andrich gardens of California.

  --_Washington Times._

  The freshness, charm and geniality of her satire temporarily convertus to her most advanced views.

  --_Boston Journal._

  The poet of women and for women, a new and prophetic voice in theworld. Montaigne would have rejoiced in her.

  --_Mexican Herald._

  By mail of Charlton Co., =$1.25=.


  Indeed, Mrs. Gilman has not intended her book so much as a treatisefor scholars as a surgical operation on the popular mind.

  --_The Critic, New York._

  Whatever Mrs. Gilman writes, people read--approving or protesting,still they read.

  --_Republican, Springfield, Mass._

  Full of thought and of new and striking suggestions. Tells what theaverage woman has and ought not keep, what she is and ought not be.

  --_Literature World._

  But it is safe to say that no more stimulating arraignment has everbefore taken shape and that the argument of the book is noble, and, onthe whole, convincing.

  --_Congregationalist, Boston._

  The name of this author is a guarantee of logical reasoning, soundeconomical principles and progressive thought.

  --_The Craftsman, Syracuse._

  By mail of Charlton Co., =$1.00=.

  "The Home" has been translated into Swedish.


  Since John Stuart Mill's essay there has been no book dealing with thewhole position of women to approach it in originality of conceptionand brilliancy of exposition.

  --_London Chronicle._

  The most significant utterance on the subject since Mill's "Subjectionof Women."

  --_The Nation._

  It is the strongest book on the woman question that has yet beenpublished.

  --_Minneapolis Journal._

  A remarkable book. A work on economics that has not a dull page,--thework of a woman about women that has not a flippant word.

  --_Boston Transcript._

  This book unites in a remarkable degree the charm of a brilliantlywritten essay with the inevitable logic of a proposition of Euclid.Nothing that we have read for many a long day can approach inclearness of conception, in power of arrangement, and in lucidity ofexpression the argument developed in the first seven chapters of thisremarkable book.

  --_Westminster Gazette, London._

  Will be widely read and discussed as the cleverest, fairest, mostforcible presentation of the view of the rapidly increasing group wholook with favor on the extension of industrial employment to women.

  --_Political Science Quarterly._

  By mail of Charlton Co., =$1.50=.

  "Women and Economics" has been translated into German, Dutch, Italian,Hungarian, Russian and Japanese.


  WANTED:--A philanthropist, to give a copy to every English-speakingparent.

  --_The Times, New York._

  Should be read by every mother in the land.

  --_The Press, New York._

  Wholesomely disturbing book that deserves to be read for its own sake.

  --_Chicago Dial._

  By mail of Charlton Co., =$1.25=.

  "Concerning Children" has been translated into German, Dutch andYiddish.


  Worthy of a place beside some of the weird masterpieces of Hawthorneand Poe.


  As a short story it stands among the most powerful produced in America.

  --_Chicago News._

  By mail of Charlton Co., =$0.50=.


  Charlotte Perkins Gilman has added a third to her great trilogy ofbooks on economic subjects as they affect our daily life, particularlyin the home. Mrs. Gilman is by far the most brilliant woman writer ofour day, and this new volume, which she calls "Human Work," is aglorification of labor.

  --_New Orleans Picayune._

  Charlotte Perkins Gilman has been writing a new book, entitled "HumanWork." It is the best thing that Mrs. Gilman has done, and it is meantto focus all of her previous work, so to speak.

  --_Tribune, Chicago._

  In her latest volume, "Human Work," Charlotte Perkins Gilman placesherself among the foremost students and elucidators of the problem ofsocial economics.

  --_San Francisco Star._

  It is impossible to overestimate the value of the insistence on thesocial aspect of human affairs as Mrs. Gilman has outlined it.

  --_Public Opinion._

  By mail of Charlton Co., =$1.00=.

  CHARLTON COMPANY, 67 Wall St., New York


  A monthly magazine, written, edited, owned and published


  CHARLOTTE PERKINS GILMAN67 Wall Street, New York CityU. S. A.


  Domestic $1.00 Canadian 1.12 Foreign 1.25

  Bound Volumes, each year $1.40 post paid

  This magazine carries Mrs. Gilma
n's best and newest work, her socialphilosophy, verse, satire, fiction, ethical teaching, humor and opinion.

  It stands for Humanness in Women and Men; for better methods in ChildCulture; for the New Ethics, the better Economics--the New World weare to make, are making. The breadth of Mrs. Gilman's thought and herpower of expressing it have made her well-known in America and Europeas a leader along lines of human improvement and a champion of woman.

  THE FORERUNNER voices her thought and its messages are not only many,but strong, true and vital.

  * * * * *

  Transcription Notes:

  Text in bold has been marked with equal signs (=text=).

  Text in italics has been marked with underscores (_text_).

  The original spelling and minor inconsistencies in the spelling andformatting have been retained.

  Minor punctuation . , ; " ' changes have been made without annotation.

  Other changes to the original text are listed as follows:

  Page 2 Man-made/Man-Made: The Man-Made WorldPage 45 evclaimed/exclaimed: exclaimed his wifePage 110 Removed repeated word a: were a realPage 115 who/why: why his hair'sPage 134 though/thought: I thought as muchPage 164 Mr./My: My dear MissPage 169 Removed repeated word and: her own and set itPage 174 Removed redundant word a: he had not hadPage 194 though/thought: I thought I heardPage 197 litle/little: a little dampenedPage 240 weedings/weddings: wooings and weddingsPage 260 irrestible/irresistible: sleep irresistible fromPage 261 Cottonwood/Cottonwoods: to The CottonwoodsPage 285 busband/husband: live with her husbandPage 317 massages/messages: its messages are not only


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