The Thing in the Pit

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The Thing in the Pit Page 3

by Cameron Joseph

  They traveled above the hollow and cut a road through the forest so we could get building materials. It was not long before they built this barn and it would be living quarters for miners. We were forty-feet below this barn when we hit our first vein. We went deeper, and then we started a tunnel toward their house. We stayed above the hollow; we made huge profits. Bryce dug on his end. He hit at fifty feet down. His plan was to connect the dig sites. They would have a tunnel. He was never clear about why he felt that was so important. I believe Amelia was behind it.

  We completed the tunnel. We had fifty miners working for us when the worst disaster imaginable occurred. There were thirty-eight miners underground in the tunnel when we had a cave in. The sidewall exploded, and the tunnel filled with rushing water. Miners were running both directions as the shaft filled with water. They tried to reach the down shaft on each end. They could not get to this end. I was with Bryce and Amelia when it happened. Amelia was distant, she sat there sipping wine. Bryce was in a panic and we tried to lower ropes and ladders to get the men out before they drowned. It was filling so fast, and they were screaming and begging for help. The water kept rising then we realized it was bloody.

  That was the first time we saw it. It was like a huge prehistoric something. Its head was like a crocodile, but it had more teeth and longer teeth. It’s body more like a serpent. It came up out of the water and grabbed a miner with its rows of long teeth. The beast’s mouth gaped open and it bit him in two. When it splashed back down in the pit, black and bloody water soaked us. Pieces of miners littered the floor as the water receded. It was more the twenty feet long. We could hear the screams and saw bodies ripped apart. Terrified we did not get close to the shaft. I don’t know if it was one beast, or several, in the tunnel. We think we must have hit an underground river or lake and when the sidewall of the tunnel burst, the beast came in with the water.

  The next day, we considered trying to rescue miners who may be still alive. We could hear cries for help. We pumped the water down enough for those who could swim to get to an air pocket. We had five of the thirty-eight that were in the tunnel, plus twelve that were not in the tunnel, when it happened. Volunteers from local camps came to help. The pumps could only pump so fast. Bryce came up with a plan. We could try and get below the tunnel, dig a shaft and let it drain the water. Then, we could get in there and get them out. He acted as if he never saw what we saw or never heard the screams.

  They took a dozer and cleared a path down the mountain below the tunnel. One-hundred locals volunteered. We dug and we dug until we reached the bottom of the tunnel. It was just before sunset when it broke loose. Body parts and water gushed out of the mountain. It resembled a thirty-five or forty-foot beast. It looked like a bloody fountain had sprung out of the side of the mountain. Volunteers ran when they saw it. Water poured for hours, and a pond filled up below in the bottom. The opening in the mountain collapsed. No one would go into the shaft after the water receded. The miners quit and went home, they did not return. The word was that they would burn Bryce and Amelia out and hang them. That never happened. About a month after the tragedy, Bryce put a pistol to his head and squeezed the trigger. I stayed in the quarters here where I left this letter for a few months. After Bryce's funeral, I never returned to Amelia’s house. Shunned by all the locals, I keep to myself.

  I'm a prisoner of this room. They have accused me of theft and of assault. I had nothing to do with those crimes. I hear so many shocking stories and tales about Amelia Adderley. Servants who stayed on for a while have told terrifying tales of what goes on there. They say the beast lives in the pond below the house. They say she has set up an altar and that she communicates with the beast. Some say she lays with the beast. She would kill me and feed me to it, if she could. I will not let that happen. I will not let this continue to go on. The monster is in that pond and I will blast the pond’s dam. Then, burn the beast to ashes. When it’s dead, this will all be over. The miners I hear each night will rest in peace. If it takes my life, so be it. If I am successful, I will burn this letter at dawn. I challenge you who read this letter, hunt this abomination down and kill it. Burn everything on the Adderley property. Burn it all.

  “Fred, do you believe any of this?”

  “Harris, I don’t know. I don’t know what to think of it. I told you about the woods, but I knew nothing about this.”

  “Can I take this with me? I want to get home. I don’t want Betty and the kids to be alone.”

  “Sure, can you wait a few minutes? I want to read it again.”

  "Yes, okay, I will look around see if I find anything else." Fred read the letter again while Harris looked around. He did not find another letter. Harris got up and walked around the barn, looking for anything strange. He went over to the wooden cover for the pit wondering if he should have moved the crates. He heard ghost stories and urban legends before, but this scared him. It also set him to wonder why Fred knew nothing. He always had no idea. Harris went back over to the desk where he noticed papers behind the desk. He reached down and grabbed them. "Fred, when you're done, look at this a map. It's a map of the Adderley place and those haunted woods."

  "Let me see it. Yeah, this is accurate. I’ve been on that old road, did not go far. It's a trail now, it goes to the old Adderley place. I have heard some of these stories. I never cared enough to go around that old place."

  "So, we are on part of their land, this barn, and your house?"

  “Yes, I bought 500 acres that had gone delinquent. I bought it at a tax auction. I don’t know who owns the rest.”

  "Fred, do you believe in any of this shit?"

  “Harrison, I know what happened in the hollow, I will say that.”

  "Fred, I came back over here because we had a fight at the house. I confronted Tommy about the bottle of pop. He said he was not there. I jumped him, but Betty and the kids said he was with them. That straggler, as you called him, Danny, was over in my garden last night before dark and he and Tommy had a shoving match. Today Betty discovered bruises and scratches on Tommy's back and shoulders. She does not want Danny around our place again. Fred, nobody pushes Tommy around, it’s never happened before.”

  “I understand Harris. Tommy is a good boy. If I see Danny, I will send him on his way.”

  "Well, I am going home. I want to know Betty and the kids are safe. I will be back in the morning. I don't know if Tommy will be with me or not."

  “That’s okay, that’s up to you. I will see you in the morning.” Harris got back in his truck and drove home. He was thinking on the way about whether Fred was telling him everything. It did not add up. Betty would expect him to start drinking. Harris knew when she read the letter, she would freak out. He wanted to be with them, and he would talk to Betty first, alone.

  Betty heard a knock at the door. She went to answer it. Surprised Betty opened the door when she saw he was sober.

  "Honey, I need to talk to you,"

  "Okay, I am so glad you came home," Betty said as she hugged Harris.

  “Yes, honey, I am sorry about that mess with Tommy. It was stupid. I let it get the best of me. There is something I want to show you and we need to talk, alone.”

  “Okay, the boys and Sarah are watching television. What’s wrong?” They went over to the kitchen table and sat down.

  “I found this in Potter’s barn. That’s not all. We found a basement under it. There are rooms underneath the barn. We found this letter, read it.” Betty Ann took the letter and began to read. She took only a short time.

  “Are you serious with this? You found this in his barn?”

  "Yes, we did, and he says he knows nothing about it."

  “Harris, this is scary. I think you should stay away from Fred’s barn. Let’s load up the truck and go.”

  “Go where?”


  "Betty, I am making more money here, working for Potter, than I have made in a longtime. We can't just leave."

  “Oh, yes we can! Did
you read this? I will not live close to something like this and I don’t want our boys and Sarah anywhere near it!”

  “I know. I will finish on my own and then we can look for somewhere else to live. Two more weeks should be long enough.”

  "You should quit right now. You should not go near that place or any of his land. I will get online and try to find out all I can about all this." Betty searched online and did not come up with much information. She did, however, see adds for paranormal investigators. Betty read through them. She noticed this guy from Dallas, Texas. His name was Colt, Colt Justice. She imagined that was his business name. It said he did most of his work free. He would do his best to help. “Harris, come here.”

  "What is it, honey? You find something?"

  “I found this guy. Read his page.” Harris read over Colt’s website. He was not asking for money, just offering his help.

  “He looks all right, but I know nothing about paranormal investigators. You going to email him?”

  "I think I will call him in the morning. Don’t go back to Fred’s place until we talk to an investigator. Call Fred and tell him you can't make it. Invite him over for dinner or something, but put it off until we talk to this man. We do not know what else is under that barn, or Fred's house for that matter."

  “I knew you would freak over this, but I think you are right Betty. It was eerie reading that over there in the basement of that barn. I love you baby, and Sarah, and our boys. I will never let anything happen to us.”

  “I love you too Harris. We don’t have to stay here. We have always made it, we have each other.” Betty kissed Harris. “Thank you for not getting drunk,” she giggled. Harris grinned.

  “Don’t mention it, I wish I had a drink. I think you could use one too, ha-ha-ha.”

  Colt Justice

  Betty and Harris never slept a wink that night. Sarah had another dream and came into their bedroom around 4 A.M., upset, but would not talk about her dream. Betty got up at daybreak and made some coffee. She fixed Sarah some oatmeal and talked her into going back to bed. She got back online and did more research; she found nothing about the subject.

  Harris fell to sleep just before she got up and she was letting him sleep. She did not want him going back over to Fred's until they had talked to someone anyway. Betty knew when he got up, he would have some coffee and go to Fred's. She liked this place until last night. Now, she did not know what to think, this could be some silly joke. Whatever happened, it was a long time ago. Then she thought, that's always how ghost stories start, something that happened long ago. The boys were still in bed and she set back on the couch sipping her coffee. Within a few minutes, Betty dropped off to sleep.

  Harris woke up at 8 a.m. He did exactly what Betty knew he would do. He got up, had a cup of coffee, and slipped off to Fred's. Tommy was up too, but Harris told him to stay home for the day and to watch over the place. He gave Tommy clear orders, “Do not talk to or go near Danny. If you see him coming close to the house, or the garden, go inside lock the door and tell your mother.” When Betty got up it was 10:30 a.m. She knew Harris would be gone. The boys were watching television and Sarah was still in bed. “Tommy, where’s Harris?”

  “He went to work mom. He told me to stay home and keep an eye on everything. He said he would be back around lunchtime.”

  "Okay honey, I am going to take a shower. You and Dana think of what you want for dinner." Betty then took a shower and put on a dress. She called Harris. He did not answer. A couple minutes later he called her back. "Hello," said Betty.

  "Hi, don’t be mad honey, calm down and let me talk. I want you to be sure you call that guy today. I went to Fred's to work this morning. He did not answer his door. He is always up and we go out to the barn together. I am concerned. His truck is there, but he is not answering the door or his phone.”

  “Oh, God! Are you okay?”

  "Yes, Betty, I'm fine."

  “Get your ass out of there and get home!! I will call the police and send them over there.”

  “No, no, don’t do that. I will be home shortly. Call that guy we looked up last night. I am on my way home. You need anything from the store?”

  “Yes, get some laundry detergent, Pine-sol, and get us some candy.”

  "Okay baby, I will be home soon. Love you, Betty"

  “I love you too Harris. I am going to call him. See you soon.”

  “Who you calling, mommy?” Asked Dana

  “You go watch television sweetheart.” Betty hugged Dana and kissed his cheek. She then called the number for Colt Justice, paranormal investigator. “Hello, this is Colt Justice, can I help you?”

  “Hello Mr. Justice, my name is Betty Ann Blackstone, and I want to tell you about this letter my husband found. He was tearing down an old barn for Mr. Potter and he found this letter in a drawer, and...”

  “Hold on, Mrs. Blackstone, I am a psychic and a paranormal investigator. I don’t tear down barns and old letters do not need my services. Are you having problems in your home?”

  “Well, Mr. Justice, Sarah has been having dreams she refuses to talk about, and Tommy came home with scratches and bruises from some boy named Danny...”

  “Wait did you say, Sarah? Mrs. Blackstone is little Sarah blonde, straight hair and blue eyes? About 10 years old?”

  “Yes, she is. How did you know that?”

  “Mrs. Blackstone, is your zip code 41622?”

  "Yes, it is."

  "Okay, I am just a little west of Indianapolis, Indiana. I am going to head your way as soon as I can get on I-64. I should be there in six hours, or so. When I get off the interstate, I will call for local directions. I want you to have the entire family there. I am looking forward to meeting you. See you soon." Betty thought, it must be bad or he would not come here today. I have to get this house straightened up and check on Sarah. Now she worried even more. How could this man from Texas, who is in Indiana, know our zip code and describe Sarah? Betty watched over Sarah while she slept. Her precious baby girl could be going through much more than she ever imagined.

  Colt felt nothing at first, then bang. Sarah’s image and their zip code. He wanted to get there as fast as possible. This might be a serious case. Sarah had powerful psychic abilities, especially for 10 years old. The trip would be worth it just to meet Sarah. Colt was thirty years old. He spent five years as a Texas Ranger. Colt spent the last three years as a paranormal investigator. He did not charge a penny for his services. His experiences would be part of his book. He was on a five-year mission. This book would be his first and it would be an account of his five years exploring paranormal events across America. He was a clean-cut, handsome Texan, tall and slim. Short white blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Colt was clean shaven. He never married, he left Tammy back in Dallas, she never left his mind. One day, he would see her and momma again, someday.

  Harris returned home. Betty came to the door and opened it. "Hello, honey." Said Harris as he kissed Betty.

  “Hi, glad your back. That guy, Colt Justice, is on his way. He will be here this evening. I need to get the house straightened up and then plan dinner.”

  “He is coming here today? What did you tell him?”

  "Well, I told him about the letter, but he did not seem interested in that. When I mentioned that Sarah was having bad dreams, it was so strange, he described Sarah to me and he knew her age. Then, Harris, he knew our zip code."

  “Wow! Well, maybe we have the right man. You say anything to the kids?”

  “No, he said he wanted everyone in the family to be here when he gets here.”

  "I am going to put the boys out in the garden keep them busy. I will make sure they pick up too and get their bedrooms straight. What are we going to have for supper babe?"

  "Well, I was thinking I could put on a beef roast, add some carrots and potatoes. Sound good?"

  “Mm, oh boy! I love it, put an onion or two in there too. Let that simmer all-day, melt in your mouth.”

  “Yes, I forgo
t to mention onions. I always add an extra for Dana. He loves them and so does Sarah. I am also going to make some banana pudding.”

  "Wow! Baby come over here," Betty came over to Harris's open arms they hugged and kissed. Then they got busy with the day. Time passed quickly. Colt called for directions and Harris guided him there. Colt arrived at 7 p.m. He got there at the perfect time for supper. Colt pulled up in his 2015 Lincoln. He got out and knocked on their door. Harris answered the door. "Hello, I'm Colt Justice." Colt extended his hand. Harris firmly gripped his hand as they shook hands. "Come in Colt, it's good to meet you," said Harris. Betty and the kids were standing there as Colt stepped in.

  “Mrs. Blackstone,” Colt greeted Betty Ann. “Boys, and you must be Sarah.”

  “Hi, Colt,” Sarah said and grinned.

  “Well, hello little lady. I have been looking forward to making your acquaintance.” I know, Colt Justice, Sarah said without speaking to Colt. I am here to help Sarah, Colt silently told to Sarah.

  “Mr. Justice, have you had anything to eat?" Betty asked.

  “No, I have not, and something smells wonderful. Beef roast with onions, mmm. That’s one of my favorite meals.”

  "Mine too, let's eat," said Harris. They all had a wonderful meal and dessert.

  “Mrs. Blackstone, that’s the best meal I have had in three years, since I had dinner at momma’s place. Thank you so much,” Betty collected the dishes, and then they all headed to the living room. Betty sent the kids to their rooms. She, Harris and Colt sat down.

  “So, now, tell me what’s been going on.” Said Colt.

  “Well, the dreams Sarah has been having have been going on for a few weeks, and then the incident with Tommy and that strange boy.” Said Betty.

  “I have this letter you can read. I found this last night in a barn I’ve been tearing down.” Said Harris as he handed Colt the letter. Colt took his time reading over the letter. There were not many details and that's where he would begin. He tries to get as many facts as he can. He has to weed out the bullshit and see if there is a motive for someone to scare these folks off. He can sense they’re scared, but the house seems fine. Betty wants to leave and Harris doubts Potter. He will have to find out why. Everyone is afraid of the dark they just don’t talk about it. It’s not the dark, it’s what might be hiding in the dark. This Kentucky wilderness is the same. It’s not the trees in a forest that scare folks, it’s what they disguise. This will take Colt some time to learn about this town, to get to know some of the people here. He will have to learn the history of the Adderley place.


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