Burn with me

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Burn with me Page 2

by Rachael Tonks

  I crane my neck a little, trying to see where I need to turn into the college. The glass exterior is impressive, much nicer than the shitty one I left behind.

  “Nice.” I turn toward her, smiling.

  “Am, you’re gonna love it here! The facilities are top notch. I just know you’ll fit right in, and I’m super excited to introduce my bestie to all my friends.”

  As I park the car in the only available space I can see, I slump back in my seat. “I’m not sure I fit in anywhere, Lil.”

  “Fuck, Am! Get your head outta your ass.” Her tone is filled with annoyance. I get that no one wants to hear my self-pity shit, but I wear my heart on my sleeve and speak my mind, sometimes without thinking. “Listen,” she turns to face me, “I’m not trying to sound like an insensitive bitch here, but you have the whole world at your feet. You are so beautiful, intelligent as fuck, and damn, that fucking body.” She holds my shoulder, taking in my physique. “I wish I looked like you.”

  “Fuck off,” I joke. “You get all of the guys!”

  “Well, so would you if you gave any of them the time of day. You seem to have a habit of scaring them off.” She chuckles.

  “Exactly,” I screech, holding my hand out in front of me in animation. “Hit the nail on the fucking head there, Lil.”

  “Your mouth is your worst enemy. You use it as a defense mechanism. Let the guard down, honey. You never know who you might let in.”

  “No doubt some fucker destined to hurt me.”

  “You can’t think like that. You let me in and I see how beautiful you are. Not just on the outside, but on the inside, too.”

  “But that’s because you get me,” I explain. “People don’t get me. They confuse my passion for aggressiveness.”

  She purses her lips together, tilting her head a little. “Passion, I like that.” She smiles wickedly.

  I step out of the car, closing it behind me. “Let’s forget the character analysis and get me signed up for this damn college,” I say with a heavy sigh.


  A few days have passed since I arrived and I’m happy to say I feel like everything might be falling into place for the first time ever. I’m successfully enrolled in college; my first day is Monday. On the way back to the apartment yesterday I stopped by a small café. The sign in the window was advertising a part time job. It’s exactly what I need. The café, although small, was bustling with customers. The girl behind the counter looked flustered and run off her feet. I’d appeared at the right time. Rose, the girl working all alone couldn’t have been more relieved if she’d tried. Corrine, the owner of the café was warm and welcoming, but with a no mess attitude. I already like her. Plus, she hired me on the spot. The pay isn’t the best, but it will be enough.

  To celebrate my life restart, we will be hitting the bars and clubs tonight. I’ve kind of missed the whole going out scene ever since Lily moved away for college. And let’s be honest, a girl has needs and I’m totally hoping to get laid tonight. I’m going through batteries like there’s no tomorrow. My ten-inch dildo always does the job, but there’s nothing like the touch of a man or the way your heart speeds with desire. Fuck, that’s what I need tonight. A night of drunken passion, no strings attached fuck and foolery. I’m not looking for romance. I don’t want fucking prince charming, just someone that can make me scream from the rooftops and come harder than I ever have before. Lily had suggested stopping at her apartment, but there’s no way I’m not going home with someone tonight. I’ll dress to impress, drink enough to have the confidence to approach some hotties, and get it done. I rub my hands in anticipation. I have a good feeling about tonight.

  I race to get ready. The cab is picking me up in ten minutes and I want to be outside, ready and waiting or it will cost me more than my life is worth. Lily could be a little over the top about things and I’d learn it’s easier to comply than piss her off. I look in the mirror, inspecting my own handiwork. The body shaping black dress was understated but sexy as hell. It highlights each one of my beautiful curves. I push my bra up, adjusting it until those puppies are on maximum display. “Better,” I tell myself, leaning toward the mirror to touch up my lipstick. I’m pulling out all the stops tonight. I rarely wear makeup, but tonight I have those smoky eyes and bright red lips. There’s no way the guys aren’t noticing me.

  Mission get laid was a go.

  I grab my small clutch purse, heading out of my apartment and down the stairs. The damn elevator still isn’t fixed. I teeter, the stilettos slowing my usually sprinting pace. I carelessly push open the door, knocking it into a body as it swings out. Lifting my head, I notice that it’s the same guy from the other day rubbing the top of his head.

  “Fuck,” he mutters, his words barely audible as I stand there with my hand over my mouth, purse under my arm.

  “Oh my god,” I gasp. “I’m so fucking sorry,” I say, taking a step toward him. I hope I haven’t hurt him. “The door flew wide. I’m so sorry,” I reiterate, waiting for him to say something. His expression is emotionless, not changing as I stare at him. Stepping back nervously, his reaction not what I’m used to and it scares me. I don’t know whether to stay and see if he’s okay, or run in the opposite direction. My brain is telling me to run, but my heart glues me to the spot, waiting for him to answer.

  “Seriously, say something. Are you concussed or something?”

  His head drops, as he slowly shakes it, rubbing his palm over the spot on his head where the door made contact. He steps forward slowly, his hand reaching for the door. I watch him in what feels like slow motion. My annoyance increases with each second he doesn’t reply. So much so that I do something really stupid.

  I step in front of him, completely blocking the door. My move forces him to look at me, hoping he will finally fucking say something.

  “I need to know you’re okay. Why won’t you talk to me? You know you’re being really fucking rude.” I huff out in frustration.

  He looks up and his eyes meet mine for the first time. Crossing my arms, I shudder as I look into his cold metallic grey eyes. I’m fascinated and a little terrified at the same time. I’d never seen eyes like his before. They are pure and glisten like polished metal, but cold and a little unnerving. My eyes wander from his, breaking the contact as I take in the rest of his face.

  Behind that hair and overgrown beard is a beautiful sculpted face. Each of his features etched, like a perfect carving, pristine and solid. Our faces and bodies are only inches apart. As my eyes drift down to his thick supple lips, I swallow hard, my cheeks heating in reaction to him.

  I pull back a little, trying to make my face stern. He has to know I am pissed off. I arch my brows, my eyes widening a little.

  “Really? You’re just going to stand there and not say a damn word?” My eyes glance down to his lips again and I’m sure I see them twitch at the corner, his eyes lighting up a little. He reaches out and grabs my arms. Before I know it, I’m no longer standing in the doorway. He’d moved me effortlessly to the side, before taking off up the steps. I watch as he skips up the stairs. The muscles flex in his broad calves, my attention drawn to his tight ass. I start to fan my face, the heat rising as I watch him disappear around the bend of the stairs.

  “Shit,” I grind out before adjusting my dress and making my way outside. Right as I emerge, the taxi pulls up outside. I race over, the door opening before I reach the vehicle.

  “What the fuck, Am?”

  “What?” I ask with a gesture of my arms.

  “You look banging, honey. Get in.”

  Lily moves over, allowing me access to sit beside her.

  “You like?”

  She pouts a little, slowly nodding her head. “Uh huh, I really do. But this is your ‘I’m getting fucked tonight’ dress, isn’t it?”

  “It so is, Lil. I mean right now, I’m borderline fucking desperate.”

  “Looking like that, my friend, there’s no way you’re going home alone tonight.”

“You look effortlessly beautiful as always,” I compliment her, kissing her on the cheek. “So, that guy from my building…” I stop mid-sentence, covering my face with my hands.

  “What, girl?”

  “I hit him accidently with the door.”

  “Shit,” she gasps.

  I drop my hands, turning to her a little. “But here’s the thing. He still would not talk to me. That’s twice now, Lil. Twice I’ve apologized to him and he didn’t say a fucking word. He literally moved me out of his way to avoid talking.”

  She looks at me sympathetically. “Maybe he’s mute.”

  “Oh, he most definitely is not mute.”

  “So he did talk?” she asks, her eyebrows drawn together in confusion.

  “Well, he did say something when I first hit him with the door. So I know he does speak.”

  “Weird. Might be best to keep your distance from him.”

  I don’t respond to Lily’s warning. But instead I think about how haunted yet simply beautiful he is. I can’t help but be intrigued by him. The encounters have been both strange yet fascinating at the same time. I shake my head, trying to remove the clouds of thought.

  Groaning, my head falls back against the head rest. With my head back, my attention is drawn to the fact that the cab driver is practically breaking his neck to look up my skirt through the rearview mirror. I nudge Lily, nodding to the pair of eyes in the mirror. I wink at her and her hand wanders up and down my leg. I tilt my head back, as I start to moan.

  “Oh yeah.” As I moan louder, the car swerves as the perv narrowly misses a passing car. We are thrust to the side and back again.

  “Eyes on the road, Mister,” I tease, trying to steady myself from the jolt. I look at Lily and her eyes are wide. We laugh loudly in unison.

  Within ten minutes, we arrive at the bar. The place is buzzing. I can’t wait to get out and inside. Technically we’re underage, but Lily hands me an ID card.

  “Memorize your date of birth, just in case we get challenged.”

  I study the information on the plastic card. The date of birth is the same date and month as mine really is, just a few years out.

  “Hey, these are good. Who do you know that does this?”

  “I got contacts, baby!” she sings, tapping the side of her nose.

  “Really?” I muse.

  “It’s just the IT guy at college. I’ll be sure to introduce you. Now, put it in your purse. Some of these bars are really keen on ID.”

  “Sure thing.” I salute, pushing the card into my small purse. “So where do we start?”

  “Cocktails, baby!”


  I press the cold compress against my head, sucking in a deep breath as the cold meets the lump from where I was hit. I hope to get the swelling down. My fucking head is pounding from the contact with the metal door. Fucking brunette. I shake my head as I walk over to my sofa, dropping back into the soft plush. Thinking about the petite girl with a whole load of attitude is all I can seem to do. I smile a little, knowing that girl is trouble. The most beautiful kind.

  I sit with my head laid back, the cold of the ice soothing my pain. I need to shower and change, but for now, I’m distracted by thoughts of this girl. I don’t understand what or why, but she is in my mind, etched there like one of my charcoal drawings. I glance around the room. Piece after piece of unfinished paintings lean against the stark white walls. I push myself up, walking over to them. Collecting each piece, I stack them in a pile. I didn’t need to see the constant reminder that I couldn’t get my head into these paintings. They are commissioned pieces, so the pressure is on to get them exactly right. It’s the only thing I’ve ever been good at. The only thing that takes my mind off the shitty thoughts of who I am and what I’ve done.

  I quickly shower, rushing so I can check my emails. I have to keep on top of my work. It’s my living, the one thing I can do without being thrust into the world. There is no way I could work at Chuck E Cheese, so I have to make a success of this. I was lucky enough to get one of my pieces showcased in the local art gallery. Since then, I’ve had endless emails about my work, and some filters in through my website.

  I step out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around my waist and another in my hand, as I rub it harshly over my hair. I run my hand through my soaked locks. The length reminding me that I need to get a damn cut. I avoid the barbers, just like every other damn thing I have to do. Talking, being face to face with people really isn’t my idea of fucking fun. In fact, I can’t remember a time when I thought anything was any fucking fun. Losing myself while painting and running was great, but I wouldn’t describe them as fun. Unless I don’t really know what fun is any more.

  I pull out my laptop, placing it on the table to boot up, while I go grab a soda from the fridge. I stare blankly at the empty fridge, slamming it loudly with annoyance. Another trip to the store. I sigh heavily to myself. I guess I would have to venture out tomorrow. I had some commissions to drop off anyway. I snap back the tab on the last can of soda, glugging it down fast. The cool drink instantly quenches my thirst. I walk back over to the sofa, pulling my laptop onto my knee, before loading up my emails. I sit for a while, going through, and making myself a ‘to do’ list. Fuck. I really need to get on top of this work. I’m so lost in what I’m doing, I physically jump when I hear the hammer of a fist against the door. I take a second to steady myself before slowly walking over to see who it is. I squint, looking through the spy hole. Josh’s goofy face stands right in front of the hole. I sigh, stepping back to open the door.

  “Cal, my old buddy, old pal.” He walks toward me with his arms open wide. I step further back, avoiding his embrace at all cost. “Shit, that’s why I love you so much.” He lets out a goofy laugh. “You know, because you are so warm and welcoming.” He continues to laugh as he stomps past me, into the apartment.

  “Fuck, dude. You need to let some god damn light into this place. It’s starting to look as miserable as you.” He reaches for the drapes at the window, pulling them back, allowing the setting sun to beat through the window.

  “Better,” he declares, brushing his hands together. “Fuck, man. When was the last time you opened those things? My hands are covered in dust.”

  I ignore him, sitting back in my earlier position, placing my laptop on my knee.

  “It’s fucking beautiful out there. We should go for a run. I mean, I haven’t heard from you in a few days, so I thought I better check what’s going on with you.” I feel his eyes burning into me as I reluctantly lift my head. He’s standing against the wall, the biggest fucking smile stretching across his face.

  “I went for a run earlier.”

  “What?” he yells. “And you didn’t text me?”

  “I’ve been busy.”

  “Busy doing what?” he asks with a grin.


  “What kind of stuff?” he inquires.

  I focus on the screen, ignoring his attempt to draw me into a conversation. I’m not being rude. This is just how it is between us. He understands and accepts it, despite his constant attempts to pull me from the shell I hide myself in.

  A few seconds of silence later and I feel the sofa dip, his body appearing next to me. He reaches forward, grabbing the TV controller from the coffee table, turning it on. He settles back into the seat, his feet crossed and resting on the coffee table.

  “So,” he begins, “I heard you got a new neighbor.”

  I nod, confirming his statement.

  “Gotta be better than that old man who used to blast Elvis all day long.”

  “I guess.”

  “I heard she’s a bit of a hottie!”

  I snap my head up, looking at him with annoyance. “How would I know?” I mumble.

  “Her name’s Amber.”

  I shrug and turn my attention back to the screen, working through the last of my emails.

  “You’re not in the least bit interested? No?”

  I shake my head, pretend
ing that I don’t want to know more, when in fact, I really do. There is a fire about this girl that I can’t describe. Spending time around women isn’t something a guy like me does. In fact, I avoid it at all costs. But, I already know she’s something different. It doesn’t matter. I would never be normal enough to be with a woman.

  “Ah man, she’s off the fucking chart. Like fucking major league, man, and she lives right next door.” He was becoming more and more animated and I could tell he’d seen what I’d seen.

  “How do you know?” I question, knowing exactly what he’s talking about because I’d witnessed it first-hand.

  “Because a girl our IT guy likes to fuck every now and then had him make her a fake ID for tonight. He showed me the picture and boy, she’s something else.”

  I roll my eyes at his comments. “So you haven’t seen her?”

  “Not in the flesh, but damn if she’s as pretty as her photo, then I won’t be disappointed.”


  I rouse at banging and voices. Turning over, I sit up a little before blinking down hard, pushing my hair out of my eyes. My vision is distorted as I try and focus on the clock.


  I drop back against the pillow, covering my eyes with my forearm.

  I lay there, the hum of voices penetrating the walls. I roll over, intrigued by the noises. Within seconds, the hum of voices turns into the moans of a woman. My dick twitches as I can’t help but listen to what is playing out next door. The moaning quickly turns into banging. The wall directly next to the bed vibrates and I roll over. Fucking brilliant. I sigh. I can’t handle it any longer. I slide out of bed and stomp over to the bathroom. I turn the lever on the faucet, the cool water trickling out. I rest both hands under the stream until enough has collected to splash over my face. I scrape my hands over my face before glancing down at my straining hard on. I rest one hand on the side of the basin and let the other fall down to my cock. I start to work it up and down, needing the release from all the sexual tension. I stand there, my mind full with thoughts of the girl next door, fantasizing that it’s me making her moan that way. I continue to work my cock until I feel the sensation building. It doesn’t take long before I feel the full force of my climax, my come spilling out and into my briefs. I stand there, my head hanging down heavy. Shame washes over me about what I’ve just done. Jacking off because I heard the hot piece next door getting laid was lame. The sound of her moans and groans sent desire through me. It was so hot; I couldn’t help but feel turned on. I push down my boxers, leaving them on the floor while I shower. I need to wash away the way I feel, and this seems like the best way.


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