Hot, Wet, Smooth, and Hard (Craving Cove Book 1)

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Hot, Wet, Smooth, and Hard (Craving Cove Book 1) Page 5

by Blue,Marina

  “Oh God,” Melody moaned. “That’s it. Fuck. Don’t stop.”

  Knox kept licking her. Tasting her. Consuming the sweet, wetness of her. He kept the rhythm steady. Back and forth, like a metronome. Then he’d shift his tongue, and as it lashed side-to-side he pulled back, so that only its tip was brushing her.

  Melody lifted her hips, pushing herself hard against his mouth.

  Knox slipped both hands underneath her legs, and wrapped them over her stomach. With his left he reached up, and grabbed her breast as he kept licking.

  Melody said, “I love it. More… Yes. Yes!”

  Knox kept sweeping side-to-side, building up speed.

  “Yes, that’s it,” Melody said.

  Knox listened. And licked. All the while he kept his eyes on hers. Peering, as Melody’s mouth opened and moaned.

  Then he wrapped his mouth around the entire clit, and gently sucked it in.

  Warm wetness, firm and powerful, consumed Melody's most sensitive area. She arched her back as sparks flew inside of her. She cried, “Oh my God, yes! Ooooh…”

  Knox flicked his tongue. Then he let her slowly slip from his mouth.

  Only to suck her in again, continuing to lick, and play with her soft clit.

  Melody reached down. And grabbed a second fistful of his hair. It was like black wool. She pulled him deeper into her, grinding against his lips, tongue, and beard.

  Knox took the moment to slide his tongue inside of her. In and out, he penetrated her, and more sparks, like the kind from a struck anvil, danced inside her stomach. No, not sparks. Fire. Melody's skin began to burn with cold heat as a waterfall built between her legs. It sprung from Knox’s full lips, and seemed to never end.

  She stared down at him.

  His impossibly blue eyes with their silver flecks stared back, with a fierceness she’d forgotten.

  And then the wave inside of her was about to crest. It rose up, like the tide, and as she was about to cum-

  “Hey, you two! Stay right there!” a man yelled.

  Melody’s pleasure evaporated as she looked at the boardwalk. On it was a police officer. He was running towards the stairs, twenty yards away.

  “Shit,” Knox jumped to his feet. “That’s Deputy Franklin. Come on, we got to go.”

  Melody took Knox’s hand and he pulled her up. “What? No! Now? No! Why? We’re consenting adults.”

  “Who are indecently exposed in a public place.”

  “So?” She looked over at the cop. He was in full pursuit as he reached the stairs down to the beach.

  “Melody, if he catches us, we’re going to jail for public indecency. Maybe even get a record as sex offenders, I kid you not. Come on, we got to go.” And without waiting for another word Knox charged towards the water with Melody in tow.

  “I said stop right there!” Deputy Franklin yelled.

  And suddenly it dawned on her. The divorce! If she were arrested for lewd behavior in public it would give William all the ammunition he needed to make their divorce settlement a nightmare, because he wouldn’t be the only cheater in the relationship! Melody stared at the ocean. There was nothing but unending water. “Where are we going to go?”

  Knox smiled. “Did you forget how to swim?”

  “No, but…” Melody stared at him. “Are we going to swim for it?”

  Knox smiled. “Yes we are.” Then he grabbed her hand, and together they charged into the waves.

  Chapter 9

  Melody and Knox dove head first into the ocean. The water was warm and inviting, but the strong undercurrent grabbed Melody’s dress, and pulled her down. She kicked as hard as she could, but it felt like she was wearing a suit of armor.

  “Get back here!” the deputy yelled as he charged towards them.

  Melody's heart was racing again. Her mind, too. This is so dumb. This is so dumb. This is so dumb. She hadn’t swam in years. And where were they going to go? It was open ocean. And she was in a dress. Flailing about, she tried to paddle as best she could.

  “I said stop!” The deputy was standing at the water’s edge. “Now!”

  Melody thrashed some. And she dipped down.

  Knox slid his left arm around her waist. He pulled her in tight and said, “Hold your breath.”

  Melody did as she was told.

  And together, they slipped beneath the surface of the waves.

  Even underwater she could see his smile. Then he extended his right hand forwards, to cut the water ahead. And in one powerful movement, Knox thrust his hips down. Both his legs kicked like a dolphin’s tail, and Melody and he fired forwards, gliding through the water like torpedoes.

  As they slowed down, Knox kicked a second time. His hips moved forwards like a piston, powerfully driving his strength through the water, and down, out of his feet. They slipped through the ocean again.

  Then they floated upwards, and crested the foam. Melody turned to see they’d put dozens of yards between themselves and the coast.

  “Again,” Knox said.

  Melody took a deep breath.

  And Knox dove down once more, with her close by his side. Then he turned his body to the side, and the pair cut a hard left. Now they were underwater, running parallel to the coast, all the while Knox moved like a porpoise. After thirty seconds of swimming, Melody's head began to burn. Her chest too. She looked at Knox.

  He was staring right at her.

  She shook her head.

  Knox nodded, and aimed them towards the surface, and they crested the waves. Melody took a large gulp of air, and looked around. They were directly under the pier. Its wooden planks, five feet above, concealed them both from the deputy.

  Melody wiped the wet hair from her face. “How can you swim like that?”

  “Practice.” Knox was treading water without a care.

  But Melody's dress was clinging to her legs. She started to sink.

  Knox reached down, and pulled her dress up around her waist. Then he pulled her close. She didn’t have to move. Knox’s powerful legs kicked back and forth. And it was enough to keep them both afloat.

  “What now?” Melody said.

  “Shhh.” Knox pointed up.

  The deputy’s outline was visible between the pier’s wooden planks. “I know you’re out here. Show yourselves!” He leaned over and looked down.

  Melody whispered, “Can he see us?”

  Knox put a finger to his lips, and nodded. Holding onto Melody, he kicked hard, and the two silently moved further down the pier.

  The deputy slowly followed.

  Melody looked down the long dock. There was only fifteen feet of cover left. “What’ll we do?” she whispered.

  Knox looked around. “I got this.” Floating beneath the pier nearby, tied to one of the support columns, was a very small rowboat built for a child. With a powerful arm Knox grabbed its side, and silently flipped it over. The boat landed on top of them, covering their heads as the two floated beneath the upturned vessel.

  “What’re you doing?” Melody whispered.

  “Hold on to this thing’s seat!”

  Melody did as she was told, and with both hands she reached up, and grasped the upside down seat of the rowboat. Then Knox did the same, and thanks to their combined weight, the vessel’s hull sank below the waves. But despite them being underwater, the air stayed securely inside.

  Melody’s breathing slowed. She looked around before realizing, “The pressure. It’s trapped the air!”

  Knox smiled. “Yep. And we’re just below the surface, so we can’t be seen.”

  “I can wait here all night,” the deputy said.

  Melody looked at Knox.

  Knox smiled. “So can we…”

  Melody nodded. Despite the waves rolling in she felt safe. Warm. And then she felt a hand run down the front of her body, and pull up her dress. She looked at Knox.

  He was hanging on to the boat with one hand. The other was hidden below the water’s surface. He smiled. And nodded. Then he put hi
s mouth up to her ear. “He’s going to be here for a few minutes. And we have unfinished business from the beach.” And with that he rubbed her pussy through her panties.

  Melody took a sharp breath. “No. Don’t. If he finds us I’ll… Ohhh… My divorce will be awful.”

  “He won’t find us,” Knox said in her ear. “We’re protected.”

  “But if I moan. If I scream…” Both of Melody’s hands were over her head, gripping the boat tight. If she let go she’d sink. So it was as if they were trapped. Locked. All she could do was float there in the warm ocean, completely at Knox’s mercy. She bit her lower lip.

  Knox moved in close. “Then don’t scream.” And with that he slipped a calloused, but soft, finger inside of her.

  “I know you’re here,” the deputy said.

  And Knox pushed his finger all the way in.

  Melody moved her hips around and around, pressing against the thumb that gently worked her clit. She stared at Knox. He was smiling. And he continued to fuck her with his finger as they kissed. She spread her legs wider, opening herself entirely to him. Then Knox slid in a second finger. He moved them both in and out. In. Then out.

  The deputy yelled, “Come already!”

  Knox whispered. “Listen to the man…”

  And the same heat from the beach built inside Melody. She wrapped her lips around Knox’s open mouth. As she moaned down his throat, the feeling of warmth grew. A familiar wetness, soft and sensual, rose inside her. Fiercer. Stronger. As Knox’s fingers fucked her slowly, he continued to rub his thumb against her clit, and she soon could stand no more. Her skin tingled. Every muscled locked. And for the first time in forever, Melody Song came with her pussy wrapped around Knox’s impossibly hard, soft skin.

  “Fine. Fuck this.” The deputy turned, and stomped back towards the beach.

  Melody’s body shook. Her grip weakened. And she slipped into the water.

  Knox pulled his fingers from Melody’s pussy, and caught her limp body. “Ok,” he said. “Now we can go back in.”

  The two surfaced, and using the pier for cover, they swam back to shore, and then ran to the parking lot. Knox’s bike was there, chained to a huge anchor.

  “Afraid of theft?” Melody said.

  Knox looked at the anchor. “Just being careful. I don’t want anyone riding my baby, and this lock and chain can handle hurricane winds.”

  “But how will we start it?” Melody looked at Knox’s speedo. His cock, even in its flaccid state, bulged against the material. But even though she could see its every outline, from the powerful shaft to the rounded head, there was no key anywhere.

  Knox reached under the back bumper of his motorcycle, and pulled out a magnetic hide-a-key. First he opened the lock that tethered the chain to its mooring, then he got on the bike, and started it up. “Let’s go.”

  Melody jumped on the back. “Thanks, by the way. That was amazing.”

  Knox turned in the saddle. “Why do you always do that? Thank me after you cum?”

  She looked down at the blue and green tattoos that covered his forearms. “Because that performance demands appreciation.” With her right hand, she grabbed his face, and kissed him. Their tongues grappled playfully.

  When they stopped, Knox licked his lips. “For future reference, you don’t have to thank me for going down on you. Licking your pussy is a lot like eating a peach. I love the way you taste. And feel.”

  Melody melted around him.

  Knox revved the engine, and sent vibrations coursing up from the motor, through the leather seat, and between Melody's legs. The smell of gasoline rose up, and mingled with the salty sea air.

  Then they pulled out, and headed towards the Coeur de Mer.

  The wind blew through her wet hair. As they rode, Melody looked at the night sky. She hadn’t noticed it before, but the stars were everywhere. It looked as if they outnumbered the blackness in the night sky. She pulled Knox in tight with her arms, and pinned him between her legs. And for every mile the same thought ran through her mind.

  Fuck. I’m falling in love again.

  Chapter 10

  Knox stopped his ride in front of the Coeur de Mer.

  Melody got off, and said, “So… Do you want to come inside?”

  He looked up at the B and B. Then at Melody. “Next time. I think I should go radio my crew, just to check in.”

  “Oh, ok…” Melody looked at her feet. Then back at Knox. “Are you sure? I don’t think Pearl’s even up.”

  “I know. Next time.”

  “It’s a date.” Melody leaned in to give Knox a kiss on the lips.

  But he veered to the side, and they pecked cheeks.

  “Good night, Melody Song,” Knox said. Then he revved his bike, and drove off into the night.

  Melody walked towards the porch, and spun a few pirouettes on the way. Then, when she reached the door, she entered the house as quietly as she could. But she didn’t get two steps before the living room lights clicked on.

  “Interesting night?” Pearl asked. She was sitting in her pink chair.

  Melody paused. “What’re you still doing up?”

  “Couldn’t sleep. How was dinner?”

  Melody dropped her shoes onto the floor. “It was amazing.”

  “I bet. Coming in with soaking wet clothes on a motorcycle driven by a half naked man.”

  Melody took a seat next to her. “You don’t approve?”

  “Don’t approve? Darling, there was a term for that when I was a young lady.”

  “What is it?”

  Pearl smiled. “Thursday.”

  Melody laughed and put her head on Pearl’s shoulder, like she’d done a thousand times as a girl. Finally, she said, “I thought he hated me, but tonight, we just… It was like I never left.”

  “Intense emotions like that, they can cut both ways, so just be honest with him.”

  “I will.”

  “I mean soon. There’s a reason why he’s not in here right now.”

  Melody sat up stiff. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean a man like that often stays the night. If he didn’t, there’s a reason…”

  Melody didn’t say anything. But she looked confused.

  “All I’m saying is, Knox is surrounded by skin that’s shark fin thick, but he’s gooey for you on the inside. If he’s not here now, you haven’t really gotten deep enough. Maybe he’s a little skittish. Maybe he wants to know more about your intentions. If you’re not planning on staying, he should know.” Pearl looked over. “And I’d like to know, too.”

  Melody laid her head back on Pearl’s shoulder. “When I figure it out, I’ll let both of you know.”


  The next morning the two women were up early. Pearl was in a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt, while Melody glowed in a casual, yellow dress that made her look like the sunrise. Both women were enjoying a coffee on the porch swing, and after their first cup was gone, Pearl asked, “So what’s the plan for the day?”

  Melody said, “Not entirely sure.”

  “Well that’s a good way to find adventure. And maybe get a little more crazy in your life.”

  “Last night wasn’t crazy enough?” Melody said.

  “I couldn’t attest to how crazy it was, but…” Pearl looked over her shoulder towards the garage. “Now that’s odd, what’s the sheriff doing here?”

  “Ha ha,” Melody said. “Very funny.”

  “No, I’m serious.”

  Melody looked over. Pulling up in front of the B and B was a police cruiser, and out of it stepped a middle-aged man. He was about five ten, had a bit of a paunch, and a large nose.

  “Oh hell…” Melody said, “Is that?”

  “Jerry Pinter,” Pearl said. “Yep.”

  Sheriff Pinter walked up the porch steps with a black evidence bag in his hand. “Morning, Pearl.”

  “Good Morning, Jerry.”

  A wry smile cut across his lips. “It’s official business, so I’d appreciat
e being called Sheriff Pinter.”

  “When the boy who used to mow my lawn for ten dollars a week comes by,” Pearl said, “I call him whatever I want. I’m still an elder in this town.”

  Jerry sighed deeply. “Fine. Pearl.”

  “So what’s this about?” she said.

  “It’s about your guest.” He turned to Melody. “Hi Melody. Welcome home. How are you?”

  “Sheriff Pinter.” Melody nodded. “I’m fine, thanks. You?”

  “I’ve been better. Like I said, I’m here on official business. What can you tell me about the crime from last night?”

  “Crime?” Pearl said.

  “Well, three men tried to mug me on the beach. Fortunately, Knox was there and he managed to fight them off. I didn’t recognize any of them, though. It was dark, and they were probably born after I left town.”

  “What? You almost got mugged?” Pearl put a hand on Melody's knee. “Why didn't you tell me?”

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “It sort of slipped my mind.”

  “Wait a minute,” Sheriff Pinter said, “are you claiming to have been the victim?”

  “Of course.”

  He nodded solemnly. “Oh…”

  “What do you mean, oh?” Pearl said. “If that’s not why you’re here, then what’s the purpose of this visit?”

  “My deputy found this on the beach last night.” The sheriff reached into the black evidence bag and produced a white purse. “This is yours, isn’t it?”

  “Yes!” Melody jumped up and reached out for her bag.

  But the sheriff pulled it away. “This was found at a crime scene. Public indecency.”

  Melody froze.

  Pearl leaned over, and said, “What was that?”

  “My deputy spotted two people last night having a…” He searched for the right words. “Having a tumble on the beach. They fled when they saw him, but upon a cursory search of the area, he found this.” The sheriff held up the purse. “But now you’re saying that you were mugged, too?”

  “Nearly mugged. But I was so shaken up I didn’t remember that I lost my purse.”

  “Why didn’t you contact me immediately?” he asked.


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