Captured By The Warriors

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Captured By The Warriors Page 92

by Daniella Wright

  Even though I had exotic features, I had gotten so close to the townspeople that I could come and go as I pleased. They rarely spared me a glance and sometimes stopped me to chat. Apparently, I am one of the best engineers around, and they always appreciated it when I helped fix or improve one of their pieces of machinery.

  Now that I think about it. Maybe this whole thing could’ve been avoided, had I simply stayed at her place longer? For a few days perhaps? Maybe then this wouldn’t have happened?

  Pfft. I’m getting ahead of myself once again.

  When I got the recipe and collected the foods, I returned to the house, intent on making more dinner for my true love. Dalen was the warmest most perfect person in my life. I dare say, in the galaxy. He deserved whatever I had to offer him, no matter how little what I had to give him actually was.

  I can give him this, though. I can give him this. And for now, it has to be enough.

  Chapter 5

  Healing the sick was always fulfilling. People are such amazing creatures, able to break so many times, yet still be stitched back together again. Helping their own bodies natural healing processes was amazing to me. I dare say, it would be amazing to anyone who glanced at it.

  While the rumor is true, the Moro people are a bit sturdier than most, we could still break. We also burned more easily, so I suppose it all evens out.

  Adrianna. My mind supplied. She was so broken when I first saw her. Yet she is so amazing, still. An unyielding body with an unbreakable spirit.

  The thought of her almost had me racing home. Her beautiful espresso colored skin contrasted so with my soft pink skin. The tattoos were beautiful and so fun to trace with the tongue if you just –

  Off topic again. I apologize.

  I remember when I first found her, she was so… fearless and beautiful, even though she was so wounded. Ebony hair that was as much of an untamable, independent masterpiece as she was, streaked with so many colors throughout it, I could spend hours naming them all. She could barely stand, yet she was ready to fight for herself.

  Words cannot describe how attractive that is to me.

  Oh, I can’t wait to see her beautiful smile to light up my day once more!

  When I threw open the door to the house and declared “Adrianna, I have come home, bearing gifts.” I bought her another broach for her hair. (It had a tracking chip in it. It’s not right, I know, but I couldn’t help but worry. Sometimes she said things that made it seem as if she might disappear at a moment’s notice.)

  Sniffing the air, I found myself grinning. Did she make me Dolp’era? But she can’t stand the stuff! Her nose scrunches in on itself in the cutest way when she smells it.

  I was just thinking how much I didn’t deserve an amazing woman like her – her shady past be damned – when she ran towards me. “Darl’n!” She cooed, throwing her arms around me. Apparently, my name was similar to some kind of pet name on her planet.

  My belly twisted, feeling the fluttering sensation of butterflies in my stomach at the feeling of her, back in my arms once again.

  I couldn’t help but give her a grin. She was such a sweet girl, with a warm heart and a beautiful… everything. I wrapped my arms around her, smiling softly as I kissed her on the forehead. “How was your day, Sweetling? Is that Dolp’era I smell?”

  She gave me a coy smile that made me only want to hold her in my arms even longer. So much so, that I began to pout when she jumped out of my arms and hopped away to our dining area.

  “Adrianna,” I whined as I followed her. “I wasn’t done with my hugs.”

  "Come and find out." Her mirthful voice teased, her giggle was such an angelic noise, it sounded like the soft fluttering noise of wind chimes in the breeze. She was just ignoring my complaint playfully.

  I couldn’t pass up a challenge like that, now could I? I followed her into the house and smirked when I saw the table. It was set up with my favorite meal and candles. “How sweet. Did you do all this just for me?”

  "Of course!" She declared happily, as we sat down to eat. She had her own plate of food because she didn't like the taste of Dolp’era, not that I blamed her. Even for other natives of Moro, Dolp’era was considered – how do I phrase this politely? – an acquired taste.

  As I dug into my food with all the rigor of a pregnant woman with cravings, Adrianna began telling me about her day. Her way of experiencing the world and telling stories was always so fascinating to me, I have to pay full attention, lest I miss a crucial detail that she just glides right past, forgetting how important it is.

  “You’ve been so kind to me. Such a gentleman,” She complimented, probably trying to butter me up. She has a certain tone of voice, just a few octaves too sweet.

  I snorted, ‘acting like a gentleman? Really?’ She was blind to what truly ran through my mind. Which, I suppose, is best. It took 8 months for her to crawl into my bed and for us to have our first night together. Of course, I had been fantasizing about it since the first day, but I refused to take advantage of any woman like that. Even so much as to purposefully ignore the signs that she wanted me. Maybe they were different on her planet?

  Regardless, the thoughts that crossed my mind about her had never been "gentlemanly". I thought she knew that, but I suppose she was blind to the fact.

  “So, I wanted to make you something you would really enjoy.” She told me, surprising me. Ironically, I had often been considering the same thing for her.

  She was so inquisitive and I wanted her to experience all the good the world – the galaxy – had to offer. If I’m being honest, saving up was never easy for me – I was used to spending money as soon as I could make it – but for her, I can do anything. It’s taking a while, but we will have enough money where we could explore the universe with not a single financial burden.

  Me and my beloved going across the cosmos and seeing every beautiful thing that it has to offer. It shall be simply magnificent.

  Not that I mentioned the idea to her yet. It shall be a surprise, and if she wants to stay here instead… well… we would have more than enough to take care of as many children as she wants to have.

  "While I was at the market, the most peculiar thing happened." She explained to me. "It was so bizarre in a way I can barely describe it. I felt as though there were eyes on my person. Of course, that isn't strange because I know most of the kids here are confused by what I actually am, but it felt… more sinister than that." She was babbling now. "I mean, I know I probably sound crazy. But the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I just didn’t feel okay. It left a few minutes later. I still don’t, exactly, you know, get what it was about.”

  Okay, now she’s freaking out. Breathing shallowly as she tried to speak as fast as possible.

  “Shhh.” I cooed to her, having finished my food already. I ran my hands through her luscious, glossy locks as I tried to calm her down. She scooted closer to me, as I held her to my chest, breathing deeply. “Nobody can get you here. If they tried, I would stop them.”

  Listening to the beat of my two hearts working in unison should calm her down. It usually does. When I felt her breathing begin to even out, I held her chin between my thumb and forefinger.

  Bringing her up to my face, I pressed my lips to hers softly. She was so perfect, almost like her body was molded to fit mine perfectly.

  “Daah-leeeen,” She whined as she pulled away from me. I wasn’t worried as she was using her playful voice. “You taste awful.” Her nose was scrunched up again. Unfair how adorable she can be, while still being unbelievably sexy.

  I barked out a laugh and breathed in her face again until she punched me in the shoulder.

  “You jerk!” Adrianna called after me as I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth so I could taste good enough to get more kisses from my beloved. I avoided a pillow she threw at my back as I entered the bathroom, barking out another laugh at her.

  When I saw her back in the room I almost drooled as she was wearing the black lingerie I bou
ght her.

  Rushing over to meet her on the bed, I could only think “This is what perfection is.”

  Chapter 6

  Spending the day thinking, okay – Fantasizing – about the night before would be incredibly embarrassing if Dalen knew about it. Luckily he has no idea. So it's okay. No harm, no foul.

  I was so happy, thinking only about Dalen and how generous he is and our future, that I let my guard down, in the stupidest way possible.

  There was a knocking on the door, and the foreboding sound of a man laughing loudly at something that only he, himself, heard. Pfft. The neighbors were such a riot. This happened four times in the last month.

  I threw the door open, fully expecting it to just be the kids trying to scare me. “You little twerps. Didn’t your mother ever warn you about… Bothering …” I trailed off as I tried to grab for the dagger at my side, laughing nervously.

  Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no. This isn’t happening. This is not happening!

  Forcing his way in, was an overly muscular man that I would know anywhere. A chiseled jawline, little clothes, and mussed up hair. If I was younger and more naive, I would drool. As I had done in the past. There was no denying the truth; he was the picture of masculine handsomeness. Instead of the attraction I once felt, I saw only the personification of my own greatest fear.

  “Robert,” I whispered, gulping. It had barely been a year since I escaped from his awful grasp. A year since I tried to fight my way into a better life.

  “Don’t worry, sweet thang.” The twang in his voice that – at one oblivious point in my life – used to be charming, is now one of the most intimidating things I had ever heard. “I have no reason to hurt ya. Not unless you give me another one.”

  He was using his playful voice. Oh no. He was always so much worse when he was playful as opposed to angry. When he was angry, he held himself back because he didn’t want me dead. When he was playful, he was in full control enough to just enjoy playing with me. It was always so much worse this way. Which is probably why I usually did everything I could just to make him angry.

  “Nice house you got here.” He commented, walking around. He put his dirty hands all over the place. How dare he infect my life with his awful presence again? Make me suffer through the hell that is interaction with his awfulness. “Honestly, I never thought you’d be the type. I mean, you were never the good little housewife for me.”

  My upper lip curled as a snarl was ripped from my throat. “Why are you here.” I hissed through clenched teeth. He brought out the very worst in me, I’ll admit it. But, the worst part of me is still better than the best part of Robert.

  He smirked at me, clearly having no intention of giving me a straight answer. At least not that easily. After all, knowledge is a weapon. "Of course, I suppose I never taught you how to pretend to enjoy it. Like this guy clearly, has. I honestly thought you got yourself killed on some back-water worthless planet while going after something you don't deserve." He snorted. "I guess I was half right."

  “What. Do. You. Want.” When biting the words, I was praying to myself that Dalen would come home from work early. He would get the jump on Robert. Maybe Robert will die?

  “You’ve always overestimated your own self.” He held my jaw in his hand like I was some kind of vicious dog.

  I might be one because I immediately attempted to bite him. To get him to get off of me.

  “Ouch. It’s almost like you don’t even miss me.” Robert had his hand on his heart, in mock-hurt. “Truth is, I need you, Dollface. See, you are key in this big deal I got. The only reason you aren't dead by now, actually."

  I stepped back from him, giving him an unsure scowl. “Why do you need me? You could just not pay that guy.”

  “Ooh, I would, but you see babe.” He pushed me up against the wall hard enough that my head banged into it roughly, as I fought to escape. “This is about more than money. It’s about saving my own skin.”

  His alcohol-filled breath washed across my face and I do the only thing I can think of. I spit in his face, feeling satisfaction at the sight of him wiping the saliva out of his eyes.

  “Well, have you thought of this? It might be better for everyone if you would just die. So how about we try and take that route, eh?”

  "You'll pay for that, you worthless little whore.” He hissed, wrapping his hands around my throat.

  As I gasped and struggled for breath, my sight was dimming, big black spots in my vision. I got the satisfaction that I won’t go down easy as I clawed at his hands and hissed to myself. Oh no. It’ll be my biggest fight ever. I finally have something I want. Something more important than anything else to me.

  My Dalen.

  * * *

  Peeling my eyes open as I looked around, I tried to control my breathing so as not to begin to hyperventilate. Okay, I am in a closed metal ship. Clearly a cargo ship. That leads to so many more questions than it answers. Why am I still on a ship? Wouldn't it be easier to just leave me unconscious? What is the point of not rushing me off the planet? I could feel no rumble of the engine beneath my feet, which leads me to the belief that I we are still on the planet? Or have I been asleep for so long we are on a different planet? The air tastes the same so we are probably on the same planet, but maybe I’m wrong?

  Have I really been out for long? Weeks maybe? Is Dalen looking for me? Does Dalen even know? Does he think I left him by choice or does he know it was by force? Is he trying to find me now?

  I took a deep breath. ‘Breathe, Adrianna.’ I heard my beloved’s voice in my head. ‘One thing at a time. First, find out how to escape. Figure that out. Everything else is less important.’

  When I looked around and saw no camera on me, and saw that Robert was not around, I walked around cautiously. Robert wasn’t that smart, yeah. But I don’t think he’s dumb enough for him to make it this easy for me. There’s probably something around. Something, somewhere.

  When I found an old busted communicator while rummaging through all the other trash in this room, I had to bite my tongue so I didn’t scream out in victorious happiness. No. Come on, Adrianna. Be serious and think things through.

  Running away from Robert wouldn’t be easy. I needed to fix up the communicator. He’s also bigger and stronger than me, so I’m gonna need some insurance.

  I continued looking until I found a blaster. Upon realizing it wasn’t fake, I cheered inwardly. Oh yes. They won’t know what hit them. Well, they will. They just won’t get it until it’s too late for them.

  I hid the blaster close to me, holding the communicator to my chest as I let my eyes rest. Now, I will play the waiting game. Don’t want to be working on the communicator when one of them walk in now, do I?

  Chapter 7

  When I came to the house after a long day at work, I noticed first, that it was too quiet. Adrianna was never this quiet. Even when she was asleep she would talk or mumble or snore. She fell down and broke stuff with her clumsiness, and she mumbled stuff to herself.

  I hesitated as I put my hand on the door handle, a bit too afraid of what I might find in the house.

  It’s too dark now, so she hasn’t left on her own. What if she is leaving me? What if something awful happened to her? What if she’s sick and all alone and has been abducted?

  … What if Robert has come for her?

  I knew all about Robert. My true love’s own personal boogeyman. People as horrifying and deranged as him shouldn’t be able to live. They are a scourge who needs to be cleansed so decent people can continue their lives without fear. Those who don’t see a single problem with a lifestyle profiting off the struggle of others are awful and while they can become better, people like Robert don't even care to think so.

  When I threw the door open, I glared at the house. As if I could blame the furniture itself for what has happened to my love. Yep. There was a bit of struggle. The orb of light was even shattered on the floor.

  I looked around the house. Must have left some hints right? I beli
eved it because it was easy to believe. Easy to think it would be easy to find what I was looking for.

  Luckily, he underestimated how far I would go to save my love. Yes, I am a physician. However, I have no intention of letting the plague that could ruin my life.

  He left me a note, how stupid can he even be? Thinking I will just give him what he wanted without a fight. He gave me fourteen more hours to meet him. The place made me smirk. Oh yes, the badlands. Venomous dragons, fire-breathing snakes, and poisonous, man-eating plants. Heh. Like I couldn't fight there.

  I used to go there multiple times a day just to collect all the ingredients I needed for more medicines. Hell, that’s where I found my lovely Adrianna.

  Collecting a few hidden knives and my trusty blaster, I got ready to go get her. Squaring my shoulders, I trekked to our meeting spot.

  I can remember when we first met. Every moment where she was afraid of touch, where she writhed and screamed as she slept, where she distrusted every kind word from the natives because she had been conditioned to believe any kindness meant they were trying to simply take advantage of her.

  Those are the things that propelled me forward. The things that pushed my feet forward, into what was surely a trap set by a man who doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as she does.

  Adrianna fears nothing. She used to climb on the backs of beasts as if they were domesticated. She once giggled after she was thrown off. She tried to feed man-eating plants. She never showed a single ounce of fear.

  Unless she was waking up from a nightmare about Robert finding her.

  This is what fueled the fire in my belly, the nightmare that had plagued my true love for years has come to life. It has come true, and maybe now, will finally end. Everything will be better.

  I walked through the forest. This was one of the few forests I rarely went down. They had too many beasts. Most plants couldn’t even live here. Constant bursts of fire, and destructive spit destroying their bark.


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