Captured By The Warriors

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Captured By The Warriors Page 80

by Daniella Wright

  The wall behind all of these contraptions was smooth, like in the ship, and there was a large rectangular opening there that she could see led out into a hallway. She imagined that it functioned much like the paneling of her captor’s ship, and noted the hand-sized panel to the side of it, indicating that she was right.

  Kira saw hide nor tail of her captor, however, and wondered where he must be – and if she should get up and look for him or remain in place. She had no idea why she had passed out during his argument with the other – nor had she any explanation for the strange way that his scent affected her so. It had been all that raging testosterone-fueled arguing that had made her all lightheaded. But that was so strange…

  She shook her head. It had to be some weird alien thing. They were obviously the more… instinctual sort of creatures. She was also quite sure that she knew the reason that the two of them had been arguing over her in the first place.

  A sound from the hall has her looking up, and she was surprised to see her captor – at least surprised to see that he was carrying a tray with something warm and steaming for her. Food? Kira eyed him with a wary caution that he seemed to pick up. He frowned at the untrusting furrow at her brow.

  “You are awake.”

  “I am.” He stared at her a moment before setting the tray down beside her. She didn’t look at it, rather kept her eyes cast up at the man. He wore nothing on his chest anymore, and it would be a lie to say that she did not stare at him.

  “Eat,” he said after a moment. His tone spoke little for wiggle room by way of refusing. Reluctantly, she looked down to her tray. There was a single bowl with a reddish-brown liquid and a plate with a slab of strange, stripped meat. It didn’t smell unpleasant, but it didn’t look like anything that she had ever seen before, either. She glanced back up at him, and saw him watching her intently. Given he had not given her utensils to eat with – something that struck her as odd, he had an interstellar ship but no forks? – she took the bowl first, tilting it to her lips.

  She was pleasantly surprised to find that the broth wasn’t bad. Nice and warm, it had a strange spice that tingled against her tongue. It was a reminder that she had been feeling particularly starved since the trip. She hadn’t eaten anything since the morning she was beamed away from Earth, and who knew how long ago that had been by now? She drank the soup down hungrily, ignoring for the moment that she was being watched. Even as a few of the juices dribbled down her chin, she didn’t stop drinking down the liquid until it was gone.

  “That was… good…” she said. Her tone mimicked her surprise; she was almost disappointed that there was no more for her to have. She licked her lips, tongue darting out to catch a dribble on her mouth.

  And then the alien leaned forward, licking at her lips as well.

  That strange electric warmth bloomed upon her skin when they touched. Her surprise caused her to freeze, caught off guard at his gesture. The lick was proceeded by a kiss, quickly pressed to her lips as the alien took her face in her hands. It wasn’t the action that was so odd to her – it was the fact that she did not stop him once he started.

  He tasted savory, when he slipped his tongue between her lips. It made her want to taste him more, and she pressed herself close against him without thinking, without caring. That muscle-relaxing, obedience-inducing scent was all around her once more, beckoning her, encompassing her. She let out a sigh that turned to a sweet moan as their kiss deepened, and she could not control the heat that rushed hot through her body, like an intense wave that threatened to burn her through her very core –

  Kira pulled away suddenly. What was she doing?! She had resolved to survive, but that didn’t mean playing into the ‘purpose’ that she had been given, no matter her curiosities on the matter. And yet here she was… allowing him to kiss her as if it were something that she actually wanted.

  But… it had felt like she’d wanted it.

  She made a point of scooting away from the alien man before he could react. His expression was a mixture of confusion and agitation, brows furrowed as if he were trying to process that she had stopped him. She prepared herself for anger, for a backlash.

  Instead, the agitation slid from his face, and he stood. He took the tray off the bed, and left her alone once more.


  Kira was running

  She had taken the chance when she had gotten it. The man had left her alone – perhaps to go off to brood, maybe to think of how to punish her, something. Her mind ran wild with the possibilities, and as her mind ran, it came to the conclusion that that’s what she should do, as well. She had taken one of the blasters hanging on the creature’s wall, not knowing exactly how it worked, nor how powerful it would be. It hadn’t mattered when she’d aimed it at him, nor when she’d pulled the trigger as he turned around from putting away her unfinished dinner. Whether she’d killed him or stunned him, she didn’t know. She saw him go down after a blast of green, catching the surprised, if not angry look on his face as he went down twitching.

  All she knew, was that she was running. She could not stay there with him. Her curiosity be dammed, it frightened her, the way that he made her feel after so little time.

  She could hear footsteps behind her. She knew that it was a few of the alien men of the village. They had spotted her when she had thrown herself out of the home of the one who had captured her. One had tried to grab her, speaking to her in the language that she did not know. With sheer will she had wretched herself from the man, ending up with his nails leaving scratches in her forearm. She’s cut away from him, running in the direction that the alien had brought her in, away from the strange village with its barbarous men, and into the thick forest that lay beyond.

  They chased her, and were never far behind her. She could hear their shouts and the crunch of the ground beneath their heavy-beating feet. She was a fast runner, had done track all through high school and college, but even this was a challenge. They were large, but they were fast – and they were right on her tail.

  She made the mistake of looking back behind her as she ran. She wanted to see if perhaps she was making them lose ground behind her. It was a brief glimmer of triumph that she felt, seeing the distance between herself and her pursuers was getting wider and wider –

  Kira cried out suddenly, a sharp pain shooting through her ankle, radiating up her leg. She fell to the ground, hitting it hard. Sharp points from rocks dug into her skin, and tears pricked in her eyes. She’d twisted her ankle – or broken it, all she knew was that it hurt – and she cradled it between her hands, rubbing her fingers over it in a futile attempt to soothe away the pain and perhaps get up and continue her run. Unfortunately for her, the aliens were on her before she even got a chance.

  There were about ten or so, and she eyed them from the ground where she’d fallen. They closed in around her quickly, all grabbing at her at once, yanking her from the ground. She let out a yelp when pressure was forced on her ankle, but the men who had hold of her didn’t seem to notice.

  She thought that they would take her back to the village, but that wasn’t the case. She was yanked, back and forth between them as they growled and snapped at each other in their foreign language. It didn’t take long for her to realize why: she hadn’t seen another woman in the village yet, and hadn’t her captor exchanged words with one of them before? Her eyes darted around, and settled on the one that she recognized as that one; he had the strongest hold on her and was the one that ended up yanking her away from the others, holding her close to him as she did.

  They were fighting over her.

  There was little more that she could manage after that realization, before she was drug back by the alien. Tears fell down her face at the pain in her ankle, and she drew in a shaky breath when the alien shoved her against the tree. She stood shakily, realizing for the first time that trying to run was probably the stupidest thing that she could have done. She should have stayed, she never should have shot her captor, and now where was he? Laying
in his home as the one from earlier pressed himself against her and ripped her top open, exposing her.

  His hands were rough against her body, and she tried to shove him away despite how much stronger than her he was.

  “Stop!” she yelled at him, her throat hoarse from how loud she’d yelled. He merely clamped one of his large hands over her mouth as she struggled, silencing her. She looked up at him with her tear-streaked face, kicking and punching him wherever she could reach him, though it did nothing to deter him.

  Her heart beat in her chest. High ringing tingled loudly in her ears. The others did nothing to stop him – they seemed to be encourage him, in fact. She didn’t stop her struggle, though. She wouldn’t go down without a fight.

  And yet, her thoughts wondered to her captor, who she had left lying motionless in the middle of his own home.

  Perhaps it was a stroke of luck, or maybe it was the bond that he claimed they shared. She didn’t know. She didn’t really care, either. As the other’s hand went to her pants, his intentions clear, another person came barreling through the forest, and grabbed her attacker by the neck.

  She slid down the tree and watched with wide eyes as her captor took her attacker’s head in his hands. It was with a brutal, brutish ease that he squeezed, snarling angrily as he squashed the other’s head between his hands. Though it was horrifying, the sickening crack of skull and squelch as strange blue-black blood oozed out of the other’s head, she couldn’t bring herself to look away. Her attacker didn’t even have time nor opportunity to fight or get away, and her captor tossed his body to the ground where it twitched before finally laying still.

  All was silent as her captor breathed hard and rough. Blood dripped off his fingertips and onto the ground below. The others eyed him warily, their eyes darting back and forth between her and him. She didn’t know how he had gotten to her, or how he had recovered from her shooting him – he didn’t seem to have any serious injuries, but perhaps his species healed quickly?

  She pondered that when he spoke, but it wasn’t to her, it was to the others. Though she couldn’t understand what he said, the intention was clear; go away. They all did, looking at her reluctantly, as though they’d missed out on something, and one by one they headed back towards the village, leaving her and her captor alone.


  The next few days were solitary, though Kira learned a lot.

  After her attack, her captor brought her back to his home. He had nursed her, first taking care of her injured ankle, and then cleaning up the scrapes and cuts that she had sustained when she had run away. The whole time, she expected backlash; he had crushed another man’s skull for touching what he clearly saw as ‘his,’ so what would he do to her for shooting him and running?


  Not a single thing.

  It baffled her more than anything. These people were clearly brutish warriors. She was a possession, that much was obvious. She expected that he would treat her worse, but she received treatment that she had not expected. His behavior in front of others was not his behavior with her, and it added to her curiosity.

  One thing that was at least sated, was knowing her captor’s name. She had asked it of him, after he wrapped and stabilized her ankle. It was Thrain, and she gave him her name, as well. She also learned that she had apparently only shot him with a temporary stunner; it was used in hunting to take down large prey. Thrain told her it was customary for all of them to hunt in the vast forests surrounding the village, and that often they fought over prey with neighboring villages of other Ka’thon.

  The interesting thing she learned, however, was why Thrain was not angry with her. When she asked, he merely looked at her, as if the question was a strange one.

  “You are mine,” he said. “Mine to have and protect.”


  Kira was not allowed to leave the home, and she was both grateful and annoyed by that fact. Thrain was willing to answer any questions that she had, and though she was not keen on experiencing another situation like the one in the forest, she was still curious about her surroundings. She would not be leaving anytime soon – that much was evident, and she was smart enough to accept that fact for now. At the very least, she wanted to get her bearings of the area, but that was not ideal. There were few warriors in the village, according to Thrain, who had earned their right to go out and seek their woman. Those who had not would have no issues taking her just because she was around – that was the nature of their culture.

  That being said, it also meant that Kira spent a lot of time with Thrain. She shared his space, which wasn’t very large. Her shirt had been ruined, so she was left to walk around in a pair of pants that Thrain had given her, ones that strangely fit her perfectly despite their vast difference in size (which she later came to realize were made out of a material that adjusted to the size of the wearer) and her bra. Thrain’s wondering eyes did not go unnoticed, but she didn’t stop herself from looking at his often-bare chest, either. What’s more, they shared a bed, and Thrain made no fuss about kissing her deeply every night, nor did he stop his hands from wondering.

  She remembered the first night, following her attack. He had let her sleep alone the night of, for which she was thankful. The next night, however, he had made himself comfortable beside her as they settled in for the night. She slept in her clothing, unsure of the custom of sleep for the Ka’thon, but Thrain was not shy and slept completely naked. She hadn’t been sure what to make of it when he’d come to her that way – she thought perhaps he meant to sleep with her, and she didn’t know if that was something she was ready for, all things considered.

  But he had laid behind her, pressed against her. He was warm, inviting. His scent relaxed her. Even when she felt how well-endowed he was from the way his member poked against her back. All things considered, it should have frightened her that he was so open with his physical affections of her, but as with their first kiss, she didn’t stop it, and she didn’t stop it when his hand went to her front, touching and feeling over her with a practiced curiosity.

  He had cupped her breasts over her bra before moving it out of the way, as if it had been a hindrance. She’d drawn in a breath, but allowed him to continue. Her body, warmed by his presence, wasn’t opposed to his fingers, rough, circling over her pert nipples. His lips went to her neck, kissing and biting as his fingers made their way from her nipples downward, over her flat stomach, to the hem of her pants.

  She’d not realized how in need she was of him until his fingers slipped into her pants, spread her thighs as much as they’d go in the confines of them. Her thighs were slick with her want, and it surprised her. She had thought that maybe she should stop him – this was too much, too far, but she wanted it so bad, even if she couldn’t explain why. And despite his brutish demeanor otherwise, he was gentle enough with her as his fingers circled and moved over the pleasurable bud between the lips of her sex, as they slid between her folds and brought her to a sweet ecstasy.

  This happened every night. For a week or so. He never slept with her, though he did rock against her, giving himself his own completion as hers washed over her time and time again. That was, possibly, the thing that jarred her curiosity even more. He had been clear that her purpose was to give him children. That she was his to own. And yet… he treated her as a lover. He took care of her. She didn’t know what to make of it, but she was certain of one thing.

  She wanted more of it. No matter how insane or deadly that was, she wanted. It was only a matter of time before she would get it.



  Her ankle had finally healed, and she was back to walking properly. Kira and Thrain had settled into a routine. He would wake early, before even she had. He would go and hunt with the others – something she surmised after she learned how to work the windows of Thrain’s home and was able to watch him leave and see when he came back, usually carrying a strange, antlered creature as big as a male moose, if a male moose also had leat
hery tentacles growing from its spine. He would then spend time in the center of the cluster of home in which his was, and the men would clean and gut their kills, and then they would bring them home.

  Sometimes, a fight would break out, and Kira would watch with wide eyes the brutality with which the Ka’thon fought each other. They were not opposed to killing, even their brethren, and she saw many deaths over the course of her time with Thrain. None of them seemed to bat an eye at this. When the fights were over, the others would go back to what they were doing, or disperse. Then, from another cluster of homes, older Ka’thon would come, and carry away the remains of the body. She learned they were elders, revered among the Ka’thon for living so far into old age, and it wasn’t hard to see why they would be; it was a miracle to live long as a Ka’thon, then murder was a daily activity and one’s value was placed in how well they fought and hunted.

  In this daily routine, which Kira began to find less and less barbaric and more and more normal, she noticed she wasn’t actually the only woman in the village. She would see them watching from the windows, too, from time to time, and once or twice she had seen one accompanying one of the Ka’thon. They were never Earth women, but she didn’t imagine they were Ka’thon, either. One had been tall, and thin, with blue skin wispy wings growing from her back. She was also impossibly round with child.

  It was seeing that, that reminded her what Thrain had said to her before. What her purpose was. But he had never gone farther than touching her, slipping his fingers inside her and allowing his completion to come by rocking his body against her. She couldn’t imagine that that’s how they reproduced. Often, with a blush on her cheeks, she would wonder that she’d likely already have one inside her if that was the case, with how many times they came to that peak together without actually having sex.

  It was this thought that had her leaning against Thrain’s bedroom door that evening, what had to be several weeks after her arrival. Her own wants confused her; she didn’t want to be bred like some common brood mare, but she did… want to explore this attraction more. Even taking into consideration how she had gotten here, it hadn’t been all bad. Thrain had protected her. He had looked after her. He looked at her as his – as a possession – but surely the fact he had not forced himself on her like the other had tried, meant something? At any rate, she figured it was a trait that she could work with, perhaps sate her own curiosities, understand this strange man more, maybe even find her way.


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