Three Kingdoms Romance

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Three Kingdoms Romance Page 126

by Guanzhong Luo

  “That is a ruse; I will go and find out.”

  So Cao Pi set out to cross the river in one of the dragon ships. He anchored under the bank. On his boat were displayed the imperial emblems of dragon, phoenix, sun, moon, and they shone out bravely. Seated in the ship, the Emperor looked up and down the south bank, but not a man was visible.

  “Do you think we should cross?” asked the Emperor of his strategists.

  “If the rules of war mean anything, they ought to be prepared. We think Your Majesty should exercise caution. Wait a few days and watch. Then perhaps the van might be sent to make a reconnaissance.”

  “So I think,” said the Ruler of Wei. “But as it is now late, we will pass the night on the river.”

  It was a dark night, and the ships was brilliantly lighted up; it seemed like day on board. But all along the south bank there appeared no glimmer of light.

  “What do you think it means?” said Cao Pi.

  The courtiers replied, “They heard that Your Majesty's heavenly army was coming, and ran away like so many rats.”

  The Ruler of Wei laughed to himself. When daylight came there came with it a thick fog, so that nothing on the bank could be seen. After a time, a breeze blew off the fog, and then, to their immense surprise, they found that the whole length of the South of the Great River as far as they could see was one battlement, with towers at intervals, while spears and swords glittered in the sun and flags and pennons fluttered in the breeze.

  In just a short time several reports came: “A long wall by the Great River has grown up in a night and stood there with carts and masts of ships lying along it, stretching some one hundred miles from Shidou to Nanxu.”

  The fact was that the wall was an imitation, and the warriors that manned it were bundles of reeds dressed in soldiers' uniforms. But the sight chilled the ardor of the invaders.

  “My hosts of troops are no use against such warriors; we can do nothing against those talents of the South Land,” said Cao Pi.

  He thought over this sadly enough. But now the wind had increased in force, and white combers began to heave up in the river, and waters broke over his boat, drenching the dragon robes. The ship seemed as if it would roll right over. So Cao Zhen sent out small boats to rescue his master and his people. But they were too affrighted to move. Wherefore Wen Ping, who was in charge, leaped on board and helped the Emperor down into one of the smaller craft, which then flew away before the wind and got safely into a creek.

  Soon came a hasty messenger to report: “Zhao Yun is marching out through Yangping Pass and threatening Changan.”

  This frightened Cao Pi so badly that he decided to retreat, and gave orders to retire. The whole army were in a mood to run away, and moved off toward the north, pursued by the troops of Wu. To hasten the march, the Ruler of Wei bade his soldiers abandon all the imperial paraphernalia and impediments. The dragon ships withdrew into River Huai one by one.

  As they moved in disorder, suddenly arose the sounds of an enemy force, shouts and the rolling of drums and the blaring of trumpets, and a cohort marched down obliquely on to their line. And at the head was Sun Shao.

  The troops of Wei could make no effective stand, and many were slain, while large numbers were driven into the river and drowned. By dint of great efforts, the Emperor was saved and got away up the river. But when they had sailed about ten miles, they saw ahead a tract of blazing reeds. The enemy had poured fish oil over the dry reeds and set them afire. The wind was spreading the flames down river toward the fleet of Wei, and the heat was intense. The dragon ships had to stop.

  Cao Pi was put into a smaller craft and taken on shore; his larger ships were presently set on fire and destroyed. They mounted the Emperor on a horse and moved along the bank, but soon they fell in with another body of troops. This time it was the supports under Ding Feng. Zhang Liao rode ahead to engage the leader, but was soon wounded by an arrow of Ding Feng in the loins. However, he was helped away by Xu Huang, and the Ruler of Wei was got safely out of the turmoil. The loss of soldiers was heavy, and a huge booty of horses, carts, ships, and weapons fell to the victors.

  So the Wei armies went away north thoroughly beaten, while Xu Sheng had scored a great success. Sun Quan richly rewarded him.

  Zhang Liao got to Xuchang, but only to die from the effects of his wound. He was honorably buried by the Ruler of Wei.

  It has been said that Zhao Yun was threatening Changan; but soon after he went through Yangping Pass, the Prime Minister of Shu sent a dispatch to recall him because Veteran General Yong Kai in Yiazhou had joined himself with the Mangs and invaded the four southern territories. So Zhao Yun returned. Meanwhile Ma Chao was ordered to take command of Yangping Pass. The Prime Minister was about to go to subdue the nations along the south border. He was then preparing at Chengdu for this expedition.

  First Wu met Wei and drove them north,

  Then Shu against the Mangs went south.

  The story of this campaign will follow in the next chapters.

  CHAPTER 87. Conquering The South Mang, The Prime Minister Marches The Army; Opposing Heaven Troops, The King Of The Mangs Is Captured.

  With Prime Minister Zhuge Liang's administration of affairs in the two Lands of Rivers began a period of happiness and prosperity for the people. Tranquillity prevailed, and the state of society was well nigh perfect: doors unbolted at night, property left by the roadside remaining untouched till the owner returned for it. Moreover, the harvests were rich year after year, and old and young, with fair, round bellies, well lined, simply sang with joy. The people hastened to fulfill their state duties and vied with each other in the performance of all arts. As a natural consequence all military preparations were perfect, the granaries bursting with grain and the treasury full to overflowing.

  Such was the state of things when, in the third year of Beginning Prosperity (AD 225), the news came from Yiazhou to the capital to report: “The Mang King, Meng Huo, leading one hundred thousand Mang tribesmen, has invaded the south and is laying waste the country; Yong Kai, the Governor of Jianning, a descent of the Han Lord Yong Chi of Shifang, had joined Meng Huo to rebel. Zhu Bao and Gao Ding, the Governors of Zangge and Yuesui, have yielded to the invaders; but the Governor of Yongchang, Wang Kang, is staunchly holding out. The three rebels — Yong Kai, Gao Ding, and Zhu Bao—, who had joined the invaders, are now acting as guides and assisting in the attack on Yongchang, which has remained faithful. Governor Wang Kang, ably assisted by Lu Kai, one of his subordinates, is making a desperate effort to defend the city with only its ordinary inhabitants as fighting men. The position is very desperate.”

  When this news came, Zhuge Liang went into the palace and thus memorialized to his lord, “The contumacy of the Mangs is a real danger to our state. I feel it incumbent upon me to lead an expedition to reduce the tribespeople to obedience.”

  But the Latter Ruler was afraid, and said, “Sun Quan is in the east, and Cao Pi the north; if you abandon me and either of them comes, what shall do?”

  “Your Majesty need have no fear. We have just concluded a league of peace with Wu, and I think they will be true to their pledge. Li Yan in Baidicheng is quite a match for Lu Xun. Cao Pi's recent defeat has taken the keenness out of his army, so that he will not feel inclined to make any expeditions further. Ma Chao is in command at the passes between Wei and Hanzhong. I shall also leave Guan Xing and Zhang Bao with forces to reinforce any point where danger may appear. I can assure Your Majesty that no untoward event will happen.

  “I am going to sweep clean the Mang country, so that we may have a free hand to attack Wei when the day comes. Thus I shall be enabled to requite the honor paid me by your father the First Ruler, who came thrice to seek me and who doubled my obligation when he confided to me the care of his son.”

  “Indeed I am young and ignorant,” replied the Latter Ruler, “and can only exist with you to decide for me.”

  At that moment Counselor Wang Lian, a man of Nanyang, stepped forward, crying, �
�No, no, Sir; you may not go! The South Mang is a wild country reeking with malaria. It is wrong that an officer of state in such an exalted and responsible position should go away on a distant expedition. These rebels and barbarians are but an irritation, not a disease, and an ordinary leader would be enough to send against them. He would not fail.”

  Zhuge Liang replied, “This country of the Mangs is distant and mostly uncivilized. To reduce them to reasonableness will be difficult, and I feel I ought to go. When to be harsh and when to show leniency are matters to be decided on at the moment, and instructions cannot be easily given to another.”

  Zhuge Liang steadily opposed all Wang Lian's efforts to bring about a change of intention, and he soon took leave of the Latter Ruler and made ready to start.

  Jiang Wan was Army Counselor of the expedition; Fei Yi, Recorder; Fan Jian and Dong Jue, Army Inspectors; Zhao Yun and Wei Yan, Commanders; Wang Ping and Zhang Yi, Deputy Generals. Beside these were other half a hundred leaders and officers of Shu, and the whole force was five hundred thousand troops.

  Soon after the force marched south to Yiazhou, Guan Suo, the third son of Guan Yu, appeared and wished to see Zhuge Liang, and he said, “After the fall of Jingzhou, I was hidden by the Bao family from where I wanted to go to the Lands of Rivers to ask for a revenge for my father; but I fell in illness, which was long and severe, and I only just recovered. I was then traveling toward Chengdu to meet with the Emperor, when I met the army in the south expedition. I know that vengeance has been taken on the murderers of my father. And now I want to present myself to the Prime Minster.”

  Zhuge Liang was greatly affected to see him. He sent news of the young man's arrival to the court and gave Guan Suo a post of Van Leader.

  The army, foot and horse, marched in the best of order, eating when hungry, drinking when thirsty, camping at night, and moving by day. No plundering was permitted, and the people suffered not at all.

  When Yong Kai and his fellow rebels heard that Zhuge Liang was marching against them, they called their troops together and formed three divisions, Gao Ding in the center, Yong Kai on the left, and Zhu Bao on the right. They mustered about fifty thousand troops in each army, and they went to oppose the march of the Shu army.

  Gao Ding sent E Huan to lead the van. This E Huan was nine spans tall in stature, but savage of countenance. His weapon was a two-bladed halberd. He was very valiant and could face many warriors. He led his own cohort out in advance of the main body and fell in with the leading bodies of the Shu army immediately after they had got into Yiazhou.

  The two sides drew up for battle; and, the arrays being complete, Wei Yan rode out and vilified the rebels, shouting, “O Malcontent! Be quick to surrender!”

  Instead, E Huan galloped out and fought with Wei Yan. After a few bouts Wei Yan seemed to be bested and fled. But this was only a ruse. As E Huan followed, the gongs clanged and from left and right poured out Zhang Yi and Wang Ping. Wei Yan turned around, and three generals besieged and captured E Huan.

  He was taken to the tent of Zhuge Liang, who bade his attendants loose his bonds, gave him wine and comforted him.

  Then Zhuge Liang asked, “Whom do you belong to?”

  E Huan replied, “I am one of the generals under Gao Ding.”

  “I know Gao Ding as a loyal and good sort, but he has been led away by this Yong Kai. Now I shall release you, but you are to bring Gao Ding to his senses and see to it that he comes to surrender and avoids grave disaster.”

  E Huan thanked him and withdrew. He went to his own side and soon saw Gao Ding. He told Gao Ding what Zhuge Liang had said, and Zhuge Liang's kindly feeling deeply affected Gao Ding.

  Next day, Yong Kai came over to Gao Ding's camp to visit him. After the exchange of salutations, Yong Kai asked, “How did E Huan manage to return?”

  “Zhuge Liang released him out of pure kindness,” replied Gao Ding.

  “This is a ruse of his to separate you from me: he wishes to make us enemies.”

  Gao Ding almost believed this too, and he was much perplexed.

  Just then the watchers reported that the leaders of Shu had come up and were offering battle. So Yong Kai led out thirty thousand troops to take up the challenge. But after the third encounter he fled. Wei Yan pursued him and smote for a distance of seven miles.

  Next day Yong Kai challenged, but the soldiers of Shu refused to fight, and remained within their lines for three days. On the fourth day Yong Kai and Gao Ding divided their troops into two parts and came to attack the camp. Now Zhuge Liang had told Wei Yan to wait for this double attack, and so when it came to pass, both divisions fell into an ambush and suffered great loss, many being killed and more captured.

  The prisoners were taken to the camp, and the soldiers belonging to the two leaders — Yong Kai and Gao Ding — were confined separately. Then Zhuge Liang told the soldiers to let it be known that only those belonging to Gao Ding would be spared, the others would be put to death. When time had been given for this story to spread among the prisoners, Yong Kai's troops were brought up to the commander's tent.

  “Whose soldiers were you?” asked Zhuge Liang.

  “Gao Ding's,” cried they all, falsely.

  Then they were all pardoned, and, after being given wine and food, they were taken to the frontier and set free.

  Next the real Gao Ding's soldiers were brought forward, and the same question was put to them.

  “We all really belong to Gao Ding's command,” said they.

  In like manner they were pardoned and refreshed with wine and food.

  Then Zhuge Liang addressed them, saying, “Yong Kai has just sent a messenger to ask that he may surrender, and he offers to bring with him the heads of Gao Ding and Zhu Bao as a proof of merit. But I will not receive him, and you, since you are Gao Ding's soldiers, shall be released and allowed to return to him. But let there be no ingratitude and fighting again, for if there is, I certainly will not pardon you next time.”

  So they thanked their liberator and went away. As soon as they reached their own camp, they told the whole story. Then Gao Ding sent a spy to the camp of Yong Kai to find out what was doing. There the spy met those who had been released, and they were all talking about Zhuge Liang's kindness, and many of them were inclined to desert their own camp for the other.

  Although this seemed very satisfactory, yet Gao Ding did not feel convinced, and he sent another man to Zhuge Liang's camp to try to verify the rumor. But this man was captured and taken before the Commander-in-Chief, who pretended that he thought the spy belonged to Yong Kai, and said to him, “Why has your leader failed to send me the heads of Gao Ding and Zhu Bao as he promised? You lot are not very clever, and what are you come to spy out?”

  The soldier muttered and mumbled in confusion. But Zhuge Liang gave the man wine and food, and then wrote a letter which he handed to the spy, saying, “You give this letter to your commander, Yong Kai, and tell him to get the job done quickly.”

  The spy took the letter and got away. As soon as he reached camp, he gave the letter to Gao Ding and also the message.

  Gao Ding read the missive and became very angry.

  “I have ever been true to him, and yet he wants to kill me. It is hard to be either friendly or reasonable.”

  Then he decided to take E Huan into his confidence, and called him. E Huan was much prejudiced in favor of Zhuge Liang, and said, “Zhuge Liang is a most benevolent man, and it would be ill to turn our backs upon him. It is Yong Kai's fault that we are now rebels, and our best course would be to slay him and betake ourselves to Zhuge Liang.”

  “How could it be done?” asked Gao Ding.

  “Invite him to a banquet. If he refuses, it means he is a traitor, and then you can attack him in front while I will lie in wait behind his camp to capture him as he runs away.”

  They agreed to try this plan; the banquet was prepared and Yong Kai invited. But as Yong Kai's mind was full of suspicion from what his returned soldiers had said, he would not come.
That night, as soon as darkness fell, Gao Ding attacked his camp.

  Now the soldiers who had been released were imbued with the goodness of Gao Ding all quite ready to help him fight. On the other hand, Yong Kai's troops mutinied against him, and so Yong Kai mounted his steed and fled. Before he had gone far, he found his road blocked by the cohort under E Huan, who galloped out with his halberd and confronted the fugitive. Yong Kai could not defend himself, and was struck down. E Huan decapitated him. As soon as they knew he was dead, his troops joined themselves to Gao Ding, who then went and surrendered to Zhuge Liang.

  Zhuge Liang received Gao Ding sitting in state in his tent, but at once ordered the lictors to decapitate Gao Ding.

  But Gao Ding said, “Influenced by your kindness, Sir, I have brought the head of my colleague as a proof of the sincerity of my surrender; why should I die?”

  “You come with false intent; do you think you can hoodwink me?” said Zhuge Liang, laughing.

  “What proof have you that I am false?”

  Zhuge Liang drew a letter from his box, and said, “Zhu Bao sent this secretly to say he wished to surrender, and he said you and Yong Kai were sworn friends to death. How could you suddenly change your feelings and slay him? That is how I know your treachery.”

  “Zhu Bao only tried to make trouble,” cried Gao Ding, kneeling.

  Zhuge Liang still refused to believe him, and said, “I cannot believe you without more solid proof. If you would slay Zhu Bao, I could take that as proving you were sincere in your surrender.”

  “Do not doubt me. What if I go and capture this man?”

  “If you did that, my doubts would be set at rest.”

  Thereupon Gao Ding and his subordinate, E Huan, led away their troops to the camp of Zhu Bao. When they were about three miles from his camp, Zhu Bao appeared with a cohort. As soon as they recognized each other, Zhu Bao hastily came forward to parley.

  But Gao Ding cried out to him, “Why did you write a letter to the Prime Minister and so intrigue with him to get me killed?”


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