Gettysburg speech of, 153–155, 187
reaction to Gettysburg speech of, 190–191
Ewing, Thomas, 41
Fillmore, Millard, 46, 51
Floyd, John B., 68
Ford, John S., 82, 84
Forney, John Wein, 186, 190
Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 110
Fourteenth Amendment, U.S., 175
Free Soil Party movement, 45–46, 50
Fremont, John, 51
Gallagher, Edward, 76–77, 84
Garrison, William Lloyd, 42
Gates, Horatio, 113
Geiger, Joseph, 149
Gettysburg addresses
of Charles Anderson, 153, 157–161, 187–190, 193–216, 223n10
of Edward Everett, 153–155, 187, 190–191
of Abraham Lincoln, 153, 155–156, 186–187, 190
Gettysburg Soldier’s Cemetery, dedication of, 185–186
Giddings, Joshua, 40, 149
Grainger, Jervis D., 132
Grant, Ulysses S., 3, 172, 180
Greeley, Horace, 163
Greene, Nathanael, 9
Griswold, Hiram, 45–46
Grose, William, 128
Gurowski, Adam, 190
Hale, John Parker, 165
Hamilton, John, 48
Hanson, Roger W., 131–132
Hardee, William J., 131
Harrington, Arnold, 123
Hay, John, 186
Hayes, Rutherford B., 165, 180–181
Hazen, William B., 129, 132
Henry, Patrick, 6
Henshaw, George, 170
Holt, George B., 36, 45
Holt, Joseph, 58, 165
Houston, Sam, 57, 70–71
Houzeau de Lehaie, Jean-Charles, 88, 89, 92–93, 93–95, 178
Howard, John, 36
Howe, William, 9
Jackson, Andrew, 21–22
Jackson, James S., 113
Jackson, Thomas “Stonewall,” 3
James, John, 75
Jewett, Hugh J., 139
Johnson, Andrew, 142, 166–167
Johnson, Bushrod, 124
Johnson, Richard W., 119, 122
Johnston, William, 50, 148
Jones, William Graham “Will,” 67, 76, 78, 80, 81, 90, 105, 151, 182
Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854), 50, 51
King, Richard, 83
King, Rufus, 41, 44, 49, 53, 66
Kingsbury, William G., 84
Kirk, Edward, 121–123, 124, 126
Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC), 66–67, 71
Koerner, Gustav, 165
Kreische, Charles, 90
Kuttawa, Kentucky, C. Anderson’s planning of, 177–178, 181
Lafayette, Marquis de, 9, 11, 22
Latham, Francis W., 83
Lee, Robert E., 3, 67–72
Leeds, Joseph, 150
Leigh, Arthur K., 77–78, 79, 81
Liddell, St. John, 124, 126
Lincoln, Abraham, 2, 4, 30, 60, 106
Anderson’s address and, 161
assassination of, 166
Gettysburg address of, 153, 155–156, 186–187
reaction to Gettysburg speech of, 190
replacement of Buell with Rosecrans, 115–116
Trent affair, 106–108
Clement L. Vallandigham and, 138
Lincoln, Benjamin, 9–10
Longstreet, James L., 76, 134
Longworth, Catherine, 54
Longworth, Nicholas, 28, 41
Lowe, Thomas O., 139
Lowell, James Russell, 106
Luckett, Phillip N., 78, 79
Ludlum, Ann S., 88, 89–90, 92, 99, 178
Manigault, Arthur M., 128
Manson, Mahlon D., 111
Marsh, George Perkins, 169
Marshall, John, 14, 29
Maverick, Samuel A., 64
Maypenny, George W., 146
McCarty, Robert, 76–77, 84
McClellan, George, 104, 106, 163, 164
McCook, Alexander, 118, 122, 130, 134
McCown, J. P., 124
McCulloch, Henry E., 71, 79–80, 84, 178
McNair, Evander, 123, 126
Meade, Dennis, 57
Mechling, William T., 80, 91, 93
Medill, William, 50
Mendenhall, John, 132
Menger, William, 55
“Mexican Imbroglio,” 171–172
Military Reconstruction Act (1867), 175
Missouri Compromise, 37, 50, 60
Mitchel, Ormsby M., 111
Monroe Doctrine, 172
Morgan, John Hunt, 110, 149
Morton, Oliver P., 113, 163, 169
Murrah, Pendleton, 178
Negley, James S., 128–129, 132
Nelson, William “Bull,” 111, 112–113, 113–114
Newcomb James P., 60, 74
Nicolay, John G., 186
Ninety-Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 109–118
Battle of Stones River, 121–134
Olds, Chauncey, 170
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 53–54, 177
Paschall, George, 178
Paschall, Isaiah A., 64, 69–70
Payne, Henry B., 171
Pendleton, George W., 65
Pierce, Franklin, 46, 50, 51
Polk, James K., 38
Powers, Hiram, 28
Pryor, Charles R., 59–60
Pugh, George E., 143, 147
Pulaski, Casimir, 10
Quintero, Jose Augustin, 79, 81–82, 84
Reeve, Isaac Van Duzer, 73
Rencher, Abraham, 175
Richards, Henry, 112–113
Rosecrans, William, 115–116, 118, 122, 134
Battle of Stones River, 121–134
Rousseau, Lovell H., 113, 128
Runnels, Hardin R., 57
San Antonio, Texas, 54–56
Schenck, Robert C., 37, 138, 139, 157, 169, 171
Scott, Winfeld, 30, 41–42, 46, 67, 68, 104
Seward, William, 153, 157, 169, 187
Sheridan, Philip H., 128–129
Sherman, John, 149, 165, 169, 171, 175
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 30–31, 41, 104, 142, 149, 164, 168, 169, 172
Sibley, Henry H., 76, 91
Sill, Joshua W., 113, 128
Skinner, Bartley, 1–3
Skinner, Rose, 3
Skinner, Thomas C., 182
Smith, Edmund Kirby, 110, 111, 112, 114
Smith, Green Clay, 112
Smith, Samuel B., 112
Squier, George, 172–173
Stafford, Jacob, 126
Stanton, Edwin M., 135–136, 138, 170
Stephen, Adam, 7–8
Stevens, Thaddeus, 175
Stewart, Robert, 124
Stockton, Thomas H., 154
Stones River, Battle of, 121–134
Strong, Hiram, 117, 123, 134, 151
Sumner, Charles, 171, 173, 175
Taylor, Sarah Knox, 31, 41
Taylor, Zachary, 31, 41, 169
Thomas, George H., 122, 130
Tilden, Samuel J., 180
Tod, David, 37, 109, 137, 139, 142, 151, 156–157
decision to select Anderson as speaker at Gettysburg, 187–188
Tolley, Rob, 1–4
Trent affair, 106–108
Trenton, Battle of, 8
Trevino, Jeronimo, 98
Trimble, Allen, 50
Turner, Nat, 58
Twiggs, David E., 67–68, 70, 71, 105
Upson, Christopher C., 64
Usher, James P., 157
Vallandigham, Clement L., 135–145, 150, 163, 167
Van Cleve, Horatio, 127, 131
Van Dorn, Earl, 73
von Steuben, Friedrich William, 9
Wade, Benjamin F., 38, 46, 169
Waite, Carlos A., 73
Wallace, Lew, 141
Walworth, James, 83
Ward, William Thomas, 113
Washington, George, 7–8, 10–11
ngton, John A., 7
Wayne, Anthony, 11, 14
Welch, Samuel, 132
Wellen, William, 152
Wheeler, Royal T., 178
Widney, Lyman, 123
Wilcox, John A., 64
Willich, August, 121–122, 124
Willis, David, 153
Winton, William R., 44–45
Wise, Henry A., 51
Wright, Joseph A., 53
Yancy, William L., 58
About the Author
David T. Dixon earned his M.A. in history from the University of Massachusetts. He has published in numerous scholarly journals and magazines. He lives in Santa Barbara, California with his wife, Jeanne.
By uncovering little-known historical figures with compelling stories, David challenges us to think critically about the way that history, especially American Civil War history, has been presented in the past. Find their stories at B-List History,
Richard Clough Anderson (1750–1826) possibly by Matthew Harris Jouett
Reproduced by permission of The Society of the Cincinnati, Washington, D.C.
Eliza Brown Anderson (1816–1901)
Private Collection
Kitty Anderson (1842–1928)
Private Collection
Silhouette of Charles Anderson 1830
Miami University Libraries, Oxford, OH
Henry Clay (1777–1852)
Library of Congress
Robert Anderson (1805–1871)
Library of Congress
Lt. Col. Robert E. Lee, (1807–1870)
Library of Congress
John Sherman (1823–1900)
Library of Congress
William T. Sherman (1820–1891)
Library of Congress
Paroled officers of the U.S. 8th Infantry at San Antonio, Texas, 1861. From left, Lt. James Judson Van Horn; Lt. Royal Thaxter Frank (seated); Brevet Lt. Col. James Voty Bomford (6th Infantry); Lt. Zenas Randall Bliss (seated); Lt. William Graham Jones. Jones, the fiancé of Kitty Anderson, was killed at Chickamauga in 1863.
The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin
Charles Anderson home, now the Argyle Club, San Antonio, Texas in 1936
Library of Congress
Stones River Battlefield Map drawn by Charles Anderson, January 7, 1863
The Huntington Library, San Marino, California
Clement L. Vallandigham (1820–1871)
Library of Congress
Charles Anderson, Colonel 93rd Ohio Infantry
Author Collection
Cartoon protesting General Burnside’s arrest of Vallandigham, June, 1863
Library of Congress
Draft manuscript of Anderson’s Gettysburg oration, November 19, 1863
Private Collection
John Burns “The hero of Gettysburg”
Library of Congress
Gravestone of Charles and Eliza Anderson, Kuttawa Cemetery, Kentucky
Courtesy of Gary Whittington
The Lost Gettysburg Address Page 27