Frozen Over

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Frozen Over Page 3

by Tarrah Anders

  “Have a nice evening, Mr. Maddox.” I say as I unlock my car.

  “Ty.” He states roughly, a playful look in his eyes.

  “Right, have a nice night, Ty.” I say sliding into the driver’s seat.

  I try to start my car, but it doesn’t turn over. It clicks, but it doesn’t start. I try a few more times and nothing happens. I glance out my window over to where Tyson’s car is still parked and he’s walking back in the direction of my car sans his belonging and his coat. He’s rolling up the sleeves as I step out of my car and pop the hood. I notice as he walks my direction that his arms are muscular and tanned and I would love it if they wrapped around me. I shake my head of such thoughts and clear my throat as he is a few feet from me now.

  “Sounds like your car won’t start.” He says as I pull up the hood.

  “Unfortunately.” I say looking at the parts under the hood.

  “Do you know what you’re looking for?” He asks from beside me looking at the car, with another smirk on his face.

  “Are you saying that me standing in front of the car, in super hero pose, doesn’t automatically make it work again?” I ask, trying to stay deadpan.

  “It’s never worked for me, but if it works for you, I would be extremely impressed.” He smirks.

  Do I tell him I grew up around cars?

  “Can you try to turn the car over?” I ask him.

  He quirks his eyebrow, but decides to humor me by doing as I request. He slides behind the wheel and tries to turn over the car. I listen intently for the type of click that I’m hoping for. Unfortunately, it’s not the one I was hoping for.

  Tyson tries again and then steps out of the car.

  “It sounds like your starter… isn’t starting.” He says obvious as he is trying to refrain from laughing.

  “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too. I was hoping it was just a dead battery. I’ll call a tow.”

  “Where do you live?” He asks abruptly.

  “Redwood City, I -.”

  “A tow that far will cost a lot.” He says shaking his head, he whips out his phone and pulls up a web browser.

  “Not if it’s my dad’s shop it won’t. Don’t worry about it, do you think that security would mind the car being here for a few hours?”

  “How would you get home?” He seems angry with the flattening of his lips.

  “I’d take the train, the station isn’t too far from my apartment.”

  “You’re not taking public transportation.”

  “I don’t think you really have a say in the matter. Mr. Maddox.” He was pissing me off, by ordering me around. Just who does he think he is?

  “I won’t have you taking public transportation, I’ll drive you. It’s on my way anyways.”

  “No, that’s okay. I wouldn’t want you going out of your way. I can manage. Besides, you don’t know me, I could be a crazy killer clown.”

  “I’m not taking ‘no’ for an answer. Call your father, make the arrangements for him to pick up your car. Come on.” He says gesturing towards his black sleek car parking in the corner, ignoring my false warning.

  I sigh and give up, there’s no point in arguing over this when he so clearly feels like bossing me around. I grab my bag and items that I would need and follow him to his car. It’s nicer up close than I thought it would be.

  While I situate myself in the passenger seat he calls the building security to notify them of a tow arriving sometime this evening or tomorrow to pick up my car and then soon we’re exiting the parking garage. Being so close to him has me on edge. Do I talk to him? Who starts the conversation? Why is he being so nice to me, yet also being cold in his tone? What was I thinking getting in his car? He could be a serial killer! Just because he’s ridiculously good looking, doesn’t mean he won’t kill me! I’ve seen American Psycho!

  “Are you going to call your father?” He asks maneuvering through traffic to get to the freeway.

  “I can’t, I’m driving.”

  “I think, it’s me whose driving there Allie.” He says with a smirk on his gorgeous face. I want to slap that smirk off his face and replace it with me slobbering all over it. Wait, no! I don’t!

  “Right.” I say slightly embarrassed. “Totally used to not being driven around, my bad.” I start rummaging through my bag as he laughs quietly.

  I call my dad and give him the information that he will need, Tyson asks for the phone to be put on speaker phone so he can give my dad directions for how to get into the garage, he gives him a code and then while still on speaker phone my father asks; “Do you want to stop by the shop girl and grab a loaner?”

  “She won’t need one, I’ll see that she gets to and from the city.” Tyson says before I can even open my mouth which is now on the floor of his shiny clean car.

  “Thank you for doing that. I’m glad she has some reliable friends. Girl, call me if you need anything. Love you.” My dad hangs up before I can say anything back.

  What’s with these people not letting me say anything?

  “Listen, you can drop me off at the shop. I’ll grab a car from my dad; you don’t need to cart me around from here to there. I have to get to class tomorrow night anyways; I’ll need a car for that.” I say.

  “Not a problem. My schedule is lax, I’m the boss after all and I’m not too far.” He smiles.

  In the short time we’ve been acquainted, I’ve learned to not counter him when it appears that he’s set his mind to something. The drive so far has been quiet; he appears lost in thought, until we reach a few exits away from mine, when I speak up.

  “You’ll want to take the Whipple exit, and stay straight until you pass El Camino.” I say as he gets into the right lane for the exit. He hasn’t said anything, but I know he’s observing his surroundings, as he looks around the neighborhood we’re driving through.

  “Where do you live, if this was on your way?” I ask.

  “I have a home in Atherton.” He says matter of fact. Of course he does.

  “So you drive from Atherton all the way to the city on a daily basis? That’s a lot of driving.” I state.

  “I use the drive time to think, to plan, to strategize. I also have a penthouse on the top two floors of the building for those days where I’m too tired to drive home, but I rarely use it anymore.” He says as if everyone has that option.

  “How nice.”

  “I should have just let you stay there.” He says, almost like he’s regretting driving me home.

  “No, I wouldn’t accept that. This is better.” I say as he looks my way and smiles again.

  For such a powerful figure, he sure does smile a lot, or maybe I’m imagining it. He wasn’t smiling much before this situation presented itself.

  We’ve pulled up to my apartment building, it’s nothing – I’m sure compared to his big shot mansion in the rich and influential area of Atherton. He stops at the curb and kills the engine and gets out.

  I scramble to grab my belongings as he rounds the hood and approaches my door. This isn’t a date, don’t expect him to kiss you silly girl.

  He opens my door as I’m reaching for it, and his hand is offered to help me out of his car. He motions the way to my apartment. His hand is strong and firm, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why I’m thinking about his hand, hands aren’t sexy, who am I kidding, yes they are. Granted, I want his hand on my body, but I’m completely going nuts if I think that’s even an option.

  “I’ll walk you to the door, want to make sure you get in safe. You know, strangers lurking in the shadows and all.” He answers referring to a previous comment he made the other night with a wink.

  “Thanks. Um, listen I can get a ride to the shoot tomorrow. Please don’t worry about it. You’ve got more important work to do than be my personal driver.” We stop in front of my door, he looks at the door and assesses the surroundings.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow morning Allison.” He says, bringing my hand to his mouth as he kisses it. He doesn’
t confirm or deny that he will be picking me up or anything, so I’m left confused as he returns to his car without another glance or another word.

  I’m left standing, with my hand on the doorknob, completely confused as to what just happened as well as what my plan is tomorrow.



  When I got home, I had Beth check on the call time for Allison; with much mocking from my friend and lots of angry growls from me, she eventually told me when Allison had to be in the city. It was in the late morning, and it appeared it was an all day thing, which I was thankful for, since I signed up to be her chauffeur.

  I left her wondering if I was picking her up on purpose, because I’m a dick like that. I’ll make it a point to pick her up a few hours early to make sure she doesn’t plan to have someone else drive her or take the train up.

  I didn’t get much sleep and I woke up before the sun did. I spent a few hours in the gym before preparing to get ready to start the day officially. Along with gaining Allison’s call time, I got her cell phone so I sent her a text telling her to be ready by 8am. Her reply was only a question mark, which I never replied to, just to leave her wondering. I just hope it doesn’t bite me in the ass and she thinks quickly to obtain a different ride.

  I stood under the shower spray, my hand fisting my dick again. I’ve spent more time jacking off the past few days than I have in the past few months. Usually, I would seek out a girl from my rotating door of club bitches to quench my thirst, however just the thought of doing so makes me nauseous. I want one person and one person only right now. I should probably get my head examined, get back on the horse and stop being such a pussy, and just fuck a pussy from a one night out as I usually would.

  I’m losing it.

  Beth was right, I eye-fucked Allison at any opportunity, and when I wasn’t, I was thinking about her. I haven’t even touched her and she holds this power over me, this isn’t right. I’m losing my own control if it’s obvious of my infatuation over her, I need to reign it in. Can’t unravel for a chick, who I haven’t even sunk into.

  I pulled my car up to the same curb I had the night before and stopped the engine. I rolled out of my car and walked up the pathway to her first floor apartment. I knocked on the door and she answered with her hair up in a towel, the door covering her body.

  “Shit! What time is it?” She asks her eyes wide.

  “It’s Eight, I texted you this morning, didn’t you get it?” I remind her with a smile, my hand on the doorway leaning in slightly. I feel like my body is being pulled closer to her vicinity.

  “Fuck a duck! Okay, come in, I’ll just be a second.” She opens the door granting me entrance, turns and I’m accosted with her in a pink towel barely covering her body. A pink towel that barely covers her pussy, if she would just bend over I would get an appetizing eyeful. Oh please bend over! A groan sneaks out.

  She runs into the other room, which I assume is her bedroom and leaves me to meandering around her living space. It’s small, but homely. She has personal effects throughout the space which makes the apartment feel like someone actually lives in here. I walk over to a bookshelf which houses a lot of textbooks and picture frames. There are a lot of photos with who I assume are her parents and grandparents, there’s a photo of her hugging a boy, family I assume as well and then a photo of a golden retriever. All the photos are of ranging ages where she’s smiling and young.

  She erupts from the hallways in yoga pants, a very thin tank top and flip flops. She dresses for comfort which since I’m sure is a benefit since she’s not even wearing her own clothes the majority of the day and I’m slightly turned on as I stare at her chest.

  “Sorry. I figured that was you texting me at the ass crack of dawn this morning, but I honestly didn’t think you were serious.” She says fidgeting with her bag as she pulls it over her head.

  “As a heart attack sweetheart. Come on, let’s get on the road. I want to be in the office to do some things before shoot duty, I have things to attend to.” I say ushering her out.

  We exit her apartment, I wait for her as she turns to lock up and I hold the passenger door open for her. She smiles as she gets in and by the time I’m in the driver’s seat, my palms are sweaty and I just want to pull her over the center console and slide her yoga pants down and move against her and in her.

  I take a deep breath, shake my head to clear the dirty thoughts and we’re on the freeway in minutes. We make small talk, but I think she understands that I prefer to be in my head while driving as she doesn’t over-do it.

  We’ve pulled up to the building and soon are exiting the vehicle together. We’re walking side by side to the elevator and as soon as we’re inside, I have her pushed against the side. She caged by my arms and her eyes are wide. My eyes are staring her down, she licks her lips and I take that as an invitation as I lean in towards her. Her eyes flutter closed and our lips are pressing together. Her lips part ever so slightly and I’m pushing my tongue in to explore inside her mouth. It’s a Battle Royale of tongues as I feel her hands fisting the bottom of my jacket. The elevator slows and dings to alert to stopping off on a level, and I pull away from her, gasping for air, but wanting the air to be the air she was breathing. I stand beside her, her chest is heaving up and down as people join us in the elevator. I’m staring at her profile, I feel carnal and starved. I see her rapid heartbeat in her carotid artery and take note of her being just as affected as I am. Soon, we are alone again in the elevator. She hasn’t looked at me yet, I’ve been staring at her this entire time. I push up off the wall and push for the floor which my office is on.

  “We’re stopping at my office first.” I say gruffly over my shoulder, my throat feels gravelly.

  She follows behind me into my office, after I close the door, I walk over to the counter where the hidden door for the bar. I pour myself a glass of scotch and down it. I look to her and begin to pour another glass.

  “A little early for a drink.” She says dryly.

  “It’s either this, or I bend you over my desk and fuck you. I don’t have any condoms in here, so a drink it is.” I say as I drink the second glass.

  “What was that in there Ty?” She asks after a moment, not seeming deterred from my declaration.

  “It was a kiss, Allie.” I say, my tone flat.

  “No shit Sherlock. Why did you kiss me?” Superhero pose again. Fuck, she will be the death of me!

  “Because I wanted to.” I shrug setting my glass down and opening a drawer, I rummage through the take out menus and find the few that have breakfast options and walk over to her. She looks startled as I brush the hair off her forehead and behind her ear, my finger trailing down her neck to the thin straps of her tank top.

  I run my nose the length of her cheek to just below her ear and I kiss the spot. It’s a warm spot, and I like it since she shivers when I do that. I turn my face, my lips brushing against her cheek and find her lips again. This time she opens her mouth right away and my hand goes to the back of her neck. The other hand, with the menus wraps around her back as I pull her closer to me. My dick is straining against my dress pants as I grind my pelvis against her. She moans into my mouth, allowing me to deepen the kiss and then suddenly she pushes me back.

  “Just so you know, that was another kiss.” I say, expecting her to ask the same question. “And here are some breakfast menus. Order whatever you want.” I turn back to my desk and swivel my chair to sit.

  She hasn’t moved from the wall by the door, as I start my computer. She eventually, walks further into my office and places the menu on my desk.

  “I’ll head down the street and grab myself something. My call time isn’t for a few hours and you wanted to work.” She says firmly.

  “That’s not going to work Sugar, especially wearing that tank top.” I say evenly, my gaze slowly drifting from the spreadsheet on one of my four monitors to her.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m hungry too, I would like us to eat
together, just order from here, it’s probably the same place you were going to walk to anyways. Also, I can see your nipples.”

  She gasps as she crosses her arms, purposely covering her chest.

  “I don’t get you. Why do you want us to eat together? Why did you just kiss me, not once but twice? Why are you so insistent on driving me, when I could easily borrow a car or take the train up here?” She throws out question after question at me, expecting me to answer.

  “I just want to.” Is all that I offer her.

  “Yeah? Well, I just want to go down the street and eat breakfast by myself.” She huffs as she practically stomps out of my office. She angrily opens the door, but leaves it open as she storms through.

  I don’t move from my seat. If she wants to throw a tantrum for me wanting to help her out, wanting her, then so be it. I have shit to do.


  I’m sitting at my makeshift desk in the 8th floor studio when Allison comes in and drops off a bag in front of me without a word and then her heels turn and she’s walking towards the dressing area. I ignore the bag for several moments to not show my eagerness, but eventually the smells of a warm egg and bacon bagel wafts in my direction and I start salivating.

  I am halfway done with the bagel when Maddie comes to my side and eyes me.

  With a mouth full of food, I give her a questioning look.

  “Are you hooking up with my model?” She asks, her voice firm and her stance protective.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, no. I am not. She’s also my model since this is my company.” I say wiping my mouth.

  “She’s got real potential, and she’s the face for the line. Don’t fuck it up for by fucking with her.”

  “Maddie, I think you’re great. And if you weren’t fucking my brother, I’d be a bigger dick about this. But, remember who is the boss around here, I do what I want and with who I want. I do not need nor request your permission, it would be best for you to remember that.” I say, my lips thinning and I could feel my blood boiling.


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