Surrender Amanda Quick

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by Surrender (lit)

  for today's visit. She'd started the new

  staff cleaning it at dawn that morning.

  Well, I don't mind telling you that

  thanks to a poacher's ghost story, you

  are off to a fine start as far as folks

  around here are concerned." The vicar

  chuckled and then caught himself as his

  wife threw him a horrified look. He hastily

  picked up his teacup and cleared his throat.

  Beg pardon."

  But Lucas was not to be sidetracked.

  What ghost story and what poacher,


  The vicar's initial uneasiness became

  visibly more noticeable. It was clear he

  felt he had already said too much. He

  coughed slightly. I fear, sir, that a few

  of the local men are not above poaching

  in the woods, especially when times are

  hard, as they have been lately. Lord knows

  it's sometimes worth life and limb to do

  it, what with the mantraps the previous

  earl set."

  You needn't worry, vicar. Having served

  in the army and thus been obliged to live off

  the land occasionally myself, I assure you I

  am inclined to ignore a little poaching. I

  have already made arrangements to destroy

  what mantraps the hunters have not already


  The vicar's smile broke like sunshine on

  a cloudy day. I am extremely happy to

  hear that. Your uncle, as you must know,

  had an entirely different attitude."

  Now about this particular poacher's

  ghost story," Lucas prodded quietly.

  The vicar exchanged a quick glance

  with his wife and then sighed heavily.

  Yes, well, it was just an amusing tale I

  happened to overhear this morning. You

  know how country folk talk. It seems

  a certain intrepid hunter was taking a

  shortcut home last night when he caught a

  glimpse of the Amber Knight and his lady.

  You have heard the legend, of course?"

  I am aware of it."

  Victoria leaned forward intently. The

  Amber Knight and his lady were seen in

  the district?"

  The vicar's wife laughed nervously.

  Right here on the grounds of the

  estate, if you please. At least, according

  to the way the tale was being told this

  morning. It seems the knight and his lady

  were spotted walking home through the

  gardens sometime after midnight. Is that

  not a delightful notion?"

  Fascinating," Victoria said as the truth

  began to crystallize in her head. She

  pictured how she and Lucas might have

  appeared to a startled poacher in the dead

  of night, her amber cloak swirling around

  her. Walking home through the gardens,

  you say?" She felt Lucas's quelling glance

  but chose to ignore him. This was far

  too amusing. What would they have been

  doing running around at that time of night,

  do you suppose?"

  Lucas cleared his throat. Would you

  pour me another cup of tea, my dear? I

  seem to find myself rather thirsty."

  Yes, of course. Victoria laughed at him

  with her eyes as she dutifully poured the

  tea. He gave her a severe glare in return,

  which only inspired her to fresh mischief.

  You were saying, misses Worth?"

  Was I? About what they might have

  been doing running around at midnight?

  Oh, dear." The good woman's smile was

  tentative. Well, they are ghosts, you know.

  I suppose that is the only time they are

  allowed to run around. And according to

  legend, the pair was very much prone to

  midnight trysts. It seems the two had a

  habit of riding the lands at night and

  returning to the house shortly before


  The vicar cleared his throat. That's

  quite enough speculation about ghosts,

  my dear. You'll have Lord stone vale and

  his lady thinking we deal in nothing but

  village gossip."

  Never," declared Victoria, I find it all

  most interesting, don't you, stone vale?"

  I find it all a lot of nonsense," Lucas

  said repressively.

  You must understand," the vicar's wife

  said hurriedly, the villagers were thrilled

  to hear the story. They want to believe it

  because they want to believe that things

  really have begun to change for the better

  around here. According to the legend,

  stone vale will prosper again only when

  the Amber Knight and his lady return. I

  pray you won't begrudge the people their

  small tale of hope, my lord."

  Yes." Victoria smiled sweetly at her

  husband. pray, don't be a killjoy. stone vale."

  The vicar and his wife stared in shock

  at Victoria. Lucas merely gave his wife

  another quelling glance and drank his


  The vicar, apparently sensing that he

  and his wife had accidentally stumbled

  into a mild bit of marital teasing, turned

  a bit ruddier and plowed forth gamely with

  a change of topic. Far rather see a couple

  of harmless ghosts than that highwayman

  who's been plaguing the district for the

  past couple of months."

  Highwayman?" Victoria's attention was

  instantly riveted in a new direction. What

  is this about a highwayman? Have you

  been robbed, Reverend?"

  Not I. And not any of the villagers

  that I know of. Daresay, none of them

  would be worth the fellow's time. But there

  have been reports of a couple of coaches

  stopped. The villain's a bit inept, I fear.

  On one occasion the driver of the coach

  pulled a pistol and sent the highwayman

  fleeing for the bushes. The second time

  the passengers fobbed him off with a few

  coins and a worthless ring."

  Highwaymen usually have a lair in

  the locality where they conduct business,"

  Lucas observed thoughtfully. Do you think

  this man might be a local resident?"

  The vicar shook his head a bit too

  quickly, looking more uneasy than ever. I

  daresay not. Probably just someone riding

  through. I wouldn't be surprised if the

  fellow has quit the district by now. In

  his profession tis probably wise to keep

  shifting business locations." Satisfied that

  he had salvaged the social situation, the

  vicar fell back on a safe subject. I say,

  stone vale. Don't mean to be impertinent,

  but have you given much thought to the

  sort of crops you'll want to plant? I've

  lived around here for a number of years

  now and I have some notion of what does

  well in this soil."

  misses Worth was instantly alarmed.

  Really, dear, I am certain his lordship

  will ask for advice if he requires it."

  Of course, of course." The vicar flushed

  a dark red. Sorry about that. Horticulture

  is a hobby of mine. I fancy my

  something of a student of the subject."

  Lucas's head came up alertly. Do you

  indeed, sir?"

  The vicar coughed slightly again, but

  this time he looked a little more sure of

  himself. Pleased to say I've had one or two

  papers published in the Botanical Progress.

  Working on a book on flower gardening

  at the moment."

  What do you know about buckwheat?"

  Lucas asked bluntly, all traces of restless

  ness vanishing instantly.

  Fine animal fodder. Good for your

  poorest soil, of course, but I'm more

  in favor of oats, wheat, and corn where


  I have heard buckwheat can be eaten

  by humans in times of wheat shortages."

  Only by those who live on the continent.

  Doubt you'd get an Englishman to eat it

  unless he was frightfully hungry."

  I see your point. I have also become

  quite interested in marl as opposed to

  manure of late," Lucas said. What is your


  As it happens, I have done a bit of

  investigation on the subject," the vicar said,

  glowing with enthusiasm. Tried marl out

  on my wife's rosebushes. Also peat, ground

  bone, and fish. Kept a detailed log. Would

  you care to hear the results?"

  I certainly would." Lucas stood up.

  Why don't we go to the library where

  I have some maps of the estate we can

  look at?" He turned belatedly to Victoria.

  You will excuse us, my dear?"

  Of course."

  Come along, vicar, I have several

  questions to put to you. Now, about

  manure. I must admit it has the advantage

  of being readily available."

  True. And when one does run short,

  one can always have it brought in from

  London. Several thousand horses stabled

  in London, you know. Something has to

  be done with all that manure. Have you

  by any chance read Humphrey Davy's

  Elements of Agricultural Chemistry?"

  No," said Lucas. But I did get hold of

  a copy of Marshall's The Rural Economy of

  Yorkshire. Marshall is very fond of marl."

  It has its merits, I'll grant you. I shall

  loan you my copy of Davy's Elements, if

  you like. The man takes a very scientific

  approach to the subject of manuring. I

  believe you will find it most interesting."

  I would appreciate that very much,"

  Lucas said.

  The two men moved out of the room,

  talking intently.

  Victoria looked at her guest. More tea,

  misses Worth?"

  Thank you, my lady." She gave her

  hostess an apologetic look. Please forgive

  my husband. I fear he is quite impassioned

  in his studies of horticulture and agriculture."

  Victoria grinned. Believe me, he is in

  good company. My husband's interest has

  grown just as strong of late. You may have


  misses Worth relaxed. Her small chuckle

  was delightful. I did. Imagine discussing

  manure in a drawing room. But, then, that

  is life in the country."

  It is not altogether different from life

  at my aunt's home in London. My aunt

  is very much interested in matters of

  intellectual inquiry and I fear I have

  followed in her footsteps. I quite enjoy

  such discussions."

  The vicar's wife beamed enthusiastically.

  Perhaps you and Lord stone vale would

  be interested in attending some of the

  meetings of our local Society for the

  Investigation of Curious Matters. We meet

  every week on Monday afternoons in our

  home. Quite a large crowd attends, I am

  pleased to say." The good lady suddenly

  flushed and began to stammer. Of course

  our meetings would probably not be of

  great interest to you. I am certain you are

  already far ahead of us since you have had

  the advantages of being in Town."

  Not at all. The prospect of attending

  your next meeting sounds quite delightful.

  I shall look forward to it."

  misses Worth's smile returned in full

  force. How kind of you. I cannot wait

  to tell my friends."

  You say you grow roses, misses Worth?"

  misses Worth began to beam, and said

  shyly. They are my passion, I fear."

  I would dearly love to discuss some

  plans for the gardens here at stone vale.

  I cannot live without a proper garden

  and Lucas is far too busy with farming

  problems to help me. Would you care to

  examine the grounds with me?"

  I should be delighted."

  Excellent. And while we're about it, we

  can get on with our discussion of the most

  pressing charity needs in the area. In all

  truth, I am far more anxious to get started

  on that project than I am the gardens."

  The vicar's wife smiled with genuine

  approval. It is easy to see why the villagers

  are so eager to believe their Amber Lady

  has returned."

  Victoria laughed. You refer to my

  preference for a certain shade in clothing,

  I imagine. Pure coincidence, I assure you."

  She glanced down at her yellow and white

  afternoon dress with a wry smile.

  misses Worth was startled and then

  embarrassed that her hostess would think

  she had made such a personal remark.

  Oh, no, madam, I was not referring to

  your lovely dress, although I will allow the

  color is stunning on you and does create a

  sort of amber effect. No, I was referring to

  the legend. It holds that the knight's lady

  was very kind and gentle."

  Victoria wrinkled her nose and grinned.

  Then it cannot have been referring to me.

  I am certainly no paragon. Just ask my


  A week later Victoria sat in front

  of her dressing-table mirror while Nan

  finished preparing her for bed. Her maid

  was handing her a dressing gown when

  the connecting door between Lucas's

  room and her own was opened after a

  perfunctory knock. Lucas sauntered in with

  a proprietary air that Victoria was learning

  to expect from him. She glared at him in

  the mirror and nodded to her maid, who

  bobbed a small curtsy to Lucas.

  You may go now, Nan. Thank you."

  Yes, ma'am. Shall I have a tea tray

  sent up?"

  Victoria met Lucas's sinfully amused

  eyes in the mirror and shook her head.

  No, thank you, Nan. I will not be wanting

  any tea tonight."

  Very well, ma'am. Good night to you

  and yer lordship." She made her way

  quickly to the door.

  Lucas waited until the door had closed

  behind the maid and then he moved

  with lazy menace to stand directly behind

  Victoria. He leaned forward and planted

  both hands on her dressing table, effectively

nbsp; caging her. His eyes continued to hold hers

  in the mirror.

  Victoria could not repress a small thrill

  of anticipation. The man had a devastating

  effect on her senses. And she was learning

  the power she held over his physical

  reaction to her. She wondered if it would

  always be like this between them.

  I saw that a letter arrived from your

  aunt today." Lucas bent his head to kiss

  her nape. What does Lady Nettleship have

  to say?"

  That it appears as though we are

  all going to brush through the scandal

  relatively unscathed." Victoria smiled rue

  fully, remembering the contents of her

  aunt's letter. Thanks to Jessica Atherton,

  who has put it about that our hasty

  marriage is the great romance of the


  Good old Jessica." Lucas ran his tongue

  along the sensitive rim of her ear.

  Victoria shuddered. I swear, Lucas, I do

  not like being indebted to that woman."

  Nor, do I, but as a soldier I long

  ago learned to accept help from whatever

  quarter made it available."

  Obviously, or we would not now be in

  our present position."

  Shrew. You cannot resist such remarks,

  can you?"

  It is very difficult," Victoria admitted.

  Her blood was already heating just from

  the expression in his eyes and his closeness.

  It struck her that even if someone waved

  a magic wand and dissolved the marriage

  tomorrow, she would never be truly free

  of this man.

  Any other news from your aunt?"

  Victoria saw the flicker of intensity in his

  eyes and knew it had nothing to do with

  the sensual assault he was launching against

  her. Do you mean has she discovered any

  other objects marked with a W? The

  answer is no. She also states she still

  has not found anyone claiming to have

  lost either the scarf or the snuffbox."

  Does she mention Edgeworth by any



  Just as well. Tell me, Vicky, what sort

  of letter did you write back to your aunt?"

  Lucas asked.

  I told her about my plans for the

  gardens and invited her to visit at her

  earliest convenience. I also mentioned how

  you and the vicar have discovered a mutual

  interest in farming techniques, horticulture,

  and manure. That was about all, I believe,

  oh, and I asked her to send me some plant

  cuttings and seeds."

  What? No discussion of how you have

  nobly accepted your unhappy fate and have

  vowed to be a dutiful wife?" He kissed her

  neck. No talk of how you have come


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