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Triple Major_An MFMM Graduation Romance

Page 124

by Lana Hartley

Bobbi’s just rolling in laughter. She thinks this is the funniest damn thing. She says, “I think Elena married the wrong brother!”

  “God, Bobbi, give me a break,” I say flatly. “And you better not mention this to anyone.”

  My admission makes her laugh louder. This is going to be a long ride back to the station.


  I look out of the shutters in anxious anticipation of Gerri showing up. I’m so glad she's going to stay the night with me. She headed out to grab a few things and is coming right back. Truly, I am so lucky to have a boss like her! A real friend. Not only is it getting windy and possibly stormy, but I'm too nervous about everything and if she didn't stay with me, I'd probably be up pacing all night. I wouldn't get an ounce of sleep. Gerri is a great friend, and I'm not sure what I would do without her.

  As I look out upon the darkened night sky, I think about Leo. The darkness of the night matches the darkness I see in his eyes, a dark abyss I want to fall into. He’s so freaking hot. I've never met a guy like that. Not only is he totally shredded, gorgeous, striking, and kind, but something about him makes me feel more sure of myself, more sure of my life. Not to mention his package has got to be huge. I mean, if hands and feet are any marker, then Leo has to be packing a giant cock and I’m not gonna lie, girl, I thought about that too. I remember how he gave me butterflies in my stomach the first time I met him, but at that time I was marrying Barry and put those thoughts aside. But no girl can forget Leo. Hmmm, he probably knows it too.

  I see headlights, and I’m distracted from my reverie. Thank God Gerri is here. Now we can get the night started.

  She honks the horn of her black on black Range Rover. It's as if she's trying to tell the neighborhood that she's here, my protector for the night, and that nobody should mess with us.

  I look around to see that no one noticed Gerri's display as I open the door of my cozy, little house and am excited to invite Gerri in. I’ve already put the kettle on so that we can have some girl talk. God knows I need it after everything I've been through lately. Gerri will calm me down.

  "Hey, you're here!" I say excitedly.

  "Yep, I wasn't going to let you do this alone."

  I jump down from the porch to grab her bag; it's the least I can do.

  "I hope you like chamomile," I say.

  "Of course. I'll be glad to get inside. It's getting gusty out here."

  Once we're in, I help Gerri get settled. She curls up on the couch as I deliver a tray of tea and English cookies.

  "So, we've gotta talk," she says to me. "What is going on with Barry?"

  I sigh into the couch. How do I even begin to describe this? How can Gerri ever understand what it's like to be married to a man like that? My marriage was a sham. I wasn't happy being married, and yet I wanted so bad for it to work out. I gave it my all, and I sacrificed so much. The thought of all those years wasted on a man like Barry makes me feel sad, like I've given my life and my love to somebody who didn't even appreciate it.

  "I don't know," I respond to her. “It's hard to understand what's happening with him. You know when we got married, I was so hopeful when I thought about my future. I thought I would be with this man forever. I thought we would have children and the white picket fence, and everything would work out. Now I'm all confused. I didn't even know that his brother was a cop. I mean, what does that say about our marriage?"

  "Well, I don't know what it is you see in marriage," Gerri says. "Being single is the greatest thing on the planet. You get to do what you want, be who you want, and you never have to answer to anybody. I love being single."

  "Haha, I wish I were more like you," I say. "I know what you mean about being single. It's just that you can't really have a family by yourself. I want a family. And knowing the dating pool and what's out there, it makes me question if I'll ever have it."

  She takes a long, thoughtful sip of her tea before she says, "You know who isn't a bad catch? Leo . . . don’tcha think."

  I can tell she's egging me on, dying for a response and to know what I think about Leo. Obviously, he is a catch. Of course, it's hard to know if he's a playboy or not given those looks. He could have any woman he wants. In fact, he probably does.

  "Leo?" I say, getting ready to cover my feelings. "Why would you even bring him up?"

  Her eyes are smiling now as she says the words, "Maybe he's the brother you should've married?

  My heart flutters a little bit for reasons I can't explain, except that she mentioned Leo. Why would she even mention him? We're talking about my failed marriage, not some super sexy detective who I don't even know very well.

  "Gerri! Shhhhh. How could you say that?"

  It's almost as if I think he's listening in and I don't want him to hear. Only, if he was anywhere near my house right now, I would feel better.

  "Oh come on, like you haven't noticed how fine he is. He is hot! I think you just got the wrong brother."

  She's laughing now, laughing at my pain. But this makes me laugh too, and I have to give it to her, she did cheer me up. Just thinking about Leo cheers me up.

  I admit to her, "Leo is very handsome. I'll give you that."

  "Handsome? He's on fire," Gerri observes. "You deserve a man like that."

  God, Leo. Now I'm thinking about him and feeling all steamed up. There’s a wetness in my panties that I ignore.

  "He does make me feel safe," I say trying to end the conversation on Leo, "but for now, I've got you!"


  Thankfully Gerri has been an amazing boss, and she let me take two days off work after the incident in my garage. She really is a cool boss and makes work a fun place to be, not someplace I have to be. But now I’m back at it trying to play catch up. I can't believe I've let that guy, whoever he is, take me off my game at work. I love my job, and I love being able to prove that I’m competent and trustworthy, so having to take time to recuperate because of this scandal has me feeling guilty. I don't ever want Gerri or anyone else to think I’m not qualified to be here. And having forced time off only underpins the idea that I have personal problems that are seeping into my work life.

  My office is beautiful, decorated by Gerri in that eco-friendly, modern way. I love being here. It's so bright and sunny, and it reminds me of why I got into this business in the first place. Our motto is that green is clean, and working for a company with a moral high ground makes me feel like I’m making a difference in the world.

  As much as I'm happy to be back at work, my mind keeps wandering over to Leo. He was so sexy and in control throughout that entire situation. He really made me feel safe. It's hot to see a man in control like that. Leo is in control in a hot, commanding, respectful way. Not at all like Barry, whose control issues seem to stem from his ego. I thought I could trust Barry and that he was someone who would protect me and never hurt me, but I was wrong. That's the reason I left him. His control issues were just too much. I like to have autonomy over my own life.

  I'm trying to focus on work, but the image of what was on my car is haunting me. “YOU’RE MINE.” The words are on repeat in my head. I can't imagine who would want to scare me like that. Darius has been my only date, and yes it didn't end well, but he doesn't even know me well enough to want to hurt me. Who else could it be? Someone I don't even know? Maybe someone is spying on me right now. The thought of it makes me feel uneasy, and I get up to shut the blinds. To think I don’t even have sanctuary in my own office where’s there’s security downstairs is scary. That’s how much this person has given me a psychological trauma. I'm nervous even to go home tonight. What if he’s there?

  The phone rings, but I’m hesitant to answer it because I’ve been receiving multiple calls from a private number today. When I answer, they hang up. It’s gotta be from the stalker. I realize this is another one of those calls, but I’m so pissed off about it that I answer anyway.

  “Hello? Hello? Listen, you asshole. I know exactly what you’re doing and the cops are onto you, so you better j
ust stop.” I hang up with trembling hands. I have to remember to tell all this to Leo.

  With that, my thoughts turn back to Leo. I know he's got this case handled. At least he seems like he does. If he's as good at his job as he led me to believe, then I think maybe he can catch whoever is after me.

  Thinking about Leo is a welcome relief from the stalking situation. In fact, I really haven't been able to forget him since seeing him again. I've never seen a guy as handsome as that. He probably has a million girlfriends, and he's probably great in bed. I wonder how well he's hung? By the size of him, hopefully his cock matches his body. I imagine he has a twelve-inch cock and I'm on my knees in his office sucking him.

  His giant cock is too big to get down my throat, but he runs his fingers through my hair and shoves it in as far as it will go. He's coming down my throat, and I make him reach ecstasy like he's never seen before.

  Fuck. I bet being with him is so sexy. And now, I'm at work, fantasizing about Leo, and I realize I'm not going to get anything done until I come to the thought of his gorgeous face. Luckily my office is not glass, so I can masturbate in peace. I just have to get off to the image of Leo and then maybe I can stop thinking about him so much and actually get some work done.

  I want him so bad that my body aches for him. I want Leo. This inspiration hits me like a ton of bricks, because he's Barry's brother. And what are the chances he'll like me back? He was staring at me a lot, but maybe that's just because he was shocked to see me again. I hope it meant more, but until I know for sure, I'll just have to fantasize to the idea of being with him. I slowly unzip the back of my skirt and slip my hands down my panties. I lean back in my chair and imagine how Leo would take me, at my house maybe, and he's got his handcuffs and he uses them to tie me to something, maybe my bedpost. I imagine Leo having his way with me. He fucks me for hours and commands me to come. And then I do, right there in my office, and my body finally feels relief from the constant ache I’ve had from him. I wish I had really fucked him, but this will have to do for now.


  I'm going over Elena's case in my office. There’s stack of paperwork because I’ve been researching every angle. It's all I've been able to think about and I’m just combing the documents, trying to find a handle on the thing.

  If this case wasn’t my obsession, I’d be taking a more methodical approach. More effective. Instead I keep spinning my wheels over everything because I’m practically hot around the collar, my blood boiling whenever I think about Elena in danger. I’m going to solve this case. Find this fucking stalker. One thing's for sure, when I find the guy, I'm going to beat him to a pulp myself. This will never happen to her again. My protective instincts are always on. I know I have to close this case, and I have to do it soon before something else happens. I wish I could be by her side every second, like some sort of personal bodyguard. I’d do it and it’d make me feel better too. Not to mention, I don’t want to be anywhere but near her. I’m like some lovesick girl, but you can forgive that, right? You know how I feel about Elena.

  Whenever I think about her my cock begins to harden, and I just can't get enough of her. My single-minded need to catch this stalker is only interrupted by how much I want to wrap my arms around Elena. I want to put my mouth on every part of her perfect goddamn body. I want all the misery she’s endured to melt away. I want to be her protector and her refuge.

  Elena has me completely taken with her, and it's something I'm not used to. I fuck ‘em and forget ‘em normally but with Elena…that will never be enough. I don’t want to just fuck her, I want to possess her and make her mine.

  I have fucked so many women, but none like Elena. None of the women I’ve fucked have ever been so sexy to me, so goddamn mesmerizing that just the thought of her naked body makes me want to pull my cock out in the middle of a police station. I find myself reaching for my keys to drive to her, reaching for my phone to text her. This is some high level obsessive shit. I cringe thinking that her stalker must think they have similar rights to her…but I want to protect her from that asshat. And I’m not delusional to think that Elena wants me, too.

  It's not just how sexy Elena is that makes me want her so much though; there's something sweet and authentic about her that I love. Yeah, I used that word. That’s how you know shit is real. I can hear Bobbi laughing about how obsessed I am. Bobbi knows a thing or two about being caught up on a girl, and she knows the difference between the lust and the love situation.

  Shaking those thoughts from my head, I drop all the papers in my hands, frustrated from seeing all the same shit over and over again and having nothing new to say. I want to see her again but the how is not just because I want to drool at her on sight. I wish I had some sort of evidence to present to her. I want to prove to her how capable I am and not just be a creep showing up for no reason.

  I better find a lead soon. As soon as I find this guy I'm gonna beat him to a pulp, and then I'm gonna take Elena and fuck her so hard that she will never think to look at another man. She is the only girl I want now. Plus, I saw the way she was looking at me before, and there's something there. I could see it inherently in her eyes and posturing. Yes, she wants me too. If we don’t work out and become something real, the truth is I'll be devastated. I've never had my eye on the prize like this before. I hope she returns the affection, but I can't be sure. God, if she wants me back for more than just this raw attraction we have, then it's on. I will take her and never look back. I will get this thing between us wrapped up and locked down...well, not like goddamn Barry. I clench my fists for a second thinking about how that prick could marry her and then make it his fucking holy mission to keep her miserable and shame her for everything about her. The 1950s would be so proud, but I want to slam him and this stalker through a damn wall.

  Elena could be a girl I fall in love with, and that's a huge statement coming from me. The fact that I even admitted this to myself is big. I mean, I know I can tell you, but fuck doing that means I’m saying it to myself and it has my eyes wide open and holding my breathe. Damn, how did I get here? How do I get free of this purgatory where I feel so strongly for her and I just can’t reach out and have her? I should resist any major moves on her…I mean she’s still divorcing fucking Barry and she has a stalker. Just…fuck.

  You know what? I know that I have to go see her… now. I'll make up some excuse and just drop by on Elena. She needs to know that I’m thinking about her, I tell myself…but really you and I both know I’m just being totally fucking selfish. Well, I’m not going for the best of humanity award here. Elena’s the only prize I want. For her to let me know that she’s thinking about me.

  Yeah, I guess I’ve become so fucking hooked on her that I’m thinking cheesy shit like that. I’m laughing on the inside, and I’m pulling out my phone with that thought.

  I text her to find out where she is while not giving away my true motivations.

  Leo: You there? You okay?

  She replies almost immediately—a good sign.

  Elena: Yes. Hi, Leo. I'm doing good, better than last night.

  Leo: Good, I'm glad to hear it. Where are you now?

  Elena: Oh, I'm at my office getting some work done.

  Leo: Okay, I just wanted to check on you. Stay safe, and call if you need anything, Elena.

  Elena: Thanks :)

  Now that I have a handle on where she is, I'm formulating a plan in my mind to go see her. I want her to know she can trust me and that I've got this thing down. I also just need to see her smiling, gorgeous face before my cock gets so hard that I'll explode.

  I grab my keys and head out for my squad car, letting myself wonder what she looks like today and what she's wearing. She’s at her office so she’ll be in her work clothes, something sharp and sexy that’s all don’t fuck with me, but makes me into some kind of caveman that wants to peel off every layer and taste the sweetness under her clothes. My imagination reels with the fantasy of showing up at her office unannounced, and she’s so
excited and turned by my vigilant shield over her that she pulls down my pants and blows me right there in the office. So I haven’t gone far off the cheesy deep end if I’m thinking about her plump lips wrapped around my cock, right?

  Okay, I see the look you’re giving me.

  We established already, yes, I have it bad, damn it!

  And after that I would take her over the desk and she’d be purring, crying out for more of my attention. Man, I never have fantasies like this. Again, I know I'm definitely hooked on this woman. Elena’s got me all wound up in knots for her, and I know that’s fucking everything I could want in a woman. When I thought I wanted to settle down, I must have been right, because Elena is everything that could take me off the market forever. I know she’s got one shitty marriage heading into her past, but damn I want to be her future. I want to offer her a better future.

  As I turn my squad car in the direction of her office, I actually get nervous. Whoa. That’s never happened to me. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’m cocky. I had my cock in some waitress’s mouth when we met, after all, and I cared nothing about that whole situation. That was a regular end of day ritual for me. Or beginning. Or middle. I would fit in something random and meaningless whenever I wanted. Women throw themselves at me.

  So now my pulse is racing and I feel a little twinge in my stomach. I am actually confused with myself for a moment.

  But I have to think about this. What am I going to say to her? Where will this thing begin? As I think about her, there's just one thing I don't understand… How did she, this perfect goddess, end up with a dirt bag like my brother, Barry? That'll never make sense to me. She’s way too good for him, and I’m so glad they're getting a divorce.

  I head toward her office and realize I'm being unprofessional by mixing business with pleasure, but I really don't care. For one thing, Elena makes me want to break all the rules—my rules on work, my rules on love, everything. And if I can have her then I really wouldn't care what the rest of my life looks like. I only need her. I hope she sees it that way and doesn't view me as some jerk working on her case when I start hitting on her. I hope she desires me in return and knows my motivations are true. I want to have her and catch the perp who’s ruining her life.


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