Three Kingdoms Romance

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Three Kingdoms Romance Page 4

by Guanzhong Luo

  But Empress Dong only got angry, saying, “You poisoned Lady Wang out of jealousy. Now, relying upon the fact that your son sits on the throne and that your brother is powerful, you speak these wild words. I will command that your brother be beheaded, and that can be done as easily as I turn my hand.”

  Empress He in her turn waxed wroth and said, “I tried to persuade you with fair words; why get so angry?”

  “You low born daughter of a butcher, what do you know of offices?” cried Empress Dong.

  And the quarrel waxed hot.

  The eunuchs persuaded the ladies to retire. But in the night Empress He summoned her brother into the palace and told him what had occurred. He went out and took counsel with the principal officers of state. Next morning a court was held and a memorial was presented, saying:

  “Empress Dong, being the foster mother of Liu Xian, Prince of Chenliu, a regional prince — only a

  collateral — cannot properly occupy any part of the Palace. She is to be removed into her original fief of Hejian and is to depart immediately.”

  And while they sent an escort to remove Empress Dong, a strong guard was placed about the Imperial Uncle Dong Chong's dwelling. They took away his seal of office and he, knowing this was the end, killed himself in his private apartments. His dependents, who wailed his death, were driven off by the guards.

  The eunuchs Zhang Rang and Duan Gui, having lost their patroness, sent large gifts to He Jin's younger brother, He Miao, and his mother, Lady Wuyang, and thus got them to put in a good word to Empress He so as to gain her protection. And so they gained favor once more at court.

  In the sixth month of that year, the secret emissaries of He Jin poisoned Empress Dong in her residence in the country. Her remains were brought to the capital and buried in Wen Tombs. He Jin feigned illness and did not attend the funeral.

  Commander Yuan Shao went one day to see He Jin, saying, “The two eunuchs, Zhang Rang and Duan Gui, are spreading the report outside that you has caused the death of the late empress and is aiming at the throne. This is an excuse for you to destroy them. Do not spare them this time, or you will pay like Dou Wu and Chen Fan, who in the previous reign missed their chance because the secret had not been kept, and they paid by their own deaths. Now you and your brother have many commanders and officers behind, so that the destruction of the eunuchs can be but an ease. It is a heaven-sent opportunity. Delay no further!”

  But He Jin replied, “Let me think it over.”

  He Jin's servants overheard the discussion and secretly informed the intended victims, who sent further gifts to the younger brother He Miao. Corrupted by these, he went in to speak with his sister Empress He and said, “The General is the chief support of the new Emperor, yet he is not gracious and merciful but thinks wholly of slaughter. If he slays the eunuchs without cause, it may bring about revolution.”

  Soon after He Jin entered and told her of his design to put the eunuchs to death. She argued with him, “Those officials look after palace affairs and are old servants. To kill the old servants just after the death of their master would appear disrespectful to the dynasty's ancestral temple.”

  And as He Jin was of a vacillating mind, he murmured assent and left her.

  “What about it?” said Yuan Shao on meeting him.

  “She will not consent; what can be done?”

  “Call up an army and slay them; it is imperative. Never mind her consent.”

  “That is an excellent plan,” said He Jin. And he sent orders all round to march soldiers to the capital.

  But Counselor Chen Lin objected, “Nay; do not act blindly. The proverb says 'To cover the eyes and snatch at swallows is to fool oneself.' If in so small a matter you cannot attain your wish with covered eyes, what of great affairs? Now by virtue of the imperial prestige and with the army under your hand you may do as you please. To use such enormous powers against the eunuchs would resemble lighting up a furnace to burn a hair. But act promptly; use your powers and smite at once, and all the empire will be with you. But to summon forces to the capital, to gather many bold persons into one spot, each with one's own schemes, is to turn our weapons against our own person, to place ourselves in the power of another. Nothing but failure can come of it, nothing but confusion.”

  “The view of a mere book-worm,” said He Jin with a smile.

  Then one of those about He Jin suddenly clapped his hands, laughing, “Solving this issue is as easy as turning over one's hand! Why so much talk?”

  The speaker was Cao Cao.

  Wouldst thou withdraw wicked people from thy prince's side

  Then seek counsel of the wise people of the state.

  What Cao Cao said will be disclosed in later chapters.

  CHAPTER 3. In Wenming Garden, Dong Zhuo Denounces Ding Yuan; With Red-Hare, Li Su Bribes Lu Bu

  What Cao Cao said was this: “The eunuch evil is of very old standing, but the real cause of the present trouble is in the improper influence allowed them by the emperors and the misplaced favoritism they have enjoyed. But a gaoler would be ample force to employ against this kind of evil, and getting rid of the main culprits is quite enough. Why increase confusion by summoning troops from the regions? Any desire to slay all of them will speedily become known, and the plan will fail.”

  “Then, Cao Cao, you have some scheme of your own to further,” said He Jin with a sneer.

  Cao Cao left the meeting, proclaiming, “The one throwing the world into chaos is He Jin!”

  Then He Jin sent swift, secret letters far and wide to several bases.

  It must be recalled that Dong Zhuo had failed in his attempt to destroy the Yellow Scarves rebellion. He would have been punished if he had not bribed the Ten Eunuchs heavily for their protection. Later, he obtained the rank of Imperial Protector in the westernmost region of Xizhou and an army of two hundred thousand troops. But Dong Zhuo was treacherous and disloyal at heart. So when he received the summons to the capital, he rejoiced greatly and lost no time in obeying it. He left a son-in-law, Commander Niu Fu, to look after the affairs of Xizhou and set out for Luoyang. Dong Zhuo took with him a huge army and four generals — Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji, and Fan Chou.

  Dong Zhuo's adviser and son-in-law, Li Ru, said, “Though a formal summons has come, there are many obscurities in it. It would be well to send up a memorial stating plainly our aims and intentions. Then we can proceed.”

  So Dong Zhuo composed something like this:

  “Thy servant knows that the continual rebellions owe their origin to the eunuchs who act counter to all recognized

  precepts. Now to stop the ebullition of a pot the best way is to withdraw the fire; to cut out an abscess, though painful, is better than to nourish the evil. I have dared to undertake a military advance on the capital, with thy permission, and now pray that Zhang Rang and the other eunuchs be removed for the happiness of the dynasty and of the empire.”

  He Jin read this memorial and showed it to his partisans. Then said Minister Zheng Tai, “A fierce wild beast; if he comes, his prey will be humans!”

  He Jin replied, “You are too timorous; you are unequal to great schemes.”

  But Lu Zhi also said, “Long have I known this man; in appearance innocent, he is a very wolf at heart. Let him in, and calamity enters with him. Stop him, do not let him come, and thus will you avoid chaos.”

  He Jin was obstinate, and both Zheng Tai and Lu Zhi gave up their posts and retired, as did more than half the ministers of state, while He Jin sent a warm welcome to Dong Zhuo, who soon camped at Shengchi Lake and stationed there without further action. The eunuchs knew this move was directed against them and recognized that their only chance for safety was to strike the first blow. So they first hid a band of fifty armed ruffians at the Gate of Grand Virtue in the Palace of Happiness, then they went in to see Empress He.

  They said, “The General, feigning to act under command, has called up armies to the capital to destroy us. We pray you, Your Majesty, pity and save us!”
  “Go to the General and confess your faults,” said the Empress.

  “If we did, then should we be cut to mincemeat. Rather summon the General into your presence and command him to cease. If he will not, then we pray but die in your presence.”

  The Empress issued the requisite command, and He Jin was just going to her when Counselor Chen Lin advised him not to enter, saying, “The eunuchs are certainly behind the order and mean your harm.”

  But He Jin could only see the command of the Empress and was blind to all else.

  “Our plot is no longer a secret;” said Yuan Shao, “still you may go if you are ready to fight your way in.”

  “Get the eunuchs out first,” said Cao Cao.

  “Silly children!” said He Jin. “What can they do against the man who holds the forces of the empire in the palm of his hand?”

  Yuan Shao said, “If you will go, then we will come as a guard, just as a precaution.”

  Whereupon both Yuan Shao and Cao Cao chose five hundred best men under their command, at whose head they placed a brother of Yuan Shao, named Yuan Shu.

  Yuan Shu, clad in mail, drew up his troops outside the palace entrance, while Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, holding swords, went as escort. When He Jin neared the palace, the eunuchs said, “The orders are to admit the Imperial Guardian and none other.”

  So the escort was detained outside. He Jin went in proudly. At the Gate of Grand Virtue, he was met by Zhang Rang and Duan Gui, and their followers quickly closed in around him. He Jin began to feel alarmed. Then Zhang Rang in a harsh voice began to revile him.

  “What crime had Empress Dong committed that she should have been put to death? And when the Mother of the Country was buried, who feigned sickness and did not attend? We raised you and your paltry, huckstering family to all the dignity and wealth you have, and this is your gratitude! You would slay us. You call us sordid and dirty; who is the cleaner?”

  He Jin was panic stricken and looked about for a way to escape, but the eunuchs closed him in, and then the assassins appeared and cut He Jin into halves.

  Closing the days of the Hans, and the years of their rule were near spent,

  Stupid and tactless was He Jin, yet stood he highest in office;

  Many were they who advised him, but he was deaf as he heard not;

  Wherefore fell he a victim under the swords of the eunuchs.

  So He Jin died. Yuan Shao and Cao Cao waited long. By and by, impatient at the delay, they called through the gate, “Thy carriage waits, O General!”

  For reply the head of He Jin was flung over the wall. A decree was proclaimed: “He Jin has contemplated treachery and therefore has been slain. It pardons his adherents.”

  Yuan Shao shouted, “The eunuchs have slain the High Minister. Let those who will slay this wicked party come and help me!”

  Then one of He Jin's generals, Wu Kuang, set fire to the gate. Yuan Shu at the head of his guards burst in and fell to slaying the eunuchs without regard to age or rank. Yuan Shao and Cao Cao broke into the inner part of the palace. Four of the eunuchs — Zhao Zhong, Cheng Kuang, Xia Yun, and Guo Sheng — fled to the Blue Flower Lodge where they were hacked to pieces. Fire raged, destroying the buildings.

  Four of the Ten Regular Attendants — Zhang Rang, Duan Gui, Cao Jie, and Hou Lan — led by Zhang Rang carried off the Empress, Emperor Bian, and Prince Xian of Chenliu toward the north palace.

  Lu Zhi, since he had resigned office, was at home, but hearing of the revolution in the Palace he donned his armor, took his spear, and prepared to fight. He saw the eunuch Duan Gui hurrying the Empress along and called out, “You rebel, how dare you abduct the Empress?”

  The eunuch fled. The Empress leaped out of a window and was taken to a place of safety.

  General Wu Kuang burst into one of the inner halls where he found He Miao, sword in hand.

  “You also were in the plot to slay your own brother,” cried Wu Kuang. “You shall die with the others.”

  “Let us kill the plotter against his elder brother!” cried many.

  He Miao looked around; his enemies hemmed him in on every side. He was hacked to pieces.

  Yuan Shu bade his soldiers scatter and seek out all the families of the eunuchs, sparing none. In that slaughter many beardless men were killed in error.

  Cao Cao set himself to extinguish the fires. He then begged Empress He to undertake the direction of affairs, and soldiers were sent to pursue Zhang Rang and rescue the young Emperor and the young Prince of Chenliu.

  Meanwhile, Zhang Rang and Duan Gui had hustled away the Emperor and the Prince. They burst through the smoke and fire and traveled without stopping till they reached the Beimang Hills. It was then the third watch. They heard a great shouting behind them and saw soldiers in pursuit. Their leader, Min Gong, a commander in Henan, was shouting “Traitors, stop, stop!”

  Zhang Rang, seeing that he was lost, jumped into the river, where he was drowned.

  The two boys ignorant of the meaning of all this confusion and terrified out of their senses, dared not utter a cry; they crept in among the rank grass on the river bank and hid. The soldiers scattered in all directions but failed to find them. So they remained till the fourth watch, shivering with cold from the drenching dew and very hungry. They lay down in the thick grass and wept in each other's arms, silently, lest any one should discover them.

  “This is no a place to stay in;” said Prince Xian, “we must find some way out.” So the two children knotted their clothes together and managed to crawl up the bank. They were in a thicket of thorn bushes, and it was quite dark. They could not see any path. They were in despair when, all at once, millions of fireflies sprang up all about them and circled in the air in front of the Emperor.

  “God is helping us,” said Prince Xian.

  They followed whither the fireflies led and gradually got into a road. They walked till their feet were too sore to go further, when, seeing a heap of straw near the road, they crept to it and lay down.

  This heap of straw was close to a farm house. In the night, as the farmer was sleeping, he saw in a vision two bright red suns drop behind his dwelling. Alarmed by the portent, he hastily dressed and went forth to look about him. Then he saw a bright light shooting up from a heap of straw. He hastened thither and then saw two youths lying behind it.

  “To what household do you belong, young gentlemen?” asked the farmer.

  The Emperor was too frightened to reply, but his companion said, “He is the Emperor. There was a revolution in the palace, and we ran away. I am his brother Prince of Chenliu.”

  The farmer bowed again and again and said, “My name is Sui Lie. My brother Sui Yi is the former minister of the interior. My brother was disgusted with the behavior of the eunuchs and so resigned and hid away here.”

  The two lads were taken into the farm, and their host on his knees served them with refreshment.

  It has been said that Min Gong had gone in pursuit of Eunuch Duan Gui. By and by Min Gong overtook Duan Gui and cried, “Where is the Emperor?”

  “He disappeared. I do not know where he is.”

  Min Gong slew Duan Gui and hung the bleeding head on his horse's neck. Then he sent his troops searching in all directions, and he rode off by himself on the same quest. Presently he came to the farm. Sui Lie, seeing what hung on his horse's neck, questioned him and, satisfied with his story, led him to the Emperor. The meeting was affecting; all were moved to tears.

  “The state cannot be without its ruler,” said Min Gong. “I pray Your Majesty return to the city.”

  At the farm they had but one sorry nag and this they saddled for the Emperor. The young Prince was taken on Min Gong's charger. And thus they left the farm. Not beyond one mile from the farm, they fell in with other officials and several hundred guards and soldiers made up an imposing cavalcade. In the cavalcade were Wang Yun, Minister of the Interior; Yang Biao, Regent Marshal; Chunyu Qiong, Commander of the Left Army; Zhao Meng, Commander of the Right Army; Bao Xin
, Commander of the Rear Army; and Yuan Shao, Commander of the Central Army. Tears were shed freely as the ministers met their Emperor.

  A man was sent on in front to the capital there to expose the head of Eunuch Duan Gui.

  As soon as they could, they placed the Emperor on a better steed and the young Prince had a horse to himself. Thus the Emperor returned to Luoyang, and so it happened after all as the street children's ditty ran:

  Though the emperor doesn't rule, though the prince no office fills,

  Yet a brilliant cavalcade comes along from Beimang Hills.

  The cavalcade had not proceeded far when they saw coming towards them a large body of soldiers with fluttering banners hiding the sun and raising a huge cloud of dust. The officials turned pale, and the Emperor was greatly alarmed. Yuan Shao rode out in advance.

  “Who are you?” said Yuan Shao.

  From under the shade of an embroidered banner rode out a general, saying, “Do you have the Emperor?”

  The Emperor was too panic stricken to respond, but the Prince of Chenliu rode to the front and cried, “Who are you?”

  “Dong Zhuo, Imperial Protector of Xizhou.”

  “Have you come to protect the Chariot or to steal it?” said Prince Xian.

  “I have come to protect,” said Dong Zhuo.

  “If that is so, the Emperor is here; why do you not dismount?”

  Dong Zhuo hastily dismounted and made obeisance on the left of the road. Then Prince Xian spoke graciously to him. From first to last the Prince had carried himself most perfectly so that Dong Zhuo in his heart admired his behavior, and then arose the first desire to set aside the Emperor in favor of the Prince of Chenliu.

  They reached the Palace the same day, and there was an affecting interview with Empress He.

  But when they had restored order in the palace, the Imperial Hereditary Seal, the special seal of the Emperor, was missing.


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