A Captured Spirit

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A Captured Spirit Page 6

by Dakota Black

  “No hesitation, girl. This is just going to be a fun evening. Now, if you meet a hot Dom, let him take you to his playroom by all means.”

  “Not going to happen,” Cassandra said between clenched teeth. But she wanted. She needed.

  Rebecca shook her head and grabbed Cassandra’s arm. “No pain. No gain. Oh, and there’s supposed to be pain.”

  As they waited for the bouncer to allow them in, she thought about the spirit visit from the night before. There was usually a reason for the visions, a telling moment regarding the individual she could see. This time, she had no clue, no understanding of why she’d been dragged into the haunting moment.

  But she knew it was bound to happen again.

  The explosive lights flashing across the entire club caught her by surprise. The wild pulsing of music seemed to reverberate from the floor, creating an almost chaotic setting, an intense party scene. Shimmering colors exploded from the walls, cascading twinkling stars until they floated down and over the crowd. Blinking, Cassandra scanned the expansive area, her pulse increasing, her heart beating rapidly.

  “Come on. This is for the general population. Where I’m taking you is special.” Rebecca grabbed her hand, leading her through the crowd of people.

  The noise was intense. Loud and powerful. She cringed as she caught snippets of conversations, lewd comments and commanding statements. The words filled her mind, rippling to the point they began rolling in the back of her mind. Even the vivid hues of color created an intense setting in her mind, yanking at her synapsis, pulling her into a moment of heat and desire. Too much. This was far too much.

  She tried to pull away from Rebecca, but the girl held onto her, dragging her further into the crowd.

  “We’ll go…”

  Rebecca’s words faded out and she tried to concentrate, to shut down some of the noise, the clutter in her mind increasing, pulling her into an abyss. She’d never experienced this kind of reaction being in a crowd, but tonight, the spirits remained awake, feeding off the energy, feasting off her very soul.

  After showing their tickets, two massive body guards allowed them through a set of steel double doors and into a darkened hallway. The moment the doors were closed, the noise all but ceased to exist.

  “I should have brought you in the back entrance,” Rebecca whispered as she squeezed Cassandra’s arm. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m… fine.” She realized beads of perspiration were already trickling down the back of her neck.

  “Good. What you’re going to see may shock you. I hope you had a chance to look at the book I gave you.”

  What Rebecca didn’t know was that her past held a secret, one she refused to tell anyone. She had much more experience dealing with this kind of lifestyle than she wanted to admit. She’d crawled out of the gutter, scratching her way to the surface only three years before. Reborn as a new woman, she’d lived a vanilla lifestyle. She’d pushed away everything from her past, including her heritage. Now, she knew. You could never run away from who and what you are. Yes, she’d craved, hungering almost every night for a taste, just a mere taste. But she knew the black hole would suck her in again, creating a desire that could never be satisfied.

  They passed by several rooms, some open to the public, others closed off and locked, privacy and anonymity no doubt included with the ‘by invitation only’ entrance. This was what her dreams were made of. Fantasies unfulfilled. Her mouth was dry as she passed by a room, the walls showered in crimson, the steel ‘X’ cross drawing her attention. She found herself drawn to the doorway and peered inside.

  The group of people remained quiet as a well-dressed man brushed his hand down the naked back of a girl tied to the cross. Her wrists and ankles were manacled, held fast by slender casings of metal. She held her breath as the man took several steps back, moving toward a carved wooden case. Even from her vantage point, she could see the collection of tools, implements of the trade. Whips and tawses, quirts and paddles. All designed with punishment in mind.

  When he’d made a selection, he held the implement in his hand, running his fingers down the wooden handle, allowing the tendrils of leather to dangle in the air. A single smile crested his face then he turned away, rearing back.



  Cassandra realized the sound was issued from her mouth, sliding from the darkness deep within her. While several people looked in her direction, there was no admonishment, only an acknowledgment of her presence, a respectful understanding that she desired to be in the girl’s position, being whipped for every bad deed. For not following the rules.

  Slap! Crack!

  She gripped the doorjamb, panting as she continued to watch, her heart racing. This was exquisite, as close to perfection as she’d ever seen.

  Pop! Slap!

  With every hard slap, every controlled wielding of the man’s hand, she envisioned herself, naked and tied, her body exposed for all those to see, to savor.

  “I thought I’d lost you,” Rebecca said as she crowded Cassandra’s space.

  The trance was broken, the moment lost, and she sucked in her breath, brushing the beads of sweat from her upper lip. “This caught my eye.”

  “Mmm… Delicious. Come. Let’s have a glass of wine. Then if you’re interested…” Rebecca allowed the words to linger, the sentence unfinished. She winked as she sauntered down the hallway.

  Cassandra gave the room one last longing look before following, only hearing her high heels clipping on the marble floor. As she walked into a room, less gregarious in nature, she exhaled, still cognizant of her breathing.

  Rebecca found her way to the bar, acknowledging the bartender who approached. “Red wine. Bloody and delicious red wine.”

  The bartender merely tipped his head and retreated into the shadows.

  “How did you learn about this place? Why did you receive an invitation?” Cassandra finally asked.

  Rebecca tipped her head, her smile coy. “There are things you don’t know about me.”

  She nodded. There was no need to ask any questions, no desire to learn more about her friend. They were both here for a purpose.

  Finding a dominating man.

  Could she actually let go, allow herself to share a night of adventure, a moment from the past? Her senses were overwhelmed, her mind formulating the possibilities. She wanted. She craved. She needed. Yet, to what end?

  No! She refused to think this way, to fall into the same pattern. She was in control.

  After the wine arrived, Cassandra allowed herself to venture outside of the room. Her hunger had awakened, creating a longing that left her anxious. When she entered the room at the end of the hall, she exhaled, the sound rattled. There were several women, all shackled but in various ways. She could smell the hint of fear, could see the look of apprehension in their eyes.

  Gripping the glass, she took a sip then another, trying to abate her nerves. She concentrated on a purple wand, the arcing as the implement was brought near the girl’s skin a powerful draw. She walked inside, step by step.

  Then she heard his voice.

  “You hunger for something of this nature?”

  He stood behind her and the moment she inhaled, the scent of him filled her nostrils, creating a series of goose bumps along the back of her arms and neck. His cologne was exotic, yet musky. “I do.” The words were said easily, an admittance that surprised the girl inside.

  The mystery man remained quiet, no portion of him touching, yet he remained close, breathing a swath of hot air across her neck and naked shoulders. “For those who crave, the desire is overpowering.”


  “For those who hunger, the joy in release is unrelenting.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, her lower lip quivering. The huskiness of his voice, the way he issued the simple statements drew her into a vacuum. She could no longer feel the glass in her hand or hear anything but the sound of his voice. She didn’t blink for fear he’d leave, disappearin
g into the crowd.

  “For those who submit, giving control to another, the shared intimacy is incredible. There is no tonight, no tomorrow, only the moment in time, allowing utter pleasure mixed with writhing pain.”

  “Yes… sir.” Cassandra closed her eyes as her hand clenched the glass, her fingers going numb.

  Using just a single finger, he slid the tip down the length of her neck to her shoulder, very slowly tracing a circle over and over again.

  The touch was all consuming, creating a series of shivers. She wanted nothing more than to turn around, to see his face, but she knew he required her to obey, to follow his lead, his every direction. This was a stranger, a man she didn’t know, yet in her mind, this was exactly what she wanted. A perfect moment of being able to lose herself, letting go of the darkness furrowing so deep inside.

  He brushed the tip all the way down her arm then back up, exhaling. “You’ll come to me. You’ll share your joy, your gift of submission when you’re ready.”

  The words lingered as if floating all around her. When she no longer felt his presence or his touch, she finally turned. There was no one behind her, no man waiting in the shadows. Had she been imagining it? Dreaming of the perfect man? She blew out a long breath and shook her head. Maybe she was losing her mind after all.

  Cassandra gripped the wine glass and moved to the door. She was no longer comfortable here. A slight noise drew her attention just before she reached the door. He was there, waiting for her. She shook her head and walked closer, seeing his captive smile. “You know how to make your presence known.”

  He chuckled and lifted his glass. “I should apologize. I’m not usually so dramatic, but seeing you standing there, the way you were studying the various couples, I must admit, I couldn’t resist.”

  She studied his eyes. They were gorgeous in their darkness and they matched his almost perfectly chiseled face, long neck and broad shoulders. He stood several inches taller than her, even in her stilettos. His smile was engaging, dimples creating an almost mischievous look. She held out her hand. “Cassandra.” Even as enigmatic as he was, she refused to give her last name.

  “Zachary. My friends call me Zach.”

  The moment they touched, electric jolts created a wave of heat rushing up from her pussy to her face. She felt lightheaded and was taken aback, sucking in her breath as the hold continued. For a few seconds, she was able to see images, flashes of his life, his world and the connection was intense, drawing her into his power. It was as if she knew him, had always known the sultry man. But why?

  When he let her go, his eyebrows raised, the smile remaining. “And what are you looking for, Cassandra?”

  The question was pointed, directed in a way as if he already knew the answer. “Salvation.”

  His eyes lit up, creating an aura around him. “We understand each other. Come. Allow me to show you what I crave. That is, if you dare to trust.”

  Trust. The word was almost foreign to her. She studied his eyes, the quiet gentleness fueled by the same kind of blatant yearnings blanketing her system. “Yes, I do.”

  He nodded toward the door, waiting until she walked away first, then planting his hand on the small of her back.

  The gesture was simple yet very controlling, a reminder that he was in charge, no matter if in limited form. She held her breath as he led her to another room, one with a closed door. When he turned the knob, guiding her inside, she exhaled, every nerve standing on end. The area was another room designed for spanking. Wooden benches of various types were placed in several locations, all but one in use. “Amazing.”

  “You approve,” Zach half whispered as he allowed his hand to slide to her hip, his grip tightening.

  “Very much so.”

  “Tell me. Have you been spanked before, disciplined for your infractions?”

  The deep hush of his voice filled her with tingles. Her nipples remained hard, jutting against the thin material of the dress. “Yes, but not in so long.”

  “Mmm… Fascinating. Watch as the various Dom’s wield their desired implement, the techniques they use.” He pushed her forward several feet.

  She could feel his body heat and inhaled his cologne, the rich scent, full of spices, was invigorating. Leaning back, she shuddered. There was something so sensuous about him. “Do you spank?”

  He chuckled. “Only for select women. I don’t play, well, usually. Watch. Enjoy.”

  Cassandra nodded as she turned her attention to a young blonde, her checkered skirt and white shirt creating a story. The man holding the belt was older, his hand practiced.

  Crack! Slap!

  The girl squealed, her feet kicking against the bench.

  Pop! Whap!

  “Can you imagine what she’s thinking, what she knows is going to happen?’ Zach asked, keeping the tone of his voice even.

  “That she knows she’s been a very bad girl.”

  “Very good.”

  Smack! Pop!

  “And tell me, sweet Cassandra, is this something you crave? Would you like a taste of my belt, a paddle or even a whip perhaps?”

  She hadn’t realized she was nodding until he took her glass of wine, setting both down on a nearby table. When he took her by the hand, she locked eyes with his. Mesmerized, she didn’t utter a word as he led her to the old-fashioned bench. He didn’t try and undress her, merely helped her over, securing her wrists and ankles. What was she doing? She didn’t know this man. She had no idea what he was capable of. Another shiver oozed down her spine but the moment he brushed the tips of his fingers up the back of one leg then down the other, she relaxed.

  She could see Zach as he sauntered to a table, selecting the implement for the night. When he returned, he trailed the flogger across her shoulder then down her back.

  “Merely a taste. Nothing more.” He eased her dress up to her waist.

  Wearing only a thong she gulped air and clenched her fists. This was insane. What would Rebecca say? She was safe, and this was very much what she’d been craving.


  “Oh!” She reared up, pain coursing through her. She wanted to see him, his expression and his eyes.

  Pop! Crack!

  “How does it feel?” he asked as he moved closer to her face, pulling the strands of hair back and rubbing his thumb across her cheek.

  “Amazing.” Her voice was rattled but she had a conviction, different from before, a longing that surged through her.


  She concentrated on the sound of his footsteps, his boots as they moved back in place.

  Slap! Crack!

  “Aahhh…” The long breath escaped her, bliss swimming into every cell, her heart beating rapidly.

  Pop! Slap!

  He hesitated for a few seconds then issued several more.

  Smack! Pop!

  Clenching her eyes, she fell into a beautiful and very peaceful moment. She became aware he was unshackling her bindings, helping her to her feet. As he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest, she dropped her head, panting.

  “Thank you, beautiful lady. Sweet Cassandra. I enjoyed our meeting.”

  When he let her go, she brushed her hands through her hair, controlling her breathing before turning around.

  And when she did, her disciplinarian, the man who would haunt her dreams had disappeared.

  Chapter 4

  Cassandra avoided all eye contact as she headed for her office. Today was a brand new day. After coming home from the club, she’d finished a bottle of wine, soaked in the tub and had forced herself to go to bed.

  And very much alone.

  She clenched the steering wheel, her thoughts swimming with possibilities. Zach. Why hadn’t she asked his last name? There was a chance she’d never see him again. She wiggled and could still feel the effects of the spanking, even though the whipping had been light. A chuckle bubbled up from her throat. Light. My God. She’d allowed a man to whip her, a stranger. A gorgeous and very sexy stran

  Your fantasy…

  The realization was easier to admit than she would have thought.

  Parking, she remained in her car while she tried to force herself to get past the night before. Chances were, she’d never see him again. Maybe she could go to the club one last time.

  Just as she was about to grab her things, her cell phone rang. “Rebecca.”

  “Are you going to talk about what happened now?” Rebecca asked as she laughed.

  “I just met someone. I had a good night.” She eased onto the pavement and glared at the morning sun.

  “Right. That I could tell. I’m glad. If you want to give me any details about this man…”

  “Maybe later. Gotta run.”

  “Party pooper,” Rebecca huffed. “Just be careful. Okay?”

  Cassandra heard the tone of her voice. Her friend knew only a small amount of what had happened. The rest would remain a quiet nightmare. “It was one night.”

  “Okay. If you say so. Knock ‘em dead today.”

  As she walked into the building, she realized she was ready for more. The thought gave her a delicious boost.

  She rolled her eyes as she rounded the last corner, clenching her briefcase as if it was a lifeline. At least the alcohol had allowed her to sleep, dreamless even after her amazing experience. To say she was excited that she’d pushed past her comfort zone was an understatement. She was elated. Her new mantra? Fuck ‘em all.

  By the time she reached her office door, she had a wicked smile on her face.


  The single word sent tingles down her spine. Tipping her head, the sight of Diego Myers standing a mere two feet from her was a delicious start to the day. Sadly, his eyes only reflected corporate needs. “Sir?”

  “I’d like to see you in my office immediately.” He turned on his heel, not allowing her any chance of objecting.

  She watched him saunter down the hall and resisted brushing the single bead of perspiration from above her brow. What in the hell had she done now? After dumping her briefcase, she didn’t even bother taking a pad and pen as she headed for his office.


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