Demanding Satisfaction [Satisfaction, Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Demanding Satisfaction [Satisfaction, Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Diane Leyne

  She was just floating back to earth for the third, or was it fourth, time when he moved again, surging up her body and impaling her on his hard cock in a single sinuous movement. He paused, looking down at her, locking eyes, before he started moving. He moved slowly at first, with great deliberation, but she could see the toll such control was taking on him. She moved impatiently beneath him, at least as much as she could. Her bonds were simultaneously frustrating and exciting her.

  Gradually, he sped up, stroking in and out of her faster and faster and faster, and suddenly he was holding himself deep inside of her and she could feel rope after rope of hot cum spilling into the latex condom he’d donned without her noticing.

  Collapsing on top of her, he rolled to one side and rested his head on her breasts.

  “I’ve gone for tests and should have the results back any day now. Are you on the pill? I don’t want to have anything between us.”

  “I’ve already been tested. I should tell you that Doc and I are, well, we aren’t using anything because he has been tested, too.”

  “Please don’t talk to me about another man right now. Let’s continue this part of our conversation later. In the meantime…”

  Adjusting his head, he latched onto her nipple, suckling like a baby. Soon, she felt him drop off to sleep, his head cradled on her chest. Tugging at her bonds, she needed to pee and he was snoring on top of her.

  “Quin. Quin. Quin!”

  “What? I’m taking a nap. You wore me out.”

  “I have to pee.”

  “Oh. Fine,” he grumbled and pouted like a little boy, but he untied her and massaged her arms and legs until the feeling came back and she could stand on her own. Heading off into some bushes, she took care of business and then dove back into the pond. She was hot and sticky from the hot sex, and this was the perfect way to cool off.

  “You are crazy, woman. Totally batshit crazy! The water is freezing!”

  She looked up and saw him standing at the edge of the water, watching her, a smile on his face, his cock hard again, pressing against his taut stomach.

  “Aren’t you ever satisfied?”

  “Where you are concerned, I’m insatiable!” He grinned. “Now get out of the water and let me warm you up this time.”

  * * * *

  The alarm rang and Jules wanted to toss it against the wall. She and Quin had returned around eight. He’d wanted to stay, but she shooed him away. It wasn’t that she wanted to sleep alone, but she needed to. She had so many conflicting emotions running through her. It was only a few days ago that she was sure she’d never look at another man except Owen Firth. Now she was in two relationships with two great guys who were smoking hot and appeared to really care for her. She needed to think.

  It hadn’t been a restful night and part of her regretted sending him away, but she knew it was the right decision. Even though she’d turned in early, she’d been up half the night alternating between disbelief at how her life had changed and reliving each incredible orgasm of the past two days. She spent the morning sketching before heading into the bar after having lunch at Candy’s. She half-expected to see Quin there, but instead ran into Doc. He was grabbing a quick bite before heading out to the Double S. Watching him walk away, she knew it was going to be hard to concentrate on doing the liquor inventory at the bar while thinking about the coming night, and it was.

  She wasn’t sure where Doc was going to bring her, but he’d just confirmed that jeans would be fine, and she was pleasantly surprised when they didn’t go anywhere fancier than his apartment. He cooked dinner for her and he’d confined himself to a quick kiss, promising her that after dinner she was going to be dessert.

  Jules found herself barely able to eat, although the conversation flowed freely. She and Doc had so much in common. She barely thought of Quin and not at all of Owen, she realized as he cleared the table. But then once Quin came to mind, he wouldn’t leave. She kept thinking about what it would be like if he were here, too. Would it freak out Blake if she suggested they give it a try? Would he think she was a freak? She didn’t think he’d judge. This was Satisfaction, after all, but would he want to be involved in one, especially with a stranger?

  And then she stopped thinking about other men when he walked in with two glasses of brandy and a thick slice of chocolate cake. He ordered her to strip and she was more than ready to obey. It was an hour later before they got to the cake and liquor. They made love in front of the fire and then cuddled, as he fed her a few bites of cake, but her arousal had driven away her appetite, so, grinning, he instructed her to lay back and smeared frosting on her nipples and his cock and they devoured the cake and each other.

  The first time they made love, it had been so gentle and sweet. She knew that the next time would be hard and raw and urgent, and then the phone rang. Doc might be a vet, but he had the same kind of emergencies as a regular doctor. It was Murphy again at the Double S.

  Apologizing, he dressed quickly and hurried out the door.

  “I don’t know what time I’ll be done. Can I call you if it isn’t too late?”

  “Of course.”

  “If you don’t hear from me, dinner tomorrow?”

  “Of course, if you don’t mind an early one. I promised Micah I’d work. I need to be there by 7:30.”

  “Six at Candy’s?”

  “How about 6:30? I have plans in the afternoon.”

  She watched his expression harden for a moment. He’d obviously guessed correctly that her plans were with Quin and she waited for him to say something, but that wasn’t Doc’s style. He had promised to give her space, and he was. So why wasn’t she happy about it?

  Jules took her time, putting the dishes in the washer and taking a shower before she went home. On the way, she decided to head to the Whips and Spurs instead. It was barely nine.

  * * * *

  Quin was there, of course, drinking a beer and chatting companionably with Micah. When he saw her enter, he grinned broadly and swept her off her feet with a kiss. She looked toward Micah and only saw his departing back. Bastard!

  “Dumped the Doc, did you? He’s a nice enough guy, I guess, but I can’t blame you for getting bored with him.”

  “Doc had an emergency. I’m just here to see my brother and I’m not going out with you tonight.”

  “Why not? I haven’t been with you for more than twenty-four hours. Take me home with you tonight. I’ll give you many, many orgasms. Promise. Cross my heart!” He made the same cross-your-heart sign kids made and he looked so hopeful she had to laugh, but she also held firm. It wasn’t that late and Doc still might call.

  “I guess I’ll just have to suffer the loss!” She grinned at Quin. He was really good-natured about it and took her rejection in his stride, but that didn’t mean he stopped trying. Jules had held firm. Quin seemed to enjoy the game of trying to convince her to see him again, teasing and cajoling at first. When that didn’t work, he pouted until she agreed to go out with him on Wednesday. He hadn’t been happy that she was working at the Whips and Spurs again that night, but he agreed to going riding and exploring the Double S and another picnic.

  When she agreed, he’d tried to book Thursday evening since he still hadn’t been able to spend the night with her, yet. She laughed as she turned him down, explaining that day was going to be a “me day.” She was going to have lunch with her brother and then and early dinner with her girlfriends, including Ellie, Candy, and Jess, and talk about men and other trivial matters, and then she was working at Whips and Spurs again.

  She’d finally agreed to drinks Thursday after she got off work at midnight. Judging by his triumphant grin, she knew he considered drinks to be the gateway to sex and staying the night at her place. If she had been at all uncertain, he sealed it when he leaned over to kiss her as she took her leave, telling her he’d bring his own toothbrush, but if she didn’t mind, he’d borrow her toothpaste. He wanted to laugh at her expression when he pulled back.

  * * * *
  Thursday had ended up being tougher than she expected. She’d missed both men more than she’d have thought possible. Well, maybe not in Doc’s case. He was her best friend. But she’d missed Quin, too, and it wasn’t just about sex. She genuinely liked both men, but sooner or later she was going to have to make a choice, and she wanted to discuss the situation with her girlfriends. Maybe they would have words of wisdom for her or maybe they’d just slap some sense into her, but they hadn’t reacted how she’d expected.

  They dug into their pasta like they’d been starving for a week. Candy was a good cook, but now she had an amazing cook on staff. She’d just hired him a month earlier, but Jonah had quickly made himself indispensable. In fact, she was thinking of opening later on Wednesdays and Thursdays, in addition to Fridays and Saturdays.

  Jules wished she didn’t have to work. It had been too long since the four of them had been able to sit down like this. She, Ellie, and Candy had known each other for years, and even though Jess was relatively new in town, she fit right in. They laughed their way through the meal, and were debating dessert when she heard a familiar voice.

  “Ladies!” Jules turned to see Owen standing at the table. He looked so handsome, smiling down at her, hat in hand, his sun-bleached blond hair adorably ruffled. When he smiled at her, she expected her stomach to do the usual flip-flop, but nothing but a little flutter. “May I steal Jules away for a few moments?”

  “Um, sure. Can you order me some of the chocolate lava cake?”

  Owen led her over to an unoccupied table. He seemed unsure of himself. He reached across the table.

  “This isn’t exactly the time or the place I’d planned, but then I saw your car and I couldn’t wait until tonight at the Whips and Spurs.”

  “Owen, you are not making sense.”

  “It’s just, Jules, well, I’ve known for a while how you felt about me, but you were always just Micah’s kid sister to me.”

  “I know.”

  “Yes, well, some things have happened lately to make me realize what an idiot I’ve been.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I saw Quin’s interest in you and it felt like a kick in the gut. And then when I saw him kissing you... Hell, Jules. I’ve been an idiot and I hope it isn’t too late.”

  Jules’s mouth suddenly felt dry. She’d dreamed of this day for half her life. Was Owen Firth finally asking her out?

  “Well, say something.”

  “I’m not sure what to say. I mean…if you’d asked me a week ago, I’d have leapt across this table and into your arms.”

  “But not now?”

  “I don’t know anymore.”

  “I don’t believe you’ve fallen out of love with me so quickly. Please tell me that you still have some feelings for me and that you’ll give me a chance to make things up to you.”

  “Are you saying you are in love with me?”

  “Hell, Jules. I’m not sure what I’m saying. It’s just that, damn it, I’ve always loved you as a sister, but now I realize that there’s something more, and I don’t want to lose the chance to explore it. I think we might be good together if you will only give me a chance.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” Jules just couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact that Owen was actually asking her out.

  “Well, think about this.”

  Owen stood and walked around the table, pulled Jules to her feet and swept her into his arms. Then his mouth came down hard on hers for a few seconds before he pulled away and looked down at her. Then he lowered his head again and captured her mouth again, this time moving aggressively to insert his tongue into her mouth in a way that should have turned her on but just made her feel confused. She could feel his hips pressing against hers, but she didn’t feel an erection in his pants. She couldn’t help thinking about Doc and Quin. If they were grinding on her like that, she’d be able to feel evidence of their desire.

  When Owen pulled away, his expression was annoyed, but he quickly changed his expression back to pleading.

  “Jules, I know we can be good together. Will you have dinner with me tomorrow?”

  “Sorry, Owen. I have plans.”

  She saw a flash of anger on his face, but he quickly changed back to the easy-going Owen she knew and had loved for so long.


  “I’m working, but maybe lunch.”

  “I’ll take what I can get. Look, why don’t we have a picnic? I’ll get Candy to pack us some food and we’ll head out to the ranch, maybe to that pond you love so much, and we’ll eat and talk and I’ll convince you to give me another chance. I’ll meet you up at Candy’s at noon.” Without waiting for her response, he walked her back to her table and, with a quick kiss on her cheek and a nod to the others, he turned on his booted heel and walked out.

  * * * *

  “What was that all about?” Jess demanded.

  Jules dug her fork into her dessert, scooped up a big piece, and shovelled it into her mouth to delay having to answer. The truth was, she wasn’t sure herself.

  Finally, she could delay no more.

  “Owen just asked me out.”

  “You said no, I hope,” advised Ellie.

  “I agree. He’s only interested because he saw you with Doc and Quin. He had almost two years to ask you out…and you’ve already said yes, haven’t you?” Jess’s tone was accusing.

  Jules felt herself turning red.

  “She did say yes.” Candy chimed in. “Why, Jules? You were moving forward. This would be a big step back. Don’t tell me you still love him. That was habit.”

  “I thought you all liked Owen?”

  “Sure,” said Candy. “He’s a nice enough guy. Decent tipper. But he’s no Doc. He has no, what’s the word? Substance, depth? And he’s certainly no Quin. That man is so hot I don’t know why things around him don’t spontaneously combust!” Candy fanned herself. “And, he’s nice, too.”

  “I have to agree, but there’s something more,” added Jess. “I’ve known him for a few months now, not nearly as long as you all have, but I know he’s an angry guy, underneath those laid-back surfer looks of his.”

  “Owen? He’s always been the most laid-back guy I know!” declared Ellie.

  “I’ve seen him stomping away from Murphy more than once, and I get the impression he hates Cole being a part of the ranch. He’s not too fond of me either. I can’t be sure, but I think he had expectations of being made partner. Murphy says he’s not sure how Owen got that idea in his head, but now that Murphy’s making me and Cole partners, Owen has had to realize that was never going to happen.”

  “Poor Owen!”

  “Poor Owen? Poor Murphy and Cole. There’s been another incident that I now think is connected. Two weeks ago, a fence was cut. They lost a dozen head, not to mention the two cows that were caught up in the barbed wire and had to be put down.”

  “Oh my god, that’s awful. And I don’t like the way you said incident. I thought the last few things were accidents…is there something more going on?”

  “Yeah, the men are trying to keep me from worrying and so they don’t talk much around me. The cut fence was obviously deliberate, but the other so-called accidents. I think they were deliberate too. I think someone’s trying to drive the Double S out of business.”

  “Oh my god! Do you have any idea who it is?”

  “None, other than there’s a chance it might be someone who works for the Double S.”

  She looked over at Jules. “I could be all wrong about this and jumping to conclusions. Hell, I suspect everyone, including your new boyfriend, Quin.” Jules frowned but didn’t say anything.

  “What are Murphy and Cole doing about it?” asked Candy.

  “Again, they are trying to keep the little woman from worrying, but I get the impression they’ve called in outside help. They’ve been talking to my brother Tait, but he won’t say what it’s about. You guys know he works for that hush-hush organization, Southport Security
and Protection. I’m sure that they were making plans, but of course none of them will tell me the details.”

  Candy frowned. “Any outsiders would obviously be noticed. And the only newcomer to town recently has been Quin…”

  “Who has a job that he’s starting next week out at the Double S,” Jules concluded. “So he’s either secretly working for SSP to investigate what’s going on or, and I don’t believe this but I include it for completeness, or he’s one of the bad guys.”

  “I don’t believe he’s one of the bad guys either,” confirmed Jess. “Besides, he hasn’t been in town long enough. Not unless he has a partner who lives in Satisfaction.”

  “Oh, please let it be Owen, please let it be Owen,” Ellie chanted with a grin. When Jules stuck out her tongue, she added, “It would be one way for him to get revenge for not getting a partnership.”

  “Be serious.” Jules sighed. “I’m sure Owen is devastated at not getting the partnership, but he’s put years into the Double S. There’s no way he’d want it to fail. Poor Owen. I wonder what he’s going to do? Maybe he’ll leave Satisfaction?”

  “Oh, that would be good, wouldn’t it?”

  “Ellie, don’t think that way. Now I’m double happy I agreed to go out with him.”

  “Now don’t go all soft, Jules. Partnership or not, Owen isn’t the man for you. We’ve been waiting two years for you to realize this. You are now dating two hot guys. Don’t do it, Jules. Don’t go out with Owen. You just put that crush behind you. Don’t start feeling sorry for him and especially don’t date him because you feel sorry for him. That isn’t fair to either of you.” Ellie looked so worried that Jules wanted to reassure her, but she couldn’t.

  Jules looked at all of her friends. “I don’t know how I feel. I thought I’d be over the moon if Owen ever asked me out, but I just feel confused. On the other hand, if I don’t do this, I’ll always wonder about what could have been. And now with what Jess has said about the goings on at the Double S, I’m so confused.”


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