Loving the Bodyguard

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Loving the Bodyguard Page 23

by Noelle Adams

  The elevator dinged and opened at the end of the hallway. The running lights along the wide corridor revealed Rick Dunn’s bull-like frame. Her stomach did a nervous flip. Logan’s Chief Security Officer didn’t like her, and he made no attempt to hide it. What she’d done to offend him was a mystery, one she’d rather avoid than solve. Why make waves when she’d only be here another six short weeks?

  Rick scanned the main demonstration room, his scowl more pronounced than usual. His shoulders looked stiff in his suit. He didn’t appear to enjoy tightly packed spaces any more than she did. When his eyes narrowed on her she moved away from Logan.

  In this setting avoiding Rick would be too obvious. She spotted the Louvre Museum curator and explained in French that she had someone she’d like him to meet. She steered the older man toward Rick.

  “Mr. Dunn,” she said brightly, “this is Monsignor Olevette, from the Louvre. In Paris.”

  “I know my geography,” he muttered, crossing his arms.

  She introduced the men. “I thought Mr. Olevette would enjoy hearing about the security installation project you managed for the Chicago Museum of Art. You tailored the system to their needs perfectly.”

  “That’s my job,” he replied flatly.

  “It’s more than that,” she said. “You pour yourself into every project you direct. You, above anyone, have the insight as to what level of security Mr. Olevette can achieve with the Elite System.”

  Rick uncrossed his arms. “Well, the first thing we need to talk about is…”

  She saw her chance to get out from under Rick’s microscope. A few paces away, she sighed in relief. Dodged that cranky bullet.

  Guests were absorbed in investigating the rooms that sprouted off the main corridor. A collection of galleries displaying Stone Security’s awards, and pictures of Logan shaking hands with powerful people in high places. One room offered a looping video feed to entertain guests with demos of other Stone Security systems. Another contained the hardwired circuitry laid bare for investigation, a rare insight into security system components. Another room was dedicated to the other side of his business, where Stone Security employed hundreds of bodyguards, most former military like Logan, contracted out to protect everyone from Hollywood starlets to Heads of State to International Ambassadors visiting the United States. Logan had put detail on each of his impressive guests as a courtesy. And to encourage attendance at his Elite System’s unveiling.

  “Where did you sneak off to?” Logan’s voice drifted over her like liquid seduction.

  Knowing Rick was nearby, she sidestepped Logan’s close proximity. “Since when do I need your permission to use the bathroom?”

  “Since you keep finding excuses to avoid me.” His presence surrounded her as if she’d stepped into his embrace. Longing filled her, washing goose bumps over her flesh. She made the mistake of looking up. He captured her with those hot-cider eyes.

  “Why should I avoid you?” The catch in her voice betrayed how he affected her.

  “Good question. Let’s talk about it. Over a bottle of wine.”

  A laugh bubbled from her chest. “We tried that once. We didn’t do much talking as I recall.”

  An enticing grin curved his lips. “I didn’t hear you complaining.”

  “It all happened so fast. I didn’t have time to think.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “We were rolling around between the sheets for five hours and forty-three minutes before I had to catch my plane. That’s hardly fast, sweetheart.”

  “You’re entitled to your opinion,” she countered with a teasing smile. “But thanks for keeping track.”

  “Hey, you’re the one who fell asleep—twice. I had to find creative ways to wake you.”

  She shivered with the memory of waking up to hot laps of his tongue between her thighs.

  “Admit it. You couldn’t get enough.”

  “Why mess with perfection and tempt fate twice?”

  Copper lights sparked in his eyes. “Is that a challenge?”

  She sent him a wary look. “I know better than to give you a challenge.”

  “Too late.” He slid a fingertip along her jaw. “You just did.”

  Wearing a smug grin, Logan turned and strolled toward his guests. He didn’t need a thermal scan to read Allison’s core body temp or a computer to gauge her rapid heart rate.

  Attraction sizzled in his veins. He craved the hunt, the chase, the challenge. With Allison, he’d savor the moment of capture.

  No one ignited him the way she did. He’d felt it the second he’d laid eyes on her across a crowded room at a security convention. He’d known it the moment he’d touched her. He wasn’t finished with her, not even close.

  A hundred nights like the one they’d shared might take the edge off this hunger, but he doubted it. This mission was different, deeper than his previous conquests. That knowledge bothered him slightly, but there would be time later to investigate the persistent urge to throw her over his shoulder and carry her off to his bed—and keep her there.

  “You two looked cozy.”

  Logan turned at the waist to find Rick staring him down. “It’s about time you came out of your eighth-floor cave and joined my tour.”

  “Don’t change the subject. You’re getting in over your head.”

  Logan shoved his hands in his pockets. “No idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t play the idiot card with me, Stone. I know you better than anybody on this planet.”


  “I know that look.”

  “Not sure where you’re going with this,” Logan replied with irritation, knowing full well where Rick’s interrogation was leading.

  Standing four inches shorter, Rick’s glare sharpened under the shelf of his brow. “The look you give that woman every time she walks into the room.”

  “That woman is the reason we’ve tapped into the international market so fast. You could show her a little more respect.”

  “I will when she gives me a reason. Haven’t found one yet.”

  Defensiveness spiked Logan’s blood. “Since when do you shoot first and ask questions later?”

  “Since you decided to mix business with pleasure.” Rick exhaled. “I don’t care where you dip your wick. But when it interferes with this company and your judgment, it affects me. So yeah, I have an issue.”

  Logan warned, “Stay out of it.”

  “Like hell I will.” A guest glanced at them. Rick lowered his voice. “I won’t stand by and watch you botch your career to pursue a woman. Again.”

  A storm gathered inside Logan. “Don’t go there.”

  “Someone’s got to remind you what’s at stake. Allison Dupree is a minefield, and you’re walking right into it. Need I mention Natalia?”

  Icy tension seized Logan, chilling him to the bone. Any defense froze on his tongue, because Rick had been there. Had gone with him to accomplish the two-year undercover mission in Siberia. Had watched him fall head-over-combat-boots in lust with a woman who’d entranced him with her startling green eyes, seduced him with her made-for-sex body. She appealed to his protective instincts with her sob story about risking her life to feed his team information on Russian arms dealers.

  He’d walked right into her trap—worst of all he’d pulled his team into the deadly crossfire. Natalia had turned out to be a Russian spy, and his team had barely made it out of there alive. The two-year operation had been compromised. So had U.S. intelligence. Logan’s decade-long military career had ended.

  Disgust consumed him at the memory. Rick had warned him then, and he’d ignored it. He’d vowed to never make that mistake again.

  Less hostile and more curious, Logan regarded Rick. “What’s got you convinced Allison is some kind of threat?”

  “A gut feeling.” Rick’s hazel eyes darkened to gunmetal gray. “That should be enough.”

  Maybe it should. “We’re not in the field anymore. Or on enemy ground. This is my turf. I’d know if
something was wrong.”

  “You’re too close to this. To her.”

  “I need more than a hunch. Find me proof before you go off half-cocked.”

  Rick’s nostrils flared. “Trust me. I will.”

  “Until then, back off.” Logan flexed his hands, abruptly ending the conversation.

  Logan didn’t like being second-guessed. His pit bull CSO was totally off base. He admired Allison’s intelligence and work ethic. Sure, he was attracted to her. What man in his right mind wouldn’t be?

  When the demonstrations concluded around five that evening, Logan met his crew of bodyguards assigned to the guests, gave them specific orders, and made sure everyone found their correct limousines and arrived safely at their destinations. The roads were a slushy, snow-covered mess. November in the Mile High City could be mild with endless vistas of sunshine. Or, like tonight, an early storm could make travel next to impossible.

  As the last limo pulled into rush hour traffic, he headed toward the bank of elevators. He had a sole mission. And he refused to take no for an answer.

  Before shutting down his computer, he checked the camera that looked in on Allison’s office. She hadn’t left for the day. Perfect. When he saw her reach for her jacket, he flicked off his monitor. Grabbing his coat, he cut the lights, locked his office and headed in her direction. He poked his head inside her door. “Got a minute?”

  She jumped at his intrusion. “Oh!” Then she sighed. “You startled me.”

  “I want a second of your time.” A lot more than that, actually.

  “Sure.” She approached him, pulling her long hair out from the back of her coat. The blond strands floated around her shoulders, wispy with static.

  Yellow light from a street lamp shone in through the window of the darkened office, bathing her face in warm tones, illuminating pure gold highlights in her hair like glitter. His fingers twitched yearning to tangle in the silken strands.

  “Got plans for tonight?” he asked mildly.

  She hesitated. “Not really. Why?”

  “The company dinner to celebrate the Elite System’s release starts at seven.” He slid her an appealing smile. The one he used when a girl was taking the last sip of her martini as he convinced her to go home with him. Tonight, there was only one woman he wanted. “I want you to come with me.”

  She licked her lips. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  He shoved his hands in his pockets, preparing for heavy negotiation. “What if I promise I won’t overstep my bounds?” She wasn’t budging. “C’mon, it’s the best idea I’ve had all day. Don’t ruin the moment for me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You have at least fifty brilliant ideas a day.”

  “Well, maybe twenty. But this one’s my personal favorite.”

  A laugh sailed through her gorgeously kissable lips. “Your humility is inspiring,” she said dryly.

  “Hey, we all have our gifts.”

  “True,” she admitted fighting a grin.

  “I want someone there I can actually talk to. Mingling with stuffy Suits isn’t my bag.”

  “Logan, you’re one of those Suits.”

  His mouth parted as he feigned offense. “Thanks a lot.”

  “It wasn’t meant as an insult.”

  “That’s how I took it.” He crossed his arms, leaning his shoulder against the door jamb. “Now you have to make it up to me.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Is that right?”

  He offered gallantly, “I can think of a few ways…”

  “Logan,” she warned.

  A thrill chased through him. “Damn, you’re hot when you’re all riled up.”

  “I’m not here for your personal amusement.”

  No, but he liked teasing her, testing her. Few women went toe-to-toe with him. She had the grit to give it right back. “Face it, I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  She blinked at him, exasperated. “Then why did you bother asking?”

  “Seemed like the noble thing to do.”

  A sigh lifted her chest, and he could almost taste victory. “I’m not dressed for a party.”

  “We’ll stop at your place on the way.”

  “Fine.” She threw her hands up in surrender. “You could’ve told me from the start I didn’t have a choice.”

  He sobered. “You always have a choice.” Then he lifted a shoulder. “Doesn’t mean I have to agree with it.”

  She huffed. “Getting past you is worse than airport security.”

  “We all have aspirations.”

  “You should aim for loftier ideals. Like learning how to compromise.” As they rode the elevator down to the first floor, she said, “If I agree to this, we’re driving separately.”

  He frowned. “Sure that’s a good idea? We’ve had three inches of snowfall in under an hour. My SUV is a better bet than your compact.”

  “I thought snow melted quickly here. How bad could it be?”

  As the elevator opened to the lobby, he pointed out the two-story windows. White sheets of swirling snow muted the dark night beyond.

  Allison paused. With her nerves already stretched thin today, driving in a squall with the threat of losing control of her car might induce another panic attack.

  He said, “I think you should take my offer.”

  She gulped. “So do I.”

  Once they were on the road, she was bombarded by second thoughts. Logan tapped her address into his dashboard navigation. Although the interior of his Escalade was luxurious, and she appreciated heated seats, the close quarters set her on edge. His size alone was intimidating, but he also had knowledge of her intimate, vulnerable moments with him. Moments she needed to lay to rest but couldn’t. As he drove, unspoken thoughts condensed in the air between them. Not even the slap of windshield wipers or the satellite radio muted the words they didn’t say. Although Logan appeared annoyingly at ease.

  Shoulders relaxed, one hand on the steering wheel, he maneuvered confidently through the snow-swept streets. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. Green and blue lights from the dashboard cast his face in profile, outlining his straight nose, deep-set eyes, chiseled jaw. Melted snow glinted on his hair and coat like tiny beads of blue and green.

  His arm draped over the armrest between them, hand relaxed at the wrist, elbow slanted toward her. One sharp turn and his palm would land in her lap. Which wouldn’t be so bad…

  She bit her lip, dropping her gaze to the floor mat where the snow from her boots started to puddle. She wished she didn’t know how good his strong hands felt coasting over her bare skin, settling at the base of her spine as she arched to meet his need.

  But who was she kidding? She’d been a willing participant. They both recognized what was on each other’s minds. Then, and now.

  Seeing him in the dim light, sinfully hot, so close she smelled the woodsy-pine scent of him…any woman’s mind would wander into forbidden territory. His lips held a trace of a smile as he stared straight ahead. If he could read her thoughts, he might dial up the seduction. She doubted she could withstand the heat without them both getting burned. Tucking her elbows close to her body, she folded her gloved hands in her lap and even crossed her legs away from him.

  The man knew how to get under a woman’s skin. And make her long to be in his bed.

  She shivered.

  “You cold?” He notched up the dual-control heating.

  “I’m fine.”

  He squinted at his GPS screen. “It says I’m supposed to turn right. I don’t remember condos or townhouses around here. This isn’t the greatest neighborhood.”

  “Home sweet home.”


  She crossed her arms. “The directions are right. Just follow them.”

  In the few minutes his navigation offered her, she glanced around his vehicle and noticed several Snickers candy wrappers in his lower center console, where she would’ve expected a hydrating athletic drink to sit awaiting him. At the sight, she
uncrossed her legs. Maybe he was just a typical guy, not the intimidating CEO she’d expected when their relationship turned from personal to professional.

  By the time he navigated into her building parking lot, her lower lip was raw from gnawing. At least the complex looked less dismal under the cover of darkness. Sort of. She wished her neighbor’s lamp didn’t spotlight his cockeyed broken blinds and the plant squashed against the slats.

  Logan peered up at the rent-by-the-month units. “You live here.”

  She fumbled with her purse. “It’s not that bad.”

  “I’m calling my Realtor tomorrow.”

  “That’s not necessary—”

  “Trust me, it is.”

  She narrowed her eyes. She didn’t like his bossy tone.

  He stepped out of his Escalade, made it to the passenger side and opened the door as she reached for the handle. She blinked. The man could move.

  “I can open my own door.” Prickly defiance edged her tone.

  “I was raised on a military base in Pensacola, Florida,” he replied. “I also come from a long line of southern gentlemen. Manners aren’t optional.” He held out his hand. She reluctantly took it as he helped her down.

  He didn’t let go when her feet touched the icy pavement. She tried to tug away, but his grasp was firm, warm. He brushed his thumb over the points of her knuckles before slowly releasing her. Despite her high-heeled boots, Logan stood a foot taller and easily reached over her shoulder to shut the passenger door. Their mouths were inches apart.

  Their breath clouded and mingled in the crisp night. White flakes fell around them as if they stood in a snow globe, a frozen moment where time and complexity didn’t exist.

  Heat cascaded through her. Her abdomen tightened with desire.

  God help her, if he kissed her right now…

  She just might let him.


  A barking dog broke the dream-like spell. Logan’s eyes sparkled with hunger, but he took a step back and yanked up his collar, glancing at the building. “Which one’s yours?”


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