Hot, Wet, Smooth, and Hard (Craving Cove Book 1)

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Hot, Wet, Smooth, and Hard (Craving Cove Book 1) Page 1

by Blue,Marina

  Copyright © 2016 by M. Blue

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2016

  Edited by Barry West of westsindieauthors

  Cover art by Mayhem Cover Creations


  For my sweet puppy Boosa, and his feline partner in crime, Muffin.

  Thanks for staying by my side as I wrote this book.

  Dear Readers,

  Thank you so much for taking the time to read this novel. I appreciate it, as I’m sure Melody Song will as well. You see, for me reading has been one of the great pleasures in life. But regardless, one thing I’ve always believed is that books, no matter how great, aren’t really alive. At least, they aren’t until someone picks them up, and reads them. Then, in that act, life is literally breathed into the story world, giving its characters a voice that’s as unique as the readers themselves. And thus, please accept my gratitude. Without you, these words would be cold and dead. But through your effort, time, and imagination the characters, their challenges, and the book itself will find new life. And for this, I am deeply grateful. So please, enjoy your time here, and know that you are always welcome in Craving Cove.

  With very warm regards,

  Marina Blue


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  I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship. - Mary Louise Alcott

  If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun. - Katharine Hepburn

  The most effective way to do it, is to do it. - Amelia Earhart

  The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. - Gloria Steinem

  No matter what you look like or think you look like you’re special and loved and perfect just the way you are. - Ariel Winter

  Books are a uniquely portable magic. - Stephen King

  You get a little moody sometimes but I think that's because you like to read. People that like to read are always a little fucked up. - Pat Conroy

  Chapter 1

  Melody gently laid her beautiful hands on William’s delicious meat. With a perfect stroke, she moved them back and forth. Back. And forth. Then slowly, and with definite focus, she grabbed a bottle of oil, and poured a viscous stream into her palm. The liquid slipped between her already wet fingers, and she continued to move her hands. Reaching over, she pinched some coarse sea salt, and sprinkled it evenly.

  Looking down at the rib eye, Melody smiled. Perfectly seasoned…

  But before she could start cooking in earnest, she gave the dining room a quick glance. The red wine was breathing, the table was set with Swiss watch precision, and William’s favorite songs were prepared to play on their entertainment system.

  Everything was perfect.

  Even her. Underneath her red dress was a black bustier hot enough to sear the waiting steak, and a pair of stockings that would make a mute man scream in joyous rapture. The plan was to surprise her husband with a fabulous anniversary dinner, and drink a great bottle of wine, then rut like stoats upstairs. None of which should be a problem, especially the surprise. Their actual anniversary was on the following Saturday, and Melody was supposed to be out of town until the next morning.

  So like she thought, it was going to be perfect.

  Then the sound of their garage door roused her from her thoughts.

  Damn it. Melody looked at her watch. Seven thirty… William’s home early!

  Melody ran to the light switch, but on the way she passed by a full-length mirror, and she checked herself one last time. Her thick, brown hair was done up just right, allowing a slim tendril to curl down the side of her face, and the red dress fit well enough. But still, she fretted. The figure she’d had at twenty-five was no longer the same, even though she was still curvy.

  So, with everything ready, she killed the kitchen and dining room lights, and froze.

  Seconds passed. She was breathing deeply. Her heart beat loudly in her ears. She was so excited!

  And then finally, the door opened, and she heard William say, “Come on, let’s get to it.”

  “Why?” a woman said. “We’ve got all night, it’s not like she’s home.”

  “Not until tomorrow. But every second I’m not inside you is one I wish I was.”

  Melody’s quick beating heart stopped. She turned her head slightly, unsure of what she’d just heard.

  The mystery woman said, “Well then, if you’re that hungry we’ll have to get right to it.”

  Then the door slammed. There was some fumbling. And the two of them rushed into the living room.

  Melody crept along the wall of the dining room, and peeked around the corner.

  William was in one of his tailored, gray suits, and all five and a half feet of him was wrapped around a woman who couldn’t have been over twenty-three. She looked like a sundae, topped with a dollop of whipped cream blond hair, and wore a tight, white dress, over a perky body.

  Melody nearly broke her teeth grinding them together. It was Kendra. William’s paralegal!

  The two tumbled onto the couch, with William landing on top of his employee. “My God,” he said. “I’ve been thinking about this all day.”

  Kendra ran her fingers through his thinning hair. “Me too, Billy.” She undid his tie and threw it on the floor. “During that meeting I wanted to pull out your cock and-”

  “What the hell’s going on?” Melody was standing in the doorway to the dining room, staring down at the two.

  The lovers froze, with their eyes full of shock. William was the one who broke the silence. “Melody, what’re you doing here?”

  Melody stared at him with a viper’s gaze. “Surprising you, apparently.”

  The two cheaters disentangled, and staggered to their feet.

  Kendra straightened her white dress as William said, “Melody, I can explain. This isn’t-”

  “Say ‘what it looks like’ and I’ll jam an oyster fork in your eye,” Melody said.

  William deflated in front of her. “Yeah. Right. Good point.”

  Kendra looked shocked. “Mrs. Brooding, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-”

  “Slut,” Melody said. “Get the hell out of my house!”

  “Yours?” Kendra sneered, and put both hands on her hips. “This is his house.”

  “What?” Melody lunged at the girl.

  But William stepped between the two women, and caught Melody. Holding her tight in his arms, he yelled, “Calm down!”

  “Calm down?” Melody fought against his grip, and clawed at Kendra. “I’ll show you calm!”

  As the melee raged, Kendra bolted down the hallway, through the front door, and cried, “I’ll call you later!” before slamming it on her way out.

  Melody ripped free from William’s grasp and took a few steps away from him. “You unimaginable asshole!”

  “I know. I’m sorry. Listen-”

  “Screw you and screw sorry, how could you do this to me?”

  He put his hands up. His mouth opened, but nothing came out.

  “Well?” Melody said. “Explain yourself.”

  The practiced veneer of a financial lawyer slipped away as William’s body went slack. “We’ve been growing apart for years. When’s the last time we laughed? The last time we did anything fun? And frankly
, it’s not like you still look the same. I mean, come on…”

  A murderous rage blossomed in Melody's heart. “Who are you to complain? If there was any lack of effort in keeping this relationship fresh, it’s all on that side of the room!”

  William thought about her words. All he did was shrug. “At this point, does it even matter?”

  Melody could’ve handled him yelling. Or insulting her. But that indifference… It stopped her cold. So instead of parceling out more anger she took a deep breath, and asked, “Do you love her?”

  In the face of her honest question, her upright stance, William could do nothing but answer honestly. “No. But I don’t love you anymore, either. There, are you happy?”

  “Happy? Why would I be happy?” Melody said. “I haven’t been truly happy in years.” She turned and took the stairs up as fast as her heels allowed. When she arrived on the top floor she screamed, “And you can get the hell out and sleep with your whore tonight!” Then she walked into her bedroom, closed the door, and dropped to her knees.

  Between Melody’s sobs, the door downstairs closed, and her husband of fifteen years was gone.

  Chapter 2

  “So then the anniversary surprise didn’t go as planned?” Kat said in her slight British accent. She was sitting next to Melody in a small cafe, the Mason L’Esprit. Melody was in a black shirt and jeans. But Kathy looked like a sunrise as she drank champagne and ate a crème brûlée in a peach sundress, with her newly dyed hair up.

  “That’s an understatement,” Melody said.

  “Well darling, he’s a dick. And not like in that old-timey detective way.”

  Melody sighed. She pushed the salad in front of her around like she was mowing it instead of eating it. “Yeah. And in a lot of ways I knew it was over. Years ago. I just figured I’d be the one to cut it to shreds. And that he wouldn’t be sleeping with one of his fresh-out-of-college employees.”

  “Insult and injury. What did you expect? He’s a lawyer, that’s their specialty.”

  “And he hasn’t even tried to contact me. I’ve been in my house, crying all night.”

  Kat tut-tutted. “As much as I hate to say it, darling, that bitch is right. It’s not yours. His name’s the only one on the mortgage, right?”

  Melody stopped playing with her greens. “Yeah. Technically. But we’ve lived there for years. I have a legal claim to it through our marriage.”

  “What about the bank accounts? Do you have access to funds? You’ll need it for a lawyer.”

  “The retirement fund is in his name, but the checking’s joint. Regardless, I’ve squirreled away about twenty thousand in a private account.”

  Kat was about to take a sip of her champagne, but stopped. “Why?”

  “For William. I like to surprise him with gifts now and then, and that way he can’t see them coming on the bank statement.”

  “Well that’s good. But about the home, squatter’s rights are fine and all, but contractual obligation is better.” Kat thought it over. “Though you’re still in good shape. Whatever its worth is, you’ll get half. Maybe more since he was the one cheating. And I have the perfect lawyer for you. Celia Banks. She’s a shark.”


  “Not for your soon to be ex-husband.”

  Melody looked over. Kat and her had gone back ages, but something was different. The classic Kat support was there, but with some added edge to it. Like she’d been sharpened recently. Which was unlike Kat. She was soft. Kind. She worked in PR for years, but she wasn’t the glitzy attention craver so many of those people were. Melody said, “Listen, not that I want to stop bitching about my scumbag husband, but what’s with you?”

  Kat smiled. And took a bite of her crème brûlée. “What do you mean? What’s different?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t put my finger on it. But looking at you, it’s… I mean, my marriage just imploded, and instead of sitting here thinking of ways to get revenge, I’m wondering why you look so great.”

  Kat licked her spoon clean, then leaned forward. “I’ve got a secret.”

  “What is it? If it’s a new man, I don’t want to know.”

  “Close, sugar. I had an experience. And actually, you’re the one to thank.”

  “Me? Why me?”

  “One second. Before I explain, that lemon meringue in the window, do you want to share it?”

  She looked at her friend’s physique. Kat wasn’t small by any standard, but she’d definitely lost some weight, but kept her curves. “We can’t all eat whatever we want and stay skinny.”

  “Girl, you know I’m no skinny Minnie.” Kat raised her hand and motioned to the waiter.

  He was in his early twenties for certain, and had that moussed hair that the young boys all favor, but with a physique that was just on this side of manhood. “Yes, Miss?”

  “Ooh, Miss,” Kat said. “Methinks I like that. You know what else I’d like?”

  The waiter smiled. And shook his head. He had that dreamy far-off look, all charmed and glassy eyed. “I’m afraid you’ll have to tell me.”

  Kat glanced at Melody, but said to the young man, “So you want to know?”

  He put both hands on the table and leaned in. “Absolutely.”

  “Well,” Kat said, “first let’s start with the meringue you have in the window, and we’ll go from there.”

  The waiter smiled. “Right away. Miss.” Then he sauntered off.

  Kat enjoyed the view as Melody slumped in her chair. “I can’t believe you’re flirting with waiters in front of me.”

  “I’ll flirt with men like him anywhere. Especially since he reminds me of the kind in your hometown.” Kat smiled deeply. “Craving Cove.”

  And just like that, Melody could practically smell jasmine and bergamot as another life, another destiny, flooded into her mind. The summers that were. The future that almost was. With Knox. Her rough waterman. It was that special time of youth when she was unstoppable. When she’d be young forever. She’d be a success, and beautiful, and thin for her entire life. Then, she came crashing down to reality, and moved to the city. To start her life. To start a career. A career she’d barely begun before getting married and trading it in for the American dream she was taught she wanted. Craving Cove. She could almost smell the ocean air, and the honeysuckle that danced upon it…

  Kat snapped her fingers. “Hey girl, you still with me?”

  Melody came back from her fantasy. “Right. Craving? You went there?”

  “I did. And it was marvelous. You were absolutely right, it’s like the hot, sexy love child of Cape Cod and Maui.” Kat pulled a strange face. “But I’ll tell you, even though it’s supposed to be their busy season, there wasn’t another person in sight.”

  Melody thought of Knox. And only him. But she said, “How long were you there?”

  “Left one week ago. Came back this morning. And it was everything you always told me about. The sunset. The sunrise. That charming B and B.” Kat took a big spoonful of vanilla custard, careful to get enough crispy topping to make it crunch. “The local sailors…” Kat made a big show of fanning herself. “My goodness, those bodies. So hot and wet, smooth and hard.”

  Melody's heart was jumping like a skittish cat. Her mouth was drier than sunbaked sand. “Did you see… him?”

  “Sinbad?” Kat was smiling like a cat with a mouthful of canary, instead of a girl with a mouthful of dessert.

  “That’s not his name.”

  “Of course it is. Didn’t you say that he always made you want to sin, bad?”

  Melody sighed. “Did you see him or not?”

  Kat shook her head. “No. I didn’t. But I spent some time with a friend of his. Gunner.”

  “Oh.” Melody deflated like a soufflé pulled from the oven too soon.

  “But, I did ask about your man. And Gunner told me plenty.”

  And with that Melody puffed right back up, like a spring breeze had been blown into her, warming her core, and filling her wi
th a feeling she’d not had for decades. “And?”

  “And what?” Kat smiled. She took another spoonful of dessert.

  Melody grabbed her friend’s hand. “What did you hear?”

  “You’re sure you want to know?” The naughty look on Kat’s face was getting naughtier.

  “Just tell me. Does he still live there?”

  “He does. I saw his bike, in fact. Big, fearsome machine. So black and shiny.”

  “Is he…” Melody's throat tightened up. “Is he married?”

  Kat’s naughty look melted into a sincere smile. “Never married. Gunner seemed to think he never found the right girl. Or maybe, he found her, and lost her.”

  Melody's mind was racing. Her first lover. The one from a life un-lived. Still there. Right where she left him all those years ago. She couldn’t stop imagining his broad chest. His sun toasted skin. Those firm hands, covered in callouses but still somehow soft.

  Until they needed to be rough.

  Kat said, “But before you go-”

  “Who said I’m going anywhere?” Melody said.

  “Yeah. Right. Before you go, do yourself a favor.” Kat picked up her purse off the empty seat, retrieved a card from within, and put it on the table in front of Melody. “Call my lawyer and make sure you secure what’s yours. Have her put the divorce proceedings into motion. Then, and only then, should you go home to Craving Cove.”

  Melody picked up the card and read it. Celia Banks. She put it in her purse. “So you think I should go?”

  Kat nodded. “I do, actually. You need someplace to heal. And home’s always the best place for that. So do yourself the favor and go. Have a small adventure. Maybe with your waterman… But only after you protect your finances.”

  Melody thought about the cove. And about Knox. Could she do it? Could she return to the life and man she once wanted so badly? The one she knew was right for her, before she got sense talked into her. The one she willingly walked away from. Would he still be waiting? What if he wasn’t? What if she couldn’t? What if-


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