Three Kingdoms Romance

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Three Kingdoms Romance Page 141

by Guanzhong Luo

  And Jia Kui was reprieved; but he was not assigned any part in the campaign, and his troops were left in reserve. Cao Xiu himself went away to the East Pass.

  When Zhou Fang heard that Jia Kui had been broken, he rejoiced in his heart, saying, “If Cao Xiu had attended to his words, then Wu would have lost. Heaven is good to me and is giving me the means of achieving great things.”

  Then he sent a secret messenger to Huancheng, and Lu Xun knew that the time had come. He assembled the officers for orders.

  Lu Xun said, “Shiding, lying over against us, is a hilly country fit for preparing an ambush. It will be occupied as suitable to array our army and await the coming of Wei. Xu Sheng is to be leader of the van, and the army will move there.”

  Now Cao Xiu told Zhou Fang to lead the way for his attack. While on march, Cao Xiu asked, “What is the place lying ahead?”

  Zhou Fang replied, “Shiding, a suitable place to camp in.”

  So a great camp was made there. But soon after the scouts reported that a very large number of soldiers of Wu had occupied the hills. Cao Xiu began to feel alarmed.

  “Zhou Fang said there were no soldiers; why these preparations?”

  Cao Xiu hastily sought Zhou Fang to ask him, and was told he had gone away with a few riders, no one knew whither.

  “I have been deceived and am in a trap,” said Cao Xiu, now very repentant of his easy confidence. “However, there is nothing to fear.”

  Then he made his arrangements to march against the enemy, and when they were complete and the array drawn up, Zhang Pu, the leader of the van, rode out and began to rail at the men of Wu.

  “Rebel leader, come and surrender!” cried Zhang Pu.

  Then rode out Xu Sheng and fought with him. But Zhang Pu was no match for Xu Sheng, as was soon evident, wherefore he led his troops to retire.

  “Xu Sheng is too strong,” said Zhang Pu when he saw Cao Xiu.

  “Then will we defeat him by a surprise,” said Cao Xiu.

  He sent Zhang Pu with twenty thousand troops to hide in the south of Shiding, while another equal party under Xue Qiao was sent north. And Cao Xiu arranged, saying, “Tomorrow I will lead a thousand soldiers to provoke the troops of Wu into battle, then I will feign defeat and lead them to the hills in the north, when a bomb will explode and a three-pronged ambush will bring us victory.”

  On the other side Lu Xun called his two generals, Zhu Huan and Quan Zong, and said, “Each of you is to lead thirty thousand troops and take a cross cut from Shiding to the enemy's camp. Give a fire signal on arrival, and then the main army will advance.”

  As evening fell these two moved out their troops, and by the middle of the second watch both had got close to the camp of Wei. Zhang Pu, Cao Xiu's general, who was there in ambush, did not recognize that the troops who approached him were enemies, but went as to meet friends and was at once slain by the blade of Zhu Huan. The soldiers of Wei then fled, and Zhu Huan lit his signal fires. Quan Zong, marching up, came across the northern ambush under Xue Qiao. Quan Zong began a battle at once, and the troops of Wei were soon put to flight. Both the armies of Wu pursued, and confusion reigned in Cao Xiu's camp, troops fighting with others of their own side and slaying each other.

  Cao Xiu despaired and fled toward Jiashi. Xu Sheng, with a strong force, came along the high road and attacked. And the soldiers of Wei killed were very many. Those who escaped did so by abandoning all their armors.

  Cao Xiu was in straits, but he struggled along the Jiashi Road. Here came a cohort into the road from the side. It was led by Jia Kui. Cao Xiu's alarm gave place to shame on meeting Jia Kui.

  “I took no notice of what you said, and so this evil came upon me,” said he.

  Jia Kui replied, “Sir, you should quickly get out of this road; for if the troops of Wu block it, we shall be in grave danger.”

  So Cao Xiu hastened, while Jia Kui protected his retreat. And Jia Kui ordered his soldiers to set flags and banners up among trees and in thickets and along by-paths, so as to give an impression of having many men posted all round. Wherefore when Xu Sheng came in pursuit, he thought the country was full of ambushing men and dared not proceed far. So he gave up the pursuit and retired.

  By these means Cao Xiu was rescued, and finally Sima Yi withdrew his army upon the news of Cao Xiu's defeat.

  In the meantime, Lu Xun was awaiting news of victory. Soon Xu Sheng, Zhu Huan, and Quan Zong came and reported their successes, and they brought great spoil of carts and bullocks, horses and mules and military material and weapons. And they had also ten thousand prisoners. There was great rejoicing, and Lu Xun with Zhou Fang led the army home into Wu.

  On their return Sun Quan, the Prince of Wu, came out with a numerous cortege of officers to welcome the victors, and an imperial umbrella was borne over the head of Lu Xun as they wended their way homeward.

  When the officers presented their felicitations, Sun Quan noticed that Zhou Fang had no hair, and Sun Quan was very gracious to him, saying, “This deed of yours, and the sacrifice you made to attain it, will surely be written in the histories.”

  He made Zhou Fang the Lord of the Gate Within. Then there were great feastings and greetings and much revelry.

  Lu Xun said, “Cao Xiu has been thoroughly beaten, and the soldiers of Wei are cowed. I think now is an occasion to send letters into Shu to advise Zhuge Liang to attack Wei.”

  Sun Quan agreed, and letters were sent.

  The east, successful in one fight,

  Would unto war the west incite.

  The next chapter will say if Zhuge Liang once more tried to overcome Wei.

  CHAPTER 97. Sending A Second Memorial, Zhuge Liang Renews The Attack On Wei; Forging A Letter, Jiang Wei Defeats The Northern Army.

  It was in the autumn of the sixth year of Beginning Prosperity (AD 229) that the Wei army was defeated, with very great loss, by Lu Xun of Wu. Cao Xiu's mortification brought on an illness from which he died in Luoyang. By command of Cao Rui, the Ruler of Wei, Cao Xiu received most honorable burial.

  Then Sima Yi brought the army home again. The other officers went to welcome him and asked, “The defeat of Commander Cao Xiu is also partly yours. Why, O General, did you hurry home?”

  Sima Yi replied, “I came for reasons of strategy, because of Zhuge Liang's probable intentions. If he knows I have suffered a defeat, he may try to attack Changan. The whole west would be helpless if I did not return.”

  They listened and smiled; for they thought he was afraid.

  Letters from Wu came to Shu proposing a joint attack on Wei and detailing their recent victory. In these letters two feelings were gratified — that of telling the story of their own grandeur and prowess, and furthering the design of a treaty of peace. The Latter Ruler was pleased and sent the letters to Zhuge Liang in Hanzhong.

  At that time the army was in excellent state, the soldiers hardy, the horses strong. There were plentiful supplies of all kinds. Zhuge Liang was just going to propose a new war.

  On receipt of the letter he made a great banquet to discuss an expedition. A severe gale came on from the northeast and brought down a fir tree in front of the general's shelter. It was an inauspicious omen to all the officers, and they were troubled.

  Zhuge Liang cast lots to know what portent was intended, and announced, “That gale signals the loss of a great leader.”

  They hardly believed him. But before the banquet ended, two sons of Zhao Yun, Zhao Tong and Zhao Guang, came and wished to see the Prime Minister.

  Zhuge Liang, deeply affected, threw aside his wine cup and cried, “That is it; Zhao Yun is gone.”

  When the two young men came in, they prostrated themselves and wept, saying, “Our father died the night before at the third watch.”

  Zhuge Liang staggered and burst into lamentation.

  “My friend is gone; the country has lost it great beam and I my right arm.”

  Those about him joined in, wiping away their tears. Zhuge Liang bade the two young men go in perso
n to Chengdu to bear the sad tidings to the Emperor. And the Latter Ruler wept bitterly.

  “Zhao Yun was my savior and friend; he saved my life when I was a child in the time of great confusion,” cried the Latter Ruler.

  An edict was issued creating Zhao Yun Regent Marshal and Lord of Shunping and permitting burial on the east of Silky Hills. A temple was ordered to his memory and sacrifices were offered in four seasons.

  From Changshan came a general, tiger-bold,

  In wit and valor he was fitting mate

  For Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, his exploits rivaling

  Even theirs. River Han and Dangyang recall

  His name. Twice in his stalwart arms he bore

  The prince, his well-loved leader's son and heir.

  In storied page his name stands out, writ large.

  Fair record of most brave and loyal deeds.

  The Latter Ruler showed his affectionate gratitude to the late leader, not only in according him most honorable burial, but in kindness to his sons. The elder, Zhao Tong, was made General in the Tiger Army and the younger, Zhao Guang, Station General. He also set guards over the tomb.

  When the two sons had left, the ministers reported to the Latter Ruler: “The dispositions of the army are complete, and the Prime Minister proposes to march against Wei without delay.”

  Talking this over with one and another, the Latter Ruler found the courtiers much inclined to a cautious policy and somewhat fearful. And the doubts entered into the Latter Ruler's mind so that he could not decide. Then came a memorial from Zhuge Liang, and the messenger, Yang Yi, was called into the presence and gave it to the Latter Ruler. The Emperor spread it on the imperial table and read:

  “The First Ruler was anxious lest the rebels should set up a rival empire and the legitimate Ruler's domain be

  restricted. Wherefore he laid upon me, thy minister, to destroy them. Measuring my powers by his perspicacity, he knew that I should attack and oppose my talents, inadequate as they might be, to their strength, for, if I did not, the royal domain would be destroyed. It was a question whether to await destruction without effort, or to attack? Wherefore he assigned me the task confidently. Thenceforward this task occupied all my thoughts.

  “Considering that the south should be made secure before the north could be attacked, I braved the heat of summer and plunged deep into the wilds of the Mang nations. Sparing not myself nor regarding privation, urged by the one consideration, that the royal domain should not be confined to the capital of Shu, I faced dangers in obedience to the First Ruler's behest. But there are critics who may say that I failed. Now the rebels have been weakened in the west and have become involved in the east. The rule of war is to take advantage of the enemy's weakness, and so now is the time to attack. I shall discuss the various circumstances in order.

  “The enlightenment of the Founder of the Hans, Liu Bang, rivaled the glory of the sun and moon; his counselors were profound as the ocean abyss. Nevertheless, he trod a hazardous path and suffered losses, only attaining repose after passing through great dangers. Your Majesty does not reach his level, nor do your counselors equal Zhang Liang and Chen Ping. Yet while we desired victory, we would sit idle, waiting till the empire should become settled. This attitude is beyond my comprehension.

  “Imperial Protector Liu Yao and Governor Wang Lang each occupied a territory. They passed their time in talking of tranquillity and discussing plans, quoting the sayings of the sages till they were filled with doubts and obsessed with difficulties. So this year was not the time to fight, nor next year the season to punish, and, thus talking, it came about that Sun Ce grew powerful and possessed himself of all the South Land. This sort of behavior I cannot understand. “In craft Cao Cao surpassed all humans. He could wield armies like the great strategists of old, Sun Zi and Wu Qi. Yet he was surrounded in Nanyang, was in danger at Wuchao, was in difficulties at Qilian, was hard pressed in Liyang, was nearly defeated at Beishan, and nearly killed at Tong Pass. Yet, after all these experiences, there was a temporary and artificial state of equilibrium. How much less can I, a man of feeble powers, bring about a decision without running risks? I fail to understand.

  “Cao Cao failed in five attacks on Changba, and four times crossed Lake Chaohu without success. He employed Li Fu, who betrayed him, and put his trust in Xiahou Yuan, who was defeated and died. The First Ruler always regarded Cao Cao as an able man, and yet Cao Cao made such mistakes. How then can I, in my worn-out condition, necessarily conquer? I do not understand why.

  “Only one year has elapsed since I went into Hanzhong, yet we have lost Zhao Yun, Yang Qun, Ma Yu, Yan Zhi, Ding Li, Bo Shou, Liu He, Deng Tong, and others, and leaders of rank and generals of stations, to the number of near eighty, all people unsurpassed in dash and valor, and more than a thousand of the specialized forces of horse and trained cavalry of the Sou and the Tangut tribespeople in the Gobi Desert, whose martial spirit we have fostered these ten years all about us, and not only in one region. If we delay much longer, two-thirds of this will have dissipated, and how then shall we meet the situation? I do not understand delay.

  “The people are poor and the army exhausted indeed, and confusion does not cease. If confusion does not cease, then, whether we go on or stand still the drain is the same. Yet it seems that attack should not be made yet! Is it that the rebels are to be allowed to obtain a permanent hold on some territory? I do not understand the arguments.

  “A stable condition of affairs is indeed difficult to obtain. Once, when the First Ruler was defeated in Jingzhou, Cao Cao patted himself on the back and said that the empire was settled. Yet, after that, the First Ruler obtained the support of Wu and Yue on the east, took Ba and Shu on the west, and undertook an expedition to the north, wherein Xiahou Yuan lost his life. So Cao Cao calculations proved erroneous, and the affairs of Han seemed about to prosper. But, still later, Wu proved false to pledges, our Guan Yu was defeated, we sustained a check at Zigui — and Cao Pi assumed the imperial style. Such events prove the difficulty of forecast. I shall strive on to the end, but the final result, whether success or failure, whether gain or loss, is beyond my powers to foresee.”

  The Latter Ruler was convinced, and by edict directed Zhuge Liang to start on the expedition.

  Zhuge Liang marched out with three hundred thousand well-trained soldiers, Wei Yan leading the first division, and made all haste to Chencang.

  The news soon reached Luoyang, and Sima Yi informed the Ruler of Wei, who called his council.

  Then Cao Zhen stepped forth and said, “I failed to hold Xizhou, and my disgrace is terrible to bear. But now I beg to be given another command that I may capture Zhuge Liang. Lately I have found a stalwart soldier for a leader, a man who wields a ninety-pound sword, rides a swift and savage steed, bends the three-hundred-pound bow, and carries hidden about him when he goes into battle three meteor maces with which his aim is certain. So valorous is he that none dare stand against him. He comes from Didao in Xizhou and is named Wang Shuang. I would recommend him for my leader of the van.”

  Cao Rui approved at once and summoned this marvel to the hall. There came a tall man with a dusky complexion, hazel eyes, strong as a bear in the hips and with a back supple as a tiger's.

  “No need to fear anything with such a man,” said Cao Rui, laughing. He gave the new hero rich presents, a silken robe and golden breastplate, and gave him the title General Who Possesses the Tiger Majesty. And he became leader of the van of the new army. Cao Zhen was appointed Commander-in-Chief.

  Cao Zhen took leave of his master and left the court. He collected his one hundred fifty thousand veterans and, in consultation with Guo Huai and Zhang He, decided upon the strategic points to be guarded.

  The first companies of the army of Shu sent out their scouts as far as Chencang. They came back and reported: “A rampart has been built and behind it is a general named Hao Zhao in command. The rampart is very strong and is further defended by thorny barriers. Instead of taking Chencang, which seem
s difficult, it would be easier to go out to Qishan by the Taibo Mountains, where is a practicable, though winding, road.”

  But Zhuge Liang said, “Due north of Chencang is Jieting, so that I must get this city in order to advance.”

  Wei Yan was sent to surround Chencang and take it. He went, but days passed without success. Therefore he returned and told his chief the place was impregnable. In his anger, Zhuge Liang was going to put Wei Yan to death, but an officer stepped forth and said, “I have followed the Prime Minister for a long time, but have not achieved worthy service. Now I want to go to Chencang and persuade Hao Zhao to yield; thus, our army does not need to use a single bow or arrow.”

  Others turned their attention to Counselor Jin Xiang.

  “How do you think you will persuade him?” said Zhuge Liang. “What will you say?”

  “Hao Zhao and I are both from Xizhou and pledged friends from boyhood. If I can get to see him, I will so lay matters before him that he must surrender.”

  Jin Xiang got permission to try, and rode quickly to the wall of Chencang. Then he called out, “Friend Hao Zhao, your old chum Jin Xiang has come to see you.”

  A sentry on the wall told Hao Zhao, who bade them let the visitor enter and bring him up on the wall.

  “Friend, why have you come?” asked Hao Zhao.

  “I am in the service of Shu, serving under Zhuge Liang as an assistant in the tactical department. I am created exceedingly well, and my chief has sent me to say something to you.”

  Hao Zhao was rather annoyed, and said, “Zhuge Liang is my enemy. I serve Wei while you serve Shu. Each serves his own lord. We were brothers once, but now we are enemies; so do not say any more.”

  And the visitor was requested to take his leave. Jin Xiang tried to reopen the conversation, but Hao Zhao left him and went up on the tower. The Wei soldiers hurried Jin Xiang on to his horse and led him to the gate. As he passed out, he looked up and saw his friend leaning on the guard rail.


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