Barbour, Carolina - Watch Me, Desire Me (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Barbour, Carolina - Watch Me, Desire Me (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 11

by Watch Me, Desire Me

  The worry about Carline constant and serious, it was second nature to the turmoil inside that rumbled from witnessing Juden’s transformation, permanently etched in her brain. She always knew what he was, what he could become, seeing it for the first time personally made her feel slightly numb. Tonight, seeing his true self—fierce and intent grey eyes, fangs, blood, hearing the snarling—forced her to accept he wasn’t a figment of fictional tales and rumors. Juden was a variant, half man and vampire, and this evening she’d seen the darkest part of him.

  Logically, she should have been terrified…disgusted? Something other than feeling, as if it didn’t matter, knowing she did not care, and readily she was still willing to leap headfirst into his arms and give anything and everything to be with him.

  Saxby examined his smug expression. She wouldn’t tell him that, though.

  “How is Carline?” she asked casually.

  “She is fine. Why do you ask?” Juden stepped to the threshold and stopped, as if an invisible barrier kept him from entering the room.

  “She looked as if she might faint earlier. I hope that you weren’t overly harsh with Carline. I’m afraid years of Megatha made the girl sensitive and easily spooked.”

  The left side of Juden’s lip curled in amusement. “I did not lash her if it is what you are thinking. May I come in?”

  Saxby studied him a minute and nodded. She shifted positions so she was at his back. She leaned against the door, holding it open and rested against the frame and watched him. “Well?”

  “Carline is alive and well. I assure you.”

  “I overheard you speaking to your guard.”

  “His name is Faison.”

  “Faison…after you spoke with Carline. Then I believe you and Faison had a discussion with Carline. She looked rattled after she left your presence. When she emerged from the room with Faison, the girl looked as if she might expire any moment. What transpired?”

  “Faison and Carline will marry,” Juden announced casually.

  Saxby’s mouth sagged. “Excuse me?”

  “Faison agreed to marry the girl.”

  Saxby blinked, and then batted her eyes. Had she heard Juden correctly?

  “This seems to distress you. Why?”

  “My concern is for Carline. Did she agree to join with Faison?”

  Juden shrugged. “I didn’t ask her. I’m not sure if Faison did or not, I suspect no. As I, he is not accustomed to asking for what he wants, but takes.”

  Saxby put her hands on her hips. “Surely, Carline should have some say about the matter. Don’t you think?” Indignation rang in her tone.

  “No. Carline has made it clear to me she doesn’t know what is best for her. If she did she wouldn’t be unwed and enceinte,” he said matter-of-factly. When she went to question him further, Juden raised his hand for a truce she ignored.

  “Women are capable of making their own decisions. In fact, I strongly believe they should when matters are as serious as selecting a husband.” She lectured.

  Juden sighed. “I hear you. Believe me, I hear your point loud and clear.”

  Saxby gave him a cool look. “Yet, you proceeded to tie her to a man she does not know, anyway. Do you think this is fair treatment?”

  Juden stood pensive. “Carline had an opportunity to refuse the generous offer, and she did not, so I made the assumption she was in agreement.”

  Saxby rolled her eyes. “You know Carline fears her own shadow and would not debate with someone of authority even if she wanted to. You can thank your sister for making her spineless.”

  He blew out a breath sounding weary to her, and continued as if he hadn’t heard her last statement. “This entire conversation is really a mute point as I’m sure by now Carline is wedded and bedded.”

  “Then why are you here, Juden? It is apparent you didn’t come to discuss serious matters which are occurring in my home.” Her voice was terse. She intended it to be. She wanted Juden to know she didn’t care for his audacious mannerisms that lead him to take control of situations without consulting with her.

  “You are angry with me. Why?”

  He knew damn well, why she was upset. “I’m not angry with you, however, I’m seriously disappointed you feel ‘tis necessary to take charge of matters at Dandelion without giving me, my opinions or wants, any consideration. I remain mistress of Dandelion, and respectfully, you should at least have the decency to seek me out and discuss important circumstances even though ‘tis unorthodox for men to consult women on anything, as if we are nimble minded. If talking to me offends your ego, then Milo should be brought abreast of what is going on in his own house.”

  Juden gave Saxby a mock bow. “I feel thoroughly chastised.”

  Saxby narrowed her eyes. “Do not taunt me,” she snapped.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it. In the future I will take your request under consideration.”

  “If that is an apology, ‘tis lacking,” she said huffy.

  Juden smothered a chuckle, furthering Saxby’s irritation. She went to verbally thrash him, give him a piece of her mind, she was distracted when he stepped forward and his heat burned her to the core. He leaned forward and instantly a blaze of heat washed over her from head to toe. Her heart pounded as if she raced wildly through the woods. When his fingers lightly brushed her arm, she drew in a deep breath, and silently cursed him for disrupting her train of thought. He spoke in a dulcet murmur, smooth as night, raked over her effectively as a direct caress. His smile was wicked and tempting. “I sensed your arousal earlier in the hall. I feel it now.” He dragged his eyes over her body suggestively. A slow examination, starting at the top, down to her feet, and then he trailed his eyes back up until he rested on the swell of her breast revealed by the low bodice. He wet his bottom lip with the tip of his tongue. “You are still stimulated…that’s a positive.”

  “You would like to believe such, wouldn’t you? Please.” Saxby gave a half-hearted laugh, sounding nervous to her own ears. She could tell Juden noticed it too. His eyes glowed, pooled like molten silver, and caused his eyelashes to lower into a seductive gaze. “Call me a liar.” He dared her. How did he know? What had she mistakenly revealed that made Juden alert to her susceptibility? Was it her scent alone or the quiver in her tone? Could he hear the wild rush of blood running through her veins or the erratic heartbeat slamming against her breast?

  Saxby tried to calm the sudden wanton urges he awakened and strummed between her thighs until her pussy moistened and her knees trembled. She gave it a great attempt, to deny him, realizing she failed miserably when he moved closer and pressed her back against the door with little effort.

  He placed his palm on the wood frame and pushed. She knew the closing of the door sealed her fate. When he ran his fingers down her neck, over her breast, and caressed her cleavage between his large, experienced, fingers, there was no denying him. Foolish or not, she didn’t want to.

  How she easily swayed to Juden’s will was unsettling. Saxby panicked. She caught his hand and tried to shove it away. He caught her palm, turned it upward, and kissed the inside. By Oslei, his lips were moist and seared her flesh. A small sigh escaped when he nibbled on her fingertips, sucking each one deep in his mouth, teased with his tongue, sending profligate sensations to escalate between her thighs.

  Juden’s tone was husky. His words laced with temptation. “You are ripe enough to pluck, Lady Saxby. Delectable. Do you mind?” he asked. He bent low and washed his tongue over the exposed skin of her breast, across a strained nipple until it ached. He paused and enclosed the peak between his lips, suckled, wetting the garment, and drew the hardened peak to swell.

  This was insane! She had to be strong and show a measure of propriety. To stop the growing hunger Juden ignited, she grabbed his hand and tried to move it away. Swiftly, he reversed the hold until he had control, slid her hand down between his thighs, and made her stroke the bulge in his pants.

  His tone whisky smooth, he whispered, “Do you want to
be filled with pleasure?”

  The comment was perversely arousing, leaving the sensitive tissue of her vagina electrified, and her body consumed with need and ready for penetration.

  Yes! Yes! “Wha-what if I said no? Would that stop your obvious attempt at seducing me?”

  Juden hesitated, as if considering the questions. Then, he met her stare, his expression nonplus and emotionless. She wondered how he appeared so calm while her entire body sizzled with lust. It was all she could do not to fling herself in his arms and take what he offered. “I might let you have your way, but, honestly in my current rapacious state I would feel obligated to have you change your mind. Of course, for purely selfish reasons,” he said, smiling. He kissed the back of her hand, lingered, brushing his lips over her skin. He looked up at her, a flint of sexual heat made his eyes smolder. “Although you would benefit as well and there would be no regrets if you allow me to get my way. I guarantee satisfaction,” he said, smoothly. He firmed her hold, rubbed her hand over the tented front of his pants and across his strained length. He took her silence for acquiescence, maybe he had no intention on waiting on a reply, or it didn’t matter. He gathered her skirts, bunched it around her waist, and covered her mound where he applied just enough pressure to send sparks combusting between her legs. The warmth of his touch was sweltering, so hot he may as well stroked bare flesh.

  His lips hummed over the sensitive skin of her neck where he nibbled, trailed the scorching whip to her pulse where he paused to take tiny bites. “It’s all about what you want.”

  Saxby threw back her head, mewled softly, and brazenly crushed their bodies together. She clutched his lapels between her fingers. “Juden?”

  Slowly, he gyrated his hips increasing the friction between her hand and his cock. “Unleash me if you want to experience sensual gratification.” He ran his teeth tenderly over her neck, and bit her gently. “Take what you crave.”

  No, no, be strong, her mind screamed. Her body ignored the warning. Driven by sheer lustful madness, she hurried working loose the leather ties that enclosed the opening of his pants. She was almost there except for one damned stubborn knot…she fumbled trying to rip it free.

  “Here let me help you.” With skill and swift, he removed the last obstacle standing in her way. “There, are you happy now?” He stepped back and allowed her to gaze upon the object of her desire.

  She was completely done. What other excuse could she offer for the sudden wanton neediness?

  She stared mesmerized at the swollen crest and thick long stalk which held her rapt attention. Encircling his penis between her fingers, she felt it pulsate in tune with the fiery spasms of her pussy.

  He laid his forehead against hers, planted a kiss there, and moved her drawers aside. For a breathless moment, she couldn’t take in air while she waited for his direct touch. The movement was slight, a brush of his thumb over her slit made the sensory in her clit go haywire.

  All reservations flew to the wind—“Hurry, please.”

  “Normally I don’t get a demand to be quick when handling these matters. For you, it’s about what you desire.” His tone was indulgent, as he lifted her effortlessly, gave instructions for her to wrap her legs around his waist while he balanced against the doorframe and cupped her buttocks.

  He stared down at her smiling. “However, I do remember agreeing to be more considerate of your wishes,” he teased.

  “Aye, you did…” Her words died away in a breathy release when Juden impaled her on his colossal cock in one thrust.

  She quivered, clung to him as he entered, and forced his huge, huge shaft to tunnel. Slowly he filled her, leaving Saxby feeling pleasantly stretched as he fitted the entirety of the solid length in her fevered pussy.

  Saxby purred with pleasure, digging her nails into his back. Unabashedly she pleaded, “More.” She purred when she felt his hardness glide along the walls of her vagina as if he meant to withdraw. She protested before taking in air when he pushed, again and again, driving his hips almost savagely was their mating it brought her to a quick climax.

  Juden held her quaking body until she calmed. He grinned at her with male satisfaction. “You see, I can be accommodating when required.”

  Saxby encircled his neck with her arms. Her tone was sultry. “Aye, you can. I appreciate it. Thank you.”

  “You are most welcome.”

  He carried her to the bed and laid her down. She spread her legs willingly, gazing between his thighs at the magnificent turgid length moist and glistened with her juices.

  “You want more?”

  “Please.” She reached for his penis, but he moved her hand away.

  “I will oblige you, let’s get you undressed first.” He began working on the ribbons that bound her breasts.

  “I’m not sure I can wait that long. I don’t care to.”

  He chuckled softly, pulling her gown over her head. He unlaced her panties, slipped them down her legs, and then moved back in place. She felt the tip of his crown part the plump folds and arched to feel more of the hardness enter her.

  “You are a greedy minx and demanding,” he said. He kissed her breast, toyed with the nipples, and tenderly nipped a tight bud between his teeth.

  Her tone was light and jovial. “I thought this was about me?”

  “It is, I’m trying to temper my urgency for your sake.” Saxby lifted an eyebrow. “I’m feeling overly voracious and fear if you do not indulge my need to pace myself I might fuck myself to death.”

  “Don’t do me any favors.”

  He threw back his head and laughed a deep rumble erupted from his chest. “Can I at least remove my clothing or is that not a requirement at the moment?” She stalled as if contemplating his question.

  “Ah, ‘tis just cock you want. You want me, darling?”

  She couldn’t respond, too enthralled by the display as Juden began removing his clothing. Saxby was captivated by the tower of power, defined to perfection, not mention the terribly long legs and strapping thighs all splendidly male. Then there was the enormous object of pleasure holding her undivided attention. Apparently, Juden VanZandt was well proportioned everywhere.

  Saxby followed the clench of his muscles as Juden moved, pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to a chair. He discarded his boots and pants before he stood graciously in front of her. An enticement from the gods, Saxby swore as Juden joined her on the bed.

  He stretched lithe, covering her so that she felt as if a predator loomed, ready to devour with the heat of his gaze almost as intimate as his touch, Saxby filled her lungs in anticipation of feeling Juden’s hands on her, and his mighty cock inside her.

  Keenly aware of the persistent need, Saxby spread her thighs, and welcomed his touch when he eased a finger between the wetness until she felt moisture saturate her thighs.

  She moaned and arch into his mouth when he bent and captured a nipple between his lips. Teasingly, drawing in the tight bud, he suckled, and licked her breast causing a frisson of quivers to surface. Saxby withered, twisted and turned, as the scrumptious feel of Juden’s mouth consumed greedily.

  She dug her fingers into his hair and held, as he trailed white-hot kisses along her breast, over her belly, and settled between her legs. When his tongue washed along her inner thigh, and delved inside her pussy, she shot off the bed.


  Tantalizingly, Juden licked the creamy aphrodisiac, drawing into his mouth, flicking his tongue back and forth over the small bud nestled in the thatch of reddish-brown hair. He paid homage to her intimate region until it was all Saxby could do not to scream. Then she did. A breathy tone escalated, as his mouth feasted intent to gobble her whole.

  She shattered, coming apart, as her climax crested and exploded leaving her dazed and inert. Satisfactorily complete, awash in bliss, and basking in the aftermath of Juden’s expert attention, she held shamelessly to him.

  When he maneuvered their bodies, he rested against the headboard, her astride his
hips, and she was pleasantly delighted by the fresh wave of desire that escalated until she panted to have the accomplished penis inside her again.

  A strong wanting overrode reticence. She no longer cared and rose slightly to feel the heat of him where she needed it the most. Balancing, she grasped his cock and tried to wiggle and screw him inside her. Quaking with anticipation at the feel of the solid head tease the slit, she rocked her hips to get more of the breadth, and rigid length buried deep.

  Juden held her hips still. She eyed him and pouted. “You wish me to beg?”

  “There is no need. You can have what you want, as much as you like, after you answer my question.”


  “I believe I asked if you wanted me,” he said, softly. He lifted slightly, grazing the bulbous crown over her clit.

  She sucked in air. “‘Tis obvious, isn’t it?”

  “I rarely take anything for granted.”

  “Is this some wicked game you wish to play? I’m not in the mood,” she said peevishly.

  “Nor am I in the mindset to appease your bitchy mood I sense manifesting,” he said, mildly.

  “Really? I don’t see it diminishing your desire. You still appear willing to fuck me.”

  She saw her comment elicited a sharp, satirical stare. Feeling immediately contrite, she softened her tone. “I apologize. I’m not sure what has come over me lately. I don’t want to argue.”

  “Then what do you want?” His tone accepting, attesting he acknowledged her apology.

  Unconsciously, she licked her lips at the sight of the glorious upthrust erection towered between his thighs, and was suddenly immersed in a feverish wanting so intense it defied sane logic. She never experienced the ravenous need which dissolved all apprehension, inhibitions, and filled her with a sense of eagerness to satisfy the insatiable craving. She could describe this as fascination with the dark, alluring, man she hovered over, ready to throw caution to the wind, and capitulate to his every demand.


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