Herbert Hoover

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by Glen Jeansonne

  42. Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 116–17.

  43. Eugene Lyons, The Herbert Hoover Story, excerpted in White Book 2, HHPL.

  44. Comfort, Hoover, Humanitarian, 74–75.

  45. Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 109–11; Comfort, Hoover, Humanitarian, 74; Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 112; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:75–77.

  46. “Keeping the Wolf from the World’s Door: The Story of Herbert Hoover,” Reprint File, unmarked clipping, September 1918, White Book 2, HHPL; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:83–85; Nash, Hoover: The Engineer, 246–75; Harold Wolfe, Herbert Hoover: Public Servant and Leader of the Loyal Opposition (New York, 1956), 27–28.

  47. Nash, Hoover: The Engineer, 345–49; Wert, Hoover: The Fishing President, 76–78, 82–83; Mayer, Lou Henry Hoover, 119.

  48. Nash, Hoover: The Engineer, 353–71; Charnley, Boy’s Life of Herbert Hoover, 183; Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 115.

  49. Hoover, Memoirs, 1:91–95; Kellogg, Hoover: The Man and His Work, 109–10; Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 116.

  50. Burner, Hoover: A Public Life, 521; Nash, Hoover: The Engineer, 411–25; “Hoover’s Seven American Business Pilgrimages,” Magazine of Business 52, no. 4 (April 1928): 1–6, Commerce Box 268, Hoover, Herbert, Biography, 1928, HHPL; “Mining—Burma Mines,” Report of May 5, 1914, 1–4, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 50, HHPL.

  51. Nash, Hoover: The Engineer, 380, 384–85; Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 116.

  52. T. Hoover, “Memoranda,” 176–77.

  53. Ibid., 176.

  54. Kellogg, Hoover: The Man and His Work, 107; Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 106–8; Ray Lyman Wilbur, “Herbert Hoover: A Personal Sketch,” 12, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 26, Articles about or by Herbert Hoover, HHPL; Herbert Hoover (handwritten), ca. 1916, 11, Information for Biographers, Pre-Commerce Papers, HHPL.

  55. Hoover, Memoirs, 1:102–6; Nash, Hoover: The Engineer, 426–37; Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 116–19; Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 112–13; Charnley, Boy’s Life of Herbert Hoover, 194–96.

  56. Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 119; Kellogg, Hoover: The Man and His Work, 108–9; Nash, Hoover: The Engineer, 441–44.

  57. Kellogg, Herbert Hoover: The Man and His Work, 108–10; Charnley, Boy’s Life of Herbert Hoover, 195–96; Nash, Hoover: The Engineer, 444–46.

  58. Bradley S. Tice, Herbert Hoover’s Intellectual Development (Bloomington, IN, 2004); Burner, Hoover: A Public Life, 68; Nash, Hoover and Stanford University, 24–25; Nash, Hoover: The Engineer, 489, 510–13; Craig M. Lloyd, Aggressive Introvert: Herbert Hoover and Public Relations Management, 1912–1932 (Columbus, OH, 1972), 12–13; David S. Jordan to Charles D. Norton, secretary to President Taft, October 7, 1910; Norton to Jordan, October 14, 1910, Recommendations, Letter of, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 60, 1910, HHPL.

  59. Tice, Hoover’s Intellectual Development, 11–13; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:117–18; Burner, Hoover: A Public Life, 69–70; Nash, Hoover: The Engineer, 494–95; Pryor, Lou Henry Hoover, 69–70; Wert, Hoover: The Fishing President, 86–87.

  60. Nash, Hoover: The Engineer, 491–95; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:119; Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 118–19; Mayer, Lou Henry Hoover, 129–33.

  61. Lloyd, Aggressive Introvert, 14.

  62. “Herbert Hoover, Biographical Sketch,” The World’s Work, unpaginated clipping, April 1915, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 25, Articles about Herbert Hoover, HHPL; Eugene Lyons, Herbert Hoover: A Biography (Garden City, NY, 1964), 56.

  Chapter 4. The Great Humanitarian

  1. Alfred Steinberg, Herbert Hoover (New York, 1967), 126–27; David Burner, Herbert Hoover: A Public Life (New York, 1979), 62; Craig M. Lloyd, Aggressive Introvert: Herbert Hoover and Public Relations Management, 1912–1932 (Columbus, OH, 1972), 20–22, 32.

  2. Hugh Gibson, “Herbert C. Hoover,” Century Magazine, August 1917, 514; Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 126; Grey quote from Dale Mayer, Lou Henry Hoover: A Prototype for First Ladies (New York, 2004), 157; Hoover quote from Herbert Hoover, The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover, vol. 1, Years of Adventure, 1874–1920 (New York, 1951), 137.

  3. Will Irwin, Herbert Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography (New York, 1928), 127–31; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:142–45; Gary Dean Best, The Politics of American Individualism: Herbert Hoover in Transition, 1918–1921 (Westport, CT, 1975), 4–5; Joan Hoff, Herbert Hoover: Forgotten Progressive (Boston, 1975), 44.

  4. Hoff, Hoover: Forgotten Progressive, 44; Hal Elliott Wert, Hoover: The Fishing President: Portrait of the Private Man and His Life Outdoors (Mechanicsburg, PA, 2005), 89–91; Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 217–29; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:141–46.

  5. Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 130–31; Kellogg, Hoover: The Man and His Work, 137–52; Gibson, “Herbert C. Hoover,” 515; Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 133–35.

  6. Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 133; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:155; Richard Norton Smith, An Uncommon Man: The Triumph of Herbert Hoover (New York, 1984), 81.

  7. Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 133–34; Herbert Hoover, An American Epic, vol. 1, The Relief of Belgium and Northern France, 1914–1930 (New York, 1969), 2–3; Harold Wolfe, Herbert Hoover: Public Servant and Leader of the Loyal Opposition (New York, 1956), 37.

  8. New York Times, October 21, 1928.

  9. Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 135.

  10. George H. Nash, “‘An American Epic’: Herbert Hoover and Belgian Relief in World War I,” Prologue 7 (Spring 1989): 86.

  11. George H. Nash, The Life of Herbert Hoover: The Humanitarian, 1914–1917 (New York, 1988), 94.

  12. Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 141–43, 172–75.

  13. “The Story of Belgium,” Hearst’s Magazine, November 1917, 384, CRB (Commission for Relief in Belgium) Printed Misc., 1914–20, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 32, HHPL.

  14. Hoover, American Epic, 1:29; CRB Pamphlets, pamphlet on “Babies’ Milk Funds,” Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 11, HHPL.

  15. Pamphlet on War Orphans, CRB Pamphlets and Printed Material, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 31, HHPL.

  16. CRB Speech, Lou Henry Hoover, October 1915, 11, Pre-Commerce Papers, HHPL; Edward Eyre Hunt, “Hoover of the C.R.B.,” World’s Work (June 1917), 166, Reprint File, HHPL; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:176.

  17. New York Times, October 21, 1921, White Book 4, HHPL.

  18. Bertrand Patenaude, The Big Show in Bololand: The American Relief Expedition to Soviet Russia in the Famine of 1921 (Stanford, CA, 2002), 29; Burner, Hoover: A Public Life, 79–83.

  19. Hunt, “Hoover of the C.R.B.,” 168.

  20. Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 132–33.

  21. Lewis R. Freeman, “Hoover and the Belgians,” Outlook, September 1915, 81–83.

  22. Ibid., 82.

  23. Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 134–35.

  24. Gary Dean Best, The Politics of American Individualism: Herbert Hoover in Transition, 1918–21 (Westport, CT, 1975), 6.

  25. David Hinshaw, Herbert Hoover: American Quaker (New York, 1950), 10. See also Nash, Hoover: The Humanitarian, 121.

  26. Vernon Kellogg, “Herbert Hoover, as Individual and Type,” Atlantic Monthly (March 1918), 80, White Book 1, HHPL.

  27. Ray Lyman Wilbur, 1928 Campaign Speech, Campaign and Transition Papers, Box 34, Biographical Sketches of Hoover, 1931–39, HHPL.

  28. Hoover, Memoirs, 1:165–67.

  29. Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 137–38.

  30. Smith, An Uncommon Man, 86.

  31. Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 147–48.

  32. Hoover, American Epic 1:86, 437; “The Story of Belgium,” 383–85, CRB Printed Misc., 1914–20, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 32, HHPL.

  33. Nash, Hoover: The Humanitarian, 143–51; Burner, Hoover: A Public Life, 89–90; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:199–202.

  34. Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 141–42.

nbsp; 35. Woodrow Wilson to Herbert Hoover, September 20, 1915, Public Relations of the CRB—Documents, vol. 2, 198, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 31, HHPL.

  36. Nash, Hoover: The Humanitarian, 194.

  37. Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 136–37.

  38. Best, The Politics of American Individualism, 6.

  39. Kellogg, Hoover: The Man and His Work, 150–76; Pamphlet on Belgian Relief, CRB, Pamphlets and Printed Materials, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 31, HHPL; Lloyd, Aggressive Introvert, 39; Minutes Compiled by the New York Office, 1914–19, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 37, HHPL.

  40. Hoover, Memoirs, 1:167–71; CRB, Minutes compiled by New York Office, 1914–19, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 37, HHPL.

  41. Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 142–44.

  42. Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 152–53, 168; CRB Balance Sheets and Accounts, October 1914–September 30, 1920, 8, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 31, HHPL; Reprint File.

  43. Nash, “An American Epic,” 84; Wolfe, Hoover: Public Servant, 47; Hinshaw, Hoover: American Quaker, 325–26.

  44. Quotation from Sonja Schoepf Wentling and Rafael Medoff, Herbert Hoover and the Jews (Washington, DC, 2012), 4.

  45. Ray Lyman Wilbur, Biographical Sketches of Hoover, 1931–39, 3, Campaign and Transition Papers, 1928, Box 34, HHPL.

  46. Kellogg, Hoover: The Man and His Work, 197–98, 208; George H. Nash, The Life of Herbert Hoover: Master of Emergencies, 1917–1918 (New York, 1986), 16–17, 23–25; Burner, Hoover: A Public Life, 113.

  47. Burner, Hoover: A Public Life, 98–99; Nash, Hoover: Master of Emergencies, 39–40, 50–54, 66, 71–73.

  48. Quote from Wilbur, Biographical Sketches, 4, Campaign and Transition Papers, Box 34, 1931–39, HHPL; Kellogg, Hoover: The Man and His Work, 199–200; Ray Lyman Wilbur, “Herbert Hoover: A Personal Sketch,” [1919], 18–19, Articles about or by Herbert Hoover, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 26, HHPL.

  49. Rhondda quote from Kellogg, Hoover: The Man and His Work, 217. See also Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 144–45; Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 195.

  50. Eugene Lyons, Herbert Hoover: A Biography (Garden City, NY, 1964), 102.

  51. Vernon Kellogg, “Herbert Hoover, as Individual and Type,” Atlantic Monthly, March 1918, White Book 1, HHPL; Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 193.

  52. Nash, Hoover: Master of Emergencies, 41.

  53. Quote from Nash, Hoover: Master of Emergencies, 136. Also see Witold S. Sworakowski, “Herbert Hoover, Launching the Food Administration, 1917–18”; in Lawrence E. Gelfand, ed., Herbert Hoover: The Great War and Its Aftermath, 1914–1923 (Iowa City, IA, 1979); “Food Control—A War Measure,” Address by Herbert Hoover Before the Pittsburgh Press Club, April 18, 1918, 3–7, Public Statements, 1917–20, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 60, HHPL.

  54. Hoover, Memoirs, 1:240–41; Ray Lyman Wilbur, The Memoirs of Ray Lyman Wilbur, ed. Edgar Eugene Robinson and Paul Carroll Edwards (Stanford, CA, 1960), 258–59.

  55. Lloyd, Aggressive Introvert, 46–51; Nash, Hoover: Master of Emergencies, 41–43, 156–59; Sworakowski, “Hoover, Launching the Food Administration,” 57.

  56. Minneapolis Journal, February 4, July 29, 1918; Washington Star, February 3, 1918; other unmarked clippings, Clipping File (hereafter cited as CF), White Book 2, HHPL.

  57. Nash, Hoover: Master of Emergencies, 166–67; Kellogg, Hoover: The Man and His Work, 242–46; Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 197–98.

  58. Kellogg, Hoover: The Man and His Work, 199–201, 223–31, 235–36; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:245–47; Articles about or by Herbert Hoover, “Hoover Biography,” [1919 or 1920], anon., Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 26, HHPL; Burner, Hoover: A Public Life, 107–10; Nash, Hoover: Master of Emergencies, 343–45.

  59. Nash, Hoover: Master of Emergencies, 419–24; Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 149–52; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:263, 286; Best, The Politics of American Individualism, 11–12.

  60. Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 204–7.

  61. Nash, Hoover: Master of Emergencies, 431, 365–67, 377–78; Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 206–9; Helen B. Pryor, Lou Henry Hoover: Gallant First Lady (New York, 1969), 113.

  62. Hinshaw, Hoover: American Quaker, 95–96; Kendrick A. Clements, Hoover, Conservation, and Consumerism: Engineering the Good Life (Lawrence, KS, 2000), 32; Lyons, Hoover: A Biography, 100; Kellogg, Hoover: The Man and His Work, 216–17.

  Chapter 5. Samaritan to a Continent

  1. Herbert Hoover, The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover, vol. 1, Years of Adventure, 1874–1920 (New York, 1951), 283–85.

  2. Kendrick A. Clements, The Life of Herbert Hoover: Imperfect Visionary, 1918–1928 (New York, 2010), 10–12; Royal J. Schmidt, “Hoover’s Reflections on the Versailles Treaty,” in Lawrence E. Gelfand, ed., Herbert Hoover: The Great War and Its Aftermath, 1914–1923 (Iowa City, IA, 1979), 66–83.

  3. David Burner, Herbert Hoover: A Public Life (New York, 1979), 114–16; Gary Dean Best, The Politics of American Individualism: Herbert Hoover in Transition, 1918–1921 (Westport, CT, 1975), 12–13; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:296–99.

  4. Alfred Steinberg, Herbert Hoover (New York, 1967), 161–62.

  5. Best, The Politics of American Individualism, 12–13; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:329–33.

  6. Clements, Imperfect Visionary, 6; Chronology of the American Relief Administration, White Book 2, 27–29, HHPL; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:302–4.

  7. Clements, Imperfect Visionary, 6–10; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:395.

  8. New York Times, March 10, 1919; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:333; Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 162–63.

  9. Hoover, Memoirs, 1:397–414; Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 170–71; Will Irwin, Herbert Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography (New York, 1928), 242.

  10. Hoover, Memoirs, 1:363–64; Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 10, 171–72.

  11. Wentling and Medoff, Herbert Hoover and the Jews, 5.

  12. Ibid., 33, 14, 7.

  13. Best, The Politics of American Individualism, 13–14; Clements, Imperfect Visionary, 16–17; Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 240.

  14. Clements, Imperfect Visionary, 18; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:318–19.

  15. Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 168; Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 234; Clements, Imperfect Visionary, 17.

  16. Hoover, Memoirs, 1:325–26; Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 169; Clements, Imperfect Visionary, 23; Irwin, Hoover: A Reminiscent Biography, 235; Congressional Record—House 69, 202, excerpted in White Book 2, HHPL.

  17. National Cyclopedia of American Biography, 18–20, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 26, Articles about or by Herbert Hoover, HHPL; “Chronology of the American Food Administration,” 27–29, White Book 2, HHPL; Sketch of Hoover, Post-Presidential Papers, Box 39, 1945, Sketches of Hoover, 1940–49, HHPL, 10; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:321–23.

  18. Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 180; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:422–26; Best, The Politics of American Individualism, 13–14; Congressional Record—House 69 (1928), 202, excerpted in White Book 2, HHPL.

  19. George H. Nash in Lee Nash, ed., Understanding Herbert Hoover: Ten Perspectives (Stanford, CA, 1987), 35; Hoover, Memoirs, 1:472.

  20. “Hoover Biography,” Articles about or by Herbert Hoover, anonymous, 1919 or 1920, 35, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 26, HHPL.

  21. Clements, Imperfect Visionary, 29–31, 49; Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 180–81; Craig Lloyd, Aggressive Introvert: Herbert Hoover and Public Relations Management, 1912–1932 (Columbus, OH), 312–13.

  22. Richard Norton Smith, An Uncommon Man: The Triumph of Herbert Hoover (New York, 1984), 93–94.

  23. Clements, Imperfect Visionary, 39; Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 181–82.

  24. Clements, Imperfect Visionary, 30, 37–40, 42–47; Best, The Politics of American Individualism, 38–39, 41–51.

  25. Best, The Politics of American Individualism, 24–25.

  26. I
bid., 26.

  27. Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 181.

  28. Best, The Politics of American Individualism, 28–32.

  29. The best summary of Hoover’s role in the 1920 campaign is Clements, Imperfect Visionary, chap. 20, 49–69. See also Gary Dean Best, “The Hoover-for-President Boom of 1920,” Mid-America 25, no. 4 (October 1971): 227–44.

  30. The quotation is from Lloyd, Aggressive Introvert, 80–81. See also Louis W. Liebovich, Bylines in Despair: Herbert Hoover, the Great Depression, and the U.S. News Media (Westport, CT, 1994), 18; Ray Lyman Wilbur, The Memoirs of Ray Lyman Wilbur, ed. Edgar Eugene Robinson and Paul Carroll Edwards (Stanford, CA, 1960), 371–74; Best, The Politics of American Individualism, 19, 35.

  31. Timothy Walch and Dwight M. Miller, eds., Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt (Westport, CT, 1998), 5–6, 8.

  32. Best, The Politics of American Individualism, 54–57; Best, “The Hoover-for-President Boom of 1920,” 227–30.

  33. Best, The Politics of American Individualism, 82–87; Campaign of 1920, Hoover Republican Club of California, Press Releases—Campaign Issues, League of Nations, April 1920, 1–2, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 29, HHPL.

  34. Best, The Politics of American Individualism, 112–15; “The 1920 Lightning That Did Not Strike Herbert Hoover,” unsigned, 3–4, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 27, HHPL; Harold Wolfe, Herbert Hoover: Public Servant and Leader of the Loyal Opposition (New York, 1956), 88; Herbert Hoover, The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover, vol. 2, The Cabinet and the Presidency, 1920–1933 (New York, 1952), 35.

  35. Patrick Renshaw, Franklin D. Roosevelt (New York, 2004), 36.

  36. Hoover, Memoirs, 2:419–20; Frank M. Surface and Raymond L. Bland, American Food in the World War and Reconstruction Period (Stanford, 1931), 244; Statement by M. Pichon, French Foreign Minister, Translation, April 6, 1919, 1–3, Relief-Russia, 1919–20, Pre-Commerce Papers, Box 60, HHPL.

  37. Benjamin N. Weisman, Herbert Hoover and Famine Relief to Soviet Russia, 1921–1923 (Stanford, 1974), 1–7; Clements, Imperfect Visionary, 149, 157, 159.

  38. Steinberg, Herbert Hoover, 188. See also memo from Thomas McCormick, “Famine Relief Work in Russia, 1917–1921,” 1–2, American Relief Administration, Russia, Misc., 1922–27, Box 30, Commerce Papers, HHPL.


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