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Incognito Page 4

by Robert Johnson

  Before leaving, I asked her for her phone number to be nice, but you never know, I just might use it. I told Red I was leaving because I had to get up in the morning and it was getting too late. He hollered, “Later,” and continued what he was doing. I called Jackie when I got to the car told her I was on my way over there so she could get ready for me, but she didn’t answer the phone. During the drive, I was thinking how I was going to pull this off, going over there this late. It was one in the morning. I just had sex with another woman after she told me not to cheat on her. Man, I’m stupid. How could I let this happen?

  As I got closer to the house, I began to sweat from the nervousness. What if she waiting up for me? What if she smell the sex on me by smelling my penis, like some women do. As I pulled in front of the house, I was relieved to see her car not there. I hurried up ran into the house to take a shower. I jumped out of my clothes, throwing them down the clothes shute so they could be washed. I turned the shower on hot and rubbed my sex-smelling area with mouthwash to rid it of the smell before I got in the shower. It was funny, I remembered that method. I had heard it from one of my old buddies when he used to cheat on his wife.

  While in the shower, I began thinking about all the shit I was doing just to catch somebody who would probably go to jail for a short period, get out, and do the same thing, probably better than he did before after sharing information with other prisoners. I hope it’s all worth it and he doesn’t get off scot-free. I collected my thoughts and continued washing. I kind of got startled when Jackie stepped in the shower with me. I didn’t hear her come in, but I was relieved that the sex smell was gone. She put her arms around me, rubbing my chest, then slid her hands down to my genitals. I asked her in a joking manner where she was at coming in this late by herself.

  She replied, “I don’t remember you being my daddy or my husband.”

  I answered her, “I might not be your daddy, but I just might be your husband.”

  She replied, “You crazy silly boy. I was at Matt’s with my friend Vanessa. Where you been?”

  “I was with some of the fellas I used to work with at the factory. We went to the strip club.”

  “The strip club, that means you all ready to handle this, huh?”

  “I guess so.”

  She assumed the position in front of me, hands to ankles so I could enter her womaness. She was enticing me to be hers. Every time, she was always gushing wet, ready for me to fuck her. I didn’t mind, because I liked doing it. This was a quickie—lasted all of ten minutes, just enough time for us to both cum. She stood up and kissed me, saying, “Thank you, Daddy.” We went to bed without discussing my adventure. I was safe and happy to know she trust me and I could trust her.

  I went to sleep thinking about how it would be when it came time to end all of this and go back home to Marcy and the kids. I had never been in a situation such as this. For the most part, when I worked undercover, I never had to stay under. I’d make some quick buys from dealers that our informants told us about, but now, I had a mission that had to be completed, and I just kept slipping further and further into the game. I got myself into a clique, I got a woman who was attached to me (and me to her), and I already had a woman on the side who might be hooked up but whom I had no interest in. I fucked up, but I’ll pull it together. I’m the best there is. I’m Incognito.

  I woke up a refreshed person. I had the drive I needed to get the ball rolling. I asked Jackie about the job lead she had mentioned. She told me she was working on it, that she knew this guy who was looking for some help at one of his video shops. I was cool to know that. She asked me if I was going to bring the rest of my things over to make it official, since that was what she gave me the key for. Now feeling under pressure, I said yes, I was going to get the remaining things today and turn in the keys. I wasn’t looking forward to this, because I now would have to hear Mrs. Holland’s bickering about not giving her a month’s notice, as required according to my lease, which I would also be breaking. Now I was going to have to do some smooth talking to get my security deposit back and not have her take me to small claims court for breach of contract. I didn’t know how I was going to fix this right now, but I’d think of something before she came over. Maybe I’ll tell her I have to go on an emergency leave out of town for the rest of the year and can’t afford to pay the rent cause I won’t be working. She won’t believe that shit, and if she does, she probably won’t care unless somebody died, and I didn’t want to tell that lie. I’ll think about what to tell her when she gets over. First, I got to call her.

  “Mrs. Holland I need you to come over. I have to talk about my lease.”

  “What’s going on? I’m busy now. I’ll be over when I’m finished here in about a hour or two.”

  “Okay, I’ll talk to you when you get here.”

  I packed while waiting for her, and just as she said, an hour and fifty minutes later, she was there. I opened the door, kind of nervous cause I hadn’t come up with nothing to tell her as the reason of me moving, and I didn’t have no money to pay for my lease, being broke. She seen all the garbage bags everywhere, and things unplugged.

  “You know, since you moving, you breaking your lease by three months, don’t you?” I said I know but I got to move. She said, “You going pay for the three months.”

  “I really don’t have the money. That’s why I gotta move. I’m moving in with a friend till I get another job.”

  “Yeah right. Your ass met some heffa you moving in with. Who you think you fooling, as fine as your ass is. I know how the game go. I ain’t that old, boy.”

  “So that mean you going let me slide?”

  “It ain’t that easy. I’m going to let you off by not taking you to court, but you have to work for it.”

  “That’s fine. When do you want me to start?”

  She smiled, taking off her coat and said, “Now.”

  I laughed. “What you want me to do?”

  “It’s been a long time since I had my vagina ate real good. I want you to eat my vagina till I cum, and then I want to pee on you.”

  “Damn, Mrs. Holland, you a freak.”

  “I told you, I ain’t that old. Can you handle that?”

  “I guess so … if I’m going to get out of my lease. But what Mr. Holland going say?”

  “Who said he going to know?”

  “Okay, let’s do this.”

  I ate her vagina like I never ate vagina before, and she sure wasn’t lying when she hadn’t had it ate in a long time, because she was squeezing my head with her thighs and squirming all over the place, moaning and groaning until she squirted out a thick white creamy nut. After she was finished, she had me to lay there for her to pee on me. I have to admit, I had never had to do that, before but it turned me on. I would have to ask Jackie if I could do it with her. Mrs. Holland thanked me for my services before leaving, telling me to leave the keys on the table when I left.

  Standing, there still bedazzled by what had just gone down, I looked at her and said, “Sure thing.” I enjoyed every moment of the sexcapade, even without me penetrating her or cumming myself. I did wonder how a beautiful woman, full of youth, such as herself, couldn’t get satisfied at home. Maybe he was doing his stuff on the side, or maybe he couldn’t get it up no more. I don’t know and didn’t care—not for me to worry about. I took my belongings out to the car, heaviest stuff first so I could get it out of the way, making it easier to get the lighter bags. Looking at the now-empty apartment, I didn’t know if I was making the right decision moving in with Jackie. She was nice looking, good in bed, even supportive and helpful, but that’s how they all start out. What if she is really a bitch that don’t clean up until company coming over? Or what if she nags and complains about every little thing? Maybe she farts in bed or belches out loud while watching TV. No, I’m tripping. I would have seen those signs already. It’s going be hard to keep in contact w
ith Marcy now. Shit. But it’s my job. I got to do it, although I don’t think the company approves of this type shit. But fuck it, I want this case over.

  I have a lot of work to do, but I’m not pressured because things are going smoothly. I got inside the inner circle of a clique that is moving things. I made a name for myself here. Surely it won’t be long before I get connected to Darius. I’ll get my cake and eat it too. Moving in with Jackie will give the opportunity to move up faster too because I can save the money I was using for the apartment rent to put toward buy money. The money the department gave undercovers was very limited. We had to hustle the rest, just like other dealers. I never worked this side of narcotics before—usually prescription drugs or making a buy from corner dealers—but it’s all the same: you against them. I was glad to do what I do. I placed the keys on the counter, turned off the lights in the apartment, and got one last look before locking the door for good.

  Eventually, I’d need to look for a second apartment, maybe in the same building, because after all, I did tell Silencer and the crew I had my own place over here. Luckily they haven’t suggested coming over yet, but we haven’t been hanging that long. Besides, they always working. I have about two weeks before I find another apartment on the side that I won’t tell Jackie about. I have to get it when the department wires me some funds through Western Union, like always. I’ll get the apartment and find some second-hand stuff to throw in there to make it look like a bachelor pad so the crew feels at home and isn’t suspicious if they came over. Jackie had some storage space in her garage that I would put the few furnishings I took along with me. The rest of the items, mainly clothes, would go in the house. She had already prepared a closet for me to hang my clothes in. Her closet in the master bedroom was filled with all her things, but she improvised and took the clothes and shoes in the small closet to a closet in one of the other bedrooms. It always dawned on me that she was this beautiful sistah, staying in a four-bedroom, three-bath house, all alone and not scared. I never really got into a conversation about it, but I did mention it, and she just shrugged it off, saying, “I ain’t worried.”

  I put my clothes on the hangers, arranging my shoes lined neatly on the floor. All settled in now. It was time for me to be nosy. I hate to do it, but my inquisitive side was just taking over. I had to know what secrets she might have. I looked through her drawers and found a vibrator in the top, under some panties. It was big and long and kind of fat. Had a name on the box: Big Black. I didn’t think nothing of it. Hell, I masturbate from time to time. Moved on to the bed. Lifting up the mattress, I found a shocking secret, a Glock 9 mm pistol. This is why she wasn’t afraid. She had something to make the average burglar shit his pants. It was a pretty gun. Had a sixteen-round clip too. The girl gets better and better. I had to find a way to slip this into a conversation so she could tell me about it. I didn’t know how to go about it because I wasn’t supposed to be snooping. I know she know; otherwise, she would have hid both Big Black and the gun in a better place. I looked around the rest of the house but didn’t find anything.

  Two of the other rooms was occupied with furnishings. In one was two computers. The other had a treadmill, a weight set, and some type of ball. I played around with the weights and ran on the treadmill for a couple minutes, something I hadn’t done in a long while. It wasn’t a surprise that I was completely out of breath after the first minute and a half of running, because I hadn’t exercised in months. I could still bench press a good 255 lbs without any hesitation, though. Enough toying around with this stuff. I need to grab a bite to eat. I got a taste for some Mexican food, tamales or enchiladas. I always got some good tamales at a nice little Mexican shack uptown. I don’t remember the name, but I know the waiter, Pedro, like he was my brother. He would always seat and serve me whenever I went there to eat. He would always greet me as señor and seat me in the far corner off to myself. The average nigga would take offense to this, thinking they was trying to keep them from being seen eating there, but I liked it. I like being in a quiet setting when I eat out to take my mind off the things going on. I don’t know how he knew, but I was glad he did. Pedro would bring me a large lemonade and two tortillas with some sweet butter before my food to keep me occupied before the main course came. I didn’t think nothing of the niceness, just thought he was happy to be working in America. I imagine it was far better than in the country he was from. I got my tamales, served with extra cheese on top and some Tobasco sauce to give it that extra zing. I ate and was on my way. I don’t know where I was going now, because Jackie wasn’t home yet, and I didn’t want to go there to be alone. I guess I will go over to check out Silencer and the boys.

  I pulled up to the complex parking lot and parked in one of the empty spots. It was a cold night. Late November is always cold, so again, they were all inside. I rang the doorbell and was buzzed up after yelling my name into the intercom at the top of my lungs, thirteen stories up. It was Do-Dirt who looked out the window to verify my identity. After walking up all thirteen flights, the apartments was filled with regulars, with the exception of a thick sistah I had never seen before. I got some dap from everyone in the house and a gentle “What up?” from the sistah. After the what-ups, I got teased about leaving the other night too early. They told me I missed a good switcharoo party. A switcharoo party was when the girls switched fuck partners from the original ones they fucked. I asked what happened to the girl I was with. Since there was nobody for her, lucky Silencer got two girls was the answer.

  The spot was booming tonight. The doorbell was buzzing nonstop. After about ten customers, Silencer relieved Scooby of his serving duties and called me up in just that fashion. “Rookie, you up. If you want to be down, you going to have to put in work.”

  I was never so glad. Things was going better than I hoped. I didn’t have to ask to be put down. I was chosen. Not only was this a sign of friendship. It was a sign of trust. I was given a paper bag of twenty-dollar rocks to serve. I don’t know how much total was in the bag, but it was a lot. I was showed how the spot was operated from Scooby. The customers rang the doorbell. The looker on duty verified identity, the server buzzed them up, the money was transferred in an adjacent apartment, and the server served them. It was smooth. The set up was confusing like that so the customers could not pinpoint who served them. That way, in the case of a raid, the police would have no proof or an exact buy. In other words, no case. I did it under watch a couple of times, and then I was on my own. The bag was going down pretty fast. I was almost out an hour into getting it. Silencer checked on the bag size. Seeing that it was nearly empty, he brought out another full bag from under the sofa. It was kept on the table until the current bag was completely sold out, I guess to keep track of how much was sold. He must have had been the bagger and knew how much was in each bag, so when it came time to count the money he knew how much was supposed to be made from each color-coded bag. During a break in the action, Silencer asked if I liked what I was doing and if I wanted to be a full-time worker in his crew. I quickly said, “Hell yeah, without a doubt.” He asked about my other job and mentioned some shit about not being able to make the kind of money there that I could make with him. I agreed and told him I got fired anyway. Ran him the story about fucking a girl too long, went in late, and the boss fired my ass. He laughed just like the employee did when I told him.

  I was to make fifteen hundred a week, starting out as a server, and would have to work my way up in rank and in pay. I guess this was my official initiation into the crew. I now had to think of a way I was going to spend time with Jackie and be down with the crew. I needed to stay tight with Silencer because that was my ticket to bigger fish, but I also needed to keep Jackie without getting her suspicious of my new hobby. She said she would work on getting me a job. How could I tell her I’d become a drug dealer? Furthermore, how could I ever tell her the real, which was I am an undercover agent?

  This shit is getting too deep, but I can handle it. A
fter all, my name is Incognito, and this is what I live for.

  I called Jackie on my cell phone from the spot to tell her I would be coming a little later after realizing it had gotten late and she hadn’t called me since earlier. I didn’t know how the fellas was going to act about me checking in, so I kept the conversation short. Told her I was hanging with some friends and would be over around one to break her off. I had to make it seem as if I were just fucking her to throw them off a good way to make up an excuse if they asked to go over with me one day. I would eventually have to let them come over once so they could feel I was really down and trusted them as they trusted me. After hanging up, just as I expected, someone said something. Do-Dirt made a comment about me having to check in. I told him I was just making sure her mama was gone before I come over so I could get some. I said her mama didn’t like me, so I don’t go over when she home. He just laughed and said, “Whatever.” I was cool for the rest of the time there.

  After we sold out of the last bag, we went to get something to eat to cure the appetite from the weed high we had. It was a gyro shop on the corner that stayed open twenty-four hours. I never been there before, but they seemed to go there often, considering they don’t leave out of the buildings regularly. The shack was operated by some Arabs. Explains the reason it being open twenty-four hours. Every food shop they have in the hood be open around the clock, and be the same workers there too. It be like they vampires, but the hustlers be serving around the clock, so I guess it go hand in hand. We ordered a nine-piece bucket of chicken, three gyros, three sodas, and a milkshake. The milkshake was for me because I didn’t drink soda.


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