Dear Greek Billionaire

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Dear Greek Billionaire Page 7

by Marian Tee

  And so she said, “I have one last thing to ask.” She swallowed. “I want you to be honest with me. If…if y-you want out from whatever we h-have, you don’t have to be cruel. Just tell me and I’ll—”

  The fact that she had to ask made him hate himself, and Stavros said tautly, “I get it.” Slowly, he lowered his head and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “And I’m fucking sorry you had to ask, but yes, I get it. And I give you my word.”

  “Then…that’s it.” The enormity of what had just happened hit her then, leaving Willow vulnerable and weak. It scared her so, making her snarl, “But by God, if you do that hot-and-cold shit one more time, I’ll…” She tried to think of the worst threat possible. “I’ll…cut your dick off.”

  Chapter Eight

  Dear Greek Billionaire,

  When I bend down in front of you, it is not to show you my “cute” little butt. Thank you for thinking it’s cute, but that’s not the point. I’m bending down because I dropped something and I need to pick it up.

  ~ The Art of Turning Down a Greek Billionaire

  Stavros’ gaze immediately swung towards the door when he heard it open. A moment later, Willow stepped out, looking anything but calm as she ran a hand over her clothes self-consciously.

  He almost, almost smiled. Act natural, his beautiful witch had hissed at him before making him leave. I’ll kill you if you slip. And yet here she was, giving herself away. Her face was beet red, her back impossibly straight, and she was looking everywhere – the ceiling, the floor, and Stavros almost lost it when she even ended up peering inside the steel trash bin – just to keep her gaze off him.

  Stavros and his receptionist looked at each other. A moment later, and Ashley was literally ducking under her counter to keep herself from laughing.

  Over the phone, Adler was asking in German, “…you understand, Stavros?”

  He cleared his throat, and it was the greatest battle in his life to keep his voice steady as he replied, “Yes, I do. Thank you for this second chance. I will not forget it.”

  “I trust you, boy,” Adler said gruffly. “Until tomorrow then.”

  “Tomorrow.” The call ended and he had already put the phone back down, but Willow was still studying the contents of the trash bin.

  He said politely, “Willow?”

  Shiiiit. Willow almost jumped at hearing her name on Stavros’ lips. For a moment, she seriously considered pretending she hadn’t heard him but knowing Stavros, he would most likely make her pay for it by forcing her to attend a sign language class.

  Knowing she had no choice, she slowly lifted her gaze to Stavros. “Yes, motherfucker?”

  A gasp from somewhere below the counter – what the heck was Ashley doing…wait, that wasn’t the problem here. Had she really just said that?

  Ohmygodhowcouldshehavesaidthat. Somebody please give her the power to run through wall so she could disappear from everyone’s gazes forever.

  “Ms. Somerset.” Stavros’ lips compressed. Only Willow…only his beautiful little witch could have said something like that because she was so damn nervous.

  Willow cringed at the way Stavros said her name. “Umm, yes, Mr. Manolis?”

  “A word with you in my office, please.” He walked towards his private office as he spoke and held the door open for her.

  God, this was like the freaking green mile to the electric chair, Willow thought with a grimace. Back stiffer than ever, she kept her gaze straight as she preceded him into the office. Behind her, she heard Stavros say, “Ashley?”

  “Yes, Mr. Manolis?”

  “Ms. Somerset is worried that you’ll be indiscreet about us.”

  Willow’s jaw dropped and she spun around, just in time to hear Ashley say brightly, “I’ll keep my mouth shut, Mr. Manolis.”

  Her gaze shot back to Stavros. “What are you—”

  “Thank you, Ashley.” Stavros stepped inside and closed the door.

  A moment later, Willow did exactly what he expected as she let out a little moan. “What do you think you’re—”

  This time, he couldn’t help it, his lips twitching as he leaned back against the door and told her with a shake of his head, “You have the gall to tell me to act naturally when you…” He was torn between the urge to shake her and kiss her, a struggle that was fast becoming exhilaratingly familiar.

  Willow was squirming, but even so, old habits had her saying defensively, “I might have acted a little conspicuous…”

  “A little?” he choked out. The urge to kiss her won, and with a groan, he yanked her towards him.

  Willow fell against his body, and she gasped because even now, she couldn’t make herself believe that all this beautiful hardness of Stavros’ body was—

  His hand was curling around her nape, making her look up, and then his mouth slammed down on her, and she gasped again. The kiss had her heart hammering, her breath catching, her toes curling. But even so, she tried to cling to her remaining senses. “Stavros, we’re at the office—”

  “So?” He sucked her lip right after.

  Willow shuddered. “It’s not right…”

  A low seductive laugh that had her clutching his shirt as he repeated mockingly, “Not right?” He traced her lips, and his own lips curved at the way she shivered at his touch. “Doesn’t that feel right to you?”

  She glared at him, but she also couldn’t help parting her lips open when his finger pressed down. His finger slipped in.

  “Suck it.”

  Oh God, oh no, here it was again—


  Her entire body quivered at the commanding tone, and Willow found herself sucking his finger as he ordered her to. The moment she did, both of them reacted, Stavros expelling his breath at the pleasure of it and Willow whimpering at the way her pussy slowly became oh…so…wet.

  And then—

  A knock.

  Stavros froze. No fucking way. Surely that was just his imagination—

  Another knock, followed by Ashley’s mumbling voice. “I’m so terribly sorry for the interruption, Mr. Manolis, but Mr. Doukas is here for his appointment.”

  Stavros stifled a groan at the mention of his solicitor’s name. If only it were anyone but the old man, he wouldn’t have hesitated to cancel.

  Cursing under his breath, Stavros reluctantly pulled his finger away. “You got lucky,” he told her starkly.

  She had? Right now, Willow’s mind was too clouded by desire to make it clear to her if she really did feel lucky at the reprieve. The way Stavros had looked at her earlier, it was as if he had intended to ravish her on the spot. The memory alone had her shuddering.

  “Are you all right?” Stavros asked when he saw Willow shiver. He knew he should let her go, but he couldn’t, not just yet. He found himself brushing his knuckles across her cheek and even tucking her hair behind her ears – things he had never done for any lover of his.

  His tenderness made her feel awkward and jittery, and to hide her nervousness, she demanded, “Why would you think I wouldn’t be?” Unable to meet his gaze, she turned away and muttered ungraciously, “Get out of the way so I can leave and you can have your meeting.”

  Stavros shook his head. “Always, that mouth of yours…” But in truth, he was more amused than angry. He stepped away from the door but leaned towards her right after, whispering into her ear, “Be warned, little witch. I’ll have my cock inside your mouth every time you’re rude.”

  Willow gasped.

  Stavros stepped back. “That will be all, Ms. Somerset.” As he opened the door for her, he murmured under his breath, “Also, you might like to know that your nipples are rather…” He let his voice trail off suggestively.

  Willow gasped again, and her hands flew to cover her chest. A second later, she was horrified to hear Stavros welcoming his next appointment in.

  Shiiiiit. No way would she let anyone see her aroused by the fucking boss.

  In the middle of exchanging pleasantries, both Stavros and Mr. Douka
s fell silent when Willow suddenly bent waist down and headed towards the opened door like a starved zombie.

  “Ms. Somerset?” Stavros didn’t even have to feign bemusement. When Willow didn’t even look up or answer, it hit him then, the reason why she was desperate to leave like that, and this time he couldn’t help it.

  Stavros laughed.

  The solicitor was half-bewildered, half-aghast. “Stavros!” While it was good to hear such genuine laughter from his normally stoic client, he couldn’t help but feel affronted on behalf of Stavros’ secretary, who appeared to be in such excruciating pain she was almost falling over herself because of it.

  “Are you all right, young lady?” Mr. Doukas asked in concern.

  Stavros was still laughing.

  Motherfucker, Willow thought even as she stammered, “I’m, ah, looking for something I dropped on the floor.” Like my dignity.

  She only straightened up when she heard Stavros making excuses for her as he closed the door.


  And dammit, now her back really ached—

  A gasp.

  “Oh, wow, Willow Somerset. What naughty things have you been up to?” Ashley was gazing at her chest with rapt fascination.

  Oh, shiiiiit. She was still aroused!


  Not daring to look at Ashley, Willow hurried back to her desk. Die, nipples, please, she thought desperately. That bastard shouldn’t have—

  Her phone – her own phone – vibrated.

  Stavros: I was hoping to drive you home tonight, but I’m afraid my meeting with the solicitor will take longer than anticipated. I’ll have the driver take you home.

  Willow: No, thanks.

  Stavros: I can always come out now and kiss you again until you agree.

  Willow: How do I find your driver?

  Stavros: Good girl. He’ll be waiting for you in the basement. I’ll be at your house tomorrow morning to drive you here.

  Willow: I sincerely appreciate the offer but I want this to be discreet, remember? I’ll see you tomorrow.

  Stavros: Why do we have to keep this a secret again?

  Willow: Only until I have the de Konigh deal under wraps. Please? I don’t want anyone to think I got this because I’m screwing the boss.

  Stavros: Actually…you won’t ever get to screw the boss.

  Willow almost dropped her phone.

  Willow: I…won’t?

  Stavros read Willow’s reply with a humorless smile. In front of him, the solicitor was muttering his apology as he tried to search for the missing contract in his briefcase.

  “It’s fine,” he assured the older man. “I can wait.” He started typing his message. You’re a virgin, Willow. I believe that gift belongs to a man better than me.

  The words were a bitter pill to swallow, but it was the truth. He was not the best man for Willow, and for her sake, he would do his best to be with her without hurting her…or possessing her.

  Willow gaped at Stavros’ message. Was this his way of telling her he cared enough to want to be with her even though his honor didn’t allow him to take her V-card?

  How sweet.


  She couldn’t accept that kind of answer from a man who, according to Cara Newton, had ‘drilled her quite good’. How could Stavros have no problems drilling the model but not even feel tempted to do the same to her?

  Teeth clenching hard, Willow typed her message furiously. You don’t get to decide these things.

  Stavros: Yes. I do.

  NO, Willow typed. She hesitated over pressing the Send button, thought what the hell, and continued typing. YOU WILL FUCK ME WHETHER YOU WANT TO OR NOT. Even as she felt color flushing her cheeks, she pressed Send.

  Stavros’ eyes widened at Willow’s reply, and he had to cough, just to hide the laugh that escaped him.

  Stavros: You will not win this fight, little witch.

  Willow: Watch me. Fuck you.

  The double entendre had Stavros choking, but it also had his cock surging up in blatant erection against his pants like a bad omen. Fuck, fuck, fuck. She might just win this fight, after all.

  Chapter Nine

  Dear Greek Billionaire,

  A performance bonus means that you reward me for a job well done. It does not mean me finally agreeing to your request for a lap dance and you being able to shove a hundred dollar bill down my boobs.

  ~ The Art of Turning Down a Greek Billionaire

  “Hi Dad.”

  “Willow.” William’s voice was wary.

  She couldn’t blame him. Their previous conversation hadn’t exactly deepened their father-daughter ties. Wetting suddenly dry lips, she asked, “How are you?”

  A pause then a gruff answer underlined by a smile. “I’m not the one who went fleeing halfway across the world, Willow. I should be the one to ask you that.”

  Willow winced at the dig, but she also couldn’t help smiling back as she answered, “I didn’t flee. I’m just taking a vacation.” Cradling the phone between her shoulder and ear, she finally started moving, going back to her bed to start putting her things back in her briefcase. “A working vacation that is, and it’s…”

  An image flashed in her mind, of Stavros gazing down at her with intense dark eyes, asking her if she wouldn’t leave.

  Willow cleared her throat.

  “What is it?” William asked, concerned.

  “Sorry. Nothing.” Her mind was on a rampage now, showing her a continuous loop of the Greek billionaire kissing her senseless in the hallway. Shiiiiit. She coughed, feeling self-conscious even knowing William couldn’t see her.

  “I just wanted to, ah, tell you that…” She took a deep breath, but it was impossible to get a hold of her rioting senses, impossible to stop herself from smiling because she was so crazy happy it was ridiculous.

  “I just wanted you to know I’m doing okay here, Dad. I know, it’s just a matter of time before I can make an offer for that deal I want from Willem de Konigh.”

  “Ah.” A long pause. “I’m really glad to hear that.” Emotion made William’s voice gruffer. “I’ve always known you had it in you.”

  When she finally had to put an end to their call, Brad said slyly, “That was sweet.”

  She snarled, “I’m just being a dutiful Greek daughter, jerk.”

  “Also…” Brad eyed her shrewdly. “Aren’t you leaving a little too early for work?”


  “Is that about being a dutiful employee—”

  “Yes!” She seized the excuse quickly.

  “—or is it just because you’re excited to see your boss?”

  She could feel the heat suffusing her cheeks giving her away.

  Brad started laughing.

  “Jerk.” She grabbed her pillow and threw it at him. Snatching her briefcase from the bed, she said huffily, “I’m going.”

  “You got enough condoms with you?”

  Willow tripped.

  Brad laughed harder.

  “Fuck you, Brad Powell.” She slammed the door behind her and almost bumped into the man standing silently in front of her. The dark glasses, the black suit, and the way the man held himself like a Marine made her ask warily, “Am I in trouble?”

  “I’m your bodyguard, ma’am.”


  The call came earlier than expected, Stavros having just arrived at the office. Good. It meant he would also see Willow earlier than usual.

  Answering the call, he said, “You’ve met Nilo then?”

  “Yes, he’s cool, but why the hell do I need a big oaf—?” Pause, then he heard Willow mutter, “Sorry, Nilo.”

  “None taken, ma’am.”

  “I really don’t think you’re an oaf.”

  “I understand, ma’am.”

  “I mean it. It was just an expression.”

  “I’m certain it was, ma’am.”

  “You’re not going to use that gun on me, are you?”

  “Never, ma’am.�

  Listening to the exchange, Stavros struggled between amusement and exasperation. Dammit, if he wasn’t careful, Willow would destroy the stoic image he had cultivated over the years and make him as approachable as a fucking teddy bear.

  Willow came back to him. “He’s nice.”

  “That’s why I hired him, little witch.” When he spoke again, his voice brook no argument. “Nilo is non-negotiable, I’m afraid. While I will do my best to be discreet, I won’t disregard the possibility that there are people who will pay close attention to us. Enough to figure out you’re more to me than a secretary.”


  “I see.”

  His lips curved at the awkward note in her voice and the way she coughed right after. “You liked hearing that, didn’t you?”

  “Shut up.”

  “You can keep that up now, but the moment you step into this office…” He heard Willow catch her breath at the threat, and his lips curved even more. They both knew she was more excited than nervous.

  “Schmuck.” A shaky gasp.

  This time, he couldn’t help it, a chuckle slipping past Stavros’ lips. He must be crazy, choosing a wild one like Willow. But even if he had the chance to turn back time, Stavros thought, he wouldn’t change a single thing. He wanted Willow, and now he was done denying himself.

  The thought had him breathing hard, the reminder that he had freed himself from his self-imposed restraints making Stavros shift in his seat as his erection began to throb painfully.

  He said abruptly, “Come straight to my office the moment you get here.” He ended the call, not bothering to wait for her answer. If he talked to her a second longer, he might just end up driving away from the damn office to fetch her.

  He forced himself to dive back into work, but it was a constant struggle. A knock sounded on the door and he barked, “Enter.”

  It was Willow.

  “You wanted to talk to me, Mr. Manolis?” Her voice was polite and well-modulated, but the way she smiled at him was pure seduction.


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