army training 210
birth 18, 207
boxing 209–10
dairy employment 26
dancing 32
death 213
house 23
mesothelioma 213
pearl 39
reptile theft from 236–8
snake shows xii, 21, 28, 131, 147, 187, 211, 252
snakebites 211–12
tribute 214–15
Cann, Helen 142, 164, 167, 169, 189, 252, 253
courtship 66, 216–17
employment 66, 224–5
family 37, 216
financial difficulties 187
opinion of snakes 124, 218, 220–1
red shoe incident 93
travels 164, 225, 227–8, 231–4
wedding 116, 218
Cann, John
antivenom allergy 137, 142, 145
athletics 42, 44–52, 68–72, 96, 251
birth 22, 23
boxing xiii, 77–9, 83–4, 251
broken neck 101–4, 251
cancer 251, 253
childhood 25–35
curiosity 196–8
entertainment industry role 246–8
expertise xiii, 195–6, 252
first snake caught xiii, 26
football, involvement in see football
interest in snakes 26, 117
interest in turtles 153, 198–9
last snake show xi, xiii, 135–6, 252–3
National Service 54–5
Nature Boy 59–60
Order of Australia 195, 228, 252
publications xiii, 5, 157, 199–200, 205–6, 252, 258, 289
rickets 24–5, 53, 251
schooling 42–4
sight problems 42–3
snakebites 137–8, 140–5
speaking engagements 63, 201–2, 252
specimen collection xiii, 168, 180–9, 205
stroke 251, 253–4
train robbery 233–5, 251
wedding 116, 218
Cann, John E. 112
Cann, John ‘Jace’ 221–4, 253–5
Cann, Moira 35, 237
Cann, Noreen 20, 25–6, 34–5, 207
Cann, Paul 148, 221–2, 252–3
Cann, Vanessa 148
Carlson, Brian 97–8
Carr, Dr Archie 155
cartoon 51
Caton, Theresa 286
Chandra, Ram 284
Chapman, Gary 243–4
Chinese market gardens 19, 117, 122–3, 208
Cleopatra, Queen of the Snakes see Cann, Essie
Cleopatras see snake women
Cogger, Hal 155
Commonwealth Serum Laboratories 130, 208, 254, 285
Couper, Patrick 162
Cuthbert, Betty 44, 49, 64
Cuthbert, Marie 44
Dalton, Vic 115, 167
Davidson, Les 76, 78–9, 209
‘Deadly Australians’ documentary 133
Death Adder Hill 123
Deline, Harry 276–7
Denton, Peter 47, 108
Ditcham, Bill 14
Dixon, Darcy 32
Dorrian, Chris 161, 163
Dorry, Les 209
Dumas, Charlie 61
Duruz, James 1
Duruz, James Jnr 1–2
Eades, Tom ‘Pambo’ 263
Emmott, Angus 293
Esmerelda see Miller, Alice
Fallu, Ric 158
Ferguson, Amy 283, 285
Finlay, Long Tim 278
football xiii, 88–9, 97–101, 105, 218, 251
Australian Rules football 40–1
Boggabri 105–7
Country against City 97
New South Wales team 98–9
Probables versus Possibles 98
Riverina Group 20 97
Tumbarumba 97, 99–100, 103
underwater 37–9
Fowler, Walsford 259
Fox, Professor Fred 3, 5–6, 8, 22, 124, 257, 269, 278
Fraser, Dawn 57, 59, 64
Freeman, Alastair 205
Freshwater Turtles of Australia 205–6
Furner, Don 100–2
Gale, Terry 96–7
‘Gangway the Cann Way’ 51
Georges, Professor Arthur 291, 294
Gero, Gabor 48–50, 69
Goodacre, Geoff 47, 70–3
Goode, John 155, 199, 203
Goodrick, Peggy 286
Gosper, Kevin 68
Gow, Graeme 129, 133, 212
Gow’s Reptile Zoo 164
Greenhalgh, Arthur 279, 281, 288
Greenhalgh, Captain 278–9
Greenhalgh, John 160–6
Greenhalgh, Miss Eddy 279
Greenhalgh, Nevada ‘Red’ 279
Hampton, Billy 32
‘Handcuff King’ see Labb, Vince
Hatte’s Arcade 7
Hayden, Vic 254
H.C. Sligh 108
Henderson, Sara 227
Hessell, Charlie Jnr 9–10, 265
Hessell, Charlie Snr 9–10, 265
Historical Snakeys 200
Hosmer, Bill 119–20
Hosmer, Dennis 119
Huller, Professor Victor 275–6
Hunter Patterson, John 90
ICI 194, 248
Indian Cobra Boy see Chandra, Ram 284
Irian Barat (Irian Jaya/Papua) 168–9, 172, 177, 187
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) 184–5, 187
International Union of Conservation of Nature Survival Commission
Tortoise and Turtle Group 195
Inverell Highland Games 72–5
Irvine, Ken 98
Irwin, Steve 221
turtle 291
Jackson, Abe 279–80, 288
Jedea 281
Johnny Cann: Nature Boy 252
Johnson, Rafer 60
Keeping, William 278
Kellam, Barry 105–7, 115
Kellam, Charlie 104–5
Kelly, Peter 99
Kerswell, Tom 275
Kimbel, Anthony 287
King Leopold III of Belgium 186, 189
Kinghorn, J.R. 120
Kirkness, Doug 141
specimen collecting trip 168–9, 171, 177–81, 183–4, 187–8
La Belle see Wade, Belle
La Pa Loop snake pit shows 131, 147–152
audience 148, 149–50
last xi, xiii, 135–6, 252–3
origins xi–xii, 3–6
routine 147–9
snake selection 118, 127, 135, 148
takings 12, 245
La Perouse 4–5, 17
Aboriginal community 4, 19
Customs Building 207
Frog Hollow 18
Happy Valley 18
Hill 60 17–18, 85, 225
Macquarie Watchtower 5, 19–20
snake shows see La Pa Loop snake pit shows
La Perouse Football Club 217
La Perouse Museum 5
La Perouse Public School 20, 117
La Perouse Round House 20, 23
Labb, Vince 258
Landy, John 58–9
Latiefa ‘Queen of Reptiles’ 258, 279, 285
Lauer, Christa 230, 232–3, 235
Lauer, Martin 64, 229–33, 235
Le Pool, Alexie 287
Le Pool, Charles 287
Leane, Pat 56, 60
Leeton 79, 82, 85, 89, 96
Legler, Professor John 155–7, 159–60, 162–3, 199–200, 226, 292
Leighton, Captain Gus 285
Leopard, Leon 170, 189
Leper Home 121–2
Limpus, Dr Col 203
Little Sea Horse see Williams, Ted
Long Bay Gaol 118, 120
Longbottom, Willo 76–8, 209
McCann, Jim 70–1, 97
McCord, Bill 293
McGregor, Jimmy 124
McKenna, Tommy 43
McLean, Robert 145
Madigan, Tony 77, 79
Marco s
ee Miller, Charlie
Marlo see Miller, Charlie
Mary River 162–6
turtle 291
Mascord, Raymond 123, 199
Matthews, Marlene 49
Meekin, Dave 266, 268–9
Melrose, Andrew 110, 136
Melrose, William Harry 273
Meredith, Graham 161
Miller, Alice 283
Miller, Charlie 279–80, 283
Miller, Fred 283, 285
Miller, John 282–3
Milo see Miller, Fred
Miss Kittyhawk see Ada
Mongta, Peter 80
Monica Sans see Wade, Belle
Moroney, Mike 69
Morrissey, ‘Professor’ Jim 260–5, 269, 271, 278
‘Morrissey of the Snakes’ see Morrissey, ‘Professor’ Jim
Mundy, Alan 101, 112
Murphy, Harry 196
Murphy brothers 239–40
Murray, Jimmy 286
Necia see Miller, Alice
Newman, Daniel 1
Newman, Ellen 1
Newtown 7
Nichol, Barry 141
Nicol, John 239
Nicol brothers 236–9
Olympic Games
Melbourne 1956 xiii, 24, 50, 53, 55–67, 251
Sydney 2000 torch relay 251
Order of Australia 195, 228
Pambara 278
Paulette the Fan Dancer see Perry, Paula
‘Pegleg’ Davis 283–4
Peisley, Sam 17
Penny, Tom 39
Perry, Mick 288
Perry, Paula 287–8
Pink, Snowy 287
Pink, Thelma 287
‘The Pit of Death’ 16
Prince Henry Hospital 31, 56, 66, 110, 121, 130, 142–4
Princess Indita 258, 262–3, 285
Pritchard, Peter 155
Pyree 25–6
Queensland Museum 195
Ramsamy, Ted 284
Randwick–Botany Harriers athletics club 46–7, 50, 68
Renwick, Jack ‘Blue’ 89–95
Renwick, Mary 89
Reynolds, Brucie 81, 111
Richards, Bob 62–3
Robichaux, Louis 120
Rockefeller, Michael 170, 172–5
Rodgers, Frank 124, 129–30
Rolfe, Alex ‘Sandy’ 271
Royal Easter Show 83, 208, 279, 284, 286
Sadlier, Ross 206
See, Garnett 8–9
Shar, Nazir 284
Short, Keith 51
Sintau 277–8
Slater, Ken 137–40, 208
Smith, Keith 46, 53, 252
Smith, Sylvester 220
snake handling xii, 118–19, 127, 134–6, 259–60
‘snake-oil salesmen’ xiii, 259, 282
snake shows
La Perouse see La Pa Loop snake pit shows
snake women xi, 14, 257–8, 260, 285–8 see also by name
antidote xii, 22, 132, 259, 261–4
antivenom see antivenom
Cann, George 10–11, 16, 128–30, 135
Cann, George Morris 211
Cann, John 137–8, 140–5, 251
casualties 131, 136
first-aid 140, 149
resistance/immunity xii, 9, 127, 132, 137, 257, 283
wound scarification 22, 128–9, 263–4, 277
adders 123
black 119, 122, 124, 135, 143, 148
black tiger 16, 286
black-market trade 236
brown 9, 118–19, 122, 130–1, 134, 139–40, 145–6, 148, 246
carpet 148
catching 19, 25, 99, 110–11, 113–14, 117–19, 122–5, 128, 130–1, 136–9, 211
Clarence River (Emydura macquarii binjing) 140
coastal taipan 133–4
copperhead 148
death adder 123, 148
diamond python 148
disposition 134–5
fang removal xiii, 257, 259, 282
genetics 134
immunity to venom 133
interest in 26, 117
island taipan/fierce snake 133
king brown/mulga 114–15
krait 9
milking xii, 26, 123, 208, 257, 259
New Guinea taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus canni) 134, 137
red-bellied black xiii, 7, 110–11, 124, 127–8
rough-scaled 140
taipan 146
tiger xiii, 10, 17, 22, 117, 122–4, 128–30, 132, 134–6, 138, 142, 146, 208–9, 220–1, 246, 254
Snakes Alive 5, 200, 258, 289
Snakey George 6–7, 11, 122, 131
snakeys 257–60 see also by name
fellowship 9
immunity to venom 21
publication 200, 258, 289
tradition xii, 5–6, 15–16
Steele, Harry 190–2
Stevenson, Gary 159, 162
Sutherland, Dr Struan 143–4, 212
Swanson, Steve 162
Tanner, Ann 55, 59–60
Tanner, Charlie 132, 203, 219
Taronga Park Zoo 20, 26–7, 119, 161, 207, 284
Tasker, Knut 232
That Man Gray 281–2
Thieschinger, Professor Gunther 202
Thompson, Jack 247, 249
tortoises 154 see also turtles
Trouble in Paradise 247–9
Tumbarumba 97, 99, 104, 112
turtles xiii, 113, 115
‘black head’ 162, 166
black-market trade 236
C. canni 204
C. longicollis 293–4
Cann’s (C. rankini) 203–4, 293–4
Chelodina canni 203–4
conservation 205–6
discovered 154–61, 166, 252, 291–3
eastern snake-neck (Chelodina longicollis) 203
Elseya 165, 197
Elseya bellii 293
Emmott’s (Emydura macquarii emmotti) 293
Emydura 165, 204, 292
Emydura canni 292
Emydura macquarii 204–5
genetics 203–4, 294
Fitzroy River (Rheodytes leukops) 292
Fraser Island short-neck (Emydura macquarii nigra) 293
freshwater (Carettochelys) 177, 180
Freshwater Turtles of Australia 205–6
Georges’ (Wollumbinia georgesi) 204, 291
Hunter River (Emydura macquarii gunabarra) 292
Irwin’s (Elseya irwini) 291
Krefft’s (Emydura krefftii) 163, 165
Kuchling’s (Chelodina kuchlingi) 291
long-neck 153–4, 294
Macleay River (Emydura macquarii dharra) 292
Macquarie (Emydura macquarii) 154–5
Mary River (Elusor macrurus) 291
natural hybrid species 293–4
northern long-neck (m. Chelodina (macrochelodina) oblonga regosa) 204
northern snapping (Elseya dentata) 163–4
northern yellow-face (Emydura tanybaraga) 292
‘pet-shop’ 156–8, 165–6
pig-nose 181
re-discovery 293
saw-shell (Elseya latisternum) 156, 158
short-neck 154
‘short-neck alpha’ 157–60
Sydney Basin (Emydura macquarii dharuk) 292
theft 237–9
Wollumbinia latisternum 204
United States
talks 63, 201–2, 252
University of Phoenix 72
Vagne, Lindsay Herbert see Vane, Rocky
Vane, Joyce 274–5
Vane, Rocky 12, 18, 20, 264, 270–5
Venitia see Wade, Belle
‘Voice of the bush—a tribute to George Cann’ 214–15
Vonita the Snake Lady see Pink, Thelma
Vowels, George 282
Wade, Belle 279–81, 285, 288
Wade, Fred 279–81, 288
Walker, Desi 56
Wamoon 88–9, 97
Wamoon Footba
ll Club 89, 97
Wanless, Tom 10, 264–70, 287
Watamena 179–80
water dragon 147–8, 154, 255
Wattle Hill 85, 87–8
Welch, Raquel xiii, 247, 249–50
West, Eric 137
West Papua 168–9, 172–9, 182–9, 251
Whitley, Dorothy 272–3
Wiener, Dr Saul 132
Willesee, Mike 133
Williams, Ted 12–13
Wilson, Vern 61
Wing, John Ian 65
Witt-Gibbens, Dr 202
Woodall-Duckham 190
Worrell, Eric 99, 109, 125
achievements 20, 123
expertise 17, 120, 141
Song of the Snake 283
venom milking 123, 130, 208
Zillah, the Tasmanian Bush Girl 286
The Last Snake Man Page 23