Captured By The Warriors

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Captured By The Warriors Page 105

by Daniella Wright

  “You’re so beautiful,” I murmur, and he quirks his lips in amusement.

  "Should that not be a notion I speak of you?" He retorts, and I roll my eyes, pressing my lips to the pale skin of his stomach. His body quakes with my every touch and his eyes are half-lidded with pleasure as he watches me spatter kisses across the expanse of his torso. He rests his hand on the back of my head, tangling his hand in my hair and stroking the sensitive skin of my scalp. I sigh against him, drawing back and watching him with a shy smile. He takes the initiative, disrobing me of my favorite dress, his hands gliding across every inch of my skin that he touches. I shiver beneath his tender touches, and as he draws my dress over my head, he lowers his hand back to my chest. He simply rests it there for a moment, expression pensive.

  “What are you doing, you silly man?” I murmur, and he quirks a smile at me.

  "It never ceases to surprise me what a comfort it is, feeling your heartbeat. I don't know what I would do if the steady thrum ceased reverberating in my mind," he smiles gently. I tilt my head, and he chuckles softly before explaining. "Initially, I couldn't explain that strange ticking, seemingly in the deepest confines of my mind. When I touch you, however, the beat is a familiar one," he offers. Though I don't entirely understand, there's no way I could, I can tell that this is not a feeling he has shared with many if any before me.

  “Sometimes, I forget that most would consider this… strange. As if it were not meant to be,” I mutter, and he leans in closer, tenderly kissing my collarbone.

  "If it were not meant to be, then certainly we would not fit so well together," he murmurs. His hand travels down my body with purpose, and my breath hitches as it settles comfortably at the apex of my thighs. I exhale a shaky breath, still not used to his gentle touches. Whenever I had been with earth men, they seemed to have something to prove to themselves. Clark, in particular, seemed to think that making love to me was some grand feat, that I needed to be somehow conquered. When Kajin touches me, I can mistake it as nothing but affection. It's obvious that he cares for me, as unlikely as our relationship is.

  “And we do… fit so well,” I gasp as he begins to stroke my slit. My breathing is shallow, and I squeeze my eyes shut, my nerve receptors seeming to be set afire in a way that was similar to our first experience, yet so unlike.

  “I do hope you appreciate the candles. They’re said to have an aphrodisiac effect on some species, and, well. It was a shot in the dark, I suppose you would say,” he says nervously.

  "I feel like I've died and gone to heaven," I blurt, and he looks vaguely taken aback. "Which is a good thing, in human terms. At least, if you believe in the notion of an afterlife," I add quickly, feeling as if it is a struggle to get the words out clearly. He looks reassured by the comment, and continues to stroke between my thighs, circling around the aching nub at the crux of my womanhood. I shiver, panting softly as his touches become a bit firmer.

  “Right there?” He inquires, and I can only wonder how he is so good at working my buttons, considering I’m the first human he has ever met. Perhaps he’s just that good, even among his people, though I don’t want to consider the fact that he’s been with anyone aside from myself.

  “Gentle, gentle touches. I’m very sensitive there,” I gasp out, enthralled by the touches. He hesitates, flicking his fingertip gently against my clit. My body almost seizes in pleasure, my mind cloudy from the effects of the candles.

  “Is that good? I want… I want to show you how I feel, not just… take my fill of you and be done,” he says nervously, and I cup his cheek in my hand.

  “You’re so wonderful,” I whisper. I lean in to kiss him, and he shifts to meet my lips properly. I wrap a leg around his waist, feeling the increasingly familiar bulge in his leathery pants. “Kajin, may I be honest with you?” I manage, rolling my hips against his knob in a desperate attempt to get friction.

  “Yes, Kara, of course,” he assures me, an obvious strain to his voice.

  “I would love nothing more than for you to take me. Gently. Softly, yes, but… I want to feel you inside me,” I breathe against his lips. He falters slightly, tilting his head downward to inhale a sharp breath.

  “When we first did this, I was less certain of my feelings,” he gasps out. I shush him, reaching between us to unfasten his pants. I slide them down his hips as soon as I am able, exposing him to the open air once more. His ridges seem to stand out even more prominently than our first time, and his manhood looks flushed a faintly purple shade. The liquid that seeps from his hole is silver in color, and though I’m briefly confused, he doesn’t seem to notice the differences. I might have asked about it, but he lines himself up to press into me, and my body jolts as soon as the liquid touches my skin. It feels like electric shocks shooting through my body, the pleasure so intense it feels like my whole body may seize from it.

  “Are you okay?” He inquires gently.

  “So… so good,” I gasp out, tensing my hands in the sheets. He reddens slightly, parting his lips to speak.

  “My people are an adaptive one. My body must be shifting to further suit your needs,” he offers awkwardly. I grin deliriously, pressing our lips together in a tender kiss. His tongue darts out, brushing my lower lip. I part my lips, inhaling a shuddering breath as he presses into me. It’s all I can do to swallow a scream, not wanting to give Clark the wrong idea. However, it strikes me suddenly that I could care less what that bastard of a man thinks of me.

  “Take me, Kajin,” I moan loudly, perhaps a bit too loudly, and his eyes widen in surprise.

  "It is a privilege, my beloved one," he says with a tender smile, seeming to recover well enough. He pushes into me, and desperate squeals spill past my lips. As soon as he enters me, I'm surprised to feel the shockwaves of my first orgasm wash over me. Tears spill down my cheeks at the intensity and Kajin kisses the tears away with a gentleness that had been shown to me by no other man, before. His face is tense as well, and I realize I'm clenching around him in a way that must be almost painful. I try to relax, but I feel myself wind up almost immediately as he begins to rock against me. Once more, his name becomes my mantra. Every thrust of his length inside me seems to send earth shattering waves through my entire body. Though what I had experienced when he first entered me was beyond a normal orgasm, delightful beyond my wildest dreams, I feel myself being driven higher and higher, past the realm of sanity as I experience… what feels like an explosion inside of me. It's as if the big bang, the beginning of a new world has taken place inside my body, something ethereal in nature. I find myself wondering how I managed to find myself in bed with this god of a creature. I feel like a goddess in my own right, in his arms. I feel tears spilling down my cheeks, and it's all I can do to scream his name as this invigorating sensation washes over me.

  I don’t realize he’s drawn away until my body ceases its delirious jerking, and he watches me with something akin to awe from the foot of the bed.

  “A-are you alright?” He inquires softly, and my brain spins for a long moment before I manage to form words.

  “I’m… amazing. That was… oh my god, I had never believed in the heavens until they exploded in my very mind,” I blurt. He hesitates a moment, cheeks aflame with a blush.

  “That good, huh? I’m pretty sure your screams shattered a window,” he muses aloud. I laugh airily, drawing him into my arms and pressing our lips together.

  “I’m pretty sure you’ve shattered my soul,” I retort. He chuckles against my lips, and I realize just how much I feel for this man. Beyond what I’ve ever felt for anyone, anything, in my entire life. Could this be love? I’d doubted its existence, but if not love, then what else could this be? This gentle madness that had driven me to the brink of my own existence.

  Though it was certainly not my intention, I find that I will have more difficulty than expected, leaving this place. Then, the thought strikes me. Perhaps I won’t leave. Perhaps I will remain here, at Kajin’s side. I can’t imagine a more appealing fate
, even on my home planet.

  I decidedly keep my decision regarding my fate to myself, refusing to tell Clark of my attempt to remain on this planet. We have not had any outright arguments, mostly because I have been ignoring his attempts to engage me in conversation. I have nothing to say to the man. Any part of me that may have loved him in the past has faded to new and more intense affection for Kajin. I don’t say as much, not eager to cause another fallout between the men. However, it is all I can do to contain my excitement for Clark’s departing. Though it is certainly not set in stone, and I have not expressed my old flame’s attempts to contact earth to my new alien lover, I have the deepest of hopes that something will cause Clark to leave. If not this planet, the city at least.

  As the days pass, however, Clark becomes increasingly bold with his attempts to engage me. He brushes against me, whispering crude words into my ear when Kajin is not around to witness it. Truthfully, it instills a bit of fear within me. I don’t know what Clark is capable of, though I know that he is reluctant to let an issue go once he puts his mind to it. That’s part of what had caused our initial breakup. Perhaps the worst of all is when he makes an attempt to grope or otherwise harass me when Kajin is only in the next room. I dare not call out to my new lover, fearful that he would kill the human male if presented the opportunity. While I know better than to think Kajin and his people are mere savages, I know they are a warrior people. Kajin would not take kindly to the lack of respect he’s receiving from Clark.

  I’m busying myself in my new study, a small nook that Kajin and I had constructed with the most reluctant of help from Clark. It isn’t anything like my lab back home, but it will do until further facilities can be arranged. I don’t hear Clark approach, but I sense his presence as he begins to loom over me. I draw away from my microscope, turning to face the other human. His smile is wicked, and he pushes me back against the wall, pinning my hands on either side of me.

  “What are you doing?” I blurt angrily, and he presses his lips to the column of my throat.

  “If I can not convince you with words, I’ll simply have to show you what you’re missing out on. What you’re giving up, when you screw around with that alien savage,” he murmurs against my skin. I struggle against him, panic washing over me as I realize he fully intends to rape me. However, as if smelling my fear, Kajin rushes in and snatches Clark by the back of his collar. He throws the human man across the room, examining me for injuries.

  “Are you okay?” He whispers lovingly, and I press myself into his embrace.

  “Don’t kill him. It’s not worth it. Just… leave it, Kajin. Please. For me,” I mutter, tears streaming down my cheeks. He brushes a hand through my hair before turning to face the disheveled human man.

  “It would do well for you to know that you are not to touch Kara without her express consent. If she would have you, I would not come between it. However, it is clear that you’re pressing an issue where you are unwanted,” Kajin says coldly. His teeth are bared in an almost animalistic gesture, and I swallow a thick lump in my throat as Clarke storms towards the door.

  Something has to give, it’s only a matter of time at this point.


  The next day, I awake in Kajin’s arms. He has decided to keep a closer eye on me while Clark remains in our company. Clark himself is growing increasingly distant, though I don’t have many complaints on that front. I could go the rest of my life without speaking to him, were it an option. This morning, however, Clark seems exceptionally chipper. I watch him warily, not knowing exactly what he has up his sleeve. He approaches me and Kajin that afternoon, smiling a daring smile at the alien man.

  “I have news,” he reports boldly, and I draw nearer to Kajin, having the vaguest of ideas of what this news could be. Kajin seems altogether uninterested, but allows Clark audience, gesturing for him to continue. “I have received a signal from planet Earth. They have sent a rescue team, who will be arriving at our crash site by this evening,” he smirks. Kajin, much to our mutual surprise, simply smiles in response.

  “That is certainly news,” he says noncommittally. Clark narrows his eyes dangerously, drawing nearer to the two of us.

  “If you are to try and stop my return to earth, it will be a matter of intergalactic war. I’m well respected on my planet, and I can give the word for the United States army to launch war upon your planet,” he says with a wicked smile. I stiffen at Kajin’s side, but the alien man simply shrugs his shoulders, gesturing towards the door.

  “I care not for your United States but if you want to leave, I will make no move to stop you. I will even escort you to the rescue site, to ensure that you are not injured by the planet’s fauna. You seem the foolish sort to take on a wild bagaloon with only your bare fists,” Kajin chuckles, and I manage to relax, if only slightly.

  “I would think that you would be more upset to lose your little sex toy,” Clark bites out. Kajin narrows his eyes, reaching out to grasp the human man by his shirt collar. He draws him in closer, pulling him off his feet and meeting his gaze with a steely expression.

  "I will thank you for showing my mate the respect she deserves," he begins, hesitating before turning to face me. "I know the Earth is your home, and I would not presume to ask you to remain here with me. However, I want you to know that my soul is forever entwined with yours. We are fated to be, in the everlasting afterlife. I love you, Kara," he says gently. My eyes widen, and I can do little but throw my arms around his neck, drawing him in for a passionate kiss.

  “I love you too,” I whisper against his lips, drawing away and shooting Clark a dirty look. “I intend to remain here, with you and your people. Space travel has always been my dream, and you, Kajin, are a dream come true. I dare not lose you for the sake of a home that is no longer my own,” I murmur, holding him close. He inhales a shuddering breath, pulling away to consider me with his wide and dark eyes.

  “You are sure this is what you want?” He asks gently, and I nod my head fervently in response.

  “I could want nothing more. Let’s see Clark to his rescue pod, and I can finally return to my studies here, in peace,” I say, glancing to Clark with pursed lips. He watches the two of us with wide eyes, sputtering nearly incoherently.

  “Kara! You can’t stay here! The Earth is your home! Have you gone absolutely mad?” He cries out, struggling as Kajin takes him by the arm and guides him out of our now-shared home.

  “If love is a form of madness, consider me absolutely batty,” I say with a smirk. I lead the men to the crash site turned rescue site, spotting an earth vessel long before we reach the location. I hesitate, glancing to Kajin with a soft smile. “I will say my goodbyes, and then… it’s the two of us, here on out,” I murmur. Kajin nods obligingly, trailing after me as I make my way to the human vessel.

  “Captain Nolan! You did survive! It’s so wonderful to see you in one piece,” the apparent captain of the rescue vessel announces. I nod my head politely, speaking before Clark can possibly interrupt me.

  “I indeed survived the crash. However, I will not be returning to Earth with you and your crew. My research is needed on this planet. I simply wanted to bid Clark farewell, and establish that I am remaining here of my free will,” I say firmly. The captain’s eyes widen, and he glances to where Kajin stands behind me. He seems to consider my words, and I’m certain he will try to convince me to return with them. However, he simply shakes his head before guiding Clark into the ship.

  “As you wish, Captain Nolan. If you ever wish to return to Earth, we will be but a signal away,” he says kindly. I’m more than mildly taken aback, but manage a broad smile.

  "I don't think that will be necessary, but… thank you, captain. God speed," I say grandly. He salutes before ducking into the rescue vessel. Kajin steps up beside me, reaching out to take my hand.


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