To Protect Serve and Betray: A BBW Romance

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To Protect Serve and Betray: A BBW Romance Page 5

by Leila Lacey

  “SHHH, Ajani! Stop it! I know there’s a man over there. Remember mommy told you we were getting new neighbors after Mrs. Alden died?” Alena and her son Ajani had been living on this block since Ajani was six months old. Every senior citizen on this block and the two blocks over knew and adored Ajani. Watching Ajani play basketball with his toddler basketball hoop and seeing how serious he looked while doing it, reminded Alena of Marcus.

  Even though he’d been gone for four years now, the pain and loneliness Alena felt everyday was like the shooting just happened last week.

  It’d taken her a long time to deal with her grief. She’d barely gotten out of bed for eight months after his shooting. First, it’d been the pain of the loss of her best friend and lover. Then from the overwhelming anger and fury she felt when she found out the men who took her husband’s life would never pay for what they’d done.

  Ajani was the only thing to save her from her despair. When he was born and placed in her arms, Alena knew her husband was with her, she held Marcus in her arms. Ajani was always a happy baby. He never really cried much and started sleeping through the night when he was just six months old.

  “Momma, Momma. He’s not old and he is white!” Ajani yelled again, jumping up and down holding his ball

  Alena knelt down in front of her son. “Okay, stop jumping and look at momma. Baby, I want you to think about Bobby.”

  “Bobby? Bobby is my best friend!” Ajani said smiling.

  “I know he’s your best friend and you like spending time with him and his family don’t you? When you look at Bobby, you don’t see him as white do you? All you see is he is your friend…Right?”

  “RIGHT!” Ajani said starting to jump up and down again.

  “Okay, Okay, wait one more minute baby. I want you to listen to me. I know when you are at nana Banner’s house you hear a lot about the color of people’s skin. But Momma wants you to see every man, woman and even children like you as just who they are to you, not the color of their skin okay?” She put her finger under his chin forcing him to look at her.

  “Ok, Momma. Can we go and see the new man over there?” Ajani wasn’t anything if not obedient and packed full of energy.

  Laughing as she stood up and looked across the street, Alena took Ajani’s hand. “Yes. We can go and say hello and welcome our new neighbor to the neighborhood.” They crossed the street to the man’s home she noticed how muscular he was, in his fitted black t-shirt and jeans. She even got a magnificent view of his muscles glistening in the sun light. An easterly breeze blew her hair across her face.

  The man stepped out of the house to go back into the moving truck.

  All of a sudden, Alena realized this was the first time she’d felt a physical attraction to any man since Marcus. It felt visceral for her to feel these emotions come over her after all this time.

  “HI, HI MISTER! I AM AJANI!” Ajani yelled as they got to his driveway.

  When the gentlemen jumped down out of the back of the truck Alena felt like she’d seen him somewhere before now that she saw his face up close. She couldn’t seem to put her finger on it.

  Running his hands on the back of his jeans, the man bent down on one knee and extended his hand to Ajani. “Hi, my name is Seth, Seth Hale. What is your name?” he said.

  Alena felt shocked because most people who were first meeting Ajani spoke to her and not him. Which really annoyed her, she knew he was young, but old enough to give a basic greeting to.

  “My name is Ajani! Say it…A-ja-ni that’s hard sometimes.”

  Alena laughed. If there was one thing she loved about her son, was his ability to make grownups who were acting stupid look just as stupid.

  Snickering under his breath, Seth smiled. “Nice to meet you A-ja-ni, and who is this pretty lady you brought with you?”

  “That’s Momma,” he replied while looking over his shoulder at his mom.

  Alena extended her hand to Seth. “Hi. My name is Alena Banner. Nice to meet you”

  * * * *

  When Seth stood up to shake her hand, it took his breath away at how beautiful her smile was. Standing there, he realized the only time he’d seen her had been on T.V. four years ago, in her grief while fighting for justice for the man she loved. Pulling his hand back, he became aware of the fact she didn’t know who he was. “Nice to meet you” he mumbled stepping back from them.

  “WOW! MOMMA LOOK! Seth has a really big video game!” Ajani exclaimed while pointing inside the moving truck.

  Alena peered inside the truck and saw a vintage Ms. Pac Man arcade video game. “WOW! Yeah that is cool Ajani! Momma used to play that game at a place called the arcade when she was a kid.”

  “YOU! You play games momma?” Ajani stared at his mother in awe. “Can we go to an a-cade, so I can play?”

  “It’s arcade honey and no, they don’t have them anymore.”

  Undaunted in his task, Ajani turned to Seth. “Can me and momma play on your game?”



  Alena and Seth answered at the same time.

  “No, No. We couldn’t intrude on you. While you’re moving in and trying to get settled,” Alena said

  “No, please. It wouldn’t be a bother. I hate unpacking, so I would love to have something to distract me. You guys can come over tonight. Have dinner and play a couple of games,” Seth offered with a smile.

  “Can we momma? Peees, Peees!” Ajani pleaded while jumping up and down.

  Alena looked unsure for a moment, then she gazed down at her son with a sigh. “Okay, we will come over for a couple of hours tonight. But I’m making and bringing dinner and you have to let Ajani help you unpack at least one box. Deal?” She extended her hand to Seth.

  “Deal!” Seth said, taking her hand.

  “YEAH, YEAH!” Ajani screamed jumping up and down the giving Seth a high five.

  “Good job buddy!” Seth cheered with a wink.

  “Alright, you conspirators lets go and let Seth finish his moving.” Alena took Ajani’s hand.

  “Momma…I not a constipated I a little boy!”

  Seth heard Ajani argue as they were crossing the street.

  He climbed back into the truck and felt a sense of shame come over him. He had no right to have dinner with and play games with Marcus Banners family.

  The man should be here to play basketball with his son and teach him how to play arcade games. But he wasn’t, he’d never even met his son.

  Suddenly feeling sick to his stomach, he punched the dashboard of the truck and decided he needed a break. He jumped on his Harley CVO motorcycle and took off down the street. After meeting Alena and Ajani officially, he started to think his plan was a bad idea.


  At seven o’clock Seth heard a knock at his front door and knew his guests were here to hang out and have dinner. “Just a second!” he yelled as he tried to clear path for them, so Ajani wouldn’t get hurt.

  After taking a long ride on his bike, Seth managed to get his emotions under control. He decided to keep his original plan and keep an eye on Ajani and Alena for their lost love, the man’s life he’d taken, five years ago.

  When he found out Alena had given birth to Marcus’ son. Not only did he have the guilt of making her a widow but he’d made Ajani a fatherless son.

  Shawn had told him to let it go, he wasn’t responsible for them, Seth would beg to differ however. There’d been many days when he’d wanted to muster up the courage and walk up to her door, introduce himself and beg her forgiveness.

  Seth had known to open that wound again, would only be for his conscience…not hers. This was the best way he could think of to look out for them.

  Besides, it wasn’t like they were on a date or anything. Although, Alena was one of the most beautiful, sexy women he’d ever met, with her large supple breasts and thick sexy thighs. Alena was just his type.

  He was a bit of a gym rat he would admit that. Most people wouldn’t expect him to
prefer a curvy woman with an ample lush body. But he’d never been one to reach for a woman harder than him. He couldn’t think of who would want to cuddle up next to a chop stick at night.

  Shawn had always told him he had a fatty complex, Seth always just responded, “I have a grown ass woman with something to love complex.” Get it together Hale! This woman is off limits! He thought to himself as he grabbed his doorknob and opened the door. “Hey, guys! Come on in!” he said smiling at them

  True to form, Ajani jumped up and down, hopping in through the front door. “Can we play the game now please? I want to play the game!”

  “No! We are going to eat dinner first before the food gets cold!” Alena said stepping into the house. “Thanks for having us over.”

  “Of course!” he said closing the front door. “Thank you for dinner, I wasn’t going to be able to make anything to eat today.” Seth looked around at his box packed house.

  “I see!” Alena said gazing around too. “It looks like a box factory exploded in here.”

  Seth’s house was the biggest and oldest Victorian on the block. A five bedroom, three bath home with all its original woodwork and hardwood floors throughout. With a large antique stove in the kitchen. He was going to have to get someone to tell him how to use it.

  “This is such a huge house for a single man. Is there someone else sharing the house with you?” Alena asked smiling as they walked toward the kitchen.

  “Ahh—no. It’s just me.” When Alena let the silence linger, he knew she wanted more of an explanation. “I—I have a really good female friend who lives close by. She’s a single mother I help her out sometimes” He started un-packing a stack of plates in the cabinet, trying to clear space for her to put the pan down. “I saw the for sale sign one day and just figured why not? I mean this is a wonderful old house”.

  “Yes. It is!” Alena said taking the top off the baking dish. “I need to put this in the oven for about ten minutes to heat it back up do you mind? I made vegetarian lasagna.”

  “No. Of course not, it looks awesome!” Seth said sniffing over the pan. Not only was she sexy as hell, she had the greatest smile he’d ever seen. Today was the first day he’d actually seen it. Her eyes were big and bright. You could read a lot about her in her eyes.

  She’d been wearing a cutoff pair of shorts earlier today but this evening, she’d worn a short white skirt with a yellow draped halter and a white pair of wedges. Her beautiful light brown hair with blonde highlights was piled on top of her head and secured in place with a pair of chopsticks. Her supple brown skin glistened in the light of the kitchen.

  It made him want to run his tongue down the back of her neck and hear her moan his name in desire.

  “Seth? Yoo-Hoo…SETH!” Alena called snapping her fingers in front of his face trying to get his attention. “Are you all right?”

  “Uh—yeah! I just remembered a phone call I forgot to make today,” Seth lied.

  “Do you need to go and handle some things? Ajani and I can come back in an hour.”

  “NOOO Mom! I want to play!” Ajani yelled from the family room which had an open floor plan connecting it to the kitchen.

  “No, no,” Seth replied. “I can take care of it tomorrow. What were you asking me?”

  Still looking skeptical, Alena replied, “I asked did you want to go and play the game with Ajani while I wait for the dinner to heat up and plate the food? I can unpack your dishes for you.”

  “You don’t have to do that!” He shook his head while leaning against the counter. He enjoyed having them both in his home faster than he thought he would when he was implementing this plan. He felt so comfortable with them, almost like they’d been neighbors forever.

  “GO!” Alena said, “I actually like to unpack. My mother says I am a freak of nature but I like to organize things.” Alena sealed her adorable disposition by flashing him her million-dollar smile.

  God, I want to kiss those lips and feel my hands running slowly over her supple hips. Get it together Hale! This woman is now and will always be off limits to you. “Well, in that case, I have six other rooms you can unpack too…as a matter of fact. You might lose your mind!” Seth laughed as he walked toward Ajani.

  “Come on Seph I want to play the game!” Ajani whined

  “I’m coming buddy.”

  * * * *

  While Alena started to take dishes out of boxes and waiting for the oven to preheat, she watched Ajani with this man she’d instantly felt an unexplainable connection to from the moment she’d seen him.

  Alena was quickly reminded that having dinner and hanging out as a family was something Ajani and Marcus had never gotten a chance to share

  Is it right for this to feel so right to me? My husband never got to be a father to his son. He never got his family. What right do I have to share his family with someone else? Alena went to put her pan into the oven.


  “Good Morning Neighbor!” Alena called out, waving to Seth across the street as she, her sister and Ajani were rushing to her SUV trying to get to church on time.

  It’d been three weeks since Seth, Alena and Ajani had dinner at his house they’d spent almost every evening together since then. They would be at Seth’s house until three o’clock in the morning before Alena realized how late it was.

  Even after Ajani had fallen asleep on the floor watching movies. Alena and Seth laughed and talked for hours as she helped him unpack the rest of his things.

  Seth had teased Alena about her OCD over his home being a mess and Alena convinced him to do it her way. The next night, Seth surprised her and Ajani with an invitation to the local hamburger restaurant which also doubled as an arcade.

  Alena and Ajani kicked his butt in basketball and he kicked their butt on the skeet shooting game.

  They’d all spent each evening together except Sundays when Alena and Ajani spent their days with family, going to church and having Sunday dinner.

  “Good Morning!” Seth yelled waving back. “Have a good day!” he said going back into his garage.

  “Who is he?” Alena’s sister Vanessa asked while staring after Seth.

  He looked like he was working on his motorcycle in his garage. So dirt and grease were all over his gray muscle shirt and denim shorts.

  “That’s Seph! He is me and mommy’s friend!” Ajani said.

  “Mommy and I, Ajani,” Alena corrected as she backed out of her driveway.

  “Why is HE not going to church with us?” Vanessa said looking over her shoulder to gawk Seth for as long as she could.

  “Turn around Vanessa! Good Lord woman, you would think you’d never seen a man before!” Alena chided shaking her head. Vanessa was the horniest woman Alena knew. She loved her sister but she knew she must have a frequent use card at the pharmacy.

  “I’ve seen many a man before, but a man like him makes me wanna—”

  “Ajani is in the car!” she warned glancing at her sister as the light turned green

  “So, have you sealed the deal?” Vanessa asked under her breath as she peeked over her shoulder to make sure her nephew was preoccupied with his handheld game.

  “NO! What are you talking about? He’s my neighbor! And while I can give you that he’s very attractive I do not have to sleep with every attractive man I meet.”

  “No, but you need to dust the cob webs off from down there. I’m telling you Charlotte’s Webb is down there and if I see a spider crawl from under your saved sanctified, filled with the Holy Ghost skirt…I am gonna scream!” Vanessa laughed.

  “You need Jesus!” Alena said, laughing with her

  “Yeah, but you did not deny it and what a way to get back into the swing of things. Lord, he’s fine. I know what I’m thanking Jesus for today!” Vanessa joked fanning herself.

  “How is your husband Peter this fine Sunday morning Nessa?” Alena said attempting to remind her sister, she was a married woman.

  “On his way to the he got on my damn nerves wh
ining all the damn time, so I dumped his cry-baby-ass hall of fame. Don’t try and change the subject. What is up with you and—what did you say his name was?”

  “Seth, his name is Seth and nothing is going on with me and him. I’ve already told you and Aunt Gladys I’m not having sex again until I am married. If God decides to bless me with another husband.”

  “WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! Flag on the play!” Nessa exclaimed waiving her hand in the air. “You were serious about that? I thought you were kidding when you said that three years ago. Still grieving, you haven’t had sex in four, almost five years. What the hell? Now, I really know what I am praying for in church today. For you to set your VAJ free, ‘cause that don’t make no sense!”

  “Sex isn’t everything Nessa!” Alena retorted while laughing.

  “SHHIITTT!” Nessa said to her. “Excuse my French Jesus, but some dumb stuff needs a cuss word! You keep trying to convince yourself you don’t need sex, go ahead on then.”

  “I don’t,” Alena defended. There was no conviction in her words and she knew it.

  “Okay, let me ask you a question and you have to tell the truth.”

  “Okay,” Alena said terrified about what she would ask

  “Do you have a…” Vanessa paused and glanced back at her nephew to make she he was still enthralled with his game before she continued, “Do you have a mommy toy at home?”

  Alena felt afraid to answer firstly, because she was guilty of using sex toys to satisfy her desire. But also, because her sister was completely insane.

  “Don’t answer. Your silence is deafening and it answered my question,” Vanessa said chuckling. “So, how many days a week are you playing with your toys?” she finished with a smirk on her face.

  If Alena was having this conversation with anyone other than her sister, she would be completely humiliated right now. “Four or five,” she said quietly

  “I rest my case,” Vanessa countered, “You better slow down or you’re gonna shoot your own ass off into space using those things so much. Mess around and leave a burn mark down there. I can just hear the coroner now at your autopsy, sixty years from now. ‘Looks like the patient went through some celibate years with the level of permanent road rash in her vaginal canal.’ ”


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