Captured By The Warriors

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Captured By The Warriors Page 76

by Daniella Wright

  And there it was as I came over the hill. It was huge, but it looked like food. I was starving and beginning to die of thirst. I had never experienced a hunger or a thirst such as this before. I used to only need food every couple of weeks, but now it was a constant thing.

  The lion looked at me and I recognized the murder in its eyes. The beast leaped at me rearing back with its vicious claws. I did not feel fear, only curiosity as my body responded. I moved much quicker than this animal and I had destroyed it before it knew what was coming.

  It was then that I noticed that my one of my hands was not like the other. Instead of this fleshy, pale, excuse of a claw that was now my human hand, I saw a red, long fingered claw in its place. I closed my eyes and looked at it again, the flesh of the lion hanging from my long, sharp claws.

  I concentrated on bringing the other hand back and it began to change. I did not know I could do this but it just felt right. And within seconds I had two human hands again. It was the first time that the realization hit me that I was not who I appeared to be.

  The next day I entered the village and was shocked to see that everyone there looked similar to my new form. I did not show anyone who I really was or tell them where I came from. I could hardly remember myself and it just seemed that it was much better if they all thought I was a boy who had lost his parents.

  I was taken in by a nice family, the Carters. And within a few months I had been identified as having strong athletic and fighting skills. So the Kingdom took me and trained me; the Carters could not have said no if they'd wanted to.

  But I enjoyed every second of it. Through the training I was treated almost as a number, a disposable soldier, which is what we all were trained to be. It was estimated that most of us would die in battle and I was ok with that because I was not sure that I could die a human death. After a few years in the Kingdom's Army, I was given the job of bodyguard to the Princess. I missed the action of the fight sometimes, but I did what was asked of me. No one else would have turned it down and I felt it would have raised some suspicion if I had done so.

  I awoke that night from the dream covered in sweat. Everything was starting to make sense now. Why had it taken me so long to remember? Was I one of the Other World? Why was I fighting for the humans? Why was I sent here?

  My mother. She said it was part of the plan and that I had a place in the war. Did my family die? Were they slaughtered in that last battle? Was I sent away because of the danger or was I really part of a plan? There were so many answers I just did not have. I had so many questions.

  I was burning up so I stepped out of my tent and decided to take a walk around to get some fresh air. The cool night air felt great against my skin, the wetness drying against me. I inhaled several breaths enjoying the freshness of the air. I loved the wide open country away from the clutter and the pollutants of the villages and towns. But tomorrow I would kiss all that goodbye as we made our way back to the castle to the heart of the Kingdom.

  “Can’t sleep?”

  The voice startled me momentarily as I jerked my head towards the intruding sound.

  It was Reah. She was standing there and for the first time I noticed that she did strike a rather striking figure surrounded by the darkness of the night.

  “Yea,” I replied. “I’m surprised to see you out here.”

  “Yea, I guess I couldn’t sleep either. I ‘m still a bit rattled over what happened. All of these years and nothing like that has ever happened before,” she said. I could smell the fear on her breath echoing the terror in her voice. But she hid it well.

  “I can understand that,” I said even though I couldn’t. “But there is a first time for everything. Maybe that is why your father has asked us back on such a hasty return.”

  “Yea, that’s what I’ve been wondering. Maybe the people are finally getting restless and realizing that his war may never be truly over.”

  “Well, all you can do is hope that most do not share this wacko’s world view. Right?”

  “I guess,” she said.

  “Well, goodnight,” I replied starting to head back.

  “Wait,” she said. She was walking closer to me now. I could feel something different in the air and I knew it was bad news.

  “I wanted to thank you for doing what you did,” she said.

  “I was just doing my job, Princess.”

  “Well, I have seen you going above the call of duty on more than one occasion,” she said. “I just wanted you to know how much I appreciated it.”

  She was stroking my arm gingerly and before I knew what was happening she was leaning forward to kiss me.

  I reacted by stepping back quickly out of the range of the kiss. The Princess was very confused.

  “Princess, I’m sorry, but you are my charge. It would not be appropriate for us to develop feelings like that for each other. I’m sure your father would forbid it. He might even react… um… well, hastily to say the least.”

  Reah listened to my words, allowing them to sink in. Then she smiled and said “You are right, Cahn. I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

  “Goodnight,” I said as I retired back to my tent.

  “Goodnight,” her words whispered on the soft air.

  Somehow I did not think this was the end of it.


  I had never laid eyes on anything more beautiful. The eyes were of the bluest oceans, the hair was a sweet mix of amber and golden yellow like the Gods had each taken turns blessing it and perfecting the color that was so beautiful it only existed there. Her milky white skin was the color of peace and serenity placed into a vision.

  I have never experienced anything like this as a human being. But there I was laying eyes on a vision of beauty that I never knew could exist or affect me the way that it was right then.

  I was laying eyes for the first time in six years on the beautiful Princess Tarin. The last time I saw her she was just a child of thirteen, but six years of time had perfectly sculpted her into the personification of beauty that all women yearned to become.

  The trek across the mountains into the green fields of what looked to be endless possibilities of the Kingdom was something I had longed to see and be in. The sweetness of the forest trees, the flutter of the grass in the breeze as if it was waving a sweet greeting to us was perfect. I did not know how much I had missed the Kingdom I had called my home for so long until it was standing before me.

  We made our way into the castle, everyone clamoring to greet the Princess whom they had not seen in so many years. While she was contending with that I took the liberty to stretch my legs and say hello to some old friends I had not seen in many years. The area inside the castle was a total frenzy of activity as all of the servants, palace guards, and even a few farmers and peasants making deliveries of goods and services were anxious to see the Princess.

  It felt good to be back. But nothing could have prepared me for the moment that the sweet Tarin made her presence known as she walked alongside her father and mother to greet her sister after all this time when we finally made our way to the King and Queen’s throne for the ball.

  Tarin looked like her sister only more beautiful and angelic. I had never felt this way about another human being before. And now that we were here at the banquet ball that had been set up for the return of Princess Reah I did not even know how to respond to this beauty.

  It had been a very eventful afternoon as I retired to my old chambers and got myself washed and ready for the banquet. I then returned to escort Princess Reah to the ball. As we entered the golden ballroom with the throne at the head of the room everyone turned to stare at us.

  I supposed I should have been nervous to see this, but I was not. Nervousness is not something I am accustomed to but I understand that humans feel it naturally. I was the essence of calm and cool until I saw the amazing Tarin. I did not even know how to respond when she addressed me. I couldn’t believe that she even remembered me.

  "How are you
, Cahn? It is so great to see you again, after all this time," Tarin said.

  Her voice was now the sweet voice of a woman, but not just any woman. It was the voice of a woman who knew it would one day be queen. The confidence and the compassion of a strong woman were lying in that voice.

  “It’s an honor to see you again Princess,” I said. I then did something that I had never done before, but it felt right. I bent forward and kissed her hand.

  Something magical happened in that moment. I felt it and as I gazed up into her eyes I knew that she felt it too. There was some sort of a spark that I did not understand, but I knew it was real. I felt almost as if I was coming under some sort of spell with this woman. What was happening to me? She was perfect in every way and I felt myself wanting to do nothing more in this world than be with her every second of the day. I wanted her to know me in every possible way and I wanted to know her as well.

  I was so wrapped up in Tarin that I barely registered the odd look that Reah gave me just then. I did not care. I could not be with her; she was my charge, but Tarin so far was not. That was the rationalization that I came to at the time. It was almost as if my mind had been hijacked by some kind of crazy drug that I was unfamiliar with. I did not even drink wine, but I understood the vague notion of intoxication and I felt that this was by far the closest I’d ever been to it.

  The evening went on beautifully. I impressed everyone with the vast amount of roasted pig and potatoes that I consumed, but I was starving. The food on our journey had not been even close to this great and I consumed my weight in it.

  But towards the end of dinner it was time for dancing. I did not hesitate as I asked Princess Tarin if she would accompany me on the dance floor. She seemed surprised, but she completely agreed and moments later we were dancing to the music.

  She was an elegant dancer and as we moved closely on the dance floor I began to feel stronger and stronger feelings of desire for her. I did not understand what was happening to me, but it was almost as if the human body that I’d been forced to wear for so long had suddenly woke up and began to guide me. I was almost possessed by lust and desire for this amazing woman.

  I became lost inside those blue eyes of hers and that amazing smile that I could not stop smiling back at. Her face held an aura of warmth and sweetness that I had never known in my life. Perhaps I was most attracted to that, but I could not help noticing her physical beauty and the round, soft breasts that were threatening to peek up out of her dress at me.

  “You are an amazing dancer Cahn,” she said as I twirled her around and pulled her close to me. I was completely oblivious to the fact that others were staring at us. I was happy to let them. I was just too engrossed in the amazement of these new emotions that I did not allow myself to pay attention.

  But as we finished our dance I saw the glaring eyes of Reah. I wasn’t sure if I was starting something here, but it certainly seemed that Reah was experiencing something humans called jealousy. It was almost amusing. Instead of the entire evening being about her I had accidentally made it about me and Tarin.

  In the weeks to come Tarin and I became so close. I found myself thinking about her night and day and missing her when she was not with me. I even had dreams about her. Most of the time I forgot that I was not human.

  The King had not decided if we were going back out to the villages again anytime soon. He felt that we had done as much work in that area as was necessary and to continue would be redundant, especially at this time when many people were starting to question things.

  I was happy for the chance to just provide guard duty in the palace and spend my evenings romancing Tarin. She arranged private concerts with the Kingdom's best musicians, we went to plays that were held in the court square, we had catered dinners in her chambers, and we spent a lot of time just taking peaceful walks enjoying the countryside.

  “What do you think?” Tarin asked me after one of our private picnics. It was a beautiful evening, a layer of warmth was in the air, and the moon was closer and fuller than I’d ever seen it. The moon seemed to be so close that it almost had a face and the light lit up the land almost as if it was dusk. It was the perfect romantic setting.

  I leaned back pondering Tarin’s question. We had just finished a picnic I’d put together and were now sipping on a few glasses of wine. This was the best wine available, much better than the sour grape juice I had grown accustomed to on the journey.

  “What do I think about what?” I asked.

  “I was curious what you think about us,” she replied.

  I was not sure what she was getting at, but I used it to my advantage to play.

  “I think you are the most amazing creature that has ever been created,” I replied with a smile.

  She blushed and slapped me on the leg. “No, I mean do you think what we have is right?”

  I looked at her and for a second I understood what she was saying. I finished the glass of wine, leaned forward, and brushed back a few strands of her beautiful, golden, silky hair.

  “I never knew that happiness like this could exist for me until I saw you at the banquet. This sweet little girl I knew was now a grown woman who possessed the rarest beauty. You have captivated me ever since and every single second that I spend with you is more magical than the last. I’ve never really believed much in the supernatural or that there is a higher force, but I know now that something cosmic brought us together.”

  I was not sure where the words came from but as I said each word I knew that it was how I really felt and that every single thing I said was absolute truth. I was falling in love with this woman. I could not possibly ever dream of her being out of my life and I dreaded the day that the King might order me to go on another journey.

  I wanted to marry Tarin. The idea seemed absurd, especially for someone in my position both as a nonhuman and as a soldier. Soldiers did not marry Princesses, not even if they were generals. Princesses married Princes. In fact, there was talk of her hand being promised to Prince Neal of Newbury, but I would burn at the stake before I let that happen. I knew it right then. Tarin and I were meant to be together.

  Tarin smiled yet as tears came to her eyes and she leaned in close to me to lay her sweet head on my shoulder. She felt so soft, so innocent to the touch. Her warmth and her passion for me were irresistible.

  I reached down, gently tilting her chin and brought her lips to mine. They were soft, warm, and slightly moist. The instant they touched my lips I felt a charge of passion soar through me that I did not know was possible. I don't think I have ever needed anything more urgently than I did at that precise moment.

  As her mouth opened, engulfing me in her sweet, passionate kiss her hot breath entered my body mingling with my own aching gasp. I pulled her closer to me, kissing her harder trying to taste every single lingering layer of lust inside of her.

  I felt my manhood engorge and become hard in my pants. I was aching to be set free. I needed to be inside of her right then. I could not wait another second, but instinctively I knew that the passion was building and that the best part was the anticipation of being together, so I denied myself momentarily.

  I grabbed Tarin’s hips and pulled her groin close to mine. She moaned softly as she felt my hard girth aching for her touch through my clothes. I could feel her moistness growing, I could smell it. The essence of her scent filled me with animal lust.

  I could contain myself no more. I swiftly pulled her dress over her head revealing her beautiful, sensuous, curvy body. Her large, soft breasts were round and milky white adorned with hard, tight nipples that beckoned to enter my mouth.

  I leaned her back against the soft grass and removed the rest of my clothing quickly. Her eyes grew wide when she saw the enormity of my thickness.

  She quickly reached out and wrapped her fingers around my shaft, her small soft hand barely fitting around it. Her touch was exciting in a way I had never felt before. Tingles of desire and need vibrated throughout my entire package. Tarin slowly m
oved her hand up and down on me, pausing occasionally to squeeze with just the right amount of pressure and continuing to move up as if trying to squeeze something out of me. Her other hand did not remain idle; it quickly went to work on my fleshy grapes encased in my tight sack. She handled them slightly too rough but the pain added to the overall sensation and I wished that she would continue, despite the pain.

  Her fingers were now squeezing harder around me and moving faster up and down, slipping over the large head of my manhood and then applying separate pressure to the tip as her hand flipped over to rub the top.

  I wasn’t sure how long I could go on like this without spilling my seed all over her, but I was determined to prolong the sweet agony of it all for as long as I possibly could. The sensations were more intense than I ever could have dreamed, stretching pleasure from the tip of my member, down the large, thick shaft, and even the inner shaft below until I could feel my prostate gland twinge with excitement, preparing, feeding the passion of it all.

  Her smile widened just then as she could feel my body responding in her hand, my tool growing bigger, expanding, the smooth flesh growing tighter.

  I stroked her sweet hair with my hand, the soft strands of her beauty so silky and loving in my hand. I felt it was time to take this to the next step. I moved forward ever so slightly. Her beautiful face was so close to me now, I could feel her hot breath waiting with anticipation, escaping to blanket my shaft in warmth. Her tongue glided along her lips seductively, as if warming up her instrument of oral pleasure.

  “Oh, please…” I found myself begging her for that elusive gift of her mouth. She smiled wider still, enjoying the tease that she was forcing upon me. I wanted to explode right then, I could feel myself getting full of my hot seed. It wanted to release so badly right then, but I had to hold it back. I took several deep breaths and calmed it down somewhat.


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