Side Chick Catching Main Chick Feelings

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Side Chick Catching Main Chick Feelings Page 9

by B. M. Hardin

  Kane grabbed my hand.

  Chills ran down my spine and made their way to my panties.

  His touched immediately caused me to become aroused.

  My back was still towards him as he came closer to me.

  I could feel the hardness of his rod up against me.

  My mouth was dry.

  I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t say a word.

  Another man hadn’t touched me, in that way, in so long and not to mention that the only other man that had ever touched me other than Drake…was his dead brother.

  This was so wrong on so many levels.

  “Um, Kane?”

  “Sshh,” he said softly.

  I could feel his breath on the back of my neck and my knees were starting to buckle.

  I was trying to walk away, but my feet wouldn’t move.

  At least not forward anyway.

  Kane started to walk backwards, taking me with him until we were back inside and behind his closed door.

  He rubbed on my outer thighs, and he started to say things; first it was sweet things and then it was naughty things in my ears.

  Look at young buck trying to seduce somebody.

  And I’ll be damn if it wasn’t working.

  We’d been flirting and nasty talking for a while now and I knew one of us was eventually going to give in and want more.

  Hell, I’d thought that it was going to be me.

  “Take them off,” he said.

  For the first time, I turned around to face him.

  It wasn’t until then that it really hit me that he wasn’t Drake.

  At first my body froze up.

  I couldn’t do this to Dray.

  Things with him had been better lately and maybe they were going down the right road for once.

  Anything was possible.

  Even if it was because he was worried or jealous, he had been giving me more than enough time and attention.

  Isn’t that what I’d always wanted?

  The only problem was that he was still married.

  And that was the biggest problem of all.

  Who was I fooling?

  Things were probably never going to change with Dray and besides, he was probably still having sex with his wife.

  Maybe it was time that I sampled another piece of meat.

  And Kane was all young and stuff too.

  He was probably good and nasty!

  “If you want them off, you take them off,” I said seductively, and Kane did just that.

  He swiftly removed every piece of clothing that I had on and he stepped back, just for a second, to look at me.

  He licked his lips and then rubbed the hairs on his chin.

  What the hell was he thinking about?

  And what in the hell was I getting myself into?

  For some reason I felt as though I’d probably bitten of more than I could chew, because next he picked me up and placed my back against the front door.

  I looked at him as he held me firmly with one arm as he freed himself with the other hand.

  “You ready,” he said cockily.

  I smirked.

  This cougar cootie, though I wasn’t that old, was about to have him chasing behind me like the young little puppy dog that he was.

  He should have been asking himself that question.

  With his same free hand, he stuck his hand in a bowl on a shelf, right by the door.

  He ripped the paper from the condom off with his teeth, put it on, and the next second took my breath away.

  Daddy BIG!

  Her mouth stretched as he entered her and I gripped his shoulders.

  He was working with a monster, and as he pushed my pelvic area closer and closer toward his, I knew that I was in trouble.

  He was about to wax this ass…and that’s exactly what he did.

  Nothing had ever hurt so bad, yet felt so good, before in my entire life.

  He seemed to be twice the size of Drake, although that was a stretch, but it truly felt that way.

  I didn’t know whether to scream or moan.

  I didn’t know whether to beg him for more or beg him to stop.

  I just couldn’t explain what I was feeling but I didn’t try to so I just focused on the feeling and enjoyed it.

  I was screaming and cursing up a storm and Kane taunted me, nastily, saying that he was giving me what I’d asked for and asking me over and over if I liked it.


  Hell yes I did!

  I’d never experienced such an explosive orgasm before in my entire life and the release of my creams made me dizzy.

  Kane put me down and I could barely walk.

  After I caught my breath, I started to get dressed.

  We didn’t say anything.

  I didn’t really know what to say.

  In a way I was embarrassed or maybe I was ashamed, but either way, I had to get out of there!

  “Um, thank you, I think,” I said to him and he laughed.

  I hurried out of his place and headed to the elevator.

  I couldn’t believe that I’d just had sex with someone other than Drake, and I couldn’t believe that I liked it.

  Scratch that…I freakin’ loved it!

  And oh how I wanted to do it again.

  It didn’t have the same passion, intimacy, that Drake and I shared, but still yet it left me in awe and wanting more.

  Still in my thoughts, and with my thoughts still on Kane, I got off of the elevator and entered my condo.


  I damn near jumped out of my skin.

  It was Drake.

  For some reason I started to sniff, hoping that I didn’t smell too much like sex. All of a sudden I was extremely frightened but I shook it off and approached him.

  “Where you been dressed like that?”

  I had to think of a lie fast.

  “I changed after work and then I decided to take a walk around the block. I got off early.”

  Drake looked at me.

  “Hmm, I hadn’t seen you walking when I came. Anyway, put some decent clothes back on.”

  I looked at him.

  We were going somewhere?

  We never went anywhere, unless it was to get a burger or something, or unless we went out of town.

  Not wanting Drake to change his mind and not wanting him to know that I needed to shower, I got my clothes, headed to the bathroom and started to sing over the sink water so that I could wash up.

  The feeling of guilt finally started to sink in.

  I felt so dirty.

  I was just too damn faithful to a married man.

  Though I wasn’t Drake’s main woman, at heart, I felt like I was.

  In a way, I’d felt like I’d just committed adultery or something.

  I felt as though I’d cheated on him, when he’d been cheating on me or with me for the past few years.

  If that’s what you wanted to call it.

  But still yet, I couldn’t help the way that I felt.

  And I felt that what I had done was wrong.

  I dressed casually and put what had just happened with Kane on the back burner until I was alone and able to think everything through.

  Drake smiled at me when I entered the living room and headed for the door.

  “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  We headed to the elevator, and Dray grabbed my hand.

  What was he up to?

  The elevator doors opened and so did my mouth.

  Kane was standing there.

  He looked at me but I quickly looked away.

  The tension in the air was so thick that a knife couldn’t even cut it, but nevertheless, Drake and I entered the elevator and stood in front of Kane.

  Had he been on his way up to see me?

  Thank goodness he hadn’t made it.

  Drake would have surely flown off the handle and there was no doubt in my mind that there would have been a fight.r />
  Drake kissed on me and I smiled.

  I knew that he was being funny and doing it because Kane was there, but I didn’t have a choice but to play along.

  I didn’t want to raise any suspicions.

  I had no idea what Kane’s response was going to be and that alone had me sweating bullets.

  And then I felt it.

  I felt his hand on my ass as he repeatedly kept sneaking and touching my butt cheeks.

  I almost pissed on myself.

  Drake was kissing on me, while Kane was behind me feeling on my booty.

  Oh my…the pressure!

  When the elevator doors opened, I damn near ran off of it and Drake looked at me as though I was crazy.

  So I had to justify my actions.

  “You were only kissing me to make him jealous. You’re such the typical man,” I said to him as to make it as though his actions had bothered me to the point that I was antsy.

  Kane hadn’t gotten off.

  I figured that he’d gone back up to his condo.

  Drake smiled at me as though what I’d said was funny to him and then he led me out to his car.

  As we drove, he talked and talked.

  I talked back but I was fighting to focus on what he was saying and not on what I’d done with Kane.

  Drake would kill me if he ever found out, so I had to make sure that he didn’t.

  “Where are we going?”

  Drake smiled again and then he stopped at a light and pulled out a scarf.

  He covered my eyes and for some reason I just felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness.

  Drake hadn’t done anything like this, for me, since before I had gone to prison.

  Before then, he always did special things, amazing things for me.

  He would take me on surprise dates, or do little things just to see a smile on my face.

  But once I’d gotten out of prison he was not the same man.

  He was a married man with limitations and far from the man that I remembered.

  And now, he was doing something to that extent, after I’d just given up the goods to another man.


  Blindfolded, finally we stopped.

  I heard Drake get out of the car and shut his door.

  Soon, he opened the car door on my side and helped me out.

  It was summertime, so even though it was after five o’clock in the evening, it was still warm and sticky and pretty much daylight.

  “Watch your step,” Drake said and held me by my hand.

  Now, I was smiling.

  I was smiling because I couldn’t believe that he was doing something like this for me but I was glad that he was.

  Finally we stopped walking.


  “I’m here. I’ll always be right here. I got you.”

  Aww Dray!

  He finally took the blindfold off of my eyes.

  It took a while for me to take it all in.

  We were in a graveyard.

  And looking down, I was right in front of my Mama’s grave.

  But the icing on the cake was that to my right was Drake, but to my left was my Daddy, and all four of my siblings.

  All of them were looking at me.

  Most of them were in tears.

  I looked back at Drake who handed me yellow and white daisies.

  He stepped back and nudged me towards Mama’s grave.

  I looked at her tombstone.

  It read:

  “In loving memory of Gertrude Anne Murray: My favorite of them all has always been Moet.”

  Immediately I started to wail.

  She used to tell me that all the time.

  Moet was actually her favorite champagne.

  It was actually where she’d gotten my name from.

  She had special sayings for us all, but that was something that she’d always said to me especially when I was feeling blue.

  She had to have told them to put those words there.

  Maybe that was her way of saying that she forgave me.

  “Those were her very last words,” Daddy spoke and I heard him sniffle.

  “She was dying, in pain from a heart attack, yet that was on her mind and that was what she’d said.”

  I dropped to my knees and cried for only a second more and then placed the flowers on her grave.

  If that had been the case, why hadn’t Daddy just called me and told me?

  I would give anything just to see her face or hear her voice one last time.

  Even if she was giving me an evil stare or telling me how stupid I was again.

  I just wanted to tell her that I loved her.

  I couldn’t help but think of what Drake had gone through to get them to agree to bring me here.

  They hated him, and because of him, they hated me, but he’d managed to get through to them.

  He’d managed to do something so amazing for me and I didn’t know how I was going to be able to repay him for something like this.

  I would have never even known where Mama had been buried if it wasn’t for him.

  Oh how I loved him!

  Drake helped me to my feet and I hugged him tighter than I ever had before.

  I couldn’t express how thankful I was.

  I really felt like the scum of the earth now for letting Kane touch me.

  How could I have been so stupid?

  Dray kissed me, wiped my face, and then pulled away.

  He turned me around to face my family and pushed me in my father’s direction.

  I stood in front of him and held out my arms for him to hug me, but he held up a finger.

  He was getting old.

  He looked at least ten years older if not more, since the last time I’d seen his face.

  I missed him so much.

  “I’m sorry. I need you to know that I’m sorry. Please forgive me,” he said.

  I shook my head and tried to hug him again but he held up his finger…again, implying that I wait.

  “Moet: So faithful and so true. Love is the definition of you,” he said and finally reached out his arms for me to hug him.


  I hugged him and I couldn’t describe how it felt for me to be back in my father’s arms.

  I whimpered for only a second, but he kissed my cheek and moved me in front of my oldest sister Chardonnay.

  She smiled at me.

  She had always been a lot older so we were never all that close, not how she had been to Lee Lee; but Lee Lee’s crazy self was pretty much all of our favorite.

  “Will: Because of your will to love me through it all, I now know that your love will never let me fall,” she said and hugged me and whispered that she loved me in my ear.

  I looked back at Drake, who was smiling at me as though he was enjoying the moment.

  He waved for me to walk in front of Lee Lee.

  She smiled at me.

  “You: You loved me when I didn’t love myself. You helped me even when I didn’t even want your help,” she said and giggled.

  She literally leaped into my arms and I could feel her tears against my shoulder.

  But soon, she smacked my butt and pushed me on.

  Velvet was my youngest sister.

  She was still in high school when I’d gone to prison.

  I had no idea what kind of woman she had become.

  “Marry: Many marry, but many fail. But forever married you will be, because our love will always prevail,” she said as I gasped and looked back at Drake.

  He was closer to me than he was before but he didn’t say a word.

  I was crying again as I stood in front of my baby brother Rum.

  I smiled because my mother had actually made that his middle name.

  My father wanted him to fully be a junior but Mama was set on giving him that middle name and she did too.

  He was a lot younger and they’d gotten pregnant with him on accident.

  If I wasn’t mistaken, he was probably in hi
s third year of high school.

  “Me: You were meant for me and I was meant for you. Oh, and look, I got the divorce too,” Rum said and lifted up the papers.

  I smiled and glanced at the papers, just before hugging him.

  Drake was divorced!

  I looked at them once more, just to make sure that it was true, before turning around to Drake, who was now on his knees right beside my mother’s grave.

  “I know this isn’t the idea place for a proposal. We are in a graveyard and all. But I wanted your Mama to see. I wanted her to see me finally stepping up to the plate. I wanted her to be a part of this special day. And I have a feeling that for the first time, she would be so proud of me.”

  Oh my, he had me crying like crazy!

  He was right a graveyard proposal was different, definitely a little strange, but with his explanation, who could ask for anything more.

  Dray took the papers from my hands, and took out the ring.

  I cried even louder as the rest of my family squealed.

  “Moet Monique Murray, will you marry me?”

  I nodded for seconds but then I forced the words from the pit of my belly.

  “Hell yeah I will marry you!”

  Drake placed the ring on my finger and then he stood up and kissed me.

  He kissed me like never before and I tried to suck the skin off of his lips.


  I actually screamed out loud.

  I couldn’t believe it.

  I just couldn’t believe that it was true.

  After all of this time, my wish had finally come true.

  Goodbye side chick; and oh main chick…

  Hey boo!


  I woke up with a smile on my face.

  To see Drake sleeping next to me, still was taking some getting used to.

  I mean, the proposal, the divorce, everything, still had me on cloud nine.

  It was absolutely the best day of my life!

  All of the effort that he had put into it was just incredible.

  And having my family there, and taking me to see Mama, it all just left me speechless.

  When we’d gotten back to my condo that night, he’d given movers a spare key to move all of his things in.

  He said that he still had the house but he was going to put it up for sale and we were going to find something new.

  He’d also said that Naomi had gone back to her house, the one that I’d lived in and he even said that she’d wanted the divorce too.


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