Burn with me

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Burn with me Page 7

by Rachael Tonks

  “So you mean someone like Caleb?” I look at her and she has her lips pursed together, a knowing look in her eye. I wasn’t about to agree though.

  “No,” I interject. “I don’t even know that guy.” And I truly didn’t. I knew nothing besides the fact that I really want to know more. The intrigue excites me. Probably more than it should.

  “Amber, you don’t have to know someone to think he’s hot. I mean seriously. I have no idea what is going on with you right now. Why is it so difficult to say you find him attractive? You think he’s hot.”

  “Because I don’t know what I think. I’ve seen him a handful of times, and most of him is always hidden behind that mass of hair and the damn hood he wears.”

  “But there’s something about him, right?”

  “Sure, I’m intrigued,” I answer honestly. Lily gives me a knowing look while pursing her lips together in achievement of getting something out of me.

  “Let’s go over and I’ll introduce you to the guys.”

  “Okay.” I smile. She leads me through groups of people, toward some bench seats at the back of the bar. As we approach, I hear laughter and lift to my tiptoes, trying to get a better look. Ryan’s sitting between the two girls, his lazy arms around the both of them. They lean into him, giggling and laughing. There are two other guys sitting opposite of Ryan, chatting to Josh who is leaning on the table. I take a second to study him, wondering what the fascination is. My eyes trail from his flexed triceps, his shirt sleeve showing just the right amount. There’s no mistaking he’s quite ripped. I continue my inspection as my eyes trail down to survey his ass. Just as I do, he turns and catches me checking him out. Shit. I know he’s going to get the wrong idea. I inwardly cringe, but outwardly smile, walking right up to him.

  “Thanks so much for your help the other day at the café.” I smile, placing my hand on his solid back. “It was sweet of you to try and help a damsel in distress.” He pushes himself from where he’s leaning on the table and turns to me.

  “Hey, anytime.” He sweetly smiles. “Those guys were real jerks. I’m glad I was there to step in before it turned nasty.”

  “I can’t thank you enough.”

  “Really, it was nothing. I’m just glad you’re okay. Can I get you girls a drink?” he asks, searching my face for an answer.

  I turn to look at Lily and see she’s leaning against the booth’s seats, her face looking less than impressed. Her intense gaze makes me feel uncomfortable. I narrow my eyes at her, trying to get an idea of what’s wrong. She nods her head a little in the direction of the bathroom. I lift my head acknowledging her as she walks past me, carefully touching Josh on the arm. “That would be great, Josh. Thank you.”

  Josh looks at me questioningly, and I shrug as I turn to follow her.

  I quickly walk behind her, determined to find out what exactly is going on here. I push open the bathroom door and find Lily leaning against the sink basins, her hands resting against the porcelain, and her foot tapping wildly on the floor.

  I draw in my eyebrows, my mind bustling with confusion. “What the hell, Lil? What was that all about?”

  “I saw you checking out Josh.”

  “Yeah, because I was trying to figure out what all the fuss is about,” I snap.

  “Then you go up to him, all perfect and flirty, giving him the big come on,” she whisper shouts. I look at her a little stunned by her out of character outburst.

  “Seriously? You think that’s what that was?” I ask, unable to comprehend this shit. Heat rushes through me as the annoyance builds and I do everything I can to not snap or lose my temper at the bullshit flying from her mouth.

  “You were all over him, Am.” She waves her hand toward me before continuing. “It’s obvious you like him. So what was all that ‘he’s not my type’ bull crap about?”

  “Listen,” I yell. “I do not like Josh, and quite frankly, you are majorly overreacting right now. I was thanking him for helping me out the other day at the café, when those beefcakes were laying it on me heavy. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

  “So you really don’t like him? I mean, from where I was standing, it looked like you were eye fucking him. And I know he’s fair game, but I also know I’ll never stand a chance with him if he’s into you.”

  “I was checking him out for sure. But, that’s because you have done nothing but tell me how hot he is. I was starting to think there’s something wrong with me. But seriously,” – I step toward her – “he’s just not my type.”

  I watch as her head drops and her pink lips pout. “I’m sorry. I’ve been such a jerk.”

  “No arguments here,” I joke. I feel a sting on my arm as she slaps me lightly. “Hey,” I protest, rubbing the spot where she made contact. “You’re obviously really into him.”

  “Yeah, and the son of a bitch won’t look at me twice.”

  “Bitch, if he doesn’t want a piece of your ass he’s crazy, and not worth a moment more of your time!”

  She shoots me a sad smile and I know she’s crushing on him big time. I hook my arm through hers and we make our way back to where the gang is seated. Leaning toward her, I whisper shout over the thud of the music, “I promise I’ll work on operation Joly!” She snaps her head, her eyes meeting mine. “Josh and Lily,” I mouth to her. She nods as she has a lightbulb moment of realization. She scrunches up her face before leaning in and kissing me lightly on the cheek.

  “That’s one I’d pay to watch,” I hear a familiar voice interrupt us on our way back to our seats. I look up and instinctively roll my eyes. Ryan. There is something about this guy I do not like.

  “Oh really?” coos Lily, who releases her arm from mine and starts to twirl a loose strand of hair around her index finger. She turns to him, and he takes her into his hold. Shaking my head, I sigh heavily. I step closer to our seats and Josh is still standing there, talking to the other guys I’ve yet to be introduced to. Looking back over my shoulder, I see Ryan and Lily getting all close and personal.

  “Hey, I got you guys a drink.” Josh smiles, and I can’t help but take in the cute look he has on his face.

  “I think I’m going to need this.” I exhale a deep, audible breath as I reach out, taking the drink from his outstretched hand.

  “Things not going too well?” Josh asks, leaning in a little closer so I can hear him over the music.

  “Oh no, they’re good. Great even.”

  “Glad to hear it. So I see you’ve met my friend Caleb.”

  “I certainly have. I believe he lives somewhere in my apartment building.”

  “You mean next door,” he chuckles.

  “Really?” I tilt my head, quizzing him.

  “How did you not know?” he teases.

  “I don’t know anything about him. He’s a total mystery to me.”

  He nods, leaning toward me until our faces are only inches apart. “And me, and I’ve known him for years.”

  “So, you can’t tell me anything about him then? I was really hoping you’d be able to fill in some of the blanks.”

  He raises his eyebrows, contemplating his next words. He taps his bottom lip. “I can tell you he’s a good guy and he’s been through more shit in his life than anyone should ever have to endure.”

  I narrow my eyes. “So you know what happened to him?”

  “I know things but I don’t gossip. Sorry.” He shoots me a sad smile before looking over at Lily who is still standing a little too close for my liking with Ryan. “What’s the deal with those two?”

  “I have no idea,” I answer. “So how d’ya know Ryan?”

  “We went to college together,” he answers simply, right as Lily turns and walks back toward us.

  “Well that looked cozy.” I widen my eyes at her.

  Lily shrugs before nervously looking between Josh and me. “We have a history,” she whispers into my ear. “So I should introduce you to the rest of the guys,” she sings with enthusiasm before I have a chance to quiz her on her h
istory with Ryan. She guides me to the booth style seating, ushering me in. One by one I get introduced to the others. Melody and Jayann seem nice. Melody has bright red hair and piercing blue eyes, while Jayann has beautiful olive skin and dark curly hair which she totally rocks. The more I chat with them, the more I understand why Lily likes them. They are really sweet. The two guys, Tom and Alex, also seem nice. Alex is more my type and I feel myself warming up to him as the night progresses.

  “So Alex is nice, yeah?” Lily nudges my arm to get my attention, eyes wide and twinkling.

  “Hmm,” I hum in response. “You know, I think Ryan’s a little creepy,” I blurt out. Lily’s mouth goes slack and her eyes bug out. She suddenly snaps her mouth shut, swallowing down hard.

  “Wwwhat? Why would you think that?” she stutters.

  I shrug. “I just don’t get a good vibe from him. He was giving me a sleazy pick up line when he changed my tire that time.”

  She sighs and her body slumps. “Sure. He can say some lame shit sometimes, but he’s a good guy. Really.”

  I screw up my face in disagreement. “So what’s the deal with you two? You got all heavy with me for talking to Josh then disappear to have cozy time with Ryan. Forgive me, but I’m having a little trouble keeping up with you. He’s a few years older than us. You need to be careful.”

  “It’s just fun, and believe me, I’m very careful! I actually enjoy spending time with him. He makes me laugh. I think you got the wrong first impression.”

  “Maybe.” I half smile. “You know I’m not good with guys who use pickup lines.”

  “Well Ryan can certainly come on strong.”

  I nod, acknowledging her before turning my attention back to Melody and Jayann.

  “He’s so nice,” Melody states. “In that understated kind of way.”

  “Who?” I ask, interjecting into the conversation between Melody and Jayann.

  “Josh. And yeah, I know he’s hot, but he’s also just a really down to Earth, nice kind of guy. Makes him more attractive if you ask me.”

  “Jeez, what is this? The Josh fan club?” I laugh out loudly. “I mean, if he’s so nice, then why is he single?” I ask, wiggling my eyebrows.

  “Having fun, playing the field, looking for the right person,” the deep but soothing voice interrupts. I turn to see Josh sitting right behind me. Josh had replaced Lily, who once again did a disappearing act without my noticing.

  I swallow down hard, trying not to bumble out some nonsense.

  “Well, it seems like you have quite the fan club going on, Josh,” I retort.

  “What can I say?” He chuckles, a small smile curling as his dimples deepen. I look up to see Jayann and Melody laughing behind their hands. Nervously, I reach for my drink, only to realize it’s empty.

  “Time for another drink.” I signal to him.

  “I’ll come to the bar with you.”

  “You really don’t need to do that. I’m quite capable,” I say jokingly.

  “Well, I can see that, but I wanted to get one myself.”

  “Oh,” I respond, feeling a little embarrassed. I feel the heat redden my cheeks. “I’m sorry. My mouth has a habit of running away with itself. You’ll get used to me.” I giggle and he smiles kindly in return.

  “So I see,” he teases, giving me a little nudge along the way. I stand and chat with Josh about everything from my love of dancing to the reasons why I ended up in Portland. We talk for so long, I forgot all about Lily and where she’d disappeared to. I suddenly panic, craning my neck from side to side as I scan the room, trying to gain sight of her in the busy bar. I hear Josh say something, but I’m so zoned out I have no idea what he’s trying to tell me. I feel a sudden tug on my loose fitting dress and snap my head back toward Josh.

  “Over there,” he mouths, pointing to his right. I whip my head in that direction, only to see Lily tongue deep with Ryan. My eyes roll in exasperation.

  “Not a fan I take it?” Josh quizzes, his eyes wide, waiting for a response.

  I purse my lips together and shake my head. “I guess I don’t get the attraction.”

  He chuckles, his chest rising and falling quickly. “You said something similar about me, remember?”

  “Hey, no fair.” I mock pout. “I hardly know either of you, and I certainly don’t join fan clubs for guys I don’t know.”

  “Fair point, I guess.” He nods, before catching the bartender’s attention and ordering another round of drinks. I grab my drink and head back to our seats. I desperately look for Lily and spot her still glued to Ryan.

  “So much for girl’s night,” I mutter to myself, not realizing that Josh is close enough to hear.

  “Looks like she’s having fun,” he remarks, his eyes widening.

  “Well lucky I’ve had you to keep me company,” I say, taking the straw and sipping my vodka martini. Holding the thin straw to my lip, I never break eye contact with Josh. His dark brown eyes twinkle with excitement. I suddenly feel a little nervous at the light flutter in my heart. Maybe it’s just the drink talking.

  He leans in closer and I freeze in anticipation of his next move. The pulse in my neck thuds wildly as his hot breath brushes against my ear.

  “I think you have an admirer,” he whispers in my ear. I slowly turn my head in his direction. Big mistake. Our lips are so close to touching that I do the only thing I can do, pull back.

  “Who?” I ask, swallowing down hard, trying to avoid the awkwardness.

  I feel his arm move around my back as he leans down a little into the seat. “Alex.” He nods across the table. “He hasn’t taken his eyes off you since we sat down.”

  “Yeah and he looks totally wasted.” My words slur a little.

  “He’s not the only one.” He chuckles, a broad smile spreading.

  “I’m not wasted, just tipsy,” I correct him, adjusting my posture and sitting up a little straighter.

  “Tipsy, drunk, whatever you are, I can’t see you leaving here alone tonight.”

  “Is that right?” I ask with a raise of my brow. “A little presumptuous, don’t you think?” I cock my head, twirling the straw from my drink in my mouth.

  “Maybe.” He grins. “But someone as stunning as you shouldn’t be going home alone.”

  Shit. This is awkward. “I’m sorry to say, but I think you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

  “What? Why?” he quizzes, studying my face for an answer.

  “I’m not part of the fan club, remember?” I can’t help but giggle a little. “But my friend seems to have quite the crush on you.”

  “Who?” he squawks, his voice breaking a little. “Lily?” he questions further. “You mean Lily who hasn’t shown a blind bit of interest all night, because she’s had her tongue stuck down Ryan’s throat. Hmmm that make’s sense,” he teases.

  “Fuck knows what’s going on there. Bitch left me alone all night on what was meant to be our girl’s night.”

  “You’ve had a good time though, right?”

  “It’s been nice chatting, but if you don’t mind, I’m going to go find out what’s happening with Lil.” I stand, indicating that I need to pass. He steps out of the booth, his arm extended.

  “I’ll be here should you need me.” He smiles genuinely. I lean in, giving him a peck on the cheek.

  “Thanks, Josh. It’s been nice getting to know you a little.” I give him a tiny wave before heading toward the bathroom in search of Lily. I walk in, shouting out her name, but no answer. I turn around and make my way through the vast space that is the bar. I stand on my tiptoes, trying to look over the sea of heads that tower over me. I dig in my purse to check my phone. My eyes go wide as I look at the screen and see a shit ton of messages from her.

  One by one, I read them. Each one apologizing for leaving me. I walk toward the exit to step outside and call her. Phone to my ear, I lean against the wall, waiting for an answer. The call rings continuously until finally she picks up.

  “Am, I’m so sorry,”
her shaky voice answers.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, honestly.”

  “Well, where the fuck are you? I can’t believe this, Lily. You dumped me on girl’s night with a bunch of people I’ve never met before!”

  “I know, I know, but shit’s going down with Ryan and I had to get out of there. Call a cab and I promise I’ll give you the money back. I’m so sorry, Am. Please don’t be mad at me.”

  “What shit?” I ask, wondering what the hell she could be talking about.

  “See here’s the thing,” she pauses for a second before continuing, “Ryan has this crazy bitch of an ex and she saw me and Ryan together. It sort of all blew up from nothing.” She exhales loudly.

  “Jesus, Lil. I told you he was trouble.”

  “It really isn’t his fault,” she answers, defending him.

  “I just don’t get it,” I cut in. “You were all up in my face, warning me off Josh because apparently you have this big crush on the guy. Yet you disappear and leave me with him all night. Quite honestly, I’m confused as fuck.”

  “My head’s a mess.” She sighs. “And clearly I’ve had too much to drink,” she slurs. “Let’s talk tomorrow, yeah?”

  I don’t answer her before ending the call. As I’m about to put my phone back in my purse, a heavy hand appears on my shoulder. I flinch a little at the unexpected contact, turning my head to see who it is.

  “Hey. You okay?” asks Josh before running his hand through his hair. “Going already?” The sweet smile he gives me softens my mood and I can’t help but reciprocate.

  “I’ve had enough for one night. I’m going to get a cab,” I say, pushing my cell phone into my purse.

  “I’ll come with you.”

  “I don’t think so,” I decline, shaking my head and placing my hand on his chest as he steps closer. “I’m good.” I smile.

  “At least let me make sure you get home okay. We’ll share. You can be the first drop off.”

  I narrow my eyes. It was obvious he was persistent and wasn’t going to give up, regardless of how much I argued. Pursing my lips, I nod slowly. “Okay, let’s get a cab.”


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