Only His Touch: Part One (The Untouched Series Book 4)

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Only His Touch: Part One (The Untouched Series Book 4) Page 15

by Lilly Wilde

  What a way to put a girl on the spot.

  “I told them I was going to marry you. I’m sure they knew this was inevitable, and they do like you, Aria.”

  “So now they like me?”

  “They liked you before. Their resistance was because I didn’t choose…how shall I put this? Strategically. You aren’t the debutante they tried to coerce me into loving. Who cares? But since you’re so worried, I want to assure you there was zero opposition. And the fact that you’ve given them an amazing grandson doesn’t hurt.”

  Would a relationship with Aiden be worse with their approval or without? I looked toward the house and again suppressed the instinct to run. I glanced back at Aiden.

  “I’m not letting you run, not this time. Besides where would you go? There’s no way to escape us. And if you did somehow manage to leave, who’s going to love you like I do?”

  I wanted to fall into his arms and never let go, yet I still hesitated.

  “The day I laid eyes on you, everything changed—I broke, you broke me. In that moment, I knew I wanted you and that I’d never stop wanting you. “You’ve opened the door to those parts of me that I didn’t think mattered to anyone but me. You’re my world. You’re my everything. You’re my always and forever, Aria, and I give you my solemn vow that will never change.”

  My eyes pooled with tears, and I knew I’d be a blubbering mess if he didn’t stop. Two single drops managed to escape despite my freakish blinking.

  “I hope those are happy tears, princess.” He cradled my face and with his thumbs gently wiped my tears away.

  “They are,” I whispered.

  “Whatever I have to do to prove my love, to prove that you are my priority—tell me and it’s done.”

  “There’s nothing, Aiden. You’ve removed every doubt I ever had. My hesitation has nothing to do with that. It’s me and my insane musings that have me tongue-tied.”

  “You can do a lot more pleasurable things with that delightful tongue, but not until you answer me. So answer. You’ve bruised my ego enough.”

  Can anything bruise your monstrous ego?

  He extended his opened palm to me. I swallowed my growing lump of fear and looked into his shining green eyes.

  “Open it.”

  I reached for the box and took note of my trembling fingers. I squeezed them into a fist and laughed nervously. I re-extended my hand and slowly lifted the box from his hand. I opened it and saw three red orchid petals. I looked up at him.

  “Look beneath the flowers.”

  I moved the beautiful satiny petals, and when I saw the ring, my heart felt as though it stopped beating.

  “Oh wow.” I nearly stumbled. I raised a palm to my chest, ineffectively muffling the flutter of my heart. Lying at the bottom of the box was the most stunningly beautiful ring. I was blinded by its elegance. And even more fascinated by the huge red diamond that blended with the petals of my favorite flower. The stone was enormous. There were smaller white diamonds lining the princess cut ring, sparkling brilliantly, even in the dim light of our twinkling stars.

  “Does your silence mean that—”

  “I love it. It’s amazing, Aiden. I mean…I’m speechless.”

  He reached for the box, and removed the ring. He then got down on one knee and extended the ring to me. “You’re beautiful. And I’m not referring to the obvious. There’s so much more to you than the world knows, than your family knows, and you’ve shared that with me. You’ve given your time, your body, your patience, and your love to me. You’ve given me a son, and I want to make more babies with you. You’re what I need, and what I want, and I want to be all you need. I want you to have all of me. Aria, will you be my wife?” He reached for my hand, and I searched his eyes. I swallowed and then nervously placed my hand in his—it was trembling right along with my heart.

  I nodded.

  He smiled, flashing his perfect teeth. “I need to hear the word.”

  “Yes. Yes, you beautiful, insane man—I’ll be your wife.”

  He sighed and wiped a hand across his forehead. “Damn, you really know how to make a guy sweat.” He slid the exquisite piece of jewelry onto my finger and we both marveled at it as I held it at an angle. It was the most beautiful ring I’d ever seen.

  “It’s perfect,” Aiden said.

  “A little large, though, huh?”

  “Are you complaining?” he asked.

  “Of course not. I love it. I love you.”

  “I love you more.” His hands were on either side of my face, gently cradling it as the sensuality of his gaze instantly captured every part of me. He lowered his head and pressed his mouth to mine, caressing me with lips that were soft and sweet. A low moan escaped me as he pulled me closer and parted my lips with his. His tongue was in my mouth, stroking slow and deep, seducing me with a skillful touch that left me breathless. After he severed our kiss, he hugged me tightly to his chest, picking me up and spinning me around. I was immersed in this moment, totally lost in him, my heart filled to overflowing as I basked in the radiance of Aiden’s love. He set me on my feet and then looked past me and shouted, “She said yes!”

  Then there were claps and screams from his family as they came rushing over to join us, offering congratulations and hugs.

  “Let’s see that ring,” Sloan said. “It’s absolutely beautiful. I love it.”

  “Thank you,” I replied.

  “Good job, Aiden,” she said, spinning around to hug her brother.

  Sienna was next in line, and I could have fallen over when I looked up to see her eyes glistening. Are those tears of joy?

  “It is a lovely ring, but it’s not very traditional, Aiden. Why don’t you let Connor call in our jeweler?”

  “Mom, who cares if it’s traditional?” Allison asked, as she grasped my hand. “We’re really going to be sisters now,” she squealed. She looked at the ring and then pulled me into a hug.

  “Aria loves the ring…as I knew she would. Besides we don’t have a traditional relationship,” Aiden said. “We didn’t start that way, and I highly doubt we’ll ever have one, if such a thing even exists.”

  “Aria, welcome to the family. I can’t believe my little boy is getting married.” Sienna stepped closer and leaned in to embrace me. I didn’t quite know how to handle this side of Sienna.

  I looked over at Aiden, and he was shaking hands with Connor as Nicholas gave him a congratulatory slap on the back. Aiden was smiling from ear to ear. I did this. I made him this happy. And he did the exact same for me.

  Next, Connor and Nicholas came over and hugged me. “You’re going to be a Raine now, Aria,” Connor said. “I hope you know what means.”

  “Dad, if that doesn’t scare her off, nothing will,” Nicholas said. “Welcome to the family, Ms. Aria.” He lifted me and spun me around, knowing his gesture would get under Aiden’s skin.

  “Thank you, Nicholas,” I said.

  “You really did choose the wrong brother, but I’m happy Aiden had the good sense to not let you get away. And although it may be hard to believe at times, it’s not all bad being a part of the Raine clan.”

  I glimpsed Aiden over Nicholas’ shoulder. His mother was releasing him from an embrace, and she actually looked happy. I glanced at the others, and they were brimming with an exuberance I would have never expected. But the sum total of their good spirits paled in comparison to the elation I saw on Aiden’s face, and to the feeling of completeness in my heart.





  Part Two

  Coming Soon from Lilly Wilde!


  “Wait. You’ve known about this for over a year. Why are you just now telling me?”

  Aiden exhaled and shook his head.

  “You weren’t going to tell me. Were you?”

��t I start this conversation off by saying I wanted to help you heal? The only way to do that was to tell you.”

  “But if you really meant that, you would have told me long before now. Which leads me to ask…why today?”

  “I was always planning to tell you.”

  “No. You weren’t. This was going to be another one of your secrets. You know—the ones you say are to protect me. And the only time you’ve ever come clean is when you’ve had to. So that means someone else knew. Am I right?”

  “Aria, listen.”

  I raised my voice and asked again. “Am I right?”

  “Yes,” he replied.



  “What’s going on with you two, Aiden? And why would you use information about my father, very personal and painful information, in this game you and he play? What the fuck is wrong with this family?”

  “Please, let me explain—”

  I jumped from my seat. “Get out. Just get out!”

  “Aria, please calm down and hear me out.”

  “No. I need some time to think. I can’t do that with you here.”

  “I’ve just given you information that changes the outlook of your entire childhood. Being alone is not what’s best for you right now.”

  “Aiden, I don’t need you to tell me what’s best for me. I need you to go. I need time alone to reconcile what I thought to be true and what I now know, and I can’t do that here with you hovering over me. I can’t believe you knew all this time…that your father knew. He was using this information against you. Wasn’t he?”

  Aiden’s silence was the only answer I needed.

  “And you only told me today to beat him to the punch, to stay one foot ahead of him. Unbelievable! This family—you all just play with people’s lives like it’s a game. I thought the sickness stopped with Sienna and Connor, but you’re just as fucked up as they are. Please just go.”

  Discussion Questions

  In the beginning of Only His Touch, why do you think Aria was nervous about being alone with Aiden?

  If you were Aria, would you have been supportive of Aiden’s return, even temporarily, to Raine Industries?

  When Connor visited Aria with the intent to gather information on Aiden’s plans, do you think he was really there for the reason he’d said or did he want to make Aria feel uneasy about her relationship with Aiden?

  What really prompted Sienna to see a therapist? Her hurt over the fallout from Lyric’s abduction or the fact that Aiden was shutting her out?

  Do you think Aria will tell (or should have told) Aiden about Connor’s upbringing?

  Will or should Allison confront Connor about his treatment of his kids?

  Sienna didn’t seem to care for Dianna. Why did she not fire her?

  Would Aiden have proposed if Lyric was not in the picture?

  What did you think of Sienna and Aria’s relationship?

  Connor had a plan for his children, even after his death. If you were his heir, would you have gone along with it or challenged it?

  Why did Aria take so long to reply to Aiden’s letter?

  Do you think Aria and Aiden will actually get married?

  Why did Aiden’s tolerance of his parents lessen?

  What’s Aiden hiding from Connor?

  Will Aria and Aiden have a happily ever after?

  Connect with Lilly Wilde

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  Thank you for reading Only His Touch (Part One). If you enjoyed it, I would love to hear from you! Please take a moment to leave a review at your favorite retailer.


  Only His Touch (Part One) is available as an eBook and in print edition at most online retailers.

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  Books by Lilly Wilde

  Untouched—Book One of The Untouched Series

  Touched—Book Two of The Untouched Series

  Touched by Him—Book Three of The Untouched Series

  Only His Touch (Part One)—Book Four of The Untouched Series

  Only His Touch (Part Two)—Book Five of The Untouched Series

  Forever Touched—Book Six of The Untouched Series

  What readers are saying about Untouched:

  “Simply Exquisite!! This book is amazing! The description of the characters is so vivid and extremely catching. I felt like I was actually living the story. I was so drawn to Aria, Aiden, and April. The communication between Aiden and Aria is so touching… I laughed throughout the book and cried at the end. Cannot wait to read more… I love the sensuality of it all. One of the best breathtaking books I have read so far. Can’t wait for the next one. Great writer! Awesome Job Lilly!”~ Review from Amazon

  “Lilly Wilde gives you the same excitement we got from Fifty Shades and The Crossfire Series. Except Lilly delivered it to us in a whole new way. It was so much more realistic than the others that you not only finished it yearning for your own Aiden, but you actually think it’s possible to find him. You are captured from the beginning to the end. You fall in love with this couple. This couple is so sexy, and your mind takes you away to forbidden places and feelings. It’s a great story and a sexy read. You don’t want to miss out on this!!!!!” ~ Review from Amazon

  “I loved your book! Aiden was a perfect cross between Christian Grey and Jesse Ward…The perfect man.” ~ Review from Amazon

  “I’ve read a lot of books, many from this genre—Fifty Shades, Crossfire Series, This Man, etc.—and in a word this book is AMAZING. You immediately become invested in the characters and take this emotional roller coaster ride with them. I found this book to have more real life undertones than some of the others I’ve read, making the characters more relatable. It has been said that every story has been told. Well, that may be, but definitely not in this fashion. It’s a must read!” ~ Review from Amazon

  “What else can be said about a phenomenal writer who brought to life two amazing people in a story that is not only emotionally charged, but is realistic? Aria and Aiden will capture you from the beginning and won’t let you go. I can’t get enough of them. Reading this, I had every emotion possible. I was happy, pissed, sad, and curious, but mostly I was captivated by their story…”~ Review from Amazon

  What readers are saying about Touched:

  “Once again author Lilly Wilde has delivered an amazing story of love, lust, romance, intrigue, heartache, and suspense. From the first sentence of Touched to the last, the author’s way with words pulls you right into the story and leaves you wanting and wondering…craving more. Great job Lilly Wilde. Looking forward to the next step in Aria’s and Aiden’s journey.” ~ Review from Amazon

  “Lilly Wilde, you are truly AMAZING. I couldn’t and wouldn’t put this book down. I fell in love with Aiden and Aria in the first book of the trilogy (Untouched) and I fell in love with them even more in Touched. I had probably every emotion a person could have. It had twist and turns in every chapter. I could see Aiden and Aria in my mind and hear them talking in my head. I want Touched by Him out NOW. I can’t wait to see how all the twist and turns play out. I can’t believe you just started writing not long ago. I am a HUGE fan of yours now and for life. Your books have me shocked and amazed. Thank you for writing these books and taking me away. I will be searching for my Aiden while I wait for Touched by Him” ~ Review from Amazon

  “After reading Untouched (Book 1)…I was hooked and (Book 2) Touched certainly didn’t disappoint me… W
ow, the story line is amazing and so real. Lilly Wilde has smashed it again. Personally I now think 50 Shades is rubbish! (Sorry to you 50 Shades lovers; yes, I used to be one myself. ) Touched is way more realistic, and has so much more to offer. The main characters are brilliant, the story line is so gripping. Loads of drama, and as for the hot sex, this will not disappoint you. I couldn’t put my Kindle down! Seriously this is a must read!” ~ Review from Amazon

  “ABSOUTELY LOVE THE UNTOUCHED SERIES. I love every detail about Aiden and Aria, who are both strong, confident, career—driven people with a love and passion so strong it’s unbreakable. I was so entranced from beginning to end that I didn’t want to stop reading. I enjoyed Untouched so much, and I knew would fall in love with Touched as well. The story unravels detail by juicy detail, and I love it…A LOT! This book will have you crying, screaming, and begging for more, all in one chapter. I haven’t cried after reading a book since I read FSOG and this book did it…. The waterworks flooded my sheets. If you’re looking for a book that has a great story line and some steamy scenes…then look no further. This is the book for you.” ~ Review from Amazon

  “Wow, I knew this series was good but I’m floored by just how good. I could hardly put Touched down; each chapter is like candy. Aria and Aiden are hot as lava together, and you’ll be on the edge till “The End.” I can’t wait for the third book. I will read anything written by Lilly Wilde. Anything!” ~Review from Kobo

  “Lilly Wilde has ruined me for other authors. Her style draws you in from the first sentence. The story of Aria and Aiden is one that I just cannot get enough of. Touched and Untouched (the first book in this trilogy) made me experience every emotion possible. I feel like I am part of this story. Part of these characters’ lives. And that is what a great book is supposed to do. The heat and passion in this book is intense. Once I started it, I found it difficult to put down. I simply cannot wait to read more of their story. I need more of Aria and Aiden in my life.” ~Review from Barnes & Noble

  “Wow, Lilly, I just want to say how amazing this was. I was hooked after book one, but now I can’t wait until book three. You grab the reader and don’t let go. Please hurry with #3!!!” ~Review from Barnes & Noble


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