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Incognito Page 14

by Robert Johnson

  I said, “You got a point. I’ll be there in an hour. What’s the apartment number?”

  She said, “Thirteen o two. See you soon.”

  I said, “Bet.”

  I got to her place in forty-five minutes to look around outside the block and in front before it went down to make sure no cats were out lurking. I didn’t want to have to shoot anybody and make a mess of this case here. She buzzed me up as I got inside she kissed me and said he called me to say he is about five minutes away.

  “Just relax.”

  She had some mellow music playing, something different but cool. Five minutes later, the doorbell rang. It was the dude I was to serve. He came up and entered the place and shook my hand as she introduced us.

  “Incognito, this Al. Al, this Incognito.”

  So I got right to it. I said, “My man, these five keys from the West Coast, no cut. I’m letting them go for $30,000 apiece. If you come back for re-up, we can negotiate a lower price then.”

  He didn’t hesitate. He said, I got $200,000 on me, so that’s cool. Success got the money machine to count it right over there. Let’s do this.”

  She said, “I will bring it over here so y’all can make sure the count is good and exchange real quick so I can go to work.”

  While she was getting dressed for work, I ran the money through the counter—all hundreds and fifties and twenties: $150,000. I gave Al my number and said, “Be in touch.” He told Success later and left. I stayed behind and gave her $2,000, as agreed.

  She threw it on the table and said, “Let’s fuck before I go.” We fucked and came together. She said, “So, when am I going to see you again?”

  I said, “Tonight when you get off.”

  “For real.”

  “Fo sho. I want to spend as much time with you as possible before I leave town.

  She said, “Okay, I feel the same way.”

  We parted ways. Later that night, I met her back at her house around 11:00 p.m. I was waiting downstairs for her when she pulled up. She pulled alongside me and said, “Let me park in the structure. You can come down too. I have two spots.”

  I followed her into the garage. We headed up to her condominium apartment, which was really nice for a customer-service representative. I was really tired, so I took my shoes off and sat on her couch. She said, “Make yourself at home. I have to go get more comfortable.”

  I said okay. As she walked towards the back, she yelled, “Oh yeah, remember I told you I had something to tell you. I will when I come back.”

  She came back in some sweat pants and a T-shirt with a badge around her neck. So I wouldn’t blow my cover, I asked, “What the fuck is this? You a cop?”

  She said, “No, I am a federal agent, and I know all about you. Why you think I went with you from the club? All of them girls I was with were agents too. Al is one of the main players here we been on for over a year. I needed a good connect to get on him. I am glad for you that you came.”

  I was in shock. She said, “Didn’t your captain tell you you would meet a local agent before you left? Well, here I am. I know you been under for a long time. So have I. It gets hard sometimes, but we are serving a good cause, and we can never blow our cover. This case will be over soon—now for me, and from what I hear, you too. Al moves five kilos every two weeks, so you need to get back to Chicago to re-up for when he calls you. Let’s go to sleep now, and we’ll debrief with my superiors here tomorrow.”

  The night ended with us going to sleep, holding each other in her beautiful California king bed.

  Bright and early in the morning, around 5:00 a.m., there was coffee made and breakfast. Success, or Agent Peterson, was in the kitchen, wearing appropriate field close, listening to CNN and FOX News simultaneously while her comrades were drilling me. I was told since we already had their subject linked to narcotics trafficking, he would go down, but to get him even more buried in shit, we needed to get him on conspiracy charges, so I needed to sell him another load by the end of the week. I said cool, Success could hook it up since it was her case.

  “I’m leaving after this to go take my subject his money and re-up on product. I’ll be back in twelve hours, thirteen tops. Be ready.”

  Agent Peterson yelled, “I stay ready. I’m the original don dodda from the island of Kingston, Jamiaca, rude boy. Be safe out there, baby.” That shit turned me. I never heard it like that before, but I was out.

  When I turned onto the ramp to enter the freeway, which was three blocks away, I got a nice speed up and called Darius. He answered, “What it do? Please tell me you already out of that new-new.”

  I replied, “And you know it. I’m on my way back right now to count and re-up. Dude want five more bricks. He be moving five every two weeks of that normal, but he ain’t never had nothing like this. Why it is going so quick? The killer part is this broad I fucked arranged the whole meeting and took care of the count with me for $2,000. She a bad little broad work in banking.”

  He said, “Long as the money good and the product is wanted, I’m cool, but watch her.”

  “Yeah, I’m already knowing. But on the real, I’m gone need some of that Harold’s ten wings salt and pepper with mild sauce on the side. See you soon, roadie.”


  ON my ride back, I turned the ringer off my phone, put on the Eightball & MJG Coming Out Hard CD, sparked one up, and rode. This how I stayed in character, relaxed, and strategized. I drove to Chicago to get some wings from Harold’s a chicken joint off 87th before driving back to Milwaukee I also wanted to know what Darius wanted to tell me. But for now, these salt-and-pepper wings gone be fire, as they always do. Drop that mild sauce on them boys and drink my cold pop. Heaven, my nigga. They knew me at this joint, cause I’m always here spending big, usually because I get orders for everybody. My food was already made, still hot and ready to go. I paid the cashier a tip and was out the door. Ate five wings before I drove out the parking lot. The other five riding to the spot. On full now—time to conduct business.

  Silencer and Darius was already there chilling. Just finished eating the same thing I had plus an original hoagie. If you ain’t from the Chi, you probably never had a hoagie, but you missing. Darius went right in with the news he had to tell me before we even picked up the money bag.

  “Hey, homeboy, you remember Red?”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  “Well, he ain’t with us no more.”

  I asked, “Did he get popped? Is he going to snitch? He ran off? What’s up?”

  “The nigga buried in the buoy in Louisanna with them gators. Homeboy was shorting the count, so Silencer had to silence him.”

  I said, “Better him than me. Let’s count this money so we don’t have them problems.”

  Darius smiled. “My nigga, my nigga.”

  We counted $150,000 cash, the same way, all hundreds and fifties and twenties. All there. Darius then asked if they had a Bank of America there in Milwaukee. I said no but something like US Bank, where ol’ girl I had help meeting the new buyer works.

  “She like a personal banker customer-service rep that can give us inside information if we open an account and deposit large amounts.”

  “Yeah, that’s what we need. Work that out.”

  “I’m on it. Just give me the $150,000 to start when I leave tonight with the other five kilos. Boss, you got my word on God I’m with you till the end.”

  “You better mean that shit, nigga, cause that’s what it is—til the end. ‘Trump Tight Family.’”

  “Cool, after this run, I want to make my way to Detroit do an in-and-out type thing, though. Same with Saint Louis. Cool? We gone need 100 kilos next time. Well, I’m out. Hit my line if something changes or you need me.”

  Back on my way up to Minnesota to finish this piece up with the 5 kilos and $150,000 in the trunk in a duffle bag under some shopping bags full of c
lothes to hopefully make one last trip here for the undercover part of the case. I drove to the apartment spot to check in on it. Everything was cool. I then called Success to see if I could meet her at work to get the keys to her condo. She didn’t answer, so I left a message.

  “Hey, baby. Is your boy. I was wondering if I could crash at your place tonight to just chill and get ready for this next move. One more night, and I can be out of your hairs, you know. Peace. Hit me back.”

  “I waited for about ten minutes, then the phone chirped. It was her.”

  “Hey, silly. Just heard your message. Of course you can stay over. Meet me at my job in five minutes. I am walking out now. It’s slow, so I took an early out. The address is 5639 North Browndeer Road. I’m waiting.”

  “On my way, pretty lady. Bye.”

  I got there as soon as I could, seven minutes, to see her waiting talking to some other cat in a Chevy Camaro. She got in her car, and I followed her. It took us about thirty minutes to get to her condominium. We got there and parked. While waiting for the elevator, I asked who was that cat at her job.

  “One of Al’s boys. He going down too for dealing, moving a nine-piece or so.”

  “Okay, so you got something to eat upstairs?”

  She said, “Yeah, me. It’s sweet and juicy tonight too.”

  “Well, that can be second. What about some soup and broccoli?”

  “Yeah, I think I might. That don’t sound bad. You gone make us some?”

  “Sure thing.”

  We both washed ourselves in her deluxe multi-head shower, with water coming from everywhere, hitting every crevice of your body. Felt good. We washed each other up and just kissed and touched, no sex, then got out to go cook and eat. I made some potato and kale soup with some broccoli on the side. After eating, we talked. I wanted to get to know her a bit. I asked her if she was married. She said yes.

  “Does your husband know what you do?”


  “He don’t mind?”

  “No, he is a special agent too. He works financial crimes.”

  “Wow, okay, that’s cool. You have any kids?”

  “Nope. No time for that. Besides, I can’t have any ever since the abortion.”


  “What about you? Married?”

  “Yes, with two kids.”

  “She like what you do?”

  “She appreciates it, but she worries all the time and gets scared. That’s why this might be the last case I work.”

  She replied, “I see. Might be mine too. Then where do we go?”

  “The bureau’s protection program, I guess. It might not be so bad. We could probably train new agents.”

  “I never thought of it that way. Well, I’m sleepy? You want to crash? Sure.”

  We made passionate love before going to sleep. You could tell we both needed real affection from someone we trusted and loved, since we haven’t been with our spouses in months and years. I kissed her on the forehead goodnight and rolled over to go to sleep.

  Tomorrow would be another day to meet Al so I could serve him the second time to make the case. This time, he would have to be on a wire, so the bureau in Milwaukee gave me a recorder to use once the deal went down. He was to meet me at 5:00 p.m. Once the code word was signaled, the agents would come into the apartment to bust us. Al was on time, and everything was set up as planned. The code that I was to use was “You all good?”

  After the deal went down and the money count was there, I said the code, and sure enough, the agents stormed the apartment. They took Al into custody right away by slapping him into handcuffs and telling him what time he was faced with and asked if he wanted to work for us right away. Al took the deal and offered to work for us to keep his freedom. He was well advised. If he spoke anything of what went down, he would be arrested and would definitely serve ten to twenty years in federal prison.


  NOW that we had the Milwaukee area working, I took back to Chicago to let Darius know things were going just fine and I tapped into the new market. It was on to the next market, which was Detroit and Minnesota. The only problem was we only had twenty kilos left, so I would have to take ten so I could tap into the two new markets, in and out. This time, I wouldn’t set up an apartment, just stay at the hotel.

  I got to Darius and gave him the money and the progress. But instead of doing the typical, I had informed the bureau of what was going down, so they arranged for me to have two undercover agents already working the area to arrange a buy. It was set up that Al our new contact in Minnesota told them about the product and me so they wanted to meet me and buy five kilos each. I got the call while Darius was counting the money and told him he should come with me to see how I operate. I was trying to impress him and get this case closed by putting him in another state for major trafficking. I wanted him to be known as a narcotics enterprise so he could get mandatory life in federal prison.

  He agreed to come and would have to set up another meet with the cartel in Las Vegas, this time to do a deal for 100 kilos. Things were going sweet. Progress was being made, and I was never happier. I just hated that Jackie was going to go down too, but hey, she was involved, so it was my duty to get charges on her too. I just had to figure out a way to get her to cooperate by giving her a lesser money-laundering charge. Speaking of Jackie, when Darius and I got back, I would have to spend some time with her and act like nothing happened between me and Success, play it like I handled the business alone.

  The next day, we headed to Detroit and Darius gave Silencer the in-charge key so he could handle things until we get back. It was not that long of a drive, so we should be in and out, just make the deal and be on our way. I was still being cool not to let Darius know I knew about the call to Marcy, because I didn’t want to blow my cover. The heat was on, and I was sure he was just speculating out of paranoia, but I wasn’t taking any chances.

  We made it to Detroit in no time. Met the buyers—or agents—at their location and did introductions and exchanged product for money. Darius was in charge the whole time, just the way we wanted it. He even told them that he could get them whatever they needed. This was too nice. In and out and back on our way to Chicago.

  We got back later that evening. I went to Jackie, and Darius went to his house. He took the money with him to gather the count for the re-up with the cartel. Now I knew that he kept all the money at his house, so we knew where to hit first and second.

  The next few days things went smooth and quick. Do-Dirt had gathered four young soldiers to run the trap houses and the corners with the other soldiers, and Scooby had got the store running nicely. It was now time to head to Vegas. This time, the whole crew wouldn’t go, just me, Darius, and Silencer. We drove two cars. Me and Silencer was in one, and Darius drove alone in the other. This was perfect. I made sure I played all the murder music Silencer liked to listen to so conversation would be minimal. This was going to be a thirty-two hour drive there, and coming back would take a little longer because we would need to drive a little slower.

  While driving, we got a call from Darius to tell us plans had changed. He got a call from the connect that there was a drop in Houston and we could pick up there. That was another trafficking charge in another state. The fire was about to be lit under this nigga. It was time to end this already before somebody else got killed and before Darius decided to get out or got even more suspicious. We made it to Houston and met the connect at a mechanic garage they had set up as a front. The money was counted. The product was exchanged, and there was a bunch of talking of how the next time they would bring it to us. We parted ways and made our way back to Milwaukee.

  Driving only to stop for gas was our task as the product was in the car with us, and Darius was out in front as a decoy car. We stopped about six times but finally made it back to Milwaukee. It was late, so we took the product to the stash spo
t, smoked a blunt, and had some drink, talking about how this breakdown was about to go down. I had everything I need to inform superiors. I left to go back to my apartment to put the finishing pieces on the case. I saw Miss Holland had been by the apartment because there was a note on the door. I was about to leave all this behind. I immediately called my captain and told him to be at the stash house at 9:15 a.m., when Darius would be inside, breaking down everything. They then would have Silencer there as well. The other agents would have to pick up Do-Dirt, Scooby, and Jackie. It would have to be a simultaneous roundup.

  I was ready. I didn’t even sleep all night. The next morning was here. I went to the stash house as planned and noticed agents in the vicinity, waiting. I got there around 9:05 a.m. Silencer was already there. We were just waiting on Darius. Darius was a little late. I was worried he got an inside tip that it was going down, but he showed up at 9:35 a.m. He sat down and rolled up a blunt, and the agents came rushing in. He was startled, in disbelief. The 100 kilos were on the table, right in front of him. The agents served him with his warrant and pictures of him with the other agents and me. He and Silencer were in cuffs. This time, there was no deal for Darius, and the only thing Silencer could do was say he was the second-hand man and Darius was in charge.

  They both were taken to headquarters without incident. Darius’s house was raided, where $1,000,000 in cash was impounded, along with guns and jewelry. The corners were rounded up. Scooby was taken into custody, and Jackie was picked up on her way to her car, leaving for her office.

  In the end Silencer was given seventy-five years for the three murders, Do-Dirt was given fifteen years for possession with intent to distribute and being apart of a crime organization, Scooby was given ten years for the same charges because he had no previous record, and Jackie was given five years plus ten years’ probation. For the big finale, Darius Brown was given life in federal prison for running a major drug organization and drug trafficking across state lines. This was a long case, but I could now say, “Case closed.”


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