The Star Traders: The Star Traders Series Volume One

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The Star Traders: The Star Traders Series Volume One Page 10

by Gary W. Feather

"Trying to escape could get all of us killed, or they might kill the ones that don't get away."

  Erica nodded.

  "We could try to listen to find out more." Gwen added.


  The mothers that worry.

  "I suppose the bastards want money." Alberta stirred her spoon in her cheese and broccoli soup, but didn't feel like eating even though the soup was delicious. She was sick with worry over her daughter's kidnapping.

  "Most likely they'll send a message of what they want to us or the spacestation's authorities to do." Piper said.

  "Should we pay, Piper?" Alberta said.

  Piper raised both eyebrows.

  "I mean, will they honor the agreement or will they take the money and kill them?"

  "I don't know." Piper patted Alberta's hand.


  Oscar Beaumont.

  Erica lowered her eyes as she sat cross-legged in full lotus. She concentrated on counting her breaths as it came in and went out. In her thoughts, the Lorkiiz chased her through the streets of a primitive city. Erica's heart thumped against her chest as she ran. She tried to shake the memory, or nightmare, out of her thoughts. She squeezed her eyes tightly. Erica rolled her shoulders. Relax. Breathe. Erica opened her eyes.

  "You okay, Erica?" Tilly whispered and looked over at the armed guard by the door.

  "I can't concentrate on my meditation," Erica whispered. "Other things break through."

  "Not surprising," Tilly said. "I don't see how you can do it at under our circumstances."

  "We need to do something," Erica whispered. "I can take that guard."

  "They'll probably be people waiting for us on the other side," Keiko warned.

  "I know," Erica replied. "I can't stand doing nothing."

  "Where's that Buddhist nun training of yours?" Keiko teased. "I thought you was supposed to work on being patient."

  "Well, since I'm having trouble meditating, all of my patience has left me."

  "Try to get it back," Keiko said. "You're going to need it if we want to get through this alive."

  "Shut up, you bitches!" the guard shouted. "I don't want to hear you planning stupid shit, or we might start getting rid of one of you. Understand that?"

  Erica and her friends nodded.

  The guard lowered his gun and looked away for a second. That was when Erica attacked. She grabbed his wrist and chopped him in the throat. She twisted his arm and got her shoulder under his elbow. Erica pulled his hand down and shoved his elbow up with her shoulder. Snap! The guard somehow screamed through his damaged throat. Erica smashed his skull with her elbow.

  The door burst open and three more kidnappers knocked her down. Erica curled into a ball as they kicked her.

  After the beating Erica lay on the floor with Keiko, Lynna, Mindy, Tilly and Gwen surrounding her protectively. Tilly was cautiously looking over Erica's injuries.

  "I guess I should have thought that through," Erica mumbled through busted lips.

  "Yes, that was probably a mistake, but I'm willing to overlook it this time,” said someone that Erica didn't recognize. She looked up to see one of the kidnappers looking down at her. He was surround by five other kidnappers. He was the only one who wasn't armed and wore a suit and tie. "My name is Oscar Beaumont. I'm in charge here, and not you. You will all do what I say, and you will be able to get out of here alive. As soon as your families pay us. Is that plain for you?"

  Erica and her friends nodded.

  "Good." Oscar Beaumont sat down in a chair that hadn't been in the room before Erica's beating. He crossed his legs and folded his hands in front of him. Then Beaumont pointed a finger at Erica. "I saw what you did on the monitor screen. Impressive moves. You've been well trained. Military or private security?"

  "Private security," Erica replied. It's half true. No point in me giving everything away to the kidnappers if I didn't have to.

  Beaumont nodded.

  "Who are you working for?" Lynna asked.

  "Other than yourself," Mindy said.

  "I used to run this spacestation once," Beaumont said. "We had a change of leadership and I was no long its governor. I'm a little pissed off about that and I am doing all I can to get it back. A little foreign investment would be helpful."

  "As in our money," Lynna said.

  Beaumont nodded.

  "What do the Lorkiiz have to do with it?" Erica tossed out.

  "You must have heard us talking about them." Beaumont rubbed his hands together. "Yes. They are interested in helping us too. A charming lizard-like people. They don't seem to understand trade and commerce for some reason. Maybe it's a cultural or biological thing, but they do understand power, and that is an important thing that I can negotiate with them for. I want power here in my little star system and they promise to help me."

  "So you would happily betray your whole species?" Lynna said.

  "For power?" Beaumont nodded. "Of course. Who wouldn't?"


  Alberta and her mother.

  Alberta and Piper Williams sat in another meeting of first shift crew. It was 08:12 T-hours and second shift crew would soon take over the running of the Guinevere, but right now Senior Captain Audrey Williams was in command. Alberta's mother looked worried and tired, she was trying not show it to the crew.

  "We received a demand from the kidnappers. We were given an audio/visual message that wasn't disguised in anyway. Their leader is Oscar Beaumont. The former governor of this spacestation, who recently lost power after ruling for fifty years and before that his father had ruled for eighty years."

  "Obviously not happy about the change of power," Alberta grumbled.

  "Yes," Audrey said. "They want two billion Yin dollars and a space hauler."

  "That's all?" Alberta said. "I'm surprised they didn't ask for more than that."

  "Yes. We can easily pay it." Audrey nodded. "Which worries me."

  "What?" Piper said.

  "What else do they want?" Audrey said. "Is there something else going on here?"



  Erica is brought before Oscar Beaumont who is sitting on a fur couch with a woman that Erica recognized. Martha. Erica had been taken out of the room and the larger guard room to a luxury apartment with a living room, dining room, kitchen, bar, and bedrooms.

  "I take it you dumped us in the servant quarters?" Erica commented.

  "Yes. Something like that," Beaumont said. "I believe you've met the lovely Martha Clarke."

  "Yes," Erica said. "Hello, Martha."

  "Hi, Erica." Martha smiled and shrugged. "Sorry."

  Erica looked at Oscar Beaumont. "So she works for you?"

  "Yes," Beaumont said. "A hired gun rather than a loyal follower."

  "Okay, Mr. Beaumont, or should I call you governor?" Erica smirked.

  "Careful, Ms. Williams." Beaumont waved a gun. "This isn't a stunner. It fires explosive darts. Very nasty."

  "Aren't those kind of dangerous on a spacestation?" Erica walked closer to him.

  "Yes." Beaumont nodded and lowered the gun. He looked over at Martha and blew her a kiss.

  Erica kicked the gun out of his hand. She stomped at his knee and missed. Beaumont tackled her legs and they fell struggling to the soft carpet. Erica found he was stronger than she had first thought. They were almost the same size, but by nature he was a man thus stronger than her. Beaumont was on top and Erica tried to keep her legs down, so grabbed him with her legs. Erica slammed her palm into his cheek with the hope of swinging him around. She felled. Erica got back up, but was kicked in the stomach. It hurt, but she somehow shook off the pain to face him. Erica dodged a punch and tried to hit him. He caught it. Twisted her arm. Damn you! I'll kill you! Beaumont slammed a knee into her ribs. Then he threw Erica to the ground. As Erica attempted to push herself back up with her hands Beaumont kicked her hands out from under her.

  "Stop, Ms. Williams," Beaumont said. "Sto
p and we don't go any further. Ever been raped before, Ms. Williams?"

  "Oscar. Please," Martha pleaded.

  "I really have to keep my men in line you know," Beaumont said. "They really think the young girl is cute. What's her name? Gwen?"

  "Please. I'm sorry, Mr. Beaumont," Erica begged.

  "Good," Beaumont said. "Now that we understand each other. Just stay in line and no one needs to get hurt. All I want is money. Not you or your friends."

  "Family," Erica said. "They're my cousins."

  "Fine." Beaumont nodded.


  Hostage negotiations.

  Junior Captain Alberta Williams sat in her command chair on the bridge and watched one of her screens. Oscar Beaumont was on it and he was demanding another two billion Yin dollars and threatening to kill a hostage if it wasn't delivered at a certain time.

  "I agree with what you want, Mr. Beaumont," Alberta said. "We will have the space hauler waiting for you with the money at your designated spot. Will my people be there for the exchange?"

  "One or two might be there," Beaumont said. "The rest will be released after we are given our money."

  "Understood, Mr. Beaumont," Alberta said.



  Erica stared at the ceiling and thought of better times than this.

  "Nice of them to let me have this medical kit," Tilly said. She rubbed some more healing antibiotic on Erica's ribs.

  Erica couldn't feel the pain at the moment thanks to the shot Tilly had given her. "I think that's enough for now."

  "Do you believe they're nice people?" Erica squeezed her fists. I'm such a fool. Maybe we should be trying to gain sympathy from the kidnappers. That might work better than anything.

  "No," Tilly whispered. "Of course not. But could you try not pissing them off so much?"

  "Sorry," Erica said. "I'll try to play nice."

  "Are you okay, Erica?" Tilly said. "I'm worried about you."

  "What?" Erica sighed. "Sorry. Maybe I should have listened to Keiko."

  "About time you listened to somebody other than the idiot in your head," Keiko said. She had a sarcastic grin, but Erica could see a worried look in her eyes. What am I doing trying to lead us? Keiko has more experience in this than I do. I'm just an ex-nun who washed out of the program.

  Erica heard gun fire outside of their prison room and some shouting. Then there was silence. Erica looked at Keiko and the others. Everyone stared at the door like they had heard it too. The guard—a woman—glanced back and forth between the door and the prisoners.

  The door opened and someone shot the guard. Martha entered. She waved at Erica with her empty hand.

  "Come on, everyone!" Martha said. "Beaumont will be back at anytime with more of his people. We need to get out of here."

  "Why should we trust you?" Erica picked a gun off the fallen guard.

  "Do you have a lot of choices?" Martha said. "I don't work for Mr. Beaumont."

  "Hired gun?" Erica said as everyone dashed out of their prison to find a guard station waiting for them. Keiko grabbed a gun off the dead guard there. There weren't any other guards.

  "I never liked him or trusted him," Martha said. "We need to go."

  "Okay, Martha."

  "You trust her, Erica?" Lynna asked.

  "No," Erica said. "Maybe. I don't know."


  They let Martha escort them out of Beaumont's apartment hideout.

  "Where are we?" Erica touched Martha's shoulder.

  "A wealthy section of the spacestations’ living quarters, but a rather corrupt part of the wealthy section," Martha said. "The respectable rich stay away from this area. I know the way out."

  "Where are we heading now?" Lynna protectively pushed her way between Martha and Erica.

  "I know Beaumont has people watching the docks," Martha explained. "There's no way we'll get past them. I want to make contact with friends of mine that might help us."

  "Where?" Lynna grabbed Martha's shoulder.

  "A bar where the respectable working poor usually go." Martha stopped and looked at Lynna. This caused everyone to do the same. Martha led them towards a pair of elevator doors at the end of the corridor. Everyone entered and Martha pressed the button 12C. The elevator took them to a different part of the spacestation.


  Talking with local authorities.

  Alberta sat alone in the captain's office. A hologram of a man's head and torso hovered above her desk. Alberta's desk was made of expensive Indian bamboo and plastic. Alberta looked over the man's hologram to attempt to figure him out, but she knew that holograms were limiting in certain areas. You didn't know what the person smelled like, and certain gestures might be hidden on purpose, such as nervous hand movements or fidgeting feet.

  "I have people investigating this situation right now, Captain Williams," the governor said.

  "Thank you, Governor Thiessen." Alberta replied.

  "There are some abnormalities about this that concerns me,” the governor said.


  "Oscar Beaumont for one," Governor Thiessen said. "He isn't your average criminal. He had my job for a short time. You see the Beaumont family once ruled this spacestation and the whole system like kings, ever since this mining colony started. He and his political party wasn't too happy when we rebelled and demanded the right to vote for our leaders. Beaumont won the election years ago and then he lost the last election to me. Now there will be new elections coming up next year and he is doing all he can to get money and the power he needs to win."

  "Really?" Alberta said. "I'm sorry we got in the middle of your problem."

  "So am I," Governor Thiessen said. "But I'm hoping that we can work together to get your people back to you safe and sound. I also understand one of them is your daughter?"


  "My sympathies to you. As a father with children I feel your pain."

  "Thank you, Governor," Alberta said. The screen went blank and she sat in her a chair for several minutes. Alberta called the chief of police to ask her about Beaumont.

  "Beaumont?" Angelique Chettam nodded. "He was the governor before Governor Thiessen took power. The former governor lost due to a terrible scandal that left him almost penniless."

  "I was told he was a criminal now," Alberta said.

  "Yes," Chief Chettam said. "A few odd crimes here and there. Nothing serious."

  "I thought kidnapping was considered serious," Alberta pressed on. "Especially when one of the hostages is under eighteen."

  "Well of course." Chief Chettam coughed and rubbed the earring on her right ear. "This is something new. I was referring to the past, Captain Williams."

  "Of course."


  Bar and grill.

  Martha led the way into the bar and grill. A sign said Good Shit. Was that the name of the place? Spicy scents of strange food run through Erica's nose and she remembers they hadn't ate since the night before. They had been tossed some ration bars by the guards. A very dull bitter taste that wouldn't go away. Loud reggae music filled the bar like a heavy fog. It seemed to be coming from the east side of the bar. Martha waved at a robot. He waved back and rolled over to them.

  "Martha! Glad you’re back. How are things with you?"

  "Great, Herschel! I need a table for me and my friends. Five margaritas and one iced tea for the girl."

  "Right this way, ladies." Herschel gestured them to a metal table with a white cloth over it. The joints in his arms squeaked a lot. He left and returned with their drinks. Martha ordered the special, which turned out to be a spicy stew and stale bread.

  "Delicious," Erica said.

  "I'm so hungry," Gwen said. "Those ration bars must have been pretty old. They were gross."

  "Ration bars always taste like that." Martha was looking around the room as if she was trying to find something. "At least the ones I've tried."

re now here, Martha." Erica pointed at the food on the table. "Good food in our bellies. What now?"

  "I...I don't know," Martha admitted. "I was supposed to meet someone here. He's my contact and I hoped he would have beat us to the bar."

  "That doesn't sound good." Keiko looked behind herself. "Beaumont might have people here, if he had gotten to your friend. Contact."

  "Fuck." Martha emptied her drink down her throat. "We should go."


  "Police." Martha pressed a button on the table and called for Herschel. She paid with a yellow card. Everyone followed her out of the place.


  Police problems.

  "Is Sergeant Zhong here?" Martha asked the policeman seated at the information/help desk in the police station.

  "No, ma'am,” the policeman said. "He didn't report in today."

  "Oh," Martha said.

  "Can I be of any help?" the policeman said.

  "No. No." Martha backed away from the policeman with her hand going to the pocket where she had hidden her gun. "I was hoping to speak with him. I wouldn't want to trouble you."

  "No problem, ma'am. That's what I'm here for."

  Erica didn't like the look of what was starting to go on. Two more policeman and a policewoman approached them as Martha waved Erica and the others out of the police station. The policewoman drew a gun and fired at Martha. She missed. Martha returned fire and the policewoman fell backwards.

  "Run!" Martha shouted.


  Hostages, what hostages?

  "How are my people, Mr. Beaumont?" Alberta asked.

  "They are fine." Oscar's eye twitched.

  "May I speak with one of them?"

  "When we receive our first payment," Beaumont demanded.

  "I can put two million Yin dollars on the asteroid you mentioned," Alberta said. "Then I wish to speak with one of my people."


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