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Shared Wife Annabelle: Nature's Game (Full Service Book 1)

Page 14

by Matt Coolomon

  There’s a loud knock at the front door. Luke goes to answer it, and Annabelle recognises the voice of the man from next door.

  Annabelle takes off the tank top she has on and removes her bra. She then checks her little breasts in the mirror – proud of how all these men are suddenly going crazy over them. She leaves her top off while brushing her hair – the loud laugh of the mature-age neighbour resounding through the open doorways and making her nipples firm. She dares herself and strolls from the bedroom and down the hall, still topless and brushing her hair. She stops and leans against the wall just out of sight of the front door. The men are talking about an electrical job that Luke has agreed to do. Annabelle covers her breasts with an arm and walks around the corner and into the kitchen, just catching the widening eyes of the older man as she disappears out of sight again.

  Luke is suddenly doing all the talking and soon sees the guy off. He approaches Annabelle pouring juice and cuddles behind her. He feels a breast. “Wow, baby, I like this.”

  “Go and call that adult shop man,” Annabelle tells him, moving away and covering her breasts with an arm again.

  “Okay. When do you want to go – this afternoon?”

  “Just after lunch would be good. I’d like to have something in my stomach in case it ends up to be quite a lot again. That was one good thing about the other night. I was fine with it other than the yucky taste.”

  “Oh right – makes sense. We could eat out for lunch?”

  “Hmm – could we just get drive through and park at the beach? I don’t feel like getting dressed for anywhere.” Annabelle takes her top from the breakfast counter and pulls it on. She plucks at it. Her nipples are tight and poking at the thin white fabric. “Do you like?”

  “Looks hot, baby.”

  “Mmm – and will your friend think so too?” Annabelle lifts to whisper as she walks past, “The one whose cock you want me to suck?” She leaves her husband with that and takes her juice out the back to sit in the morning sun and tan her legs.

  Luke comes out after a while with a coffee. He rests back against the veranda rail. “I told Mario we would see him at about two.”

  Annabelle waits for more.

  Luke looks at her. “He said he usually gets good business on a Sunday afternoon and has his nephew to help out.”

  “Oh yeah?” Annabelle urges excitedly. “And?”

  Luke does a little nod. “He said they will probably both want to…. Like – before anyone else.” Luke takes a big breath and expels. “And I said okay.”

  Annabelle is sitting on a sun lounger. She rubs down her legs. “Do you know his nephew at all?”

  “Yeah, he’s the image of Mario, only much younger of course. I think he’s just started college.”

  “Oh.” Annabelle experiences a little thrill at the prospect of a younger guy. She stifles that to check, “But do they know I don’t want to do this for too many others? I mean – if the shop is going to be busy. I don’t want a whole bunch of old pervert men lining up.”

  “Yeah, I told Mario we didn’t want it getting out of hand and he said he’ll turn off the light and check with us if we want any more after him and his nephew.” Luke is rubbing at his empty cup. “The light is like an open-for-business sign. It comes on when the glory hole cover has been lifted – by the person doing the blowjobs. It lets people in the shop know they’re ready and waiting. Otherwise where they go in is just a fitting room.”

  “Oh I see. So, Mario is going to turn that light off, and no one will even know?”

  “Yeah, plus he’ll lock the fitting room and only let someone in if we say so.” Luke swallows hard. “He said he’ll look after us – as long as….”

  Annabelle’s blush fires up. “As long as I look after him first?”

  Luke nods. “And his nephew….”

  Annabelle is holding her husband’s eyes. “Okay….” she says softly. “I like that it’s going to be guys you’ve at least met before.”

  “Me too. And we could make it just those two if you want.”

  Annabelle smiles. “So, let’s go for a walk on the beach before lunch?”

  Luke agrees and they quickly refresh their beach bag and set off for the drive across town.

  “Where’s that little skirt gone?” Luke asks, eyeing Annabelle’s legs playfully.

  She has changed into shorts, having considered their plans for the day and not wanting anyone to do any touching below her waist – not even her husband. “You don’t like these?” she tosses at him while plucking at the button-up waist band. Her shorts are old ones – coarse cotton and tight fitting – a pretty pink colour to go with the white lace-trim tank top she still has on.

  “Yeah, I like them. Or you in them, that is,” Luke says. “I was checking out your panties before though.”

  Annabelle just returns a mock glare and keeps smiling as she turns back to watching out her window.

  The beach is crowded with families. They find a parking spot but have to walk a block to get to the water. Annabelle clings to her husband’s hand as they stroll ankle deep in the gentle waves lapping ashore. They end up a mile or more from their starting point and decide to grab some fish and chips at a beachside takeaway shop. There are shaded picnic benches. The greasy meal tastes great.

  Annabelle is first to return their chat to their plans for the afternoon. Mostly they’ve been talking about what they are going to do with their Gold Coast vacation for the past hour.

  “Luke, are you sure about this sex game we’re playing? You don’t think it’s gone too far already, do you?”

  “Sometimes I think that, baby. For me, it’s a huge range of emotions about it…. Or actually, it’s more like a huge swing than a range. There’s a powerful rush of excitement and this hollow feeling of dread and almost humiliation. And there’s nothing in between. It’s either one or the other, or both at the same time.”

  “Humiliation?” Annabelle echoes.

  Her husband shrugs. “Sure. Of course…. Some other dude with my wife is humiliating – as well as the other things.”

  “And that’s a part of the negative emotion. But not enough to make you want to stop the other guy from being with me?”

  “Pretty much.” Luke nods. “And it’s not exactly negative – the humiliation part. There’s something positive about it too. It’s definitely part of the rush for me.”

  “The excitement rush? The turn on?” Annabelle probes with interest.


  “Hmm…. Well, I’m certainly not trying to humiliate you, Luke…. I mean – I’ve heard of that with this kind of thing of course, but I don’t find that idea appealing.”

  “I know, baby. I’ve thought it through too. A lot. And although I can’t help feeling humiliated a little bit, I can see clearly that you’re not…. I don’t know – attacking me with it – belittling me or something…. I think if that ever happened, this whole thing would backflip and be totally fucked for me…. I think there’s a fine line between you and me doing this together and you and the other dude doing it to me.”

  Annabelle quietly holds her husband’s gaze for a moment while processing what he has just said. “That’s interesting, Luke. I hadn’t thought this through that far.”

  “No, I get that, baby. But what are your thoughts about that now? Am I right – that this is you and me doing this together?”

  “Hell yes, you’re right!” Annabelle declares. “Luke, I had no idea where this was going to lead. I just wanted to dress sexily for our road trip the other week, and that was all about me wanting to feel more attractive…. I mean, yes – to other men as well. But I had no idea anything like this was going to happen.”

  Luke nods slowly, his brow furrowed and serious. “Yes, but it’s definitely happening. And I can imagine it would be quite possible for a woman in your situation to feel like kind of rubbing it in her husband’s face a bit. Getting a kick out of doing that.”

  Annabelle takes in that as well. It’s

not something she’s thought through at all, but she gets what her husband is saying. She thinks of some of the things she said to Ryan, and to Luke after that encounter. She definitely said she was excited that it was Ryan and not Luke who had been inside her. She meets her husband’s frown. “I haven’t meant to do that, Luke. When I was with Ryan, I never felt like I was doing anything more than just teasing you.”

  “I know,” Luke says quickly. He then breaks into a smile and huffs a breath. “It really is a fine line, baby. That’s all I’m saying…. I think the important thing is that deep down we’re solid together. And as long as I know that, it’s even better if you push that line and respond to the guy when he wants you to say something…. Or even if you do actually feel excited that it’s his cock in you and not mine or whatever. As long as when you come back down from that high you’re still mine, baby. That’s all I’m thinking.”

  Annabelle’s belly is tingling. The clarity in what her husband has just poured out to her is as exciting as anything she’s experienced these past few weeks. She can clearly see the line he’s talking about – how fine it is – how she has actually been over it a few times with these men. But she can also definitively acknowledge within herself that those times were actually false – that she has not for a single second felt that she was not wholly connected to her husband.

  “Do you get what I mean, baby?”

  “I do, and I’m glad you said something,” Annabelle responds warmly. “I did feel over the line with Ryan – with what you saw on the webcam. I was excited to have him inside me instead of you, but it was totally physical. He’s a womanizing player and I wouldn’t ever want to really be with him. And it’s the same with this other man – with Paul – he’s not a serious relationship prospect either. I think if he was, there’s no way I’d be interested in having sex with him. That just wouldn’t be right – for us!”

  Luke gulps. “Paul? I thought he was frigging perfect or whatever. Didn’t you say all the women at work dream about him?”

  Annabelle giggles. “Sure. We dream about sex with him! But, Luke, he’s a kept man. I told you this before. He’s married to the daughter of the man who owns the whole company. He’s like her toy boy all grown up. He virtually keeps house while she flies all over the world doing her business deals or whatever.”

  “Oh, it’s that guy? That’s this Paul dude, is it?”

  “Yes!” Annabelle declares. “I’ve told you all that before.”

  “Yeah, but I never took much notice. I thought that was another one of your bosses who was the toy boy dude.”

  “No. Luke, Paul can’t even put together a simple lecture for a level one college class. He wouldn’t even have a job with the company if it wasn’t for daddy in-law…. I mean, he’s not stupid and he’s a really nice guy, and he’s hot as! But not seriously…. No, the princess can keep him, and all the other women at work can play with him too if they want. He’s no more serious a relationship prospect to me that Ryan was.”

  “Whew!” Luke shakes his head. “Wow, baby, I have to admit I was kind of freaking out deep down…. That’s a huge relief.”

  Annabelle glares incredulously. “I like their muscles, Luke.”

  Luke chuckles. “Wow, this is so much better now…. It’s so great to talk like this, baby.”

  Annabelle gathers their lunch rubbish and puts it in a bin. They stroll back along the bicycle and walking path, which is far shorter and an easier walk. Annabelle is clinging to her husband’s hand again. He leans close to say, “You’re getting checked out.”

  “I know….” Annabelle notices just about every man they pass is looking at her breasts – her nipples tight and dark enough to show through the thin white fabric of her top. An older man is walking toward them and staring blatantly. She squeezes Luke’s fingers and he squeezes back. That man’s head turns as he passes, and Annabelle dares to meet his glance.

  “That one certainly had a good look,” Luke says.

  Annabelle checks back over her shoulder. “I know…. He’s got a nice build for an older man too.”

  “Is he too old for you though, baby? He must be fifty.” Luke checks back as well.

  Annabelle squeezes his hand again and pulls him back around. “Don’t look!”

  “Yeah, but is fifty too old or what? How old did you say this Paul dude is?”

  “Paul’s early forties, and that’s about as old as I’d be interested in going with full sex. Just with oral would be okay though.”

  “Oh okay – that’s cool. Early forties isn’t that old. Plus I think any guy to have full sex with you should be like what we’ve talked about – like huge and with the big muscles you said you wanted.”

  They’ve reached the car, and Annabelle takes her seat, waiting for Luke to get in before she responds. “Yes – definitely with big muscles,” she says, sitting sideways facing her husband and claiming his hand again. He doesn’t start the car, just turning in his seat to face her. She holds his eyes. “I can’t wait to be fucked by a really huge man, Luke. I mean – to say this between you and me, without Paul even being here…. I just can’t wait to feel him on top of me…. You’re not much heavier than I am, so it’s going to be really different with Paul. I think he’d be more than half your weight again, and it looks like he’s all muscle.”

  Luke gulps. “So, he’s even bigger than Ryan?”

  Annabelle nods. “Especially his chest and arms….” She bites a lip and glances down before adding, “I hope you don’t feel too humiliated by physically bigger men having me, Luke…. I see how you would have to feel that way a little bit – but I hope not too much…. It’s so great that you want to let it happen like this.”

  Luke swallows hard but does a little slow nod. “It’s great that you’re kind of doing this other thing for me too. Even though it’s not your favourite thing.”

  Annabelle feels her blush rise and she smiles. “Yes, it is mostly for you…. And for these other men of course.” She shrugs. “Especially this time when it’s going to be through a hole in a wall and I won’t even be getting kissed.”

  “So – you don’t really want to do it, baby?”

  “No – I’m not saying that…. I’m just saying that this is definitely a guy thing. Not a girl thing.” Annabelle gives her husband a little smile. “A girl thing is to be cuddled and kissed and to have a big strong man take charge.”

  Luke frowns in question.

  Annabelle shrugs again. “So, I’m just saying that while I’m doing this today – for you men – that I’m going to be thinking about when it’s going to be my turn tomorrow.”

  “Oh…. So, this will be like an advanced payment?” Luke asks, grinning now.

  “Yeah, sort of – I guess….”

  “Aw fuck, baby – that’s even sexier.”

  “Uh huh….” Annabelle utters. “So, are you still sure you want me to do it?”

  Luke groans. “Aw fuck….”

  Chapter 18

  Half an hour later, Annabelle is clinging to her husband’s hand again and being led into a surprisingly bright little shop. It’s in a strip mall between a florist and hair dresser. It looks like a perfectly respectable establishment – the front window display just showing some quite classy lingerie.

  Inside there are racks of sexy little garments and some more risqué displays. There’s a section of DVD’s and a wall full of sex toys and accessories. Behind the counter is a man smiling at them. He’s short and stocky with dark hair and features – a thick moustache straight out of the 1980s. A younger version of this man is also smiling over from the DVD section where he is busy with an elderly customer. There’s another customer looking over from the DVD section as well – a young black man, also quite short and stocky. His smile is huge as he acknowledges a nod from the boy Annabelle assumes is the nephew of the man behind the counter.

  “Luke!” the older man greets them. “How are you? It’s been too long…. And this must be your lovely wife?”

Hi, Mario. This is Annabelle.”

  Annabelle’s blush has risen to heat her neck and face again. “Hi, Mario. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Oh and you too, love. It’s very nice to meet you. We’ve been counting time away all day waiting.”

  “Oh….” Annabelle’s blush intensifies as the little man takes her hands and looks her over.

  He glances at Luke. “Can I show you anything? We have some great new stock…. Something fine and pretty for this lovely lady, perhaps?”

  Luke checks around. He takes a breath. “Maybe later…. It’s good it’s quiet right now.”

  “Oh yes – we’ve had a busy day. This is as quiet as it’s been.”

  Luke looks to Annabelle and questions her with a glance toward the fitting rooms. She swallows her nerves and nods, grimacing a little as she bites down on her lip.

  “Wonderful then – come on through,” Mario offers, obviously picking up on what Luke and Annabelle have decided. He ushers them behind his counter and through a narrow storage area, opening a door to a small room with a wash basin that has a fluffy white towel folded on it.

  The room is clean. Annabelle notices the smell of lemon and that the tiled floor is sparkling. The walls are a deep grey. There’s a small panel in one of them which Mario lifts to reveal a padded hole that’s surprisingly larger than Annabelle imagined it would be.

  “I’ll leave you young folks to it – give you a few minutes,” Mario says and backs out the door smiling and nodding, pulling it softly closed behind him.

  Annabelle draws a deep breath and expels. She looks to her husband and he pulls her to him and takes her lips, kissing her firmly until she begins to relax and kiss him back.

  “It’s too bright in here,” Annabelle whispers into his mouth, and she looks around again. There’s a dimmer on the light switch by the door. Luke adjusts it and the feel of the place softens and at the same time intensifies for Annabelle. She’s standing there wringing her hands in front. She bites down on her lip and looks to her husband again.

  He draws her close and strokes hair from her face. “Are you okay? We don’t have to….”


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