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Inferno : Ensenada Heat Book 1

Page 15

by Tess Summers

  She was staying with John while Dante tended to business in Ensenada, and the community was fast becoming her favorite. Her daughter’s future godfather was helping her look at the houses, as well as hire a personal assistant. They’d conducted three interviews and were waiting for the last candidate to arrive at John’s small, nondescript office downtown.

  “I liked the second one the best so far, I think,” she told him as she rested her swollen ankles on the turquoise blue ottoman and leaned her head on the back of the orange leather sofa in the sitting area of John’s bright, modern office. It was a vast difference from Dante’s traditional rich mahogany and burgundy leather workspace.

  He made a face. “She seemed a little needy. Like she’s going to have a breakdown when she’s let go in six months, even though you’ve been upfront with her about it being a temporary assignment.”

  Bella chewed the side of her mouth. “Maybe. But she seemed to be the most open to taking direction.”

  John appeared to be contemplating what she’d said when his secretary announced the arrival of the last candidate over intercom.

  “Send her in,” he called from his seat behind his sleek, U-shaped, glass-topped steel desk.

  Mrs. Guzman was lost in thought—pondering his assessment of the second candidate as needy and admiring his orange executive chair—so she happened to be watching his face when the next candidate walked in. She was fairly certain John had just fallen in love at first sight, although he masked it quickly, rising out his seat and offering his hand in a professional handshake.

  “Hi. Please come in. John Turner.”

  “Quinn Carter,” came the demure voice.

  The dark-haired woman was older than the rest of the candidates had been—maybe late thirties, possibly early forties—and she was fucking stunning. Normally that would have been an instant hard no from Bella, especially considering that she was feeling as big as a house after her belly had popped out, seemingly overnight. It had happened last week, prompting Dante to start the ball rolling for their move. Now, watching the obvious chemistry between the two in front of her, there was no way she could rule Quinn Carter out simply because she was too beautiful. Besides, Bella knew Dante only had eyes for her; she was just feeling insecure because nothing fit her anymore.

  John gestured to where she still sat with her feet up, having not moved from her resting position on the couch.

  “And that lovely woman is who you’ll be working for. She’s going to be delivering my niece in three months and is going to be needing assistance with their move.”

  Bella started to move her feet off the ottoman when Quinn quickly put her hands up.

  “Oh, please don’t get up on my account.”

  John was at the raven-haired beauty’s side and gestured toward the sitting area. “Won’t you please sit down?” He didn’t take his eyes off the candidate the entire interview. She’d never seen her friend so smitten before.

  Well, I guess I have a new assistant. I hope she passes her background check, for John’s sake.

  Epilogue Two—Combustion


  “Kennedy, is that really you?” her mother whispered, grasping Bella’s cheeks between her hands.

  “Hi, Mama,” she said softly.

  “Keni? How is this possible?” Reagan sobbed, hugging a very pregnant Bella in the doorway under the metal green awning that doubled as a carport.

  “It’s a long story. Would you mind if we came in?” Dante answered for her as they stood on the worn grey industrial carpeting on the steps leading into her mother’s trailer.

  Her sister—the naïve, sweeter, younger version of Kennedy—was there that Saturday morning to take her mother grocery shopping. Kennedy—Bella—had known she would be. Her mother had named them after her favorite presidents, although neither girl could understand how Delilah Jones could make that determination, since John Kennedy had died the year the woman was born, and she was a twenty-something during the Ronald Reagan era. Her younger sibling still lived in Fargo—although in a better part of town now—and taught art courses at the community center, and graphic design at Minnesota State Community and Technical College’s campus nearby.

  The Guzmans arrived in a rented white Toyota Camry sedan, trying to be as nondescript as possible so as not to draw the attention of the nosy neighbors in the trailer park. She wore dark sunglasses, but made sure her brown hair was uncovered. Dante had dressed in dark jeans, black Under Armour running shoes, a grey Minnesota Vikings sweatshirt, and a matching baseball cap. She had giggled when he’d finished getting dressed in the hotel that morning. She’d never seen him in sports gear of any type—it was totally not his style. Now that she thought about it, she didn’t think she’d ever even seen him in a sweatshirt, and he’d only worn jeans a handful of times while with her—although to his credit, he could rock a pair of Levi’s like nobody’s business.

  Bella waddled inside, past the dining room/kitchen combo with the cracked linoleum, and dropped onto the floral-patterned upholstered couch with a thud. Her mother stayed glued to one side of her while her sister sat on the other. Dante sat down in the hunter green fake-leather recliner, taking in her childhood home. It hadn’t changed much in the sixteen years since she’d been gone.

  It was a far cry from the mansion Ruby Rhodes had claimed to have grown up in, but Dante had seen pictures—taken by the private investigator he’d hired once he found out her true name—so he already knew about this part of her life. Still, she could tell he wasn’t prepared to see first-hand just how poor she’d really been, although he was doing his best to disguise his shock.

  Explaining her situation to her mother and sister proved easier than she’d thought, once their astonishment at finding her alive wore off and acceptance sank in. Bella wasn’t worried about her sister spilling her secret, and after Dante spelled out for them what it would mean for her to be discovered alive, she felt certain her mother would go to the grave with her secret—especially now that she had a granddaughter on the way.

  Reagan rubbed her beach-ball belly affectionately. “I can’t believe I’m going to be an auntie!” Then she stopped abruptly. “I will still get to be an auntie, won’t I? How is this going to work, Keni?”

  “Well, for starters, you’re going to have to start calling me by my new name, Bella.” In jest, and partly because she had no idea how it was going to work, she added, “Maybe I can be the long-lost daughter Mama gave up for adoption.”

  Dante sat up straight and shook his head. “No. There can be no official familial relationship to you. Being married to me, it would not take any time for someone to figure out who you really are.”

  She knew he was absolutely right. They’d talked about it at length before coming here, yet still she found herself whispering, “There has to be a way, Dante.”

  “There will be, little one. Just not in the traditional sense. When you get together, it will be when we meet on vacations. We already took a big chance coming here, we can’t risk that again.”

  Her mother looked confused, and panic rose up in her voice. “What does that mean?”

  Reagan chimed in. “It means, Mama, that when we spend time with Ken—er, Bella and her family, it will be at a neutral location that none of us are tied to. Like we could meet on a cruise for birthdays or at a lodge for the holidays, that kind of thing.”

  “So I won’t be able to just go and watch my granddaughter at her piano recital?”

  What the fuck did she just say? The woman had never once gone to any of the extra-curricular activities either of her daughters had participated in.

  Delilah grabbed Bella’s hand and, with tears in her eyes, said softly, “I know what you’re thinking, but I was really hoping to get a second chance with my grandchildren.”

  Bella’s teary eyes matched her mother’s, and she lightly squeezed the older woman’s hand.

  “I’m sorry, Mama. Maybe we can figure something out when the time comes. But it’s not
like we’re just going to be up the street anyway.”

  Her mom offered a conciliatory smile.

  “So I’m having a granddaughter. When are you due?”

  “In ten weeks.”

  “Have you picked out a name yet?”

  “Madison Belle Guzman.”

  Delilah clapped her hands. “Oh, you’re naming her after a Founding Father and our fourth president. Thank you for doing that.”

  “I liked the idea of her having that connection to our family.”

  “Me too,” Reagan chimed in.

  Bella stifled a yawn, and Dante stood.

  “I think my wife needs to rest, but perhaps we can have dinner at our hotel. It’d have to be in the room, but you’d be able to spend more time together.”

  “Could you come to my house?” her sister asked. “I have a garage so you could park your car inside, and my neighbors tend to keep to themselves.” Her sister wrinkled her nose. “I know it’s another trip for you, but just the idea of sitting around on a hotel bed while we try to avoid tripping over each other makes me claustrophobic.”

  Dante opened his mouth, but Bella cut him off. She knew he was going to interject that they were in the penthouse suite, which had more than enough room—hell, it was bigger than her mother’s entire trailer. But her family didn’t need to know how wealthy she now was. Not yet, anyway.

  Besides, her mother had hit a payday after Kennedy’s alleged death.

  “Mama, what did you do with the life insurance money and my pension?”

  Delilah shot Reagan a death glare. Oh, that’s right. Kennedy had set up a trust and appointed her sister as executor. That way her mother wouldn’t let her next boyfriend take all the money and disappear.

  “She’s going to get a new trailer and furniture next year with the interest the trust earns.”

  Bella looked at her mom with a smile. “That’ll be nice. Just another reason you need to make sure no one finds out I’m alive—otherwise you’ll have to pay all that money back.”

  Maybe that would help motivate her family to keep quiet, in case her safety wasn’t enough.



  He wanted to drive Bella straight to Saks Fifth Avenue and buy her every damn item of clothing in her size, every handbag, bottle of perfume, and anything else her heart desired. Seeing in person how she had grown up made him want to grab her, hug her, and whisper she would never worry or want for anything ever again. He’d always take care of her and their daughter, but she already knew that—at least, she’d better.

  “Not quite the mansion I told you about when we first met, huh?” she said with a small smile as she leaned back against the headrest.

  “I already knew how you grew up, baby, remember?”

  “I know, but it’s different in pictures.”

  He shrugged. “So what? It’s part of what made you who you are.”

  “That’s true. It was definitely inspiration to study and work my ass off.”

  Dante smirked, turning into the hotel parking lot.

  “Well, not off, thank God, because I happen to love your ass.”

  She backhanded his chest with her left hand just as he put the Camry in park.

  “You’re hilarious.”

  He captured her hand in his, bringing it to his lips and kissing her fingertips.

  “Seriously, Bella, you’re incredible. What you’ve accomplished, how hard you’ve worked… you’re going to be an amazing mother. Our daughter is one lucky little girl.”

  The pregnant woman wiggled her pinky finger at him.

  “She’s going to have you wrapped around her little finger, you know.”

  “Just like her mama.”

  Her eyes filled with tears, something that happened a lot since she had become pregnant.

  “I love you. Thank you for taking such good care of me.”

  The Mexican leaned over and softly kissed her lips.

  “You deserve it, little one.”



  Madison Belle Guzman arrived at eight pounds exactly—three days past her due date, by Caesarean section. They stayed at their home in San Diego for a month until Bella felt well enough to travel to Ensenada for a visit to the estate and for the baby’s baptism.

  Dante brought her sister and mother to Mexico via a cruise ship, booking them a week at Villas Emilio, a rental villa, so Reagan could be Madison’s godmother, alongside John as godfather. Quinn traveled with the Guzmans, and although neither she nor John would admit there was anything going on between them, Bella and Dante both knew something was happening. Things definitely got interesting when El Rey and his daughter Laila arrived early for the baptism and stayed in Ensenada, at the villa neighboring Villas Emilio. Dante insisted they stay out of it, but the new mother was secretly rooting for Quinn.

  Reagan was supposed to meet them at the mansion for the baptism rehearsal with Father Castellanos and John, but she was very late. They were waiting for her on the patio when Bella’s phone started to ring, indicating she had a video call.

  “Oh, it’s my sister,” she said, handing Madison to Dante and walking away with the still-ringing phone to a quieter area.

  “Hey, baby sister, everything okay?”

  The younger version of herself appeared on her screen, tears streaming down her face. Bella couldn’t identify where Reagan was calling from—it didn’t look like anywhere at the villa.

  “No.” Then the redhead started to sob. “I’m so sorry.”

  Bella’s stomach dropped, but she tried to remain calm.

  “Honey, it’s okay. Just tell me what’s wrong.”

  Her sister just kept sobbing, “I’m sorry,” until the camera moved, and she was now looking at a new face. A handsome male face—one she was familiar with.

  Mr. East Coast, from the night of her abduction.

  “Hello, Agent Jones. Glad to see you’re alive and well.”

  Coming in 2019

  Look for Books 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the Ensenada Heat Series in 2019!

  Combustion—Reagan’s story coming early February.

  Slow Burn—John’s story coming in early Spring.

  Flashpoint—Ramon’s story hitting bookshelves late Spring.

  Smoldering—Marcus’ story early Summer.

  From the San Diego Social Scene Series:

  Grace and Ryan’s Story—Look for it in March.

  Ben’s story—Mid-summer..

  Other Works by Tess Summers

  Free Book! The Playboy and the SWAT Princess Sign up here to receive my newsletter, and get SWAT Captain Craig Baxter’s love story, exclusively for newsletter subscribers. You’ll receive regular updates (but I won’t bombard you with emails, I promise), and be the first to know about my works-in-progress. (Like when Ben’s story is coming out!)

  She’s a badass SWAT rookie, and he’s a playboy SWAT captain… who’s taming who?

  Maddie Monroe

  Three things you should not do when you’re a rookie, and the only female on the SDPD SWAT Team… 1) Take your hazing personally, 2) Let them see you sweat, and 3) Fall for your captain.

  Especially, when your captain is the biggest playboy on the entire police force.

  I’ve managed to follow rules one and two with no problem… but the third one I’m having a little more trouble with. Every time he smiles that sinful smile or folds his muscular arms when explaining a new technique or walks through the station full of swagger….

  All I can think about is how I’d like to give him my V-card, giftwrapped with a big red bow on it, which is such a bad idea because out of Rules One, Two, and Three, breaking the third one is a sure-fire way to get me kicked off the team and writing parking tickets for the rest of my career.

  Apparently my heart—and other body parts—didn’t get the memo.

  Craig Baxter

  The first time I noticed Maddie Monroe, she was wet and covered in soapy suds as she washe
d SWAT’s armored truck as part of her hazing ritual. I’ve been hard for her ever since.

  I can’t sleep with a subordinate—it would be career suicide, and I’ve worked too damn hard to get where I am today. Come to think of it, so has she, and she’d probably have a lot more to lose.

  So, nope, not messing around with Maddie Monroe. There are plenty of women for me to choose from who don’t work for me.

  Apparently my heart—and other body parts—didn’t get the memo.

  Can two hearts—and other body parts—overcome missed memos and find a way to be together without career-ending consequences?

  Operation Sex Kitten

  Ava Ericson thought she had her life planned out: graduate with her Ph.D., marry Brad Miller when he finished law school, have 2.5 babies… and mediocre sex for the rest of her days. But when Brad dumps her upon learning he’s passed the bar, citing new “opportunities” available, she has to rethink her future.

  Believing her lack of experience was the reason Brad broke up with her, she launches Operation Sex Kitten (OSK), a plan to become a vixen in bed and get Brad back. Things might go astray when she meets the notorious attorney, Travis Sterling, the bachelor who she is sure can teach her a thing or two in the bedroom. As she enjoys putting OSK theories into practice, she realizes the real ‘operation’ will be for the two not to fall in love.

  Fun and romantic, Operation Sex Kitten turns up the heat with explicit scenes while you root for love to conquer all.

  Get it here!

  The General’s Desire


  I’m a decorated Marine general who doesn’t have time for relationships. I’ve tried—they just don’t work out—and I’ve never lost sleep over it. Then I meet her. Brenna is easily the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. The first time she blushes under my stare, it’s game over. She’s going to need to learn that I’m in charge and trust that I always mean what I say because I’m not letting her go.


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