Three Kingdoms Romance

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Three Kingdoms Romance Page 147

by Guanzhong Luo

  “Now that my friend Cao Zhen is no more, I am willing to do all that one man can to destroy the rebels against Your Majesty's authority,” said Sima Yi.

  Cao Rui was gratified by this ready offer, and honored Sima Yi with a banquet. Next day an edict was issued for the army to move. The Ruler of Wei, riding in his state chariot, escorted Sima Yi out of the city, and, after the farewells, the general took the road to Changan, where the force was gathering. There was assembled a council of war.

  Zhang He offered his services, saying, “I volunteer to guard Yongcheng and Meicheng against the Shu army.”

  But Sima Yi said, “Our vanguard army is not strong enough to face the enemy's whole force. Moreover, to divide an army is not generally a successful scheme. The better plan will be to leave a guard in Shanggui and send all the others to Qishan. Will you undertake the leadership of the van?”

  Zhang He consented, saying, “I have always been most loyal and will devote my energies entirely to the service of the state. So far I have not had an adequate opportunity to prove my sincerity; but now that you confer upon me a post of such responsibility, I can only say that no sacrifice can be too great for me, and I will do my utmost.”

  So Zhang He was appointed van-leader, and then Guo Huai was set over the defense of the counties of Xizhou. Other generals were distributed to other posts, and the march began.

  The spies reported: “The main force of Shu is directed toward Qishan, and the Leaders of the Van are Wang Ping and Zhang Ni. The route chosen for their march is from Chencang across San Pass and to the Xie Valley.”

  Hearing this, Sima Yi said to Zhang He, “Zhuge Liang is advancing in great force and certainly intends to reap the wheat in Xizhou for his supply. You get sufficient troops to hold Qishan, while Guo Huai and I go to Tianshui and foil the enemy's plan to gather the wheat.”

  So Zhang He took forty thousand troops to hold Qishan, and Sima Yi set out westwards to Xizhou.

  When Zhuge Liang reached Qishan and had settled his army in camp, he saw that the bank of River Wei had been fortified by his enemy.

  “That must be the work of Sima Yi,” remarked Zhuge Liang to his generals. “But we have not enough food in camp. I have written to Li Yan to send grain, but it has not yet arrived. The wheat in Xizhou is now just ripe, and we will go and reap it.”

  Leaving Wang Ping, Zhang Ni, Wu Ban, and Wu Yi to guard for the camps, Zhuge Liang, with Wei Yan, Jiang Wei, and several other generals, went over to Lucheng. The Governor of that city knew he could not offer any real defense, so he opened the gates and yielded.

  After calming the people, Zhuge Liang asked, “Where is the ripe wheat to be found?” The Governor replied, “Longshang is the place.”

  So Zhang Yi and Ma Zhong were left to guard the city, and the remainder of the army went to Longshang.

  But soon the leading body returned to say, “Sima Yi has already occupied that city.”

  “He guessed what I intended to do,” said Zhuge Liang, taken aback.

  Zhuge Liang then retired, bathed and put on another dress. Next he bade them bring out three four-wheeled chariots, all exactly alike, that were among the impedimenta of the army. They had been built in Shu some time before.

  Jiang Wei was told off to lead a thousand troops as escort for one chariot, and five hundred drummers were appointed to accompany it. The chariot with its escort and drummers was sent away behind the city. In like manner two other chariots were equipped and sent east and west of the city under Ma Dai and Wei Yan. Each chariot was propelled by a team of twenty-four men, all dressed in black, barefooted and with loosened hair. Each one of the team also had in hand a sword and a black seven-starred flag.

  While the chariots were taking up their positions, thirty thousand soldiers were ordered to prepare wagons and sickles to cut and carry away the grain.

  Next Zhuge Liang selected twenty-four good soldiers, whom he dressed and armed like those sent away with the three chariots. These were to push his own chariot. Guan Xing was told to dress up as the God of Clouds and to walk in front of Zhuge Liang's chariot holding a black seven-starred flag. These preparations complete, Zhuge Liang mounted, and the chariot took the road toward the Wei camp.

  The appearance of a chariot with such attendants more than startled the enemy's scouts, who did not know whether the apparition was that of a human or a demon. They hastened to their general and told him.

  Sima Yi came out himself and saw the cavalcade, and its central figure being Zhuge Liang, dressed as a Taoist mystic, with head-dress, white robe and a feather fan. Around the chariot were twenty-four hair-loosened beings, each with a sword in hand; and leading was a being as a heaven-sent god with the seven-starred flag.

  “Some of Zhuge Liang's odd doings,” said he.

  And Sima Yi ordered two thousand troops, saying, “Chase as fast as you can, and bring in the chariot, escort, and the seated figure.”

  The soldiers went out to do their bidding; but as soon as they appeared, the chariot retired and took a road leading to the rear of the Shu camp. Although the Wei soldiers were mounted, they could not come up with the cavalcade. What they did meet with was a chilly breeze and a cold mist that rolled about them.

  They found it uncanny and halted, saying one to another, “How extraordinary it is that we have been pressing on and yet we got no nearer. What does it mean?”

  When Zhuge Liang saw that the pursuit had ceased, he had his chariot pushed out again to the front and passed within sight of the halted troops. At first they hesitated, but presently took up the pursuit once more. Whereupon the chariot again retired, proceeding slowly, but always keeping out of reach. And thus more than seven miles were covered and the chariot was still not captured. Again the soldiers halted, puzzled and perplexed at this incomprehensible chase. But as soon as they stopped, the chariot came again toward them and they retook pursuit.

  Sima Yi now came up with a strong force. But he also halted, and said to his generals, “This Zhuge Liang is a master in the arts of necromancy and juggling and Eight Gates and knows how to call up the Deities of Six Layers to his aid. I know this trick of his; it is the 'Ground Rolling' in the 'Book of Six Layers Deities,' and it is vain to pursue.”

  So they ceased following. But then a roll of drums came from the left side as if a body of troops were approaching. Sima Yi told off some companies to repel them, but there only came into view a small force, and in their midst was a party of men dressed in black, the exact counterpart of the cavalcade he had first sent to pursue. In the chariot sat another Zhuge Liang just like the one that had just disappeared.

  “But just now he was sitting in that other chariot, which we chased for fifteen miles; how can he be here?” said Sima Yi.

  Shortly after they heard another roll of the drums, and as the sound died away there appeared another body of men, with a chariot in the midst, exactly like the last and also carrying a sitting figure of Zhuge Liang.

  “They must be heaven-sent soldiers,” said Sima Yi.

  The soldiers were now feeling the strain of these weird appearances and began to get out of hand. They dared not stay to fight such beings, and some ran away. But before they had gone far, lo! another roll of drums, another cohort and another chariot with a similar figure seated therein.

  The soldiers of Wei were now thoroughly frightened, and even Sima Yi himself began to feel doubtful whether these appearances should be ascribed to humans or devils. He realized, however, that he was in the midst of dangers as he did not know the number of the Shu soldiers, and he and his troops ran away helter-skelter, never stopping till they reached Shanggui. They entered the city and closed the gates.

  Having thus driven off the Wei soldiers, Zhuge Liang proceeded to reap and gather the wheat, which was carried into Lucheng and laid out to dry.

  Sima Yi remained shut up within the walls for three days. Then, as he saw his enemies retiring, he sent out some scouts, who presently returned with a Shu soldier they had captured. The prisoner was

  “I was of the reaping party,” said the man. “They caught me when I was looking for some horses that had strayed.”

  “What wonderful soldiers were they of yours that one saw here lately?” asked the general.

  The man replied, “Zhuge Liang was with one party of them, the others were led by Jiang Wei, Ma Dai, and Wei Yan. There was a thousand of fighting soldiers with each chariot and five hundred drummers. Zhuge Liang was with the first party.”

  “His comings and goings are not human,” said Sima Yi sadly.

  Then Guo Huai came, and he was called to a council.

  Said Guo Huai, “I hear the soldiers of Shu in Lucheng are very few, and they are occupied with gathering the grain; why not smite them?” Sima Yi told him his last experience of his opponent's wiles.

  “He threw dust in your eyes that time,” said Guo Huai with a smile. “However, now you know. What is the good of more talk? Let me attack the rear, while you lead against the front, and we shall take the city and Zhuge Liang too.”

  An attack was decided upon.

  In Lucheng, while the soldiers were still busy with the wheat, Zhuge Liang called up his generals, and said, “The enemy will attack tonight. There is a suitable place for an ambush in the newly reaped fields, but who will lead for me?”

  Four generals — Jiang Wei, Wei Yan, Ma Dai, and Ma Zhong — offered themselves, and he posted them, each with two thousand troops, outside the four corners of the city. They were to await the signal and then converge. When these had gone, Zhuge Liang led out a small party of one hundred soldiers and hid in the newly reaped fields.

  In the meantime Sima Yi was drawing near. It was dusk when he stood beneath the walls of Lucheng.

  Said he to his officers, “If we attacked by daylight, we should find the city well prepared; so we will take advantage of the darkness. The moat is shallow here, and there will be no difficulty in crossing it.”

  The troops bivouacked till the time should come to attack. About the middle of the first watch Guo Huai arrived, and his force joined up with the others. This done, the drums began to beat, and the city was quickly surrounded. However, the defenders maintained such a heavy discharge of arrows, bolts and stones from the walls that the besiegers dared not close in.

  Suddenly from the midst of the Wei army came the roar of a bomb, soon followed by others from different places. The soldiers were startled, but no one could say whence the sounds had proceeded. Guo Huai went to search the wheat fields, and then the four armies from the corners of the city converged upon the Wei army. At the same time the defenders burst out of the city gates, and a great battle began. Wei lost many troops.

  After heavy fighting Sima Yi extricated his army from the battle and made his way to a hill, which he set about holding and fortifying, while Guo Huai got round to the rear of the city and called a halt.

  Zhuge Liang entered the city and sent his troops to camp again at the four corners of the walls.

  Guo Huai went to see his chief, and said, “We have long been at grips with these soldiers and are unable to drive them off. We have now lost another fight; and unless something is done, we shall not get away at all.”

  “What can we do?” asked Sima Yi.

  “You might write to Xizhou and Yongzhou to send their forces to our help. I will try my fortune against Saber Pass and cut off Zhuge Liang's retreat and supplies. That should bring about discontent and mutiny, and we can attack when we see the enemy in confusion.”

  The letters were sent, and soon Sun Li came leading the troops, foot and horse, of two hundred thousand. The new arrivals were sent to help Guo Huai in the attack on Saber Pass.

  After many days had passed without sight of the enemy, Zhuge Liang thought it was time to make another move. Calling up Jiang Wei and Ma Dai, he said, “The soldiers of Wei are well posted on the hills and refuse battle because, firstly, they think that we are short of food, and, secondly, they have sent an army against Saber Pass to cut off our supplies. Now each of you will take ten thousand troops and garrison the important points about here to show them that we are well prepared to defend ourselves. Then they will retire.”

  After these two had gone, Yang Yi came to see the general about the change of troops then due.

  Yang Yi said, “O Minister, you have ordered the troops to be alternated every one hundred days. Now the time is due, and the replacing troops have already left Hanzhong and that dispatches from the leading divisions have come in. Here we have eighty thousand troops, of which forty will be due for relief.”

  “There is the order; carry it out,” replied Zhuge Liang.

  So the forty thousand home-going soldiers prepared to withdraw.

  Just then came the news: “Sun Li has arrived with reinforcements of two hundred thousand troops from Xizhou and Yongzhou. Guo Huai and Sun Li have gone to attack Saber Pass, and Sima Yi is leading an army against Lucheng.”

  In the face of such important news, Yang Yi went to ask if the change of forces was to take place or be postponed for a time.

  Zhuge Liang replied, “I must keep faith with the soldiers. Since the order for the periodical exchange of troops has been issued, it must be carried out. Beside, the soldiers due for relief are all prepared to start, their expectations have been roused and their relatives await them. In the face of yet greater difficulties I would let them go.”

  So orders were given for the time-expired soldiers to march that day. But when the legionaries heard it, a sudden movement of generosity spread among them.

  And they said, “Since the Prime Minister loves us so much, we do not wish to go, but will prefer to remain to fight the Wei army to death.”

  “But you are due for home; you cannot stay here,” said Zhuge Liang.

  They reiterated that they all wished to stay instead of going home.

  “Since you wish to stay and fight with me, you can go out of the city and camp ready to encounter the army of Wei as soon as they arrive. Do not give them time to rest or recover breath, but attack vigorously at once. You will be fresh and fit, waiting for those fagged with a long march.”

  So they gripped their weapons and joyfully went out of the city to array themselves in readiness.

  Now the Xiliang troops had traveled by double marches, and so were worn out and needed rest. But while they were pitching their tents, the troops of Shu fell upon them lustily, leaders full of spirit, soldiers full of energy. The weary soldiers could make no proper stand, and retired. The troops of Shu followed, pressing on them till corpses littered the whole plain and blood flowed in runnels.

  It was a victory for Zhuge Liang, and he came out to welcome the victors and led them into the city and distributed rewards. Just then arrived an urgent letter from Li Yan, then at Baidicheng, and when Zhuge Liang had torn it open he read:

  “News has just come that Wu has sent an envoy to Luoyang and entered into an alliance with Wei whereby Wu is to

  attack us. The army of Wu has not yet set out, but I am anxiously awaiting your plans.”

  Doubts and fears crowded in upon Zhuge Liang's mind as he read. He summoned his officers.

  “As Wu is coming to invade our land, we shall have to retire quickly,” said he. “If I issue orders for the Qishan force to withdraw, Sima Yi will not dare to pursue while we are camped here.”

  The Qishan force broke camp and marched in two divisions. Zhang He watched them go, but was too fearful of the movement being some ruse to attempt to follow. He went to see Sima Yi.

  “The enemy have retired, but I know not for what reason.”

  “Zhuge Liang is very crafty, and you will do well to remain where you are and keep a careful lookout. Do nothing till their grain has given out, when they must retire for good,” said Sima Yi.

  Here General Wei Ping stepped forward, saying, “But we should seize the occasion of their retreat to smite them. Are they tigers that you fear to move? How the world will laugh at us?”

  But Sima Yi was obstinate and ignore
d the protest.

  When Zhuge Liang knew that the Qishan troops had got away safely, he called Yang Yi and Ma Zhong and gave them secret orders to lead ten thousand of bowmen and crossbowmen out by the Wooden Path of Saber Pass and place them in ambush on both sides of the road.

  “If the soldiers of Wei pursue, wait till you hear a bomb. When you hear the bomb, at once barricade the road with timber and stones so as to impede them. When they halt, shoot at them with the bows and the crossbows.”

  Wei Yan and Guan Xing were told to attack the rear of the enemy.

  These orders given, the walls of Lucheng were decorated lavishly with flags, and at various points within the city were piled straw and kindling wood ready to make some smoke as though there were cooking activities in the city. The soldiers were sent out along the road from the Wooden Path.

  The spies of Wei returned to headquarters to say that most of the Shu soldiers had left, only a few being in the city. In doubt, Sima Yi went himself to look, and when he saw the smoke rising from within the walls and the fluttering flags, he said, “The city is deserted.”

  He sent men in to confirm this, and they said the place was empty.

  “Then Zhuge Liang is really gone; who will pursue?”

  “Let me,” replied Zhang He.

  “You are too impulsive,” said Sima Yi.

  “I have been leader of the van from the first day of this expedition; why not use me today, when there is work to be done and glory to be gained?”

  “Because the utmost caution is necessary. They are retreating, and they will leave an ambush at every possible point.”

  “I know that, and you need not be afraid.”

  “Well; you wish to go and may, but whatever happens you must be prepared for.”

  “A really noble man is prepared to sacrifice self for country; never mind what happens.”

  “Then take five thousand troops and start; Wei Ping shall follow with twenty thousand of horse and foot to deal with any ambush that may discover itself. I will follow later with three thousand to help where need be.”


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