The Vorkosigan Companion

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The Vorkosigan Companion Page 20

by Lillian Stewart Carl

  Murka—MUHR-kuh—Dendarii lieutenant, beheaded by plasma fire on Dagoola IV. (BI)

  Naismith, Cordelia—NAY-smihth, kohr-DEE-lee_uh—Betan Astronomical Survey, captain of the Rene Magritte, stopped the mutiny on Aral's ship, married Aral and became Countess Vorkosigan, ended the Vordarian Pretendership while rescuing her son. (All except FF)

  Naismith, Elizabeth—______, eh-LIHZ-uh-behth—Replicator repair tech on Beta Colony, Cordelia's mother. (EA, WA, CC)

  Naru—NAH-roo,—Ghem-general, commander of Cetagandan Imperial Security and ghem-Colonel Benin's commanding officer. (C)

  Navarr, Pel—nah-VAHR, PEHL—Haut-lady, consort of Eta Ceta, ally of Rian Degtiar, receives the kidnapped Star Crèche shipment to Rho Ceta, and performs the duties of the murdered consort of Rho Ceta. (C, DI)

  Necklin field—NEHK-lihn FEE_IHLD—Five-space field necessary for wormhole jump travel, generated by the Necklin Drive. (All)

  Negri—NEH-gree—Captain, head of Imperial Security under Emperor Ezar Vorbarra, died saving Gregor from Vordarian's men during the coup attempt. (SH, B)

  Nevatta, Grace—neh-VAH-tah, GRAYS—"Gras-Grace," captain of a small smuggling ship trying to make a living, she is the brains of the operation. She has an alternate ID as Polian Louise Latour. (DI)

  Nicol—nih-KOHL—Harp and hammer dulcimer player with the Minchenko Ballet orchestra after roaming outside Quaddiespace. Bel Thorne lives with her. (L, DI)

  Norwood—NOHR-wd—Lieutenant, medtech who shipped Miles's cryo-chamber away from Bharaputra Labs. (MD)

  Nout—NAA_OOT—Dendarii put in charge of the worthless Felician millifennig payment for delivery of Daum's cargo. (WA)

  Nu, Livia—NOO, LIH-vee-uh—Cover identity for Commander Cavilo. (VG)

  Okita—oh-KEE-tah—Sergeant, one of ghem-Colonel Millisor's men, killed by Ellie Quinn. (EA)

  Oliver—AH-lih-vr—Marilacan Commando Sergeant, first recruit to Miles's new Marilac resistance. (BI)

  Olshansky—ohl-SHAHN-skee—Colonel, Head of Sergyaran Affairs, newly appointed. (M)

  Orient Station—OH-ree-ehnt STAY-shuhn—Barrayaran Security HQ for Sector IV. (BA)

  Oser—OH-sr—Admiral of the Oseran Mercenaries, killed during the Vervain conflict. (WA)

  Overholt—OH-vr-hohlt—Sergeant in Imperial Security, Miles's bodyguard on his assignment in the Hegen Hub. (VG)

  Parnell—pahr-NEHL—Pilot Officer of the decoy vessel captained by Captain Cordelia Naismith. (SH)

  Pelias—PEHL-ee-uhs—Nation on Tau Verde IV warring with Felice. (WA)

  Pol—POHL—System linking Komarr to the Hegen Hub. (VG)

  Pramod—PRAA-mawd—Quaddie welding tech, another top student of Leo Graf. (FF)

  Ptarmigan—TAHR-mih-gn—Dendarii lieutenant noted for aggressive shuttle piloting. (L)

  Pym—PIHM—Vorkosigan armsman. (CC, MD, MM, WG)

  Quinn, Elli—KWIHN, EH-lee—Commander, Dendarii Free Mercenary Fleet, originally from Kline Station. (All except FF, MM, SH, B)

  Quintillan—KWIHN-tihl-aan—Minister of the Interior, promising Barrayaran bureaucrat lost to an untimely accident. (B)

  Radnov—RAAD-nawv—Barrayaran lieutenant, Political Officer on the General Vorkraft, tried and failed to assassinate Aral Vorkosigan. (SH)

  Radovas, Barto—RAA-doh-vahs, BAHR-toh—Engineer with a doctorate in math from Solstice University killed while testing wormhole-closing device. (K)

  Rathgens—RAATH-jehnz—General, Imperial Security chief on Komarr. (K)

  Rau—RAH_OH—Ghem-captain, minion of ghem-Colonel Millisor. (EA)

  Rene Magritte—reh-NAY mah-GREET—Sixty-person vessel of the Betan Astronomical Survey. (SH)

  Rigby—RIHG-bee—Group-Patroller, Komarran civilian police force, Serifosa Dome Security. (K)

  Riva—REE-vuh—Doctor, five-space mathematical physics expert from Solstice University. (K)

  Roic—ROYK—Vorkosigan armsman, former policeman in Hassadar, feels intimidated by the military backgrounds of most other armsmen. (CC, DI, WG)

  Rond, Este—RAWND, EHS-tee—Satrap Governor of Rho Ceta, the Cetagandan territory closest to Barrayar. (C)

  Rotha, Victor—ROH-thah, VIHK-tohr—Arms dealer cover identity for Ensign Lord Miles Vorkosigan in Hegen Hub. (VG)

  Rudra—ROO-druh—Komarran trade ship held at Graf Station. (DI)

  Ruey, Anias—RAY or RUH_EH, uh-NAI-uhs—A struggling artist and author of the feelie-dream Triad. (DD)

  Ruibal—ROO_EE-bl—Doctor, a neurologist, head of the medical team handling Simon Illyan's "illness." (M)

  Ryoval, Ry—RAI-uh-vahl, RY—Baron, head of House Ryoval, purveyor of flesh, genetic collector, and paranoid loner. (MD)

  Sahlin—SAH-ln—Felician captain who takes Daum's cargo down to Tau Verde IV. (WA)

  Sencele, Mount—sehn-SEHL, MAH_OONT—Site of the third day of the entrance exams for admission to the Barrayaran Imperial Academy, where the cadets must run a hundred kilometers. (WA)

  Sens—SEHNZ—One of the mutineers under Radnov. (SH)

  Sergyar—SRG-yahr—Barrayar's wormhole neighbor and colony planet. (CC, SH, DI)

  Serifosa Dome—seh-rih-FOH-sah DOHM—One of the sealed arcologies on Komarr, capital of Serifosa Sector. (K)

  Setti—SEH-tee—Minion of ghem-Colonel Millisor, killed on Kline Station. (EA)

  Sevarin—SEH-vah-rihn—Large city on Athos, location of the Sevarin Replication Center, where Doctor Urquhart works. (EA)

  Siembieda, Ryan—saim-BAI-dah, RAI-uhn—Dendarii tech sergeant killed on Mahata Solaris. Revived on Earth, he wondered what had happened and is filled in by Miles. (BA)

  Siggy—SIH-gee—Quaddie airsystems maintenance tech, part of Silver's organization to obtain forbidden books and vids. (FF)

  Silica—SIH-lih-kah—Underground city on Beta Colony with a notable zoo. (WA)

  Silvy Vale—SIHL-vee VAYL—Small village in the Dendarii Moun tains, progressing with help from the Vorkosigans. (M, MM)

  Skellytum—SKEH-lee-tuhm—Cylindrical plant up to five meters tall, brown with upward-growing tendrils, native to Barrayar. (K)

  Smolyani—s-mohl-YAH-nee—Lieutenant in Imperial Security, captain of the courier Kestrel sent to find Miles to negotiate a solution to problems at Graf Station. (DI)

  Soletta Array—soh-LEH-tah ah-RAY—Hexagonal array of seven insolation mirrors built by the Komarrans three centuries ago to aid in terraforming their world. Four mirrors were damaged or destroyed in an accident. (K)

  Solian—SOH-lee-n—Lieutenant, Barrayaran security liaison officer to the Toscane-owned ship Idris of the Komarran trade fleet, killed by renegade Cetegandan ba. (DI)

  Solstice Dome—SOHL-stihs DOHM—A sealed arcology on Komarr and the planetary capital. (K)

  Soltoxin—sohl-TAHK-sihn—Gas weapon that attacks the lungs. The antidote is a teratogen that affects fetal bone development, severely injuring Miles before birth. (B)

  Soudha—SOO-duh—An engineer with a degree in five-space technology, Head of Waste Heat Management for Serifosa branch of the Komarr Terraforming Project. He tries to close the wormhole to Barrayar to free his planet. (K)

  Sphaleros—s-FAA-lr-ohs—Ground Captain ImpSec, sent to transport Nikki and various others to confer with Gregor. (CC)

  Stauber, Georish—STAA_OO-br, JEE_OH-rihsh—Baron of House

  Fell, half brother of Baron Ryoval, and Lily Durona. (L, MD)

  Stuben—STOO-behn—Betan lieutenant, second-in-command of the Rene Magritte. (SH)

  Suegar—SOO-gahr—Marilacan prisoner with a prophetic text on Dagoola IV. (BI)

  Szabo—ZAH-boh—Chief Vorrutyer armsman with a special care for the succession of Count Pierre. (CC)

  Tabbi—TAH-bee—Quaddie who figured out a way to open vacuum-welded clamps by using slurry explosive. (FF)

  Tafas—TAA-fahs—One of the Radnov's mutineers, he helped Cordelia stop them. (SH)

  Tanery Base—TAA-neh-ree BAYS—Barrayaran military shuttle port, Aral's base of operations during the Vordari
an Pretendership. (B)

  Tarpan, Lucan—TAHR-paan LUH-kn—From Jackson's Whole with ties to House Bharaputra, tries to have Ekaterin assassinated to cover his escape. (WG)

  Tau, Varadar—TAH_OH, VAAR-ah-dahr—Bandit leader whose tax-collecting accountants were the first counts of Barrayar. (B)

  Tau Verde IV—TAH_OH VAYR-dee FOHR—Location of Felice and Pelias. (WA)

  Taura—TAH-rah—Ninth (and only survivor) of ten experimental supersoldiers made on Jackson's Whole, rescued/recruited by Miles for the Dendarii. (L, MD, WG)

  Teki—TEH-kee—Kline Station hydroponics specialist and cousin of Ellie Quinn. (EA)

  Teris Three—TEH-rihs THREE—Third-shift supervisor for Graf Station Security. (DI)

  Tesslev—TEHS-lehv—Best guerrilla lieutenant General Piotr ever had, killed during the Cetegandan War. (WA)

  Thorne, Bel—THOHRN, BEHL—Officer on the Ariel in the Oseran Mercenaries, captain of the Ariel in the Dendarii Mercenaries, forced to retire from the Dendarii for its role in the clone rescue raid, ended up in Quaddiespace as Assistant Portmaster on Graf Station, and wants to be a Union of Free Habitats citizen. (All except B, FF, SH)

  Toscane, Laisa—TAHS-kayn, LAI-sah—Ph.D. in business theory and on Barrayar to lobby for Komarran shipping interests. Ends up marrying Emperor Gregor. (CC, M)

  Touchev—TOO-chehv—Sergeant in the Imperial forces, squad leader of the Security team sent to retrieve Ensign Corbeau when the Barrayaran escort fleet went to alert status. (DI)

  Tremont, Guy—treh-MAWNT, GEE—Marilacan colonel and a brilliant commander, he was betrayed at Fallow Core, died on Dagoola IV. (BI)

  Tris—TRIHS—Marilacan, field-promoted to lieutenant. She and her disciplined corps are the core of Miles's organization of the prisoners and of the new Marilac resistance. (BI)

  Trogir, Marie—troh-GEER, mah-REE—Engineering technician in the Waste Heat Management group, working for Radovas. She died in the test of the wormhole-closing device. (K)

  Tung, Ky—TUHNG, KAI—Captain-owner of the Triumph in the Oseran Mercenaries, commodore and chief of staff in the Dendarii Mercenaries until his retirement. (BA, BI, MD, VG, WA)

  Tuomonen—too_oh-MOH-nehn—Captain, head of ImpSec for Serifosa, married to a Komarran, helps Miles investigate the Soletta Station accident. (K)

  Ungari—uhng-GAA-ree—Captain in Imperial Security, assigned to make a military evaluation of the Hegen Hub situation and given Miles as a resource. (VG)

  Urquhart, Ethan—R-kwahrt, EE-thn—Doctor and Chief of Repro ductive Biology at the Sevarin Replication Center, sent to

  replace the ovarian cultures bought from Jackson's Whole. (EA)

  Ushakov—OO-shah-kawv—Colonel in Barrayaran Imperial Secu rity, commander of Major Zamori, Captain Ivan Vorpatril, and Lieutenant Alexi Vormoncrief, among others. (CC)

  Vaagen—VAH-gn—Doctor and biochemist on Barrayar, expert in combat medicine, granted a research empire by Cordelia when he saves Miles's life. (B)

  Valentine—VAA-ln-tain—Admiral, one of the seven sitting Imperial Auditors when Simon suffered his memory chip sabotage. (M)

  Van—VAAN—Pilot Officer on a commercial liner, on the board of the pilot's union, acquainted with Arde Mayhew. (WA)

  Van Atta, Bruce—Vaan AA-tah, BROOS—Head of the Cay Project after the death of Doctor Cay, sees his job as making the project profitable. After interpreting his orders to terminate the quaddies, he tries to stop them from escaping. (FF)

  Vandeville—VAAN-d-veel—Town on Barrayar's South Continent where Ekaterin grew up. (K)

  Venier, Ser—veh-NEER, SEHR—Administrative assistant to Tien Vorsoisson, a slight, nervous, rabbity Komarran. (K)

  Venn—VEHN—Crew Chief of Graf Station Security, offended by the armed violence of Barrayarans in military alert mode. (DI)

  Vervain—vr-VAIN—System linking the Hegen Hub to the Cetagandan Empire, attempting to remain neutral vis-à-vis Cetaganda. (VG)

  Vervani—vr-VAAN-ee—An inhabitant of Vervain.

  Villanova, Liz—vih-lah-NOH-vah, LIHZ—aka "Mama Nilla," a popular crèche mother to the younger quaddies. (FF)

  Virga, Valeria—VUHR-gah, vah-LEH-ree_ah—Author of romantic novels Silver is fond of, possibly a committee. (FF)

  Visconti, Elena—vihs-KAWN-tee, ay-LAY-nuh—Escobaran trooper captured in the early stages of the Barrayaran invasion of Escobar, tortured by Serg and Vorrutyer, rescued to the best of his ability by Bothari, she kills him in front of their daughter, Elena. (All except FF and SH)

  Vorbarr Sultana—vohr-BAHR suhl-TAH-nah—Capital of Barrayar and also of the Vorbarra District. (B, CC, M, MD, SH, WG)

  Vorbarra, Dorca—vohr-BAA-ruh, DOHR-kuh—"The Just," Emperor of Barrayar, after an age of chaos was unifying the counts under his rule when Barrayar was rediscovered by the rest of galactic humanity. He presided over the first defeat of the Cetagandans. (All except EA and FF)

  Vorbarra, Ezar—______, EE-zahr—Emperor of Barrayar, experimented with more centralized government, managed the transition from the rule of men to the rule of law. (SH)

  Vorbarra, Gregor—______, GREH-gohr—Emperor of Barrayar, Miles's foster brother and friend. (All except EA, FF, and SH)

  Vorbarra, Serg—______, SRG—Prince, he is Ezar's deviant son and heir; killed in battle with Escobar at the Emperor's order. (SH)

  Vorbarra, Xav—______, ZAAV—Prince, second son of Emperor Dorca, diplomat, married a Betan. (B)

  Vorbarra, Yuri—______, YOO-ree—"Mad Emperor Yuri." His massacre attempting to kill all of his relatives made him too many enemies. (SH)

  Vorbataille—vohr-bah-TAI-l—Lord with connections and a space yacht, used as a pawn in a hijacking. (WG)

  Vorberg—VOHR-brg—Lieutenant, ImpSec courier rescued from hijackers in Admiral Naismith's last adventure. (M)

  Vorbohn—vohr-BOHN—Count, commander of the Vorbarr Sultana municipal guard. (CC)

  Vorbretten, René—vohr-BREH-tn, reh-NAY—Count, brilliant, talented, and one-quarter Cetagandan, center of a controversy on the inheritance of countship. (CC)

  Vorbretten, Sigur—______, SEE-guhr—Descended from René's great-uncle without any Cetagandan interlopers, claims René's countship. (CC)

  Vordarian—vohr-DAYR-ee_uhn—Family whose colors are maroon and gold. (B)

  Vordarian, Vidal—______, vih-DAHL—Commodore, count, archconservative and isolationist, had political differences with Aral Vorkosigan, desired Princess Kareen, and tried to take the throne by force. Killed by Bothari at Cordelia's command. (B)

  Vordrozda—vohr-DROHZH-duh—Barrayaran count attempting to influence young Emperor Gregor by accusing Miles of treason. His plan fails when Miles returns to defend himself. (WA)

  Vorfolse—VOHR-fohls—Count whose vote Miles's alliance seeks for the Vorrutyer and Vorbretten cases. (CC)

  Vorgarin—vohr-GAH-rihn—Count, one of Alys Vorpatril's circle. (CC)

  Vorgier—vohr-GEER—Captain in Imperial Security and the head of Barrayaran jump-point station at Komarr, he's ready to go in against the terrorists, all guns blazing. (K)

  Vorgorov, Cassia—VOHR-goh-rawv, KAA-see-uh—Lady and acquaintance of Ivan, she is engaged to Lord William Vortashpula. (CC)

  Vorgustafson, Van—vohr-GUH-stahf-sn, VAAN—Lord, Imperial Auditor, retired industrialist and noted philanthropist. (M)

  Vorhalas—vohr-HAA-lahs—Count, father of Carl and Evon, conservative, Aral Vorkosigan's longest-standing enemy. (WA)

  Vorhalas, Carl—______, KAHRL—A young hothead, killed a man in a drunken duel, executed for it. (B)

  Vorhalas, Evon—______, EE-vahn—Lieutenant, attempted to assassinate Aral Vorkosigan to avenge his brother's death, caught and condemned, freed to fight by Vordarian, doomed by Vordarian's failure. (B)

  Vorhalas, Rulf—______, RUHLF—The younger brother of Count Vorhalas, admiral in the Escobar Invasion fleet, killed in the invasion. (SH)

  Vorharopulos—vohr-haa-ROH-puh-loos—Family whose colors are chartreuse and silver. (CC)
/>   Vorhartung Castle—vohr-HAHR-tuhng KAA-sl—Meeting place of the Council of Counts. (B, CC, WA)

  Vorhovis—vohr-HOH-vihs—Imperial Auditor, Gregor's top man, a soldier and diplomat, lean, cool, and sophisticated. (M)

  Vorinnis—vohr-IHN-ihs—Count, head of the military faction and one of Alys Vorpatril's circle. (CC)

  Vorkalloner, Aristede—vohr-KAA-ln-r, aa-rihs-TEED—Lieutenant commander on the General Vorkraft under Aral Vorkosigan, and commander on Gottyan's vessel in the expedition against Escobar. Killed in action. (SH)

  Vorkosigan Surleau—vohr-KOH-sih-gn, suhr-LOH—Estate of the Vorkosigans on the Long Lake, once a castle destroyed in the Cetagandan Wars; later a house converted from the old barracks. (B, CC, SH, M, MD, MM, WF)

  Vorkosigan Vashnoi—______ VAASH-noy—Old capital of the Vorkosigan District, became a blue-glowing crater in the Cetagandan Wars. (B, CC, M, WA)

  Vorkosigan, Aral—______, AA-rl—Conqueror of Komarr, architect of the Barrayaran withdrawal from Escobar, admiral, regent, count, prime minister, worthy successor to his father, General Count Piotr Vorkosigan. (All except EA and FF)

  Vorkosigan, Mark Pierre—______, MAHRK pee_EHR—Clone brother to Miles, he is six years younger and did not have his own name before Miles told him what it was as his parents' second son and insisted it was his. (BA, CC, MD, WG)

  Vorkosigan, Miles Naismith—______, MAI_UHLZ NAY-smihth—Stunted and deformed by an assassination attempt on his father, wants nothing more than to be a worthy successor to him. Invented and became Admiral Naismith trying to be of service. (All except FF and SH)

  Vorkosigan, Piotr Pierre—______, pee_OH-tr pee_EHR—General, count, chief architect of both Barrayaran victories in the Cetagandan Wars, and Ezar's succession in Mad Yuri's War, died in bed—the first Count Vorkosigan to do so—at ninety-two. (B, MM, WA)

  Vorkosigan, Selig—______, SEH-lihg—General, count, possible original owner of Miles's seal dagger, inherited from his grandfather. (K)

  Vorlaisner—vohr-LAYS-nr—One of the seven Imperial Auditors serving when Simon was stricken. (M)

  Vorlakial—vohr-LAI-kee-uhl—A military strategist Aral Vorkosigan rates as superior to himself. Killed under mysterious circumstances. (SH)


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