Her Rebel Heart: A romance of the English Civil War

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Her Rebel Heart: A romance of the English Civil War Page 21

by Alison Stuart

  Deliverance wondered where Lovedie had ended the day. She must have fled with the royalists but had she gone with them to Ludlow or struck out for new pastures? She had a feeling Lovedie was more than capable of making her own fortune.

  “What about you, Toby? Will you stay here? You're more than welcome.”

  Toby shook his head and his eyes sought out Luke on the dance floor. “I'm Cap’n Collyer's man now, Mistress Felton. Where he goes, I go too.”

  “I'm glad. He needs someone to look after him,” Deliverance said. “Will you dance with me, Toby? I promise not to tread too hard on your toes.”

  The boy smiled. “Me? Dance with you?”

  “No one else will,” Deliverance said and rose to her feet.

  Chapter 22

  As dusk closed in on the castle, Luke and Deliverance stood on the east wall looking down over the river.

  Luke drew Deliverance towards him. She fitted into the shelter of his arm as if she had always belonged there.

  “Last night I stood here and I thought that the end had come. Now I can just walk out of the sally port and there will be no one to stop me. I can't believe it is all over,” she said.

  Luke sighed. “It's far from over, Deliverance. There is still a brutal war to be fought and there is no guarantee that Farrington won't be back. He wants Kinton Lacey.”

  Her shoulders sagged beneath his touch. “I suppose you're right.”

  “This county is loyal to the King and if he prevails in the fight, your father stands to lose everything.”

  She turned her face to look up at him. “Are you always such a realist?”

  He nodded. “I've learned to be but I have also learned that moments of happiness are not to be wasted, so just for tonight we are at peace once more and this lovely evening belongs to us.”

  He turned her so she faced him and put his hands on her shoulders. “Deliverance Felton, you are the most irritating, strong-minded, difficult female I have ever had to deal with in my life which is why I am going to say something to you that I have said to no woman in my life.”

  Deliverance's eyes widened.

  “I love you,” he said.

  She reached up and put her hands on his shoulders. “Luke Collyer, you are the most arrogant, enigmatic, frustrating man I have ever met and I love you with you all my heart.”

  A slow smile lifted the corners of his mouth and the grey eyes twinkled in the last of the daylight.

  “Good, I am glad we have settled that. Now, what are we going to do about it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  He put a finger under her chin and tilted it up, searching her eyes. “I want you, Deliverance, all of you. Not just your heart.”

  Deliverance’s legs trembled as he bent his head, his lips seeking hers. He pressed her to him, his tongue plundering her mouth with the pent-up passion of weeks of close confinement. She responded in kind, pressing her body against him, while her fingers raked the back of his neck.

  They broke apart, panting for breath. “Mistress Felton, will you trust me?”

  She nodded and he took her by the hand, leading her back into the residence. The festivities continued in the Great Hall and no one noticed them creep up the stairs to Sir John’s fine bedchamber. Deliverance stood in the centre of the room and her arms wrapped around herself.

  “What about Ned?” she ventured, scarcely believing what she was about to do. The thought scared her. She would be giving herself wholly to one man. There could never be another and yet there was no one and never would be anyone but Luke Collyer.

  “Ned knows when to make himself scarce.” Luke crossed to a small table where a flint and candles stood, lighting the candles. Their light bathed the room in a soft glow.

  He stood looking at Deliverance for a long moment before he crossed the floor toward her, stopping an arm’s breadth distant.

  She shivered.

  “Are you cold?”

  He stepped forward, folding her in his arms, his face resting on the top of her head.

  “No,” she murmured. “Not now.”

  He brushed the dark hair away from her face, allowing the silken strands to play through his fingers.

  “You smell of summer,” he mused.

  “We washed our hair with herbs,” Deliverance replied.

  “Deliverance I want you to know that—”

  “Stop talking,” Deliverance said with a laugh. “I’ve waited too long for this night for you to squander it on words.”

  She pulled at his jacket and he shrugged it off letting it fall to the dusty floor as she unlaced his shirt and ran her hands through the hair on his chest. She kissed the naked flesh.

  “Mmmm…you smell of lye soap,” she said.

  It was his turn. She wore no collar and her shoulders were bare. He bent his head and kissed the sensitive spot at the base of her throat, and she threw her head back as shivers of delight ran down her spine. Supporting her with one hand, he let his fingers trail across her chest, running lightly across the top of her bodice. The laces were at the back of the bodice and tied in a simple knot that came away with one practiced tug.

  The bodice fell away revealing a simple white chemise.

  “You are beautiful,” Luke murmured, cupping her firm, full breasts in his hands through the fine material.

  She gasped as his thumbs slowly circled her nipples, her own hands tearing at his shirt, running her fingers across his chest, sculpted to hardness by his years of soldiering.

  He undid the laces on her chemise, exposing her breasts and bent his head to each one in turn. Deliverance thought she would die from the sheer pleasure. She fumbled with the lacings of the petticoats and they fell around her ankles in a cloud of red satin. Luke slid the bodice down over her hips and she stepped free of her gown wearing nothing but her chemise.

  Luke stepped back and putting both hands to the sleeves of the chemise gave it a tug. It slithered down her body joining the gown and Deliverance stood before him, naked and glowing in the candlelight. She made no attempt to cover herself.

  “You are beautiful,” he said, and she knew he meant it. She could see herself reflected in his gaze…the small, pointed face to narrow waist and the full womanly breasts and hips. A little thinner than she had been, but still a woman, Luke’s woman.

  He unbuckled his belt and stepped clear of his own clothes. Her eyes raked his long, hard body, resting on the erect penis. Apart from that one fleeting glance in a dark stable, she had never seen a man in full arousal before and the sight both scared and fascinated her.

  “And so are you,” she responded.

  He stepped forward and lifted her in his arms, depositing her on to Sir John’s magnificent bed. Deliverance ran her fingers down the line of dark hair from his chest, her fingers brushing the magnificent erection that would be all hers. Her fingers stroked the silky skin on the head of his penis.

  “For a virgin,” Luke muttered. “You are acting in a manner most unbecoming.”

  Deliverance stopped what she was doing and looked at him.

  “Luke,” she whispered. “It’s true, I'm a...I've never...except with you…”

  He folded her in his arms and hugged her close. “Oh, Deliverance, you do make me laugh. I know your history and I want to teach you. I want you to remember this night for the rest of your life.”

  He released her and slid down beside her, propping himself up on elbow. He teased her nipples with his tongue, lips and teeth until her body arched. Her eyes shut and her lips parted as she surrendered herself to the sensations he created in her.

  His calloused fingers traced the curves of her body, followed by his lips as he kissed and caressed every inch of her body. When those questing fingers slid between her legs, Deliverance welcomed them.

  “You are ready,” he whispered.

  A little of the other Deliverance wormed its way into her consciousness and her legs snapped shut and she stiffened in his arms, her eyes springing open, her frantic gaze ra
king his face.

  “Luke, I…”

  “Ssh…trust me, Deliverance.” His eyes looked hazy in the candlelight as he hushed her and kissed her.

  She relaxed again, closing her eyes and he eased himself on top of her. As he met with resistance, a moment of panic seized her. She took a sharp breath and he withdrew, looking down at her anxiously.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “No,” she said in an uncertain voice. “Don’t stop.

  He dropped down, cradling her head in his arms and kissing her gently as he pushed past until he was completely inside her. He rested for a moment, allowing her to become accustomed to the myriad of sensations that flooded her mind.

  She took a breath and began to move against him, raising her hips to meet his. He moved inside her and she wondered for a moment if it were possible for two people to be any closer. Two had become one. Thoughts vanished as she surrendered herself to sensation.

  “Deliverance,” he whispered, as he came in a shuddering gasp, collapsing against her. She circled his body with her arms, drawing him closer, with a fierce desire never to let him go again. She had never thought it possible for her heart to be so full.

  “You’re crying,” he said. “I’m sorry. I tried not to hurt you.”

  She shook her head, temporarily bereft of words. “That’s not why I’m crying. I’ve never been so utterly happy in my entire life.”

  He rolled off her and lay beside her, his face so close to her that their noses touched. “We’re not done yet. Just lie still...” His fingers slid down between her legs again and gently began to rub her.

  She began to ask him what he was doing, but he silenced her question with a kiss. “Close your eyes,” he whispered.

  A wave of pleasure ran through her body, such as she had never known before. Others followed and her body arched. She heard someone cry out. Her—it had to be her. She came to a shuddering halt, breathing hard as she fell back in his arms. She just wanted to sleep.

  The last thing she remembered was the touch of his lips on her hair and a whispered voice.

  “Deliverance Felton, I love you. I am never going to let you go.”

  Deliverance woke with a cramp in her leg. A heavy weight lay across her and she tried to wriggle out from underneath it. She gave a squeak of alarm as she realised she was completely naked and there seemed to be another body in her bed. The other body mumbled and turned over and Deliverance lay back, allowing herself a silent laugh as she remembered where she was, why she was naked, who the man in the bed was and, more importantly, what they were doing there.

  She closed her eyes and smiled as she remembered also the place where Luke's skilled fingers had taken her. Who could ever have imagined such a glorious sensation existed. Just thinking about it, made a warm glow spread through her body and she realised she wanted to do it again...and again. She propped herself up on one elbow and kissed Luke's ear, the only part of him she could reach. She let her hand run down his body until her fingers closed on his penis, quietly slumbering. She nibbled his earlobe until he stirred, rolling on to his back and pulling her over on top of him

  “What do you want?” he teased.

  “You,” she said. “All of you.”

  “Deliverance, you will probably burn in the eternal fires of hell, for your wanton behaviour.”

  “I don't care. I've faced death too many times in the last few weeks to concern myself with my eternal soul.”

  It was too dark to see his face so her fingers traced the curve of his lips, sensing the smile.

  “You are an extraordinary woman, Deliverance,” he said

  “Stop talking and kiss me.”

  They made love again. This time she knew what to expect and she allowed herself to savour every moment, the feel of him inside her. She had never thought it possible that two people could become one. Now she understood and she knew that whatever happened she did not ever want to be parted from Luke Collyer.

  He brought her to climax and this time, her animal soul let fly with a howl of pure pleasure.

  “You will have the whole garrison in here,” Luke said, his lips silencing her moans of desire. “I’m sure no one is under any illusions about what we are about tonight.”

  “I don’t care,” she muttered. “You said tonight was just for us.”

  “And so it is, but tomorrow we have to face the world.”

  She lay in his arms, not wanting to sleep and not wanting to talk about the future. He was a soldier, they were at war and he would be gone within a few days, a few weeks...it didn't matter. She just wanted to enjoy what time she had with him.

  They talked about trivial matters, small snatches of childhood memories of happier times. When she pressed him to talk about his family, he silenced her with a kiss. Eventually he stretched and pulled himself away from her, swinging his feet on to the cold stone floor.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  He looked down at her. “I think you should go back to your own bed. While I am sure no one in this castle is in the slightest doubt about the nature of our relationship, I think we should at least maintain an appearance of respectability.”

  Deliverance groaned. “I don't want to face the day.”

  He bent over and kissed her. “You must. We both have responsibilities.”

  He tossed her chemise at her and she reluctantly complied. She slipped into the dark corridor, every floorboard creaking as she crept back up to her room. Meg didn't stir and Deliverance slipped into bed beside Penitence, putting her cold feet on her sister.

  Penitence grumbled. “Where have you been?” She turned over. “Don't tell me, I don't want to know.”

  Deliverance stared up at the dark alcove of the bed and whispered, “Pen, have you and Jack...?”

  Penitence's eyes widened. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we're not wed.” Penitence sat bolt upright. “Deliverance what if he gets you with child?”

  “I don't care,” Deliverance said. “He could be killed in battle tomorrow. Isn't it better to have known total happiness with the man you love? And if there is a child, well at least there will be a part of something you had together.”

  “Oh, Liv,” Penitence sighed, sliding back under the covers. “We are so different.”

  “That's why I love you, Pen.”

  Deliverance put her arms around her sister and kissed her.

  Chapter 23

  Luke leaned against the castle wall, ostensibly watching the repair work to the roof of the residence, but his mind kept drifting to the night in Sir John Felton’s bed. He longed to repeat the experience but the circumstances were conspiring against them.

  When he next saw Sir John, he would ask for her hand. As he ruminated on what exactly he would say, Ned's elbow in his ribs brought him back to earth.

  “Collyer!” His friend looked at him with knowing eyes and shook his head. “You have got a bad case, my friend,” he said.

  Luke sighed and ran his hand across his eyes.

  “The quicker we get our orders to move on, the better,” Ned grumbled. “I was just saying that I've received this list of demands for reparation to the villagers and farmers who suffered losses.”

  Luke took the paper Ned brandished and ran his eye down the list of figures amounting to a considerable amount of money. “Not much I can do about it. I haven't even got coin to pay the soldiers.”

  “Captain Collyer!”

  Luke sprang to full alertness as one of the scouts he'd sent out that morning, came riding across the drawbridge at a full canter. He threw himself off his lathered horse and came running up to where Luke and Ned were standing.

  “What is it?”

  “Farrington...” The man puffed as if he had been the one doing the galloping. Weeks of siege did nothing for the fitness of man or beast. “An armed force with Farrington's standard coming from Ludlow. About an hour away at the pace he's going.”

  Luke swore. “I didn't expect h
im back. Ned, sound the alarm and get everyone back inside the castle walls.”

  With Hawk Tower destroyed the highest vantage was afforded by the Gatehouse tower and by the time Farrington's standard came into view, the officers of the garrison and Deliverance waited for him there.

  Luke leaned on the wall, watching the progress of the standard. He straightened.

  “It's not a large force,” he said. “One hundred men at the most. No guns.”

  Even as he watched, a single horse detached itself from the main body and rode slowly towards the castle. The rider carried the white flag of parlay.

  Recognising the magnificent chestnut stallion and the rider as Sir Richard Farrington himself, Luke gathered the officers and took the stairs down to the castle wall.

  Farrington stopped within musket range and looked up at the wall.

  Luke addressed him. “My lord, what can we do for you?”

  Farrington shifted his grip on the flag pole. “I have come to speak with my son.”

  “Which son?”

  Farrington's gaze travelled across the row of faces, stopped at Jack and then moved back to Luke. “I have only one son,” he said. “And you are holding him captive.”

  Luke heard the hiss of breath from Jack and out of the corner of his eyes saw Ned clap him on the shoulder.

  “Colonel Charles Farrington is to be sent to Gloucester to face trial for his crimes,” Luke replied. “What is your business with him?”

  Farrington's shoulders stiffened. “A father's wish to speak with his son. Nothing more.”

  Luke turned and gave a nod to the soldiers on the gate. The door opened. Farrington dismounted, laid the flag down on the ground, unbuckled his sword and placed it carefully on the ground before crossing the bridge.

  Luke waited for him in the courtyard with an escort of four armed soldiers. At his insistence, Deliverance waited in the Great Hall to receive her visitor. Farrington looked from one to the other and across at the Thunderer. Luke's men had dragged the great gun inside the castle and it now stood as an impotent testament to their survival.

  “I honour your flag,” Luke said, indicating the escort. “This is just a precaution. I'll take you to the prisoner.”


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