Sailkeeper's Bride

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Sailkeeper's Bride Page 15

by Annie Windsor

  His finger found her clit in seconds, and then he possessed her totally. Filling her pussy. Pinching her nipple. Stroking her clit. Biting her neck. Holding her up as he did it, for everyone to look. For everyone to see how he fucked her.

  Georgia felt like a limp doll, helpless against the intense pleasure. Her pussy walls squeezed against his cock, and they both shouted and came at the same time—along with half of the onlookers.

  “Georgia!” Ki bellowed from the stands, loud enough to be heard a planet away. “Shanna Fari Tul’Mar! Shanna Fari Tul’Mar!”

  “Yes!” Fari shouted.

  “Yes!” Georgia echoed.

  The crowd let loose with another ear-splitting set of cheers.

  Elise was clapping and shouting too.

  You did it, she told Georgia proudly through her psi-link. I’m so happy for you!

  Fari’s slipped his cock from Georgia’s pussy, picked her up, and began to carry her from the presentation field. Where they were headed, Georgia had no idea—but she hoped it was back to Ammon Island.

  At least for a few days. Or maybe a few years.

  In the back of her sex-sated brain, she let herself fully realize what had just happened—and she welcomed the knowledge with her whole heart and being.

  Georgia Steel, formerly of Earth and now forever of Arda, had just become the Sailkeeper’s bride.


  Chuck Sampson positioned the hidden video camera behind his bedroom armchair.

  “They never look there,” he said, smug in his certainty that all women were fundamentally stupid—at least when they wanted to fuck.

  In ten minutes, the lovely Tina would arrive. A twenty-year-old student from his advanced theory of law class. She needed help on her grade—after a few key harsh grades from Chuck, of course—and he had offered a little private tutoring.

  The wide-eyed young woman agreed without questions.

  She wanted it. She had to want it. Only a naïve bimbo would come to a professor’s house late at night and expect to go home with her chastity intact.

  “No fuck, no pass. Yep. Best class policy I ever made.” Chuck straightened his smoking jacket, smoothed his silk pants, and ran his hands through his blond hair. It was still thick.

  He hadn’t lost a thing since high school.

  Women loved him.

  Some men thought they were God’s gift to the female sex—but Chuck knew the truth. He was God’s gift.

  The doorbell rang.

  Chuck nearly ran to answer it, then made himself slow to a respectable stroll.

  Tina stood on his stoop, shivering even though it was fairly warm outside.

  “Come in, come in.” Chuck gave her his most winning smile. God, she was hot. Red hair, big boobs, an ass to die for—not unlike Georgia Steel. One of his first conquests. Chuck hadn’t thought about her in years, but his dick got hard at just the memory.

  She’d put up a big fight, yelling no, scratching and clawing—but they all did, until he got ‘em down and gave ‘em what they needed. Yep. Georgia Steel had been one hot piece of ass.

  Just like Tina would be.

  The girl sat down in a leather chair in Chuck’s living room, clutching her books in front of her. “Thanks for agreeing to help me, Professor. I don’t know what could have happened on those exams. I studied so hard.”

  Chuck’s erection strained his pants.

  Should he dispense with seduction and fuck her right now? That tight sweater. The short skirt. She sure as hell deserved a good poking.

  No. No. Take you time. This is sweet. Savor it.

  “My pleasure,” Chuck said affably. “Now. Why don’t you come on over here to the couch, and we’ll get started.”

  Tina stood, still trembling, and eased over to join him—just as a rustle from the back of the house caught Chuck’s attention.

  Damn. Did the camera fall?

  “Do you have a dog?” Tina’s wide-eyed expression just wouldn’t quit.

  “Uh, no. Let me go check that out.” Chuck stood. “On second thought, why don’t you come with me? I’ll show you the house.”

  Yeah. That’s the ticket. The old here’s the den, here’s the kitchen, here’s the bedroom and the bii-iig, lonely bed. That gets ‘em every time.

  Hesitating but compliant, Tina nodded and followed after him as he led her through the maze of rooms toward his ultimate destination—the big lonely bed where he planned to fuck her silly.

  The tour went well. Chuck took his time pointing out rooms, books, statues, paintings—all the while managing to stand closer and closer to little Tina. She still had her books, but he’d get rid of those soon enough.

  “And this,” he said with a flourish, at last reaching target: bedroom, “is where I do my best work.”

  Tina straightened beside him and tried to inch away, back around him and out of the room.

  “Hey, hey, there.” Chuck grabbed her by both arms. She dropped her books. “Don’t run away so fast. Don’t you want to get a feel for my biii-iig, lonely bed? It could really use some company.”

  “You bastard.” Tina struggled against his grip. “I don’t want to sleep with you! I came here to study. You said you’d help me!”

  “And I will. No fuck, no pass. Simple as that.” Chuck grinned. It was all downhill from here.

  “God. You men are all the same!” Tina tried to kick him, but missed.

  “I beg to differ,” said an incredibly low bass voice from the shadows behind the bedroom recliner.

  A man stepped out into the open, and Chuck felt his dick shrivel up.

  This guy was big. No. Huge. He was wearing pirate clothes—a loose-laced tunic and breeches, and for God’s sake, there was a freaky-looking sword in a scabbard, hanging against his tree-trunk leg.

  “I—I—have a security system,” Chuck managed to squeak.

  The big man ignored him. He strode forward and grabbed Chuck by the shoulder, peeling him away from Tina like he was nothing more than a half-dead leech.

  Chuck dove for the phone, trying to grab the handset to dial 9-1-1.

  Effortlessly, the giant snatched the base and handset, threw it to the floor, and crushed it with one stomp. To Tina, he said in heavily accented but proper English, “All men are not the same. In fact, most bear no resemblance to this worthless piece of fergilla dung. Find yourself a better specimen. You certainly deserve more.”

  “Who are you?” Tina whispered as the big man knelt and picked up her books. She gaped at the silvery marks visible through his tunic’s loose laces. “And what is that tattoo on your chest?”

  “I am a friend.” The man smiled. He handed Tina her books. “Now go, and leave this low-life bastard to me.”

  Chuck couldn’t believe his ears. “Tina! Don’t do it! Run. Get out of here and call the police!”

  Tina hesitated for only a moment. Then, with a satisfied smile, she turned to Chuck. “Go fuck yourself.”

  To the strange giant, she said, “Thanks. He’s all yours. Though I can’t imagine why anybody would want him.”

  The giant winked. “The universe is a vast place, little one. Even Chuck of Earth may be of use to some.”

  High above Earth, in shielded orbit on the pa-coated decks of Lorelei, Georgia Steel waited. She wasn’t nervous. She wasn’t even angry.

  Just…eager. Almost too eager.

  She fingered the soft fabric of Fari’s tunic, belted around her waist like a short dress. Her ruby blades hung from that belt, and she felt the soft fergilla-hide scabbards against her bare legs. On her feet, she wore a pair of Ardani flat sandals, thick enough to protect her feet, but thin enough to feel the thrum of Lorelei’s engines and the hum of the ship’s pa coating.

  Ah. The little pleasures of her new life.

  The speeder was coming. She could see it. As she smiled, her heart rate increased.

  Fari, she projected.

  His response was immediate. Beloved.

  You’re late.

  I apolo
gize. I had some technological items to destroy—“tapes” I believe they are called. And a young woman needed safe return to her dormitory.

  Bastard. He hasn’t changed a bit, has he?

  Fari’s psi-chuckle gave Georgia delicious body-chills. He is balding on top, his belly is larger than it should be—and this stain on the front of his pants—most unbecoming.

  At this, Georgia burst into outright laughter. The skeleton crew glanced up from their various positions, but none of them stared. They were used to Georgia by now. She was the first Fleet spouse ever to insist on accompanying her sha on military missions, and she rarely left Fari’s side.

  This, however, was no military mission. Not really. It was more diplomatic, and thus the newly reconstituted Galactic Council had approved it without much argument.

  Georgia watched the speeder draw closer, extend docking clamps, and pull alongside Lorelei.

  Just knowing Fari was closer made her pussy wet. They had been married for close to one stellar month, and she stayed well-fucked and fully satisfied all the time. The joy was so deep and sweet, so total. If only they could find Krysta and Akad, her happiness would be complete.

  But soon enough for that. Ki had intelligence scouts all over the galaxy, and they had returned some basic information about the location of Outlander bases.

  That was a fight for another day—a day coming very soon.

  As for now, Georgia and the Sailkeeper were cleaning up some simpler unfinished business.

  Taking out a little galactic trash, Georgia thought.

  The speeder finished docking, and Lorelei’s inertial dampeners enveloped the returned pod like a welcome child.

  The hatch popped open.

  Fari stepped out and psi-called to two of the crew. Bind up this ass, and bring him out.

  The warriors hurried over and entered the speeder, leaving Fari free to stride over, grab Georgia, spin her around, and give her a deep kiss.

  Even hours apart feel too long, shanna.

  Georgia hung on his neck. I love you so much. You know that right?

  Without question. Fari nudged her belly with his erection. After we empty this “trash,” as you termed him, I’ll expect a little proof of that sentiment.

  “Want it now?” Georgia grinned and squeezed his hard cock through his breeches.

  “Hey!” came a high-pitched squeal from behind them. It barely sounded human, much less male. Thumps and curses told Georgia the warriors had hauled Chuck onto Lorelei’s decks and thrown him down in total disgust.

  Georgia let go of Fari and felt her lips curl into a half-smile, half-snarl. She winked at her husband. “Bring him to me, will you?”

  Fari bowed and beckoned to his warriors.

  Georgia heard a loud thud.

  She turned around, and for the first time in years, her gaze fell on Chuck Sampson.

  On his knees. With his hands tied behind his back. He was dressed in some ridiculous red robe-jacket and silk pants—wet and stinking from when he pissed on himself, probably more than once. Fari was right. The top of Chuck’s head was going bald.

  She expected to feel something—fear, anger, sadness—but her only emotion was amusement, and a distant sort of satisfaction. A feeling of rightness, like the universe coming full circle.

  “Well, well, well. How’s it hanging, buddy?” Georgia kicked Chuck in the shoulder. Not hard enough to knock him over. Just enough to get his attention. “Or is it too limp to hang these days? Guess it just lays there like an old rotten noodle, unless you can find a girl to rape. That’s the only thing that gets you off, right?”

  “Georgia?” Chuck straightened up and spread his knees wider for balance. He slowly raised his eyes. “Georgia Steel?”

  Fari smacked the back of his head. “Georgia Tul’Mar. Speak her name wrong again, and die.”

  “That silver stuff’s all over you.” Chuck whimpered, and the stain on his pants widened. “This has to be a dream. It can’t be real.”

  Georgia laughed, then crooked her finger and slid it under Chuck’s chin. “Oh it’s real. Believe it now or later, your choice. But I’d suggest now. You’ll need all your wits and then some in about an hour. Oh. What am I saying? You have no wits. Just like you have no dick.”

  Fari snickered.

  The Lorelei started to move. It was a subtle feeling, but Georgia knew the ship had already jumped to light speed. They were streaking past Jupiter, Saturn—and faster, the planets blurred as they left the Terran system.

  Chuck whined a little more, struggled with his bonds, then finally formed a few coherent words. “What do you want with me?”

  Georgia drew her swords with lightning speed and slammed both ruby blades between Chuck’s legs. Through fabric. Mere threads away from either side of his pathetic penis. “I wanted to cut your dick off, take you back to Arda, and let my husband and his brother teach you some respect for women.”

  “Ah-ah-ah,” Chuck stammered, staring at the swords. His shoulders quivered as he pulled on the ropes that tied his hands, and he sounded like an engine running out of gas.

  It made Georgia happy to watch him sweat. She beckoned for Fari, who joined her in front of Chuck’s now-frozen form. She put her arms around her husband’s neck and kissed him, letting one hand travel down to give his hard cock an affectionate squeeze.

  “This, Chuckie,” she murmured, “is a real man. With a real cock. And real brains, too. Alien concepts for you, I know.”

  Keeping her arms around Fari, Georgia gave Chuck one more disdainful glance. “Like I said, I wanted to cut your dick off, but my husband had a better idea. We’re taking you to a place where men like you belong.”

  “H-Hell?” Chuck stammered, still petrified into stony stillness by the sharp red blades nearly biting into his dick.

  Fari laughed.

  So did Georgia.

  Without a second thought, she turned her back on the bastard and walked away, intent on fucking her husband before they reached the rendezvous point. Quickies were a blast, especially in the observation nest, at top stellar speeds.

  Fari felt immense satisfaction as Lorelei slowed to allow the huge purple ship to dock less than one Earth hour later. He helped Georgia down from the observation nest, and the two of them were surprised to find Chuck still pinned by Georgia’s swords.

  “Guess the warriors don’t have any respect or compassion for pathetic, whimpering rapists,” Georgia noted.

  Fari glanced at the few members of his crew brave enough to remain above deck and greet their frightening visitors. They looked like thunderheads, to a one, and their thoughts were of murder and torture.

  “No respect at all, shanna.”

  An eerie, keening wail filled the vast silence of space, and Fari shivered in spite of himself.

  A stampede of bare feet let him know that Chuck’s new friends had arrived.

  Though he wasn’t likely to see it that way.

  “Get your swords, beloved.” He gave Georgia’s ass a pinch. “And cut him loose. They’ll be in a hurry.”

  Georgia nodded. She squared off with Chuck once more and retrieved her ruby blades, cut Chuck’s bonds with a single hack, then sheathed the swords with deft, graceful skill.

  “What’s happening?” Chuck demanded as he struggled to his feet.

  “Your escort is here.” Georgia gestured over Chuck’s shoulder. “They’ve come to take you to your new home.”

  “You’re not going to—to kill me?” Foolish Chuck actually sounded relieved. He didn’t turn around. Another foolish move, in Fari’s estimation.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” Georgia smiled. “I’m better than you in that respect. Well, in all respects. So, no. I won’t kill you. Let’s call this protective custody, for the good of all the women back on Earth. Meet your new friends, Chuck. They’ll be really glad to get to know God’s gift to the female species.”

  And then Chuck did turn around.

  Fari thought the pathetic bastard might have screamed,
but who could hear such a little noise over the chaos of Bandu mating calls.

  Twenty towering wild women descended on Chuck, sweeping him away in one great, thrashing purple wave.

  The flash of chains, ankle bracelets, and wristcuffs threw light across the deck, and many of the Ardani warriors turned their heads away.

  Chuck of Earth would be lucky if the crazed female warriors didn’t fuck him to death before they got him home.

  Then again, it might be better for the bastard if they did.

  Life on Bandu-Mother was difficult for men, to say the least. Especially weak men. Ah, well. Chuck was about to understand existence as a second-class citizen, judged solely on the basis of his gender.

  “Hope he has fun,” Georgia said, waving happily as the last of the Bandu boarded ship.

  In minutes, the purple craft pulled away.

  Fari captured his shanna by the waist, pulling her against him and into a gentle hug. “It was my great pleasure to arrange this for you, beloved. One door of pain, forever closed. Chuck will never hurt another Earth female.”

  “Mmm. I know.” Georgia reached back and grabbed Fari’s hips, rubbing herself against his cock. “I think I owe you a few rounds of thanks, yes?”

  “No. But I will accept payment.”

  “How many times can we fuck before Lorelei makes it back to Arda? Ten? Maybe fifteen?”

  “I do not know.” Fari stepped back, took Georgia’s hand, and started to lead her toward the Captain’s cabin.

  “No. Not there.” Georgia’s voice sounded husky and aroused.

  Fari stopped, turned around, and gathered Georgia to him again. He kissed his shanna hard on the mouth.

  She slipped her hand into his breeches and grabbed his cock. Moving against her sweet grip, Fari asked, Where, then, beloved?

  Georgia’s psi-laugh warmed him through and through. I’m kind of partial to that observation nest. What do you say?

  I say…first one to the top chooses positions. He let her go and dashed for the rigging.

  “Last one up gets to come first!” Georgia shouted, running hard behind him.

  Fari climbed as fast as he could, certain she would cut the ropes from beneath his hands if she gained any ground.


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