After Dark: The Complete Series

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After Dark: The Complete Series Page 11

by Aymes, Kahlen

  “Angel, are you dying? Is this a catastrophe? And yes, I do have some things to discuss with you, but we can do that at the station.”

  “It’s Becca’s birthday, and I don’t want to ruin it for her, so I’m not going to bitch slap you right here and now, but believe me, this is not the end of this. I should drop you on your ass with the radio show, you arrogant prick!” Angel’s anger was causing a flush to rise on her cheeks.

  Alex placed his elbows on the table, leaning toward her a little until he could literally feel the heat radiating between them. He longed to reach for her hand, to brush his fingers along hers, or lean into her just enough so their shoulders would touch, but he didn’t want to ruffle her feathers any further. He wanted to soothe her, to calm her, and get her to talk to him. “Are you certain that meeting me is such a bad thing? Weren’t you even the least bit curious about me?”

  “Pfft.” Angel laughed sharply and lied through her teeth. “Not at all.”

  “Oh, really? So you always remember the names of your callers?” Her face was flushed, and he could see she was royally pissed. “Look, after our conversation on the phone last week, I was… well, let’s just say intrigued. Don’t blame Darian. He’s my best friend, and he knew how much I wanted to meet you, Angeline.” His eyes bore into hers, and the electricity between them was tangible. The sound of her given name rolled easily off his tongue. It felt good to say it, and he found himself longing to hear his fall from her lips in the throes of passion. He’d certainly dreamed about her enough… but then he didn’t know the true seduction that he’d find in her voice. He’d dreamed about her as two different women and was delighted to find she was one and the same.

  Darian and Becca simply sat there observing the other two who had all but forgotten about their presence.

  “I wanted to see for myself if the chemistry I felt on the phone was as palpable as it seemed,” Alex continued. His eyes moved over her face and dropped to her mouth unwillingly. The last thing he wanted to do was disrespect her, but damn if he could help himself.

  “Mmmm… and what are you finding out?” Angel leaned into him slightly, her eyes dropping to his mouth and then back up to his eyes seductively.

  His lips quirked, and he wanted to reach out and touch her… to see if her skin was a soft as it looked. “I think it’s definitely worth exploring further,” he said so softly that only Angel could hear him. “And so do you. But we felt that first time we ran into each other, hmmm?”

  Angel audibly gasped. He did know they’d met before, however briefly. Her heart pounded in her chest, the seconds ticked by without a word being said as they stared at each other, neither one wanting to be the first to look away because it would be the same as surrender. Angel felt an obvious pull from this man, but she wasn’t enjoying it. It pissed her off that she had been manipulated into the situation, and she wasn’t stupid enough to allow his obvious charm to fuck her up. He was the type that could leave a woman in a boneless heap, sobbing after him when he was ready to move on. She had to admit she was still as attracted as she had been the day in the paint aisle. More, since both fantasy men were combined into one. Who wouldn’t be, but the warnings in her head were screaming loud and clear.

  Darian finally cleared his throat. “Angel, are you planning on singing?” He broke into their conversation, knowing that if something didn’t give, Angel would probably go ballistic, and it would be he and not Alex who would get the brunt of it. Really, he couldn’t blame her. He’d basically ambushed them both and was beginning to wonder if bringing Alex here was such a good idea after all.

  “No,” she answered shortly. “I’m plotting murder right now.”

  Becca coughed and ignored Angel’s comment. “She did say she might do a duet with me tonight, though.”

  Alex was still leaning on the table. He reached forward and picked up the scotch that the waitress must have placed in front of him during their exchange, but he was too caught up in the woman next to him to notice. “Yes, I would enjoy that. It will give me an excuse to look at you.”

  Goose bumps broke out on her skin despite the close crowd and the heat within the bar. That damn voice, obviously very practiced in saying things women loved to hear. He was so sexy he was dangerous, and her worst fears were confirmed. The body and the face were perfect compliments to it and far better than she could have hoped.

  “Hmmph,” Angel huffed. “You don’t seem like the kind of man that needs excuses for anything you do,” she retorted sharply.

  “See how well you know me already?” he said suggestively, as his white teeth flashed in a perfect smile, and Angel’s heart thrummed inside her chest. She pushed the hair on her forehead back hoping her hands weren’t shaking so badly that they would give her away.

  She ignored the intimacy in his remark but her insides melted despite her anger at both of the men for manipulating her this way. “Well, I don’t sing karaoke.”

  “Oh, only in the shower?” He couldn’t help letting himself imagine her delicious body, naked in the shower. It was fucking impossible to avoid thinking about sex when he looked at her. Desire surged through him with a force he’d never known.

  “Something like that.”

  “Now that’s a picture…” Alex let his words drop off suggestively.

  “Angel used to si—Ouch!” Becca grunted when Angel kicked her under the table, shooting her a warning look.

  “Surely, for your friend’s birthday? She seems to want you to. Come on, I dare you.” Alex played with her, and she couldn’t help but smile. Becca laughed out loud.

  Of course, he’d have to dare me. Okay, you fucker. Just get a hold of yourself, Angel, she told herself sternly. Stop swooning over this bastard. And, now!

  “Well, when you put it like that…” she purred sweetly. Alex got a satisfied look on his face until her tone changed to all business and her arms folded across her chest. “Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is, Mr. Big Shot? I’ll do it, but for $5,000 to a charity of my choice.”

  “Angel’s a big philanthropist, Alex,” Darian interjected.

  “So you’ve said,” Alex answered, his eyes still locked on Angel’s face.

  Angel shot Darian a warning look that asked him how much he had shared about her with Alex and then challenged Alex. “Well?”

  “Done.” Alex didn’t hesitate, his brilliant green eyes never leaving Angel’s.

  Why does he have to be so beautiful? Why did it have to be him? Angel asked herself as her heart plummeted like a boulder in a landslide. It fucking figures.

  Becca perked up and pushed the song menu in Angel’s direction, her eyes dancing with laughter. It was still open to the same page. Angel pulled the book forward, and Alex used looking at it with her as an excuse to lean closer to her once again. He could feel the sexual tension between them, his body was reacting to her nearness, and there was little he could do to stop it. It was damned embarrassing, and he shifted uncomfortably in his chair. She smelled incredible, her perfume wafting around him in a delicious cloud that he’d gladly get lost in forever. If everyone else in the bar dissipated into thin air, he wouldn’t have noticed. She made him hungrier than hell, and he felt like a gift from the god’s had just been dropped in his lap. Only she was snarling instead of purring like he’d prefer. No matter. He’d overcome. He always did.

  Angel glanced at Alex over her shoulder, a question clearly on her face. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Alex looked perplexed, and he shook his head and shrugged slightly, like it should be obvious to her what he was doing. “Looking at the songs with you, of course.”

  “Oh, no. If you pick the song, the price goes up.”

  Alex laughed out loud, and, to Angel’s chagrin, she found the sound very pleasant.

  “You drive a hard bargain, but I’m willing to concede if it gets you up on that stage. Money is no object. Will double do?”

  “Are you hoping to humiliate me by picking something comple
tely ridiculous?” She leaned back and opened both hands toward the book, indicating that he should have at it.

  “Not at all. Consider it nothing more than a birthday gift for the lovely Becca. I’m simply buying.” Alex glanced at Becca and shot her a panty-dropping smile that went all the way up to his eyes. He was obviously enjoying himself, which pissed Angel off even more.


  Angel focused on Becca ,who raised her eyebrows and bit her lip in an attempt to hide a mischievous smile.

  “This one.” Alex pointed to a song in the middle of the page, not even looking to see what it was. He couldn’t seem to rip his eyes away from Angel, and he didn’t really care what the song was. Any would serve his purpose

  “Wow. Is that your version of the scientific method?” Angel mocked sarcastically and leaned forward to see which one he selected. Alex found her response amusing, and his smirk became more pronounced. Her brown eyes darted between the two men. “Are you shitting me with this? Do you even know what this fucking song is about?”

  This incredibly intelligent and beautiful woman had such a potty mouth. It was a conundrum, another paradox about this stunning creature, and Alex loved it. He felt sure that he’d discover more and more that he would enjoy about her as time went on. He found himself unable to consider that he might not have that option.

  “Look, if you can’t do it, just say so,” he challenged with a lopsided grin, and Angel’s heart bounced around the inside of her chest in response.

  “Fuck you,” she shot back.

  A laugh burst from his chest, and Angel knew that her quick temper unwittingly set her up for the glib reply. “Whatever you say. It would be my pleasure.”

  A laugh burst from Darian’s chest but he quickly tried to stifle it when Angel shot him a dirty look. She quickly grabbed a song request form and began filling it out with the song Alex had chosen.

  “Yes, it would be. You have no idea,” she retorted which only made the others laugh even harder. She smiled because she couldn’t help it, silently admonishing herself and working up a glare for the rest of the tables occupants. To look at Alex Avery, it was obvious to every woman present that he’d be an incredible lover. How could he not be? He was so goddamned confident. The way he moved spoke volumes. He was more than comfortable with his body. He literally oozed sex, for God’s sake! At least getting up on stage would put some distance between them, which, she inwardly admitted, she needed space to regroup.

  This was like nothing she’d ever felt upon meeting someone for the first time, other than the first 20 seconds with him when they hadn’t even really met, only shared a smile and light touch. Oh, Jesus.

  No doubt things would be explosive between them between the sheets. The pull between them was tangible and she was certain that if the eye contact and body language was anything to go on, Alex felt it every bit as strongly as she did. If that didn’t give it away, the fact that he was here, in this bar, his sole intention to meet her, was telling. Her heart raced at the thought. It would be a dangerous game to get involved with someone like him, and if she believed what he told her on the phone, he didn’t believe in love. The combination of ruthless sexuality, the incredible face, sense of humor, and smooth demeanor was dangerous to any woman. Even Angeline Hemming.

  “Oh, I’ve got a pretty good imagination, and it's working fucking overtime right now. You've just thrown down a challenge that I’m more than willing to accept if you want to play,” he said suggestively. "But know this, I play to win."

  “Alex,” Darian admonished and shook his head, but Alex wasn’t listening, he was watching Angel intently; waiting for her response, but she didn’t answer.

  “Angel, what song did he pick?” Becca asked, and Angel pushed the slip of paper in her direction so that she could read it. Becca picked it up and smiled. “Holy. Shit.”

  “I know, right?” Angel smiled devilishly at her friend. The men had no clue what the joke was and looked at each other, perplexed. “Should Have Know Better. The only one more apropos would have been Stupid Girls by Pink.”

  Darian held out his hand for the slip of paper, and Angel scowled at him as she allowed him to see it.

  “Did you put him up to this?” she wanted to know.

  He shook his head and let out a low whistle. Being in radio, he was obviously familiar with the lyrics.

  “Well, let’s get this shit over with, shall we?” she said, holding out her small, elegantly manicured hand, until Darian gave it back to her.

  She stood up slowly and, for the first time, Alex was able to get a complete view of her body. He sucked in his breath, glancing quickly toward Darian who mouthed, I told you.

  Alex’s eyes couldn’t help but follow her every move. The lime green blouse accented the black of the suit, and the short pencil skirt showed off long shapely legs while hugging the gentle swell of her hips. He couldn’t help but stare as she walked up to the stage. The skirt was short enough to give a hint of her firm thighs, yet long enough to be professional. Elegant stiletto pumps fit her style perfectly. The fitted jacked hugged her upper body, emphasizing the enticing swell of her breasts. Perfect. Everything about her called to him, and he found himself wanting to peel back those layers of clothes to discover every inch of delicious flesh underneath. More than that, she was extremely intelligent, and he loved the playful banter that they seemed to fall into so easily.

  Fucking hell. She was delicious in every sense of the word. Are you fucking kidding me with this woman, D? Alex thought. To say it aloud would be disrespectful to the other woman at that table, who was, herself, extremely attractive. “So, Miss James, how long have you known Dr. Hemming?” Alex used any opportunity to learn more.

  “We met at Northwestern about six years ago. She’s a good friend. My little girl adores her.”

  “You have a child? How old is she?”

  “She just turned two last month.”

  Angel came back to the table and started to remove her jacket, revealing that the blouse underneath was a halter style that left her shoulders and a good portion of her upper back bare. If Alex wanted to look at her, then she’d damn well give him something to see and put him in as much pain as possible.

  Angel was done fucking around. Two could play at this game.

  It was obvious to Angel that he desired her, and damn it all, she couldn’t help herself… he was so unbelievably sexy. It was insane, but it was exciting and frightening all at the same time, but she wanted him as well.

  Watching his face as she hung the jacket over her chair, Angel noticed how his eyes narrowed in desire when he looked her over. Satisfaction spread through her like liquid gold, heat racing like fire along her skin. She reached up and pulled out the two pins holding her hair up, allowing it to tumble down her back in all its glory. Alex’s mouth opened in surprise. Bingo!

  Becca winked at Angel in approval of her blatant teasing. “This should be good,” she said under her breath, but Darian heard her. “She’s gonna chew him up and spit him out. I love it.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of,” he replied just as subdued, the two of them having their own conversation.

  “Jesus, you don’t fight fair,” Alex said softly, his eyes sparkling. “You’re just gorgeous.”

  “Aww! Stop or you’ll make me feel special,” Angel scoffed with a sexy half-smile.

  She was shaking on the inside but, outwardly she was in complete control. This man affected her in ways she wasn’t comfortable with, and the compliment thrilled her more than she cared to admit. She had to remind herself that this man was a selfish prick who used women for sex without strings. She took a deep breath to center herself.

  Alex sobered. “I’m serious. You are extremely beautiful, and you are well aware of that fact. You use it well.”

  Like you don’t?

  “All’s fair, as they say.” Angel leaned down toward Alex to make sure he could hear her over the din, and her hair fell forward over her shoulders. His hand r
eached out to touch the silken strands carefully. “I can count on you to follow through, right?”

  “I’ll never disappoint you, Angel.”

  “Mmmm… we’ll see. Buckle up, boys.”

  She walked back to the stage, pulling her skirt up slightly, which allowed her to stand with her feet some distance apart, and then wrapped both hands around the microphone that she stood behind while the 16 bars of intro began to beat to life.

  “Here we go,” Becca said smugly.

  The song was fast, and her right legs and hips rocked in time with the music. She looked straight at Alex and he couldn’t rip his eyes away even if it would have saved his life. Becca simply sat back like a satisfied cat, mouthing the words to the song as Angel sang.

  A slow grin spread across Alex’s face as she owned the song, hammering home the words. If he hadn’t made the decision before, he made it then. This was going to happen if it was the last thing he did.

  As she whispered the last words, their eyes locked. It took everything he had to fight the urge to pull at the front of his pants. He was so engorged it was uncomfortable, but he wouldn’t have changed it. He was captivated and completely lost in the woman commanding the attention of the entire room.

  Darian’s gaze shot from the stage back toward his friend and reversed again. He recognized the look of determination on Alex’s face and resigned himself to what was inevitable now. Alex would be relentless in his pursuit. Angel was strong; but was she strong enough to withstand Alex’s guile? Darian had yet to witness a woman who could.

  When the song ended, she marched back to the table and coolly retrieved her jacket. Alex stood up immediately and took it from her, holding it and then slipping it easily onto her shoulders.

  “Allow me,” he murmured close to her ear, and the heat of his breath rushed over her skin and she shivered, hoping he wouldn’t notice. “You were amazing, Angel. Your voice…”

  “Just write the check to Harmony House in Becca’s name and send me a copy of the receipt,” she said softly over her shoulder, their mouths only inches apart, and his hands squeezed her shoulders after the jacket was in place.


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