Captured By The Warriors

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Captured By The Warriors Page 99

by Daniella Wright

  Even that, of course, sounded silly in her mind. She knew from experience that the Jundar weren’t predatory in nature. For all intents and purposes… well they were a fairly docile race, all things considered.

  “You look like you’ve never felt that before.”

  She looked at him, blinking again as she was pulled from her thoughts. For the first time since meeting him, months ago following his arrival on Earth, she felt flustered in his presence.

  “Well it’s not every day I kiss a man and he makes me want to –” But she stopped herself, unable to finish the thought for fear of sounding completely moronic.

  “Makes you want to mate?”

  “That is not what I was getting at.”

  His brow rose, disbelieving, and before she could say another word, he reached out, sliding his hand along her thigh. She had changed between her capture and their current conversation. Gone was the plain white lab attire, and instead she was in comfortable lounging shorts and a tank that she had found in a supply crate located in the ship’s female quarters. The feeling of his palm on her bare skin was warm, and made her insides flutter as he trekked his fingers up, up.

  She didn’t know what the hell was wrong with her, only that she didn’t stop him when those fingers came to the hem of those shorts – shorts, she realized a little too late, that were hardly of a modest length. Her breath hitched as his slid his fingers beneath the fabric, and brushed against the soaked outline of her panties without hesitation. She knew that she should tell him to stop. He wasn’t allowed to do this to her, he was her subject, she was the scientist – she wasn’t some easily swayed moron, quick to fall for the wiles of a pretty face.

  Something, though, told her it was more than that. She was a rational woman. She was a scientist. She didn’t ignore fact when it was right in front of her, and fact told her that the reactions her body had to Mor’an held meaning. She may not understand that meaning. She may not want to accept it.

  But it was there, and she wanted to explore it.

  Her legs didn’t close as he stroked against the cloth-covered lips. If anything, they opened wider, inviting. He leaned in to kiss her again, and without thinking she pulled him closer, arms around his shoulders and fingers at the back of his neck. Her thighs quaked and toes curled as his fingers nudged the fabric of her panties to the side, slipping a finger between her slicked folds. She moaned into his mouth, unable to stop herself from biting his lip hard enough to draw blood from him. The growl that rumbled in his chest nearly made her melt, sent a thrilled, pleased shock through her. He must have liked it, as his kisses became hungry, and he added a second finger inside of her, working it hard, deep, pressing deep into her intimate parts.

  Adrien could have lost herself in it. Again, that all-encompassed feeling of arousal flooded through her body at the contact of him against her. She wanted… she wanted… No, she needed. She needed him inside of her. Base, primal instincts screamed that she needed him in her, claiming her, bodies melding until he –


  He added another finger, circling and rubbing against her clit, spreading the slickness of her over it and adding to the sensations. It made her drop her head back against her chair, and her legs came to settle at Mor’an’s waist. His free hand settled at the small of her back to balance her as he worked between her thighs, giving her her pleasure in waves that shocked her body, made it shake and tremble almost violently – just from his hand on her.

  “More,” she panted out. “More, oh God, more.”

  She had no idea what had gotten into her. No man had ever made her crumble so easily before – no man had ever managed to get her to fall apart from the seams with something that felt like ease from him. But there they were. She was certain that if he stopped, she would go insane – she wouldn’t be able to handle it, not one bit.

  The thrilling thing was that he gave her just that – more. His movements were insistent, teeth nipping and biting into her flesh as he moved from her mouth to her neck, down her body. He bit at her over her clothes and gods, did she wish she were bare for him just to feel the way his teeth were against her uncovered skin. It was almost as good, though, as he lowered himself to his knees before her, and that mouth hit her thighs as he let yet another of those exploring, tantalizing fingers press within her womanhood. He bit her right at the artery, and drew a strangled, pleased grown from her throat. His lack of hair didn’t stop her from letting her hands fall to his head, nails scrapping against his scalp. All she could do was moan, her inner walls constrict around his fingers, as she urged him closer towards her center.

  He took direction, took it well, and wasn’t shy covering her swollen bud with his lips. His tongue darted out against it, flat before a pointed tip circled it. The sensation drew out another breathy moan from her, and she basked in what he did to her.

  Fingers, mouth, tongue on her, slipping down to taste inside her, back up to her little nub, thumbs spreading her open so tongue could be buried back inside her once more. There was nothing better than the feeling of having him between her legs, giving her pleasures that she couldn’t have imagined he, of all people, would be giving her. Her thighs came to rest at either side of his head, and she barely registered when he seemed to get impatient with the fabric he’d earlier shoved away from her, and tore it from her body, leaving her lower half properly bare. What she did register, was Mor’an jerking her forward, almost throwing her off balance, to settle each of his hands at her thighs to shove them apart.

  Adrien flushed at how open, how exposed she was. The lips of her sex parted, entrance wet, red with desire. She didn’t have the time or mind to contemplate it a lot though – she looked down as Mor’an admired her form, his dark eyes seeming to darken impossibly more, before he pressed his face to her. His tongue slid in her once more, his mouth practically devoured her as he stroked within her. Waves and waves of pleasure hit her, mounting, crushing forward and she was so close she could burst –

  A sudden, shrill beeping pulled him from her, fingers and mouth leaving her. She jumped, breath coming out in heavy pants. No… no she didn’t want it to stop. It had felt so good, she had been so close, they could have gone farther, harder… She sat up, hand running through her hair and it was only an afterthought that had her closing her still lewdly spread legs. Damn. Her body was on fire. How had that been so intense?

  The beeping blazed on, and they continued to stare at her. She sighed, biting her lip. He breathed in deeply, as well, with his brows furrowed before he stood. They looked at each other for a while, staring as if they’d just seen each other – really saw each other – for the first time in that moment.

  The buzzing, however, continued on and on and loudly for that matter, and he sighed, moving towards the front of the ship.

  “We might have a problem,” he called back to her. Adrien sighed, ran her hand through her hair, and straightened herself up as well as she could. There was nothing much left of her bottoms; he’d not torn them to shreds but they were a little mangled. She slid them up to her hips anyway, figuring that she would need to be a little presentable for whatever the hell was going on with the ship.

  “What problem?” she asked, deciding not to say what was on her mind – that the timing of whatever that damned alarm was couldn’t be worse. She made her way to the front of the ship, hoping that whatever was going on wasn’t going to interrupt them too, too much. There was still a considerable ache in her belly, a fire between her legs and a curiosity that was so unstated, that it could have been comical to her, had she not been the one experiencing it.

  Fate, however, would not be so kind to her.

  “We’re about to fly through an asteroid field,” he said. “You should strap yourself down and hold on; it’s going to be bumpy.”

  III: For the Sake of Experimentation

  Adrien had never flown through an asteroid field. Though she was accustomed to space travel, it had never been far, and certainly never in such conditions.
Being someone who wasn’t a pilot, as well, she had no idea how to get through an asteroid field.

  Mor’an, to his credit, had navigated them well. It had been bumpy, as he’d warned, but they had gotten out of it with the ship relatively unharmed. Adrien, however, had quickly found that she didn’t much care for the way flying through an asteroid field felt. She had strapped herself in, as Mor’an had suggested she do, but any latent arousal that had been left in her after their impromptu encounter had left her while they flew through the field. It was a terrifying thing, one that left her heart beating erratic and scared in her chest.

  After, when Mor’an cruised them smoothly out of the uncommonly large field, she had retired to her room before he say, do, or suggest another thing. She convinced herself that it wasn’t that she was running away, even though it felt like it. She had told him she was tired, and in turn, told herself that too.

  After all, flying through an asteroid field was certainly a tiring experience.

  What she actively denied to herself, then, was how tempting it was to go to Mor’an’s arms when he’d walked over to see if she was okay. She denied that all she’d wanted to do was find comfort in his embrace, bury her face in his chest to absorb his scent, feel his warmth against her. Though she wasn’t new being with a man, that sort of… desperate, longing need was certainly foreign to her. She was, after all, highly independent. She took care of her own problems, her own fears, worked through them like the educated, adult woman that she was.

  And yet, something within her told her that she needed him, badly.

  That evening, she had chalked it up to the latent sexual energy that was surely coursing through her. That idea made sense to her, in her mind. Obviously, her body was just wired from the intense sexual encounter, and the adrenaline hadn’t died down in the trying situation that had presented itself following her willingly letting him touch her, kiss her, put a part of himself inside of her. Endorphins did wicked things to one’s mind and body, after all, and she had been a scientist long enough to know that, at the very least.

  But the feeling of needing to be around him hadn’t subsided the next morning, nor through that next day, nor the next. She kept herself locked in her chosen quarters, feeling simultaneously anti-social and undeniably, unbearably needy. It wasn’t just an emotional need – it was every kind of need she could think of. She wanted skin contact, she wanted company, she wanted comfort. Underlying all of that, she desperately, wantonly, needed Mor’an to force his way into her quarters, lay her on her back, and have his way with her.

  Honestly, she had never masturbated so much in her life; she thought it was a wonder that she hadn’t broken herself.

  If she could have described what she felt like, she’d have said it was like being in heat – but that was ridiculous. She wasn’t an animal, she was a human woman. Human women didn’t have heats. Human women became aroused, needed stimulation, but what she felt was a distinct, burning need to have Mor’an, in every way.

  She lay in her bed one of the mornings, having woken from a vivid dream. She’d had Mor’an between her thighs again, that tongue of his working wonders for her sex. In and out it would go, circle her nub, then his lips would wrap around it, sucking, giving little nibbles that left her body electric. But the dream was just a dream, and before she could orgasm in that dream, her eyes blinked open and she groaned in frustration at ecstasy that hadn’t been reached.

  Her hands slid down though, and there was a wetness between her thighs she was wondering wouldn’t become a permanent occurrence. She touched herself, playing through the thick slickness that had leaked from her in her sleep during her dream. She was already so hot…

  With a sigh, she slipped a finger in, out. She rocked her hips against her own intrusion, and wasn’t patient enough to ease another finger in – it was two she slipped in, her back arching off the bed when she did, legs parting wider. Adrien fingered herself, working the pads of her fingers against the bundle of nerves within her sex and used her other hand to spread her lips and expose the bud above her filled entrance.

  She rocked against her own hand, enjoyed the pleasure she brought herself as she gave those dual sensations. But instead of paying attention to the fact it was herself touching her body, she imagined it was Mor’an, like he’d been doing in her dream. She relished the idea of being spread open by him once more, and her fantasies quickly ran wild with the notion that it wasn’t just his hands, his mouth, but his whole body on her.

  Her thighs parted, and she desired nothing more than her fingers being the slide of his member inside of her. She imagined how thick it would be, how long – whether it would have alien qualities to it. She wondered if it swelled like some, pulsed, or if it knotted. The idea that he could be inside her and his girth thickening, holding her small human body to his huge alien one was more appealing than it ought to have been – and though she’d never been with an alien before like that, there was nothing more than wanting to have him driving inside her.

  Every pass of her fingers deep within the cavity of her sex, she imagined it was him. She moaned at the thought of his big hands holding her down by her arms, the width of his hips forcing her thighs open. She tightened around her own fingers, wondering what it would be like to tighten around him as her pleasure flooded out around her fingers in a sweet, clear mess of satisfaction, though she didn’t stop even as the sensitivity made her body twitch and ache almost to the point of it being far, far too much.

  She didn’t know when she’d gotten so needy, so desperate, but she didn’t care. Even in the midst of her orgasm, the fantasy didn’t stop – in her mind, Mor’an would take her just once, and she was hardly done with herself. She rolled herself over after withdrawing her fingers from her dripping sex, knees spread and her rear up in the air as she forced her face against the bed. How she shuddered at the notion of him forcing her head to her pillows as he took her from behind, and that was her thought as she reached around and shoved her fingers back inside her quivering hole.


  She moaned, biting her teeth into her pillow only because she didn’t want the embarrassment of possibly having Mor’an hear what she was doing to herself – driving her fingers into her aching body almost violently as she pictured Mor’an gripping her hips so he could force his way in and out of her, hitting her deepest spots at an angle so mind-blowingly tantalizing.

  “You want it harder?” he would ask her, that deep voice of his husked, almost animalistic. She wouldn’t even be able to respond to him, only nod her head as deliriously as she did then, her mouth open, panting, dripping in drool. And oh, he would – he’d give it to her harder, forcing her legs further apart.

  Her free hand snaked between her thighs, playing between her lips to once more pleasure that swollen nub atop her folds. She loved the idea of Mor’an driving into her body but also giving her pleasure outside of it, as well as within. Member inside her, hands on her. She arched her back, recalling how his teeth at her thighs felt to her, and how good it would be if those vicious teeth tore into her neck, held her down. Would he growl against her flesh as he bucked into her like a beast? Draw blood from her like little more than an animal?

  Adrien, perhaps, had never been overtly into pain; she never thought of herself as much a masochist despite her enjoyment of rougher sex, but she honestly couldn’t get the idea out of her head of having him thoroughly wreak and claim her pathetic little human body with his strong, alien one. Perhaps it made her delusional, what did she know? All she could discern was that their brief, interrupted encounter had ignited something fierce within her, and she could think of nothing more than having him.

  She came, again, tight around her fingers with her wall pulsing, fluttering and flowing. It was good, so good, but there was a huge part of her that was highly disappointed in the fact that though she felt her own wetness flow and leak around her fingers, she couldn’t feel the warmth and fill of Mor’an’s covering and marking her insides.

>   The whine that left her at the thought was only muffled because she buried her face into the pillow she had bitten. She should have been exhausted, but she wasn’t. Two orgasms in, and she felt like she still needed more, more, more. Her body quivered and flushed for his touch – hers was hardly enough and she could have cried in frustration if her body didn’t demand she not take her own hands off herself.

  What the hell had that man done to her?

  The initial thought that came to her, after she’d orgasmed enough times she could think clearly again, was that he’d done something to her. He had to have drugged her, maybe his alien body secreted some sort… chemical, something. There was a more persistent part of her, however, that felt perhaps… maybe this was what he had told her about. That compatibility.

  Being the scientist that she was, however, she knew better than to make assumptions. On the fourth day of her self-imposed imprisonment, she knew it was as good a time as any to test the theory.

  She showered, dressed in fresh clothing, and left her quarters. There were male, and female, on opposite sides of a corridor. Mor’an had only ever come to her door to see if she needed anything, before returning to his chosen quarters. She made her way over, knocking at his door, and waited.

  The paneling of wall gave way after a few moments, and he stood before her. She swallowed a little heavily, taking in his form.

  He was naked.

  Mor’an seemed surprised that she was at his door, but he did nothing to hide his body. Clearly, modesty was not his thing, and as a result, Adrien openly stared at the member between his legs, hanging there proudly and thick. She swallowed again, feeling that heat rising in her as she remembered the fantasies that she had just had about him using that delicious part on her, before she brought her eyes up to look at his face.


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